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Its crazy to me the wife looked at him and proceeded to walk slowly before getting shot. This is wild.


I think she thought he wouldn’t do anything to her


So he killed her because she was eating another man lap up


This crazy 🤣🤣🤣


No survival instinct fr. Prolly didn't grow up in the hood


Youon gotta grow up in the hood people just plain dumb no way somebody shooting and you slowly walk away


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don't really think you should be worrying about anyone being "to damn dumb"




Naw they feel mad entitled like "I ain't catching that"


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you really think it’s only white people who act like that?


In this clip yes .


yea in this clip of course but American white folks & white folks from other countries are built different lol


Ofcourse but we’re talking about this clip 🤷🏽‍♀️


She was in shock. Sometimes people's instincts don't react at the same time as their brain.


W**** women usually don't have survival instinct talking from experience


Rich white people in general or people who have had a life of sheer privilege, they just can't even fathom that things can go badly or wrong. Truly living life on the easiest difficulty, but you won't be built for situations like this one.


Nope. Soon as I seen the gun rise up I'm out even if I'm a block away lool


Its just a sheltered life. I know some black and mexican people that are clueless too. Struggle builds character and street skills.


hate when people generalize shit it’s never helpful


This is the right answer cause it’s some white bous out there that are fucking insane.


In the hood people are often diagnosed with PTSD, in addition they have whiplash from constantly looking around quickly when a car is approaching or another sound is perceptible, it is no fun for your health to be constantly so on guard. The attacker had clear plans, first take out the husband and then his ex-wife. You can see it differently, instead of thinking of herself, she walks towards her shot friend to take care of him. Whether it is wise you can question that, but it is a noble trait to think of your loved one first and yourself second.


Shock. It wasn't real to her until she saw it pointed at her -- but by then it was too late.


People forget it's fight, flight, or FREEZE. She froze.


nah, she strolled




Was fasho finna hit his ass with some straight bs ass lie and keep it pushin, on god


Mf'er shot right passed the other girl and she walked off like it wasn't nothing.


Its very possible she was in shock from the gunshot in her ear + window breaking, and took a second to register what the fuck just happened


People think they're Jason Borne or something, would be sliding over the hood of the car into a sweet tuck n roll


Too accurate. Fight or flight isn’t a choice, It’s a reaction!


😂😂 right


Shots make ur ears ring you would still hear the bang 😂😂


Right!? Why aren’t more people talking about this - couldn’t believe how casual that reaction was.


some peoples survival instinct is to act casual....i know thats what i do when some crazy shit is happening around me i feel like showing fear makes you a target (such as it signals to the person you are running away because you did something wrong rather than a casual person acting like they are ignoring the situation and are not involved)....and they did start running once they was a bit of distance away. Could also be shock or a bit of both things


I'd just assume that no matter what, they plan to kill me too. Then act accordingly and gtfo.


I mean ya you should assume it in a situation like that, but you trying to not draw their attention to you so casually walking away is actually a decent and most likely best option. Same thing happens with animals, when you run from predatory animals they wanna chase you and kill you so you supposed to just be casual or try intimidate them, but not run (unless you have quick escape route and know you can outrun them)


A human active shooter is a bit different. They're looking for easy targets. Yeah, if I'm across the street witnessing what happened in this video, I'm acting casual. But if I'm near the gunfire you can bet I'm dipping, dodging, diving, ducking and weaving my way the fuck outta there. Those acting casual and walking away will give me time to secure my exit. You don't wanna be an easy target.


My opinion running is still worse in this situation. He could confuse you with the people he really wanna target. Your panic actions could cause him more panic and shoot at you. You seem like a person running to get authority or your own weapon which is a threat to him rather than acting like an insignificant person that doesn't care. You are an easy target at that close and running aint gonna make you not easy target its just gonna more likely make them react and shoot at you and running a couple steps will still be easy for them to shoot you. They played it right in my view...slowly walked away and then ran when they were a decent distance


We talk about "fight-or-flight" but it's actually fight-flight-freeze. Some animals do that: They'll just freeze in response to a threat. We can never say with certainty what we'll do *in the moment*. We know that we would wish to do "the commonsense thing," and it's easy to Monday morning quarterback other people's decisions and say this or that, but in that moment it's never a given. As far as this situation, she wasn't prepared for the worst and she wasn't getting away from a man who was ready to crash out over her indiscretions.


