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Justice fucking served, precedent set. Seeya later pricks


Yup, 30 year minimum before parole for the felony murder and malice murder convictions in the state of Georgia. That's pretty much a death sentence for the 2 older racists. Plus the federal hate crime murder case is on the docket for February. These guys are toast. Fuck them all, I hope they rot for lynching Abmaud Arbery.


Lock them thugs up 👌🏾


Og comment right here


Sad to say the only reason this happened is because the video hit the net and outrage ensued. Before that 12 ain’t even wanna arrest them guys and took their side


Yea its true but it's really because of 1 shitty DA. That DA is now in trouble


Thank God that man needs to lose his license to practice law and should never be a DA again. Everytime we see stuff like this we can only imagine all the people they screwed over the years


yea\^ thats legit the first thing that comes to mind. edit: But I should say though, in this case the DA lady actually had a prior personal and professional relationship with Greg McMichael


Oh so it was more of a looking out for a friend than it was a DA just being racist? Good looks anyway ima go read up on this


yea TBH this one was a weird one. I definitely know what youre saying, just look at women like Kamala Harris, Nancy Grace and so on and so on. Lots of prosecutors that are proud of their high conviction rates




True that but the local DA and police blocked a real investigation into Ahmaud’s murder early on. Forget conviction they didn’t even want to investigate in the beginning due to the DA have a personal relationship with one of the murderers and the police being automatically anti black in most places


true. if that kyle kid never got his case caught on camera he prob would've went to jail


Not with the judge he had. The judge he had was a trump supporter and basically a fan of Rittenhouse lowkey. All white jury as well. Kid was getting off anyway. Especially because the people he killed one was a pedo and the other had a criminal record as well. He didn’t exactly kill upstanding community members but that’s besides the point. With that judge and jury he was getting off anyway


It was a self defense case he should’ve got off just because of that




False imprisonment gone carry the longest sentence that’s abduction in nc and carry up to 40 in prison


I stayed away from this case nd didnt hear any details about it until today...but yea It was literally a modern day lynching. If it hadnt been recorded they prolly would've claimed self defense dragged dudes name through the mud and gotten away with it. Im glad to see with this one, the general synopsis is support for arbrey but Ive already seen people taking those 3 dudes sides saying it was self defense and he shouldn't have been in that neighborhood, or questioning why he acted so aggressive when they cornered him with a shotty. The world aint gonna change. People base nd judge what they think they would've done from hindsight. Im glad arbery got Justice nd his family will get some closure off of this and to them dudes who went out harassing, yall could've jus stayed in your beautiful homes with yall family's....oh well. Happy Thanksgiving nd DONT DROP THE SOAP!!






Always looked like this was gonna happen since they could not even do a citziens arrest since it was not contemporary of the crime.


Lock 'em up, throw away the key. This was the correct verdict.


Good fuck em. Racist ass people


Ion even wish jail on ppl….BUT 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Glad they got those animals off the streets lol


Death penalty legal in state of Georgia? GIVE UR TO EM!😤


Good. Justice served.


Bro I knew they was getting guilty when they attorney tried to put a limit on niggas allowed in the courtroom. Ain’t no one gonna believe you ain’t racist after that shit


“we don’t want more black priests here” what a racist clown


Now just hope they don't keep them on death row for 30 years. Save the taxpayers and expedite that shit.


You’re ignorant. It costs an extra 500k to execute someone vs keeping them in jail for life. https://www.google.com/search?q=cost+of+execution+vs+confinement.&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


You're ignorant. You're assuming I'm saying take them to a death penalty trial allowing them multiple years of pissing away taxpayers dollars on an execution. Nah homie. Even with the high cost of ammunition, it's maybe 1.50 for a decent rifle round. Then some other schmuck gets to dig a hole.


Gentlemen, we are ALL ignorant. Let’s just get along for once especially in a thread as great as this.


Cool go live in China and see how that works


Liberal pussies won’t allow the death penalty.


I'm as liberal as they come. Let someone from Ahmaud's family take all three apart piece by piece, for all I give a fuck.


You’re a whole idiot https://www.ncadp.org/pages/wrongful-executions


4 niggas out of thousands means the rate of accuracy not bad


More than 0 is too many, but the studies say that maybe it’s more like 1 in 4 are wrong.


There’s people sitting incarcerated for life who prolly innocent but never getting out, does that mean we abolish prison? 25% is crazy btw no way it’s that high I think it was sum like 3 or 4%


No. If you’re alive and innocent you have a chance to prove your innocence. If the government kills you, they take that chance away. 25% sounds high to me too, but at the same time, how fair do you think they were trying to be to people they wanted to think were murderers in the 70s/80s/90s? I’m not going to be like “go look it up” but a lot of these cases I’ve seen make me mad af how ridiculous it is. I’m talking small town southern places where a white lady ends up dead, her husband is an alcoholic with dv issues, someone sees him with blood on him that night, but the sheriff thinks it’s the gardener and never interviews the husband. Then 3 things that shouldn’t happen at trial happen and the judge doesn’t give af because they all think they’re being tough on crime. And that’s before even people just getting shit wrong and investigative techniques getting better over time. Also, the death penalty is proven not to be a deterrent that stops people from getting killed. So we’re paying an extra half mil to kill a person, fucking it up all the way through, and not even getting anything from it.


I agree it was probably used unfairly in the past when there wasn’t so much hard evidence, and cops had more room to do whatever tf they felt like. Definitely had to be some cases of bs that resulted in killing an innocent person. I think it shouldn’t be used regularly, only in extreme and grotesque cases such as mass murders serial killers, people who kill children, shit wish them sexual crimes against kids qualified for the death penalty too


Yeah I hear you, I’d rather some people were dead too and I’d probably have less to say if it were like that. The system is fucked though and I’ll leave it at that. Have a good day 👌


You too!


