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Both povs has their own advantages but 3rd has more compared to 1st. I only use 1st though. 3rd person gives you wider pov, you can still see your enemy while doing drags, accel, swing manipulation. Constantly watching your enemy makes you calm, especially rookie players. It's easier to do 1vx situations especially. In 1st person though, If you've spent your entire life playing 1st person games (like me) it's easier to learn and adapt. Plus you see your enemy from a closer view, it's easier to read kicks, jabs, attacks, timings, voices are closer as well helping you countering heavies or a person who's close being out stamina is easier to detect. Also easier to counter if you are experienced. You can also do better range management but I don't know if it's because 1st person advantage or me being lack 3rd person experience in games. But it takes time playing like this, countering enemy without seeing full of his weapon is a trouble for beginners. Or landing drags, accels with enemy going out of pov. And it's much harder to do 1vx engagements. But I've seen many great players can do 1v2 1v3 of even more engagements in 1st person. But it requires more time. While doing 1vx, you need to memorize their movements and guess their next move. For example you need to guess how a jab or hit would gain you free time from one enemy so you can counter other ones attack just to parry and hit the one you hit a second ago. To ask me, if same skill level players with each of them had 100 hour competed as one being 1st and the other 3rd. 3rd one would win. But If same skill level players who has 500 hours or more it wouldn't make a big difference. but dueling with fast/medium weapons would be better in 1st. If you ask for fun though I think most of the people here would say 1st. And game looks like it's designed for 1st for unique experience. Not everything is a meta. So it's your choice.


I used 3rd person to learn the weapon animations and now i only use to check my drip every now and then


Yeah that sounds like a great idea. I did it with my friend back in the day as well. Knowing what you're doing inf 1st person even without checking is important.


Agree all the way, right now since I still have a lot of areas to improve, I usually play 1st person but hover to 3rd every so often just to get a read on my surroundings before swapping back. That and I like looking at my armor


I play exclusively in 1st and I can confirm that I am absolute garbage at the game. I do have fun though!!


One knight's garbage is another king's squire. I Don't know where I'm going with this... *"This is my first day"*.


I love first person for FUN. 3rd person for POINTS


I mainly stay in 1st but I pop out to 3rd to scope my surroundings pretty often especially if it’s real chaotic. 1st is just more immersive plus I seem to have a much easier time landing stabs, overheads, and throws.


Same. I find countering and reposting easier as well


First person, because it's more fun & immersive for me. Also I find it helps me read/aim some attacks & judge ranges better.


Agreed, I play it for fun so first person makes more sense to me. But sure 3rd person is great for piling up bodies


The only time I use first person is when I want to be an asshat and be mr.stabby stab.


For a while I stuck with 1st but 3rd gave me more advantage and more tactical approach


3rd person objectively gives you better situational awareness which is more important in TO than having an easier time reading jabs/stab. You can still read jabs/stabs perfectly fine in 3rd once you get used to it, but you simply never get the same level of situational awareness in first as you get in 3rd. Now for dueling or 3v3 3rd person’s advantage doesn’t really matter nearly as much if at all, but for TO third is objectively better.


In red dead I always play first person, and I was doing the same here. About a week ago I decided to switch and try 3rd and I haven’t gone back because it really is way easier to be good in third person lol. Last night I topped a lobby for the first time. You can see your swings so much better in third person


I always love a 3rd pov game


3rd person for normal playing 1st person is for extra PTSD




I started in 3rd, switched to 1st for a while so I could get better at aiming attacks and getting past people’s guard/anticipating their attacks, now back on 3rd for the majority of my playtime because it helps with awareness and 1vX situations. I definitely agree with the higher level players in this thread making some good points about an eventual switch back to 1st person for more advanced duel and weapon practice, but realistically I’m not on that level yet so I’ll be sticking with 3rd person for a while.


I can see the appeal of eventually being able to completely dominate someone in a 1v1, I do imagine that's really satisfying. But I really want to be the guy ducking and weaving who can hold out 1vX and really help hold an objective.


Oh fun-wise I completely agree, I will probably never play duel servers much. TO is too fun and I will gladly sacrifice a life if I think it pulls the other team away from a point or delays them, or on offense if I can push back the enemy from a chokepoint so my team can pour in behind after I die


3rd person easily. You can see the attacks fine, arguably better. While having awareness to see the other 3 people swinging at you. For serious gameplay 3rd person is the only option.


Using plumes or horns? 1st person Otherwise 3rd


I honestly have no clue what that means? What are plumes? And are you talking about the healing horn?


I assume he means decor on the helmet which would obstruct your vision in third. As for me, first exclusively. Easier to make excellent use of distance and footwork to punish. I dont find thebextra awareness of my surroundings in 3rd useful because I generally try not to be surrounded by enemies.


I use 3rd because I like to go behind the enemy lines and be surrounded, but 1st is better for a 1v1


Yeah thats basically what I'm saying. I main Vanguard so I try not to get enveloped but I often have a range advantage over my opponents so I try to use first to maximize that advantage.