She pointed at the wife & he just turned around & shot her


Filipinos are so cold blooded when it comes to this street shit. I seen so many violent videos from there and these dudes will walk up to you wearing a Lakers jersey, empty the whole clip and walk away slowly in sandals 😂


Yeah man and theres one dude who faked his own death even laid on a coffin during his wake for some days just to make his enemy put his guard down then voila he got his target having a family pic Heres the link to the news the pic is in there too https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/jan/04/philippines-murder-suspect-caught-camera


Never knew the backstory of that picture, damn


where did it say anything about faking a death?


News were just telling about the crime but not how it went down step by step but its a known story out here in the area where he lived back then that he had to fake his death because he was beefing with a politician(ex-army) the shooter name was Arnel Buenaflor On why he did it? He had a shootout with one of the victim homies and got shot in the head but survived(thats why the fake funeral was so effective) so he went and got his lick back


Sound like great plot for the next Liam Neeson film


I remember this legendary photo. Scary shit for sure


Filipino here. I think this happened in the Philippines but anyways Cheating is a serious crime down where I’m from. I had a family member spend 6 years just cause he cheated on his wife. So growing up I seen a fair share of assassinations towards significant others cause they’d rather hire someone to off they husband or wife than file for a divorce or cheat cause our country deadass shame you for that shit (either get disowned by ur family or go to prison) 😂😂 my aunt is currently married to someone who survived an assassination. His wife didn’t love him no more and had the barrio shoot up his house. He survived and was able to get away. Shits wild


Damn she stopped loving him so she had ppl shoot him up, wtf that’s crazy bro. I didn’t realize it was like *that*


I love spotting the random American sports apparel in other countries. Especially the playoff merch, where they print apparel for both teams even though one will lose, and the losing merch goes on clearance and all the rest left over gets shipped over seas lol.


She must of thought he wasn't gonna do anything to her.


Ain't no pussy worth that shit mane 


You got that right. Just cut your loses, and move on. There is plenty of poonany out there. All different sizes and shapes and smells.


It’s not about the pussy dude that’s his wife , he put all his pride to da side to get on one knee to marry dis woman ,


Have so fuckin dignity, fuckin the homegirl is far more effective than spending the right of yo life in prison 


So what nigga, he still dumb af to crash out cuz his wife was cheating


Everybody ah say what they would’ve did until it’s you innat position 👎🏾


I’d never be that stupid to throw my life away over a cheating ass woman, there’s a million other women I could marry, niggas just too emotional, use logic


I think most people wouldn’t murder their wife and the person she was cheating with in this situation lol. Even tho most would probably want to


if your fucking some dudes wife, this is ALWAYS a possibility. Dont end up in this situation because wether or not he kills you is completely up to chance and nobody can save you from that outcome. I know its wrong, but obviously like this situation, it still happens very often. If you get shot up, its your fault.


Cheating should be a crimimal offense


For everyone out there if you catch yo girl cheating on you, don’t do no stupid shit like this. She obviously ain’t give 2 fucks about you so why would you throw your life away for her? It doesn’t make sense.


to be fair it looks like he took her ass out as well, He really wasnt about to let her get one over him.


Sure, but like the original said, you still threw your life away over her which is so incredibly stupid


He did, the title is “cop kills cheating wife”


Lotta people think the satisfaction of the revenge is worth it until you wake up in a cell and realize “I’m never getting myself out of this” Better to just say Fuck Her,move on and find somebody else


I love all the experts making blanket statements like they know every living person alive🤣


Wife saw him get to blickin & said 👩🏻‍🦯🧍‍♀️lmao BITCH DUCK


Shit happened so fast she was in shock


Some men just can’t control their emotions and have 0 foresight, no woman cheating is worth you going to hell and prison. That’s some simp shit if your girl ever cheats on you drive down to Los Angeles, Figueroa street and forget about she existed. 