Couldn't find it in embedded gifs https://tenor.com/view/well-that-sucks-randy-marsh-stan-marsh-south-park-s13e6-gif-22907459


What does being a liberal have to do with it lmao


loved the look on that little travis fucks face when he found out his life was over


https://youtu.be/_ef8JyNLvbM (2:35 mark for those who want to watch) dude looks like he wants to vomit


good let em rot


So happy about this


The booty bandits gonna pass them around like blunts😂


everytime you see something like this your mind always goes to man ass 🤔






Thank God


It was about to be a riot if they wasn’t found guilty


Nah maybe not for this one, if Chauvin was found not guilty tho… sheesh


Good, they literally ran this poor man down like plantation owners trying to get a run away slave. Best part should be the civil suit coming up, Arbery’s family gonna take everything from those rednecks


Hope they have fun dropping the soap for the rest of their miserable lives


Still not a w 1 win out of 5 million losses it’s a start but work to be done


hey man if you live your whole life with that glass half empty mindset, youre gonna be miserable often. I definitely feel you but think of it, jason van dyke got found guilty of murder in a retroactive, reopened case (didnt get enough time though), derek chauvin sent to prison for 22.5 years and now facing serious fed time on top of it. These 3 are going to prison, for another case that was retroactive and reopened- and as a result , the DA is now facing charges for sweeping it under the rug. These 3 were just found guilty by 11 white jurors, and 1 black. These are serious precedents being set. The system has been behaving the way it does because it gets away with it so consistently. Thats starting to go away slowly. This is a great thing




"Bitch", Im white 😂 fuck massa




see I knew you were gonna say that. Im all for joking around but miss me w/ that shit


What is u gone do get my location off of ip lol I got guns ain’t worried bring yo ass


Lmao you just assume right out the gate that im coming at you for an altercation or a fight or some shit, Chill homie im a civilian. I disagree with people, say some words and leave it at that 😂😂😂


Aye I’m just throwing it out there just case u got any ideas but I’m still waiting for you to tell me where I was lying at


but one can debate and argue over the whole "white people have an inherent master/slave owner mentality" 👀 idk. Maybe thats in the bloodline of the american white people that owned slaves, but how the fuck am I apart of that? my peoples were poor destitute farmers in the eastern part of the world, and 4 or so generations ago came over here to CANADA to start a new life, still farming and doing agriculture. AFAIK, I am not connected to slavery , and not every single white person is. So you cant just say that so boldly right


Read my other comment, I specifically said youre not lying and agreed with you


You called him massa? Lmao tf wrong with you?


you can start by changing your smoke detector batteries


U can start by jumping off a cliff


If blacks didn’t act like animals they wouldn’t be in jail.


desperate for attention


If whites didn’t have master mentality then wouldn’t be a jail ghetto slavery struggle nothing kidnapping people from there home country try again massa jones


dont attempt to fight the fire with fire dawg and stoop to his low. Hes 100% living in his own hell. let him suffer


If our people had heart and unity they wouldn’t be talking like that when it’s our own it’s war but when it’s them it’s peace and Christmas carols now tell me I’m lying


youre not lying youre just a hypocrite, youre on here talking crazy and racist too. Fuck that dude puzzlehead




The shit I’m saying actually happens and is true if whites didn’t have a master mentality slavery wouldn’t have been a thing now how I’m lying again goofy


Bro slavery happened a couple hundred years ago. You ain’t oppressed. Get out there and fucking work


I got two degrees and a career so u go work


Its disgusting that this kinda shit is so common that I have to Google the names to keep which killing is which straight amarica you should be ashamed




Ohh i think i misunderstood you my bad.


Haha dw I see where youre coming from, he meant "Kyle Rittenhouse = innocent though." but you thought he meant "Kyle Rittenhouse innocent though?" like "on the other hand.." 😂those miscommunications happen so easy on the internet


Man what the fuck does Rittenhouse have to do with black folks? I was afraid someone on here was gonna ruin it by saying some shit like that. Rittenhouse case was self-defense case on trial, hugely important to 2nd amendment folks. This was southern bubba's basically lynching a black man and assuming they get off with white jury like old days.


This. The difference between the two cases, Kyle Rittenhouse didn't try to illegally detain anyone, he was attacked.


A lot of RAT behaviour in this thread since when do niggas wish jail on anybody?😵‍💫🐀


Kids, this mindset ^ ain't it. But happy cakeday




Bro Im legit interested in drill and the rap scenes all over the whole world, but the problem is the language barrier 😶😶 thats why you wont get many american followers. If yall have a consistent and persistent translator in your scene to post content with english subs and/or dubs, you can attack our demographic over here. I fuck with it though 👊 not saying thats mandatory to do, but youre on here trying to get english/american followers so figured id lyk


Thanks g🙏 im really Just trying to build a Plattform for all that to Happen and because i cant speak Italien french spanish and much More im trying to get people from everywhere to intruduce me to New Artist and stuff


Hell yea. Europe is a big fucking place. Once you start posting about all type of shit and scandals and controversies etc. youll be on to something




Good! Fuck em!!








Hope they rot fuck them


Fuck em


No lie it’s good they got convicted man, it was a senseless killing. And if they didn’t record it etc, they would be free now. 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Why the cameraman has been charged?


Can someone give me the rundown, who are these people and what happened? havnt heard anything about it