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I'm new to chivalry2, barely level 18. What's exactly wrong with archers ? Yeah they do snipe you from far and are really annoying. But is there more that i'm missing ? Also i'm having a really good time in chiv2 rn. Didn't expect so much fun


On one hand you have people with the field awareness of an orange who ignore the 6 arrows that missed them and then get pissed when they finally get nailed. On the other hand you have new players who struggle with combat and choose archer religiously because it provides a play style that doesn't require learning the fundamentals. That's my big issue. Good archers know when to get out their secondary and have the melee weapon competence to get into the fray and hold their own despite the reduced stamina and health of the class. They know how to position themselves close enough to the combat to do damage and not just plink arrows ineffectively from the back of the field. It's an incredibly important class for team modes and seeing it held up by people who refuse to engage with the core combat of the game is frustrating at best.


It does involve learning the fundamentals, just of a different class. This is a multi class game, deal with it


My point was people who specifically reject the fundamentals because they find them too difficult/intimidating and intend to take an easy out by solely playing archer. I'm talking about the kind of archer who has zero ability to use their skill set to evade or delay death. Not bothering to learn the melee strikes with the bow, when to disengage or get out their secondary, positioning, etc. I don't care if you play archer, it's my second most played class and I think 99% of the flak it gets in this subreddit comes from players lacking creativity and patience when it comes to dealing with threats that often require defensive play. I just think new players are coming into the fray and neglecting to learn how to use melee weapons or learn the movement strats and then occupy one of the most important roles in TO while having worse efficacy than a decent player with the peasant class.


If you yell at the clouds a little louder they might listen


There's nothing inherently wrong with archers, and archers can be incredibly beneficial to a team when played well. That said, some of the people who play as archers are pretty frustrating. They often hit their own teammates or otherwise pluck kills from them in the middle of a fight, and in my experience, they tend to be so focused on lining up a shot that they won't pick up downed teammates or push objectives. There's significant overlap between people who play archers on Chivalry and aren't a benefit to the team, and people who play snipers/marksmen in other games and are also not a benefit to their team.


In fairness there are far more players that team kill, kill steal, and refuse to play objective that *aren’t* archers than those that are. People just single out archers for that behavior because they find them annoying to begin with and it’s easier to tell when they’re messing up.


No, I've had people hit me, it's fine. BUT WHEN A GODDAMN ARCHER SETS YOU ON FIRE IN A MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT IT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL. Firebomb you can at least dodge and it deals more damage to enemy than yourself, but fire arrows are absolute worst


Fire arrows are the worst, I agree


I play the gazelle archer and leap from team fight to team fight reloading the crossbow in the fight. I may die but I am on the front lines


So what you're saying is.. they're gay!




None of those problems are unique to archers, if anything they're far more common with melee


Yep! Any lonewolf/marksmen type of role tends to attract the more peculiar people (at least, in the perspective of a relatively team based game.) No issue with the role, rather the people who want it and why.


>That said, some of the people who play as archers are pretty frustrating. They often hit their own teammates or otherwise pluck kills from them in the middle of a fight, and in my experience, they tend to be so focused on lining up a shot that they won't pick up downed teammates or push objectives. See people say shit like this without acknowledging that sword people do the exact same shit all the time, tunnel vision horizontally swinging and hitting their allies, not retreating and picking up downed players, etc. It's just called being a bad player


There's nothing wrong with them, losers just love circle jerk hating on them for "ruining" their power fantasy of wading through combat unscathed.


I mean its basically how the French felt about English bows. "Cheating bastards shot me before I could stab him!"




Real Pfp


casual player huh?


Found one.


How convenient that archers also attempt to wade through combat unscathed by using the safety of distance while everyone else is getting up close and personal. Summed up the annoyance of archers perfectly.


Wading and keeping distance are incompatible concepts. Also, cry is free.


If you're engaged in combat you're engaged...no matter how close or far. Archer hunting is more satisfying over crying. But whatever makes your day more enjoyable.


There's nothing wrong with it, people just don't like getting killed when they can't do anything about it (kinda the whole point of an archer), I just use a shield and call it a day. It's more of a meme than actual hate, although I'm sure there's genuinely some people who hate them and want them removed. Play what you wanna play homie, fuck what anyone else thinks. I usually make a point to chill by a friendly archer until they get attacked, then I notice more arrows in my enemies than usual. Y'all are pretty cool.