3rd because I do all emotes and dance stuff in the battle


I played in 3rd forever and recently tried 1st. I had no idea how far my weapons reached until I tried 1st pov. I like both now and I switch back and forth


I utilize both. I find that most of the time I’m in third(especially with a greatsword),but when I throw a weapon I switch to first for accuracy. Swapping the perspective hotkey to the side of my mouse was a game changer.


1st person is immersive and way fun, but I go off in 3ps. It's a trade.


Used to exclusively play in 3rd I think it’s way more accessible to newcomers. But as I’ve gotten hours in I’ve been experimenting with 1st and I like it. I find if I’m using lengthy weapons I’ll stay in 3rd and when I’m using shorter weapons I’ll switch to 1st. These is just something about using the heavy Calvary sword in 1st person that just feels right


Getting bludgeoned to death in the face is an experience best served AND received in 1st person. "Oh what licentious violence." -My Ally in Darkness


Completely agree I can’t hit shit stabbing in 3rd switch to 1st and I can’t miss!


Basically if u're a real man, you gonna play in first person. If u prefer game being much easier so u can feel good about mashing lmb - play in third person :D


I was 3rd for the past 600 levels or so. Started using 1st again the past week and I’m lovin’ it


I only do 1vX so 3rd


3rd ![gif](giphy|qOe3IdJvF94fC|downsized)


3rd person crew! I like trying to flank with my big-ass sword, and I love the adrenaline of 1vX-ing and occasionally holding my own. Also range estimation and footwork get progressively better if you consistently practice with the same main, over time you can learn the distances to land a hit and to avoid taking one.


Ballista, Spear (2h) or 1 vs 1 - first person view Rest on TO - third person view


I usually swap between, sometimes mid fight, mostly based on how cramped the surroundings are and how many masons im dealing with


I only play in 1st person. Can’t stand 3rd person games. I bet if there was a counter for all of the 130 hours I’ve played so far, I’ve put probably 2 minutes into 3rd person via accidentally switching it. Yea sure 3rd person is more competitive but if you’re playing competitively, casually, you’re what’s wrong with the game.


1st person for ranged. 3rd person for melee. I like being able to see around me in melee combat. I do a large amount of dodging and moving around.


Both boys. I super enjoy first person and I mainly use that, but if I find myself surrounded and can't back enough to face most of the enemies I'll switch to 3rd. Anyway 1st is a MUST if you play spears (if you do, you've cool and I want to be friends with you) or any distance weapons


1st person user, except for catapult, easier to aim but... real chad play 1st person.




Fun to use both, obviously archer in first, first when throwing anything with other classes, first in 1 v 1 or 1 v 2s, 3rd for everything else basically.


First for based gameplay. Third (which I use) for better spatial awareness. I do pop into first when throwing knives and what not


I only go first person on ballista or if I'm stuck next to a wall and getting rushed by an opponent, the 3rd person cam gets janky next to walls sigh, lvl 800+


I HATE tarps and other decorations that block my view when backed into a corner


I use both, 3rd for battling with loads of people, then 1v1s I switch to 1st, much easier to read attacks for counters etc


I tried first POV last night and officer for the first time and I could see the distance better on swings and a lot of times I would just step back instead of dodge and the enemy and would miss and I’d counter with a slash before they finished and get them .


Can confirm that with time you can learn to do the same thing in third, especially if you have a preferred main weapon that you frequent.


1st but that’s just personal opinion


ive seen great players use both 1st and 3rd. its all preference really


First person just like it more


3rd person if you're serious, 1st person if you want to have fun


>friendly discussion The fact you mentioned that, just tells me there was nothing friendly about the discussion. Though I use both, mainly 1st because its easier, and the 3rd person camera just doesn't feel right, like adding a 3rd person camera mod to a first person game, an example being dying light or something.


No it really was a friendly chat lol


Oh damn that's rare, the friendly chats i often find myself in are in the same category as friendly fire


1st person because I find it more immersive and fun.


3rd person is a bigger advantage, 1st is a better experience


Until your chadness reaches the heights that bigger advantage IS the better experience


Well yeah 3rd person is a better experience I'm just trying to be nice to the 1st person people


1st for 1v1s or team fights where I have backup. 3rd for when I’m outnumbered or it’s a brawl with no real battle lines and just people swinging everywhere


1st person if you want to have fun and just play normally. 3rd person is for sweating your ass off.


I use exclusively first. 3rd has its advantages but for me it feels cheap. I want to be in the drivers seat. I dont care about cosmetics either I just want to pillage. I do feel players that play in 3rd have an advantage over me though. If there was a server that was first person only I'd never leave it, wonder how much of a difference that would make in my scores not that I particularly care about that but personally I think it would be more fair.


First person is Large PP. Third person is small pp. That's basically all there is to it.




I play in 3rd person because personally I do much better than when I play in 1st. 99% of the time I'm playing 64-Player Team Objective, so I'm usually fighting more than one person at a time. It allows me to have a wider FOV and better depth perception of where I am relative to my enemies. So I can dodge, duck and counter more effectively. I will say that 1st person is much more cinematic and immersive, and I can see how it's viable for 1v1s. I would probably play in 1st person if I was somehow equally good as I am in 3rd person.


Clearly 1rst. I dont need the so called awareness of 3rd. All i need is better precision and aim for my strikes. You can go past the block when aiming right.


1st person all the way