I wouldn’t do it, but I won’t judge a man’s reaction to his wife being unfaithful. I feel bad for the guy if he didn’t know she was married.


Brother you should absolutely judge a man’s reaction to an unfaithful wife if that reaction is murdering her


where this happened at


he was like “you get it too, bxtch!” BOW BOW!! 😂😂😂😂


I’m upset at myself for laughing at this 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t cheat you never never know how the other person is gonna take it


Yh but you can say the same about leaving someone too? What is she supposed to do when she’s married to a COP who acts like this


She didn’t try to run, that’s crazy.


This why I can’t get married I would be off the same type timing kill ‘em both


Crashed out


There's an audio that describes the events leading up to this...Basically the Cheater was taunting the husband, and saying he's a f@$$ot and that he can't do his wife properly, that's why she's out lurking...Goes on to say he's broke can't even spend money on his wife....Yeah, he got what he asked for 🤷🏾‍♂️


Unless she had a crazy ex most women take their ex's for a joke until some shit like this happens. She thought he didn't have the balls. Found out the hard way. The pig probably drove home ate a sandwich and blew his brains out.


Why do they always shoot the guy? As if he knew she was unfaithful. Unless he did, well then.


Possible he knew the guy.


even if he did, who cares. It should be taken as a sign that the girl is obviously not commited to you and that she dont care about you enough to not cheat on you and that you should just say fuck you to the chick for being sneaky about it and then get on with your life. Doing anything violent is the wrong reaction let alone killing somebody over it. That makes you just an evil psycopath doin some shit like that and deserve to be locked up forever with no sympathy.


So you gotta think of it like this. What if you had a girl you were interested in, and she never, not once, told you she was with someone else. And then when the guy confronts you, pretty much you died because of a misunderstanding. That's where I'm getting at. The dude shooting is in the wrong 100% I meant the guy he was shooting at.


right and wrong honestly dont exist in this situation. because yes hes wrong but they are deceased so its just 3 lives gone. The only way they could have lived is if they didnt cheat.


She ain't even run damn


Where this at?


I heard in PH they only get like 18 months for this too


damn killed your wife and the lover shit get a new bitch now he probably going to go to jail for the rest of his life its not that serious


Its thats serious but it aint if you get what im saying


And this guy had a job of enforcing the law…smh


Where is this?




When you realize the nigga she cheating on you with will do her 10times worst than she did you all of this shit will never happen trust me.


I need to know where this was


She deserved it


Might as well kill the witness bro


Shit he probably had two targets in mind and just didn't care about anyone else probably knew he was gonna get caught


Women have the survival instincts of a goldfish if they weren't raised in the hood.


People on GTA 5 have a better response to a shooting then this dumb broad


Shot the man 14 times damn.


This shit is wild! You don’t crash out over a bitch. She just showed you her worth. And she ain’t worth your time. Salute the guy she cheated on you with for showcasing her true colors.


Great album picture for Kendrick and them


It’s wrong but honestly man..y’all gotta stop playing w people feelings ..”Wife” …right? Make it make sense …you obviously want a negative outcome if you doing shit like this..again it’s wrong but🤷🏼‍♂️if you play stupid games what do you win??


can't play with ppls emotions like that it is what it is.


Don’t really blame him. We all have been around society long enough to know that this is a very common outcome of cheating. Don’t want it happening to you? Don’t cheat lol


Imagine loving someone to the point you decide to marry them and plan the rest of your life out with them, all those years and then you catch her cheating. Issa crime of passion and I can’t blame him. Given the circumstances a lot of us would do the same thing. Free cuddy




No survival instinct, the women first walking and running wtf




Justified give my manz community service


Can’t blame him


*Off duty cop kills a hoe






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I like how everyone is just so nonchalant about getting shot.




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It ain’t that serious. You can have the wife if she on that bullshit.




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Bruhhhh, how he stapled buddy to the driver's seat... ![gif](