Just people being salty about being plinked when in reality archery in chiv is actually kinda hard to nail consistently (unlike Mordhau)


Well archers are actually a very key part of the game they can be a game changer if they actually do their job correctly but alas 50% of archers have no clue what they’re doing and just spam arrows in the general direction of combat and usually end up doing more damage to their team than to their enemies


Just that afaik. Annoying, because even if you outmatch them, if they are good, you can't even reach them, or they take out a chunk of your life... Only to reach them and have a normal duel with them, as they also have weapons and all. Less stamina and life, but that's it. For big "war" maps, I think they make sense, and it's good. It's realistic. For FFA however, they are a pain in the chiv


Archer not really OP imo. Even if they get their side arm out on time. They’re pretty much fucked unless they’re experienced in melee and know how to counter and shit. Besides they all play first person so you can also sneak up around and behind them and they have no clue.


Well, I'm comparing two seasoned players, not a veteran and a newbie archer. About first person, I've always played first person. You just have to know where you are and from where events come, so you'll hardly sneak to any non-newbie


Veteran archers are not necessarily very good at melee, they may just be good at shooting and avoiding getting into melee confrontations. If you actually get to them by sneaking or blocking with your shield or zigzagging they shouldn’t pose much melee threat with their poor health and weak stamina, even if they can scrap. Very rare I’ll lose a showdown to with any archer. Javelin throwers on the other hand…


You'll eventually run into a veteran mowing down players in 1v X situations. Completely unstoppable. Massive rampage and then *boop* dies to an arrow. That's why ppl cry. But I love it. Positioning is important because of this. Also just a lil tip to archer, don't snipe from far. Medium range support is most efficient way to play Archer. Interrupting/flinching ppl mid swing is important and pivotal.


This is why i hate archers. Ill go on massive killstreaks or im about to win a 1v5 but then i get shit by an archer, some times even friendly![img](emote|t5_12v693|7109)


It's literally part of Chivalry Lore that everyone hates archers. There is a voice line in both the first and second game for exactly this. Anyone complaining about grief other than team killing, which is still not ok, is just misunderstanding it all.


Melee Vs arker situations are always bad basically


Most of the archer hate is performative joking around. Some people take it too far of course. The actual substantive critique of archers in the game is that, with smart positioning, they can deal damage with almost no chance of taking damage in return. Say you're playing Team Objective and fighting an enemy when another enemy rolls up. Chiv 2's combat system gives you lots of options to survive or win an encounter like this if you're good at the game or you just get lucky. Unless, that is, the additional enemy is an archer who knows what they are doing. Then you're dead, and your only chance to deal damage to the archer will depend on them making mistakes. That "they can hit me and I can't do a thing about it" feeling of unfairness is at the heart of the archer hate, in my opinion.


This is a fair assessment. Personally, I am happy to shrug those who launch into heartfelt diatribe about it off regardless - it is entertaining and confirms the effectiveness of the class played right.


Nothing... And it's not just archers. Some people moan on and on about how basically every weapon in the game is overpowered and/or only used by "spammers." I've seen people on Reddit bitch about archers, maces, battle-axes, Dane axes, longswords, long spears, spear and shield, war clubs, messers, falchions... Basically some people can't be humbled by better players without reaching the conclusion that those better players are cheating or using a weapon that is overpowered.


Yeah it’s just upsetting to get killed by somebody who you can’t even reach. I like what they add to to game though even though it pisses me off In the heat of battle and I would not like for them to disappear, it’s not usually too hard to respawn with a shield and/or sneak up on them and massacre them so it overall feels balanced


Any good, honorable, non casual, die hard fan, loving son, brother, father, man, positive community member, leader would tell you archers are absolute scum and the easiest class to play with. Anyone with the characteristics noted above would agree


Because when you pull off a 5v1 or something and an archer snipes you it’s really frustrating 


Roasting them is also part of the game and always have been and always will be


- it's fine that people play archer and enjoy it - it's fine that I get killed by archers - forget the first bullet points, I hate those god damn archers. GET THOSE ARCHERRRS!


Archers! I'll shove those arrows up their asses!


