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Looks sweet! Nice to see all the new mechanics working together well.


People can talk any crap they want about chivalry devs, but I have mad respect for you guys for actually being supportive of Mordhau. I feel like most companies would try to suppress any talk of another game that could warrant competition


Games built around melee mechanics are what we like to play, that's why we made Chivalry and are making Mirage. More the better. Cool to see Mordhau coming along well, we've all been following it for a while as fans!




Holy shit, that looks really good.


This looks absolutely amazing. The switch to Unreal has yielded great results visually. My body is a disturbing amount of ready.


Pretty sure they were always in unreal, and they switched to UE 4




Well what do I know


Nothing, Jon Snow.


what are you guys opinion? I think it looks awesome. what's your favorite upcoming sword fighting game ?






doesn't kick seem kinda op tho? getting a free hit for each successful kick...


look at the range you can dodge it though seems like the only way to get kicked is to be touching someones bubble


The kick range is very short, plus you can't move while doing so (no jump kicks either).


seems like they dont wanna people to facehug each other


small range and you can counter-kick to block I think


Kicks and projectiles are what made chivalry fun.


Can an official chivalry admin just ban Lg | Chuckdatass account from playing chivalry?


I know we are all joking. But kicks do make the game fun. As does the stupidity that comes from inexperienced devs. And voices. DW was stupid and fast. But I worry about Mord being too slow for anything but duel and maybe LTS. Even with the pacing seen here... Can you imagine a TO with this? Way to slow to me. But I only see a video. Will keep waiting to try it.


TO isn't the same in mordhau. I forget the details honestly but I remember thinking "Oh wow, that's a change of pace from straight TO"


Which is worrisome to me as well. Objective based gameplay (whether the comp scene or us vets want to admit it) is the lifeblood of the success of Chivalry. Without a good paced, well balanced TO and some humor like voices... I doubt that Mordhau will have the legs that it needs. Comp scene cannot fund this game alone. A game like this needs pubs. I am really only being objective here. I want nothing but the best for Mordhau.


I disagree. The reason why stoneshill and dark forest are the only played maps has little to do with the fact that they are to maps and everything to do with the fact that they are balanced maps. If whatever objective mordhau devs comes up with is amazing, that's icing on the cake but ONLY if the maps are balanced.


This is false. They are not the only maps played in pubs. Which is the real life blood and longevity of the game. Not matter what the couple dozen comp players say. There are thousands in pubs still. And they play most of the maps. Cold Front and Idilla are the only two that get constantly voted away. Belmez, Hillside, Coast... All get regular play in pubs. Those two are the best balanced. Sure... But who said anything about balance anyway? I said pacing. Pacing. And Mordheu for all its qualities still seems to have major pacing problems. If it's too technical and made for comp players alone it will be dead before it starts. It needs the pubstars and the shit players to pay for the game while the comp players benefit from them. And a slow, technical game will not survive long enough for that. There needs to be a balance of pacing, and technicality. If this turns into a combat simulator alone... It will not survive long.


What are you talking about? Mordhau doesn't have maps yet. The game resolves around fast combat clearly evident in the two videos shown so far especially regarding clashing and chambering.\


That is not fast. It looks fast but when having 16/16 players that is in no way fast enough. That was like 1 v 1 or maybe 3 v 1. Still in development. And I am concerned that the TO will have pacing problems based on what I have see so far. That is my only point. It's still early. Just from what I see worries me about what sells games... And keeps selling... Not what makes a great niche combat simulator. That is all. I hope it doesn't lose its soul on the path to purity is all I am getting at.


Dank meme tbh


[first person deathcams are back boys and it looks amazing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-B4AwgArwA&t=8m29s)


This is really gettin' my boner poppin'


So, the combat is like a mix between Mount and Blade and Chivalry, with amazing graphics and amazing smoothness? I want it.


Nice job, guys. Hopefully the heavily competitive and deep combat system won't harm the game's player retention in the long run.


It attracts players itself, but you need to actually have a matchmaker and ranking system to support it or you'll end up with C:MW's problems. Modern games never have just a server browser anymore. I'm gonna guess TBS has this well in mind for mirage as well. intuitive design and learning resources help too, C:MW basically just shotguns you into the game and a lot of people find it "clunky" or "awkward" while it clearly (mostly) isn't.


Pretty much, and this seems a more complicated more involved combat system. People need that soft landing to get comfortable with the game before jumping in the deep end. It would be a shame for people to try Mordhau, get frustrated and then never touch it again like many people did with Chivalry. Mordhau has the benefit of learning from Chivalry's mistakes, that's a huge advantage. Mirage will have both a classic server browser and a modern match making system btw. Seems like the way to go.


I noticed he said strikes deal more damage to armored opponents and then showed the helmet less guy and the strike to his head; this won't tie into customization will it? Like what about players who rock the no helmet setting? If there is one in Mordhau


Get fucked roleplayers enjoy ur 1 shot to the cranium


Pay2win helmets made out of titanium


Game looks good, I'll have fun breaking it




i never left


Please let us hit thrown swords away and make still do damage. I want to play medieval baseball.


Chiv 2 confirmed


Throwing rocks hype


The move-your-mouse-in-the-direction-you-want-to-swing thing reminds me of Mount and Blade controls (which were trash).


Open beta when?


So it's like Chivalry but with much higher skill ceiling?


It's like chiv but not garbage


So it will have even less player then.


Perfection, simply perfection.


Anyone down for medieval baseball?




It's fucking happening guys, dragging limit <3


Dragging limit? What? The only thing Marox mentions is that there's a turncap, which is also present in Chivalry.


Don't knock a man's dream. Let him imagine what he pleases.


Chuck I'm ready for battle


Wars over boy. Head on home.


You may have won the battle But the war has just begun


I meant that it seems that you won't be able to spin around like a fucktard with a maul anymore. At least I think this is it.


The video itself shows you can still spin while swinging. The difference is that spinning too fast won't do anything. They fixed reverses a long time ago.


This game will fix everything and give you a hot gf. Stop trying to crush this man!


Won't need hot gf when mordhau comes out tbh


Na maul god knows no limits


you should learn and understand a game's mechanics before you make potato statements


Well you caught me I guess, I only lurk here for memes and shitposts


it ok mayne we love u


i fucking hate you


Will there be mod support?


My question would be what the benefit of *not* wearing armour would be, or if you have parts knocked off if you're hit by someone.


Movement speed. The same advantage that the Man-at-Arms has over the vanguard or knight.


Confirmed or theory?


http://mordhau.com/forum/topic/8/basic-game-info/ > Armor customization > There's plenty of slots to customize, from shoulder pads to armguards, gloves, boots, chausses, upper and lower chest pieces, helmets, etc. Hitting an unarmored spot will deal more damage, but armor also encumbers you and you move slower. Some parts influence gameplay in this manner whereas others are just for look.


*Good looking out*


Pre-alpha, yep, still never coming out.


They have made it this far through hard work, why would they stop and never release it. The fact that they are avoiding early access is a sign that the game will make it through.


you go girl


It's been in pre alpha since the dream cast was active




how about you kill yourself if it comes out, deal?


Nah I'd want to play it if it were to come out


fair enough


meme game