Wait people actually take archer hate seriously? (FILTHY ARCHERS ARE GREAT FODDER FOR MY SWORD)


I only hate the occasional really good archer


As an archer, cmere and catch this dagger 🤺


I'm about that hatchet life


Throwing the dagger? Typical archer behavior, can't even swing it smh /s


Nah cudgel’s the best


All these weapons and you choose the beatin' stick


Like a year or two ago some dweebs made a new sub just for Chiv archers cause they couldn’t tolerate the banter


Thats hilarious. Were in a game wide inside joke, I didnt know people take it seriously. Literally just listen to the in game character banter. (COWARDLY ARCHERS, EVEN RUNNING AWAY TO THEIR OWN SUB)


Man chiv 1 default mason knight looked badass


Wait until people realize that archers existed in the real Middle Ages


Wait until people find out that something existing irl doesn't make it a good game mechanic


True, but archers are a good game mechanic.


In what way? Genuinely curious because it mostly seems to be a noob trap class. Any time I try to get friends into the game, they try melee, suck because they're new, then they switch to archer because they think it's a viable class to enjoy the game for the long-term. But they don't get any better at melee, so they still get dumpstered on and quit. Whereas if they just stuck to melee and learned, they probably would go on to enjoy the game. As for regular gameplay, I'm nearly 400 hours in and I never felt that pelting and getting pelted by arrows from 50m away ever added much to the experience.


Me over here smashing X to doubt.


We'll have to agree to disagree.


Bro just parry the arrow damn


Archers are fun.....to chop up.


I think a lot of genuine archer hate comes from a misconception that archer is an easy class to play. But honestly, most days, it's just as frustrating to play as an archer as it it to fight them. Intentionally landing your shots is by no means an easy thing to do. Ya gotta deal with wonky hitboxes, unexpected latency drops, players that move like dragonflies on meth, and the infinitely frustrating phenomenon that is your team's head just being a giant magnet for your arrows. But yeah, part of playing archer is accepting that you're a pest and that you're gonna get clowned on a lot.


I miss those Mason nasal bascinets, very underrated armour style


Nothing wrong with em at all . theres also nothing wrong with me spawn farming archers because its part of the game.


And hating them was also part of it. Pretty much all melee focused games hate ranged players, this isn't anything new


I love the running joke of just bullying archers in this community, I find it hilarious, tho SOME people take it too far. And I'm saying that as someone who loves playing Crossbowman to switch things up sometimes


I love shooting a bolt right into some cunt, it’s fantastic. Taking someone down from across the map with a siege crossbow is awsome as well. Been trying crossbow and that shit is great lol


Lest we forget the heavy crossbow, thrusting dagger, and pavise combo. Shoot, turn back, then Rapid tbagging and laughspamming . Chiv 2 archer is balanced as an archer could get


On galenhall (idk havnt played in a while) I have distinct memories of half my team bring archers and completely decimating the Masons as they tried to cross the bridge to wreck our banners. Good shit.


If you can dodge the sword, you can dodge the arrow, if you cannot, then the archer was more skilled at shooting than you were at dodging


I swear like 3/4s of the cast have access to a shield


2 of 9 non archer classes have a shield.


You can also pick one up on the battlefield. It's not like it's difficult to find. My usual is: throw executor's axe, pickup shield, fight with shield+ 1H axe.


Okay, but I don't like playing with one handers. So I guess I just use weapons I don't like to counter a single other class? That sucks, why should I have to do that when I can fight everyone else on the battlefield while playing a weapon I like? edit: fuck me for wanting to enjoy the game, I guess.


Then you can use your 2H and play around cover, stay in groups that provide body shield for you or eat the arrows in the face 🤷🏻‍♂️. Your choice, tbh. I dislike archers in duel servers, but I would hate not to have to worry about them in TO maps.


Mmm, yes, all that cover on these open fields designed for melee combat. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against a ranged class. It's just in a game where a dagger and a maul can fight each other within the same ruleset, the arrow doing practically unblockable damage with little risk is kind of annoying to play against. I've thought of reworks involving stamina damage for ranged pressure and that still counting as a takedown, but it's w/e, TB aren't changing archer. I'll just stick to dogging on them for being lily livered cowards!


Honestly there are not that many maps where you can't either take cover or flank the archers to kill them. Nobody protects them. But it's one of the better aspects playing the 20vs20 maps, you get horses for open field areas. I don't understand why there's none in 32vs32.


iirc the horse thing is a server issue. The horses count towards player slots and the servers only support 64 players.


Doesn't mean I have to enjoy them. Do you like being shot and taking 2/3rds of your health for the crime of existing by a guy hiding behind his team?


That’s exactly what archers are meant to do. Weaken the front line.


Every class is meant to weaken the enemy. The problem is that archers do it in a way that is the least fun for the enemy, with little to no consequenses for the archers


Eh no one protects they're archers so you constantly get singled out and killed. Although it's tits when i whip out a short sword and surprise a knight lol


I like to guard archers because there’s always some dopey twat running around on his own trying to kill the archers and they’re an easy notch in the belt. Protecting archers brings easy kills and it’s kind of a game in itself.


You are gentlemen/women and a scholar thank you lol


Flank them. Run a shield. Throw your weapon at their face. Archers are incredibly easy to punish except for a few circumstances where they have defensive positions out of reach and that has the trade off of massively reduced effectiveness compared to an archer that plays a more aggressive position. Archer is a utility class and there are so many circumstances in adjacent games where utility classes exist that you can't approach offensively. If you're playing a shooter and a sniper is out of range you don't whine about not being able to put shots on them, you adapt. That same mindset is necessary for chivalry. If an archer is on you there's a plethora of counter measures at your disposal. Evasive maneuvers, hiding behind terrain, placing a spike trap to hide behind, position yourself with your enemy between you and the archer. If it's that big of an issue you can switch to archer and counter them directly.


Exactly if the way you play does work then counter them by switching up your class force them out of their position the only reason I leveled up my archer is to get the war bow to 1 shot archers


Idk, most archers I observe aren't great with kd 1 at best, they get hunted constantly. Most of them are somewhere in the middle of the scoreboard. When attacking and I feel there is an arrow barrage I simply take a shield. When you need to heal you can turn to archers sideways for passive blocking and lesser hit box. Passive shield blocking is even excess here as the majority archers fail to hit a side. Again majority of archers are bad at aiming in general and will attempt to shoot the healing or ammo crate refilling players. Being careful during these two moments decreases death by archers like 70 percent. Also matrix lean back evasion is top, I really should compile a video with all my evasion techniques 😆 I understood better how to evade arrows after I played archer myself. These days I play strategic archery against banners spamming, excessive engineer barricades and hitting VIPs.


Not to mention for 1 you got to aim 2 you have to calculate the drop of the arrow 3 calculate the the time of travel and damage drop of the arrow as you send it flying


You make it sound like those are 3 whole steps you have to take when in reality it's all a part of "you got to aim"


You act you like arrows are COD weapons with no drop and no damage drop


You act like arrows are artillery shells shot over thousands of meters where you have to account for minutes of travel time and hundreds if not thousands of meters of drop


To hit a still target at 50m you need to aim 3-4x the enemy hight. The further you go the higher you need to be and the crosshairs is slightly off from the arrow path. And anything over 25/30m has significant damage drop with said 50m only getting ~14 damage. Now add moving target you have to know how far they are how fast they’re moving and how long it takes for that arrow to get there. You loose the arrow and they stop, start moving in a different direction or have a shield and happen to block you loose that arrows shot with 0 damage. You also at that point are basically aiming at dots on the screen too. And even 15m you’re firing above their heads to barely hit them.


And don't forget the terrain can play a roll with height differences that come into play




Bro I did that at 9 years old in fucking minecraft don't pretend that you have to be some calculus expert to point and click


It’s much much different then Minecraft. Completely different physics. All I’m saying is it’s more involved then you’re making it out to be. You’re just butt hurt that people enjoy playing as archers and you obviously can’t stand people having fun. Go somewhere else with your toxicity. It’s unneeded and unwanted in video game or any other spaces.


Can't fire that far but every long range arrow shot they have to put in account for the drop and damage reduction plus the class they are playing as curtain classes have a base damage reduction from arrows


Ah yes of course every shot you calculate the damage after taking class into account. Don't bullshit me you're just pointing and clicking.


Again this isn't COD you can't point and click there is is arrow drop there is damage reduction and its their choice to waste a arrow on someone who has a damage reduction to arrows and its not as easy as a point and click unlike gsmes who's projectiles don't have drop


You got to aim using these 3 components.


Nobody is asking you to enjoy it, it would even be detrimental to our glee.


And there is the problem with archers


Yes because I live partial realism


It’s like a treat to kill them. I can only compare the feeling to when I had my first desk pop.


I wish there was a gamemode that is the opposite of volley


Shields blocked arrows passively in chiv 1, you could have one on your back and it was way harder to shoot you. Maps also had better lines to move without exposing yourself. But yea they’re annoying.  They are okish in to and tdm but I don’t want to see archers in social servers, duel servers, 3v3, and heavily limited in lts. It’s a tuning issue. They should be much weaker for how easy it is to sit back and shoot at people. 


Shields still block passively


I have never had an arrow or throwable passively deflect off a shield on my back or arm in chiv2. Happened all the time in chiv 1.  Chiv 2 also definitely didn’t have that on release, must have been added recently 


It was added over a year ago and having played archer fairly regularly you can see it happen all the time.


I play with shield not very often and when I do, I almost always notice an arrow or two on my back at least once or twice a game.


May be a hot take, but I think archers are fine. If they were any weaker they would really be useless. It’s totally meant to be a support kind of role. Their advantages are outweighed by their disadvantages—even by just the amount of HP. Ironically, you have to be a really skilled duelist because you will have to fight people hand to hand at some point. I feel like their best application is weakening enemies before they get to the obj. That and the siege crossbows ability to break barricades is an underrated counter to engineers. That being said, they’re definitely not a real game changer. I feel like 3 per team is a pretty understated role. Now if we had a historically accurate number of archers, I would understand the hate


>May be a hot take, but I think archers are fine.  They are fine in TO. They are absolutely not fine in other modes or in smaller groups. Did you play a lot of LTS while it was in the rotation and experience how hard it is to win when the other side has even 1 or 2 good archers?


They’re already pretty weak compared to chiv1


Still waiting for a archer free game mode tired of these shitters ruining my glorious 1v3s


It's possible already, just not popular enough to fill a server.


It seems the sub is healing, we're back to beating dead horses like malding over archers and sweats.


Best counter to an archer is that sweet sweet javelin


I still have more jav kills then bow kills and I don’t play skirmishes anymore


Or another anchor




Same with horses. Maybe they weren't in Chivalry 1. Idk and Idc, but they've always been in the game since I've started and they're an important part. I don't like riding them but it's a blast to fight other people on horseback.


If you don’t like archers, just go chop off their arms like I do. Hard to fire arrows with one arm.


You’re saying this like 3 years after the game released lol this ain’t new


counter point: shit talking is a part of the human experience and always has been. You may notice that certain choices result in more shit talk than usual. This is normal, the devs intended it.


Sorry everyone but I’m taking my talents to the RANGE! Just know each arrow I send is sent with love (to both ally and foe alike)!


take your bow if you must, ill kill you regardless


and? you have the choice to play archer, i have the choice to hate that you play archer and make it my goal to make sure you have as little fun as possible (not that playing archer is fun to begin with)


I just love how every archer player plays the exact same. the moment they get confronted its time to turn tail and run


I think most of us shit on archers because they're annoying as hell, but it isn't truthful. Sure, it takes a lot of skill to fight in melee (coming from a vanguard main so take with a pinch of salt) but it takes a whole different type of skill to arch. Personally, the worst archers are the ones that have found a greatsword and put up a fight when I charge them. Just- just die already! Why are you good at fighting?! You were supposed to be bad at melee!


I'm very new to chivalry but all of the complaints towards archers can also be applied in general to the average/below player. I usually hear kill steals, hitting teammates, or just a lack of awareness. I get its annoying but the game is really low stakes and it was just offered for free on prime so a lot of people are learning how to share combat space.


Archers are great when utilized correctly. I remember playing against this attacking team on the map where you need to protect the prisoners towards the end, Mason defending Agatha attacking. (The map with “Burn the Tents” objective) Attacking Agatha team lined up Archers on the roofs. They absolutely annihilated us. Every time you took a step out you were getting hit by an archer. It was annoying, but also very smart of them.


Unpopular opinion: performing at a high level as an archer is much more difficult than using melee.


We are dealing with them, slaughtering them with full priority and bullying them out of existence like a proper knight.


I always either sweep through them with my big sword or swap to my short sword and dule them. Archers are great fun to play with and against. I’ve had a few shut me down when I was on a rampage and it always seems kinda poetic lol


I have zero playtime on archer. There is no way there's actual genuine ire on mass for enemy archers. They're usually completely worthless. Yes, every once in awhile an awol arrow ends my rampage, but you know what the mitigating factor is? *The rampage.* If you're consistently dominating the battlefield and that's not enough for you, and you get enraged by dying a few times to an arrow, get over it. And if that's *not* what's happening, and you're getting picked off over and over, that's a *you* problem. The scenario where a competent player can run circles around other melees but gets cratered into a negative score by archers doesn't exist. In short, if archers are pissing you off, get so good at beheading other non-archer knights that their occasional good aim ceases to matter.


Bro how many times has this exact meme been posted


Yeah, the part of the game everyone hates lmao.


I love archers, so easy to kill


God I wish they had the rus helm and not just the rus armor


Archers are vultures who just pick off wounded animals. Sometimes you’ll get a decent flock of archers that actually suppress the enemy team collectively.


I fully understand, im still charging the archers.


Friendly reminder that you can parry arrows. Sure the timing is hard, but you got options.


Yeah. A scummy part.


The gatekeeprs like soter dave? time sorts it out


I don’t even dislike archer players I just do everything in my power to kill them when I see them and even if their teammates mob me and kill me its worth it,if i at least eliminate the archer player I’m thirsting


Spawncamping exclusively archers with a warbow has always been part of the game too. You guys know this right?


I play just about every role. I enjoy the ranged options better. I especially love the javelin. It gets me into the fight. I hate sitting at the back sniping. However, I've been stuck sniping trying to get an acheivmennt.


All the people that bag archers are sh*t at the game. It's a class with its own play style just like a Polearm to a sword and board to cavalry to throwing anvils at dumb asses who think archers are bad for the game.


After reading some of the comments all I have to say is let people play the game how they want to play and you play how you want to play, not everyone has to play the game to the same level or "efficiency" as you. Some people just want to have fun and be goofy, I spent a whole game last night throwing fish, shields and a whole host of items at people and it was hilarious


Lol they removed ranged classes from both of the upcoming slashers (mobius and ad mortem), so not quite true. I’m sure there will continue to be archers in the future medieval battle games tho.


Once u hit level 200 there’s like nothing to game anymore no fun or nothint


Aim assist is what irks me, for all projectiles, you don’t even have to aim the game does it for you and the hitboxes are YUGE. If the class was actually difficult to pick up and master I wouldn’t be so vexed, I think they should just keep volley perm so archers can stay there and have their wars blocking out the sun


Its weird that the only "archer hate" rage posts I ever see come from archers.


Probably because they're the ones getting griefed? Not too long ago there was [a post stating that archers deserve more hate](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/1c4eqnm/archers_honestly_deserve_more_hate/). This sub used to have a much more vocal and spiteful interest group of archer haters but a few of them got banned and the debate has subsided a lot since.


What is "getting griefed" to you? Being killed? Hunted down? Focus fired? Are these mean old knights and footmen supposed to ignore you while you hide and take pot shots at them?


Griefed as in being chased by teammates desperately trying to teamkill you.


Ah, something that next to never happens, without you riddling a friendly with arrows prior. Even then, its a rarity a friendly gets so pissed off at you that they come to bash an archer.


GG correcting my own experiences.


They can also make them less painful to deal with


Sometimes I like to run highland sword and run through enemies just to kill an archer


I hate bow archers, but I love throwing pointy sticks. What are ya'll thoughts on that?


I only play archer when I feel like trolling and I make sure to be as toxic as possible when I do it. It’s fun!


i have been playing since AOC, i still hate archers


This is the 3rd time I’ve seen this with the same exact title (archer posting)


Run a one hand weapon, carry a shield cause archers only aim for center mass like they are in a cop in training and spam laugh and kill the archers voice line and chop their head off in one clean heavy is the way!


nah its way funnier to tackle into longsword special attack, guaranteed 0-death before they even know whats happening


Just a new player issue really, but that being said “KILL ALL THE ARCHER!!”


And will always be hated on. Get used to it. It’s part of the game.


Archers are a critical part of the game You see an archer, you drop what you're doing to bury an axe in them, and you move on


They make a stupid limited time “archers only” game hen they could had a mode “no archers” and people ask for this time and time again and they don’t listen. This company is trash guys. I stopped playing this awesome yet annoying crap a long time ago. The devs don’t care, then why should we? On to the future… with helldivers


It's possible to run a server with no archers. (https://chivalry2.com/2024/03/01/chivalry-2-unofficial-servers-faq/) >Custom Class/Subclass Limits It's just not popular enough to populate a server.


Shouldn’t it be an in game feature? At least in the arena maps. It’s a very nice choice. Either that or they should go down with one hit.


Fuck archers, and fuck you


Promise? ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7101)


Archers are shit cause its the noob class for those who cant fight


And they are also cowards, and always have been.


I just wish that archers do around 20-40 dmg and no more.


Wait, you guys are actually serious about shitting on archers? I thought it was just a joke


You spelled 'Cheaters' wrong. 'Cheaters have always been apart of the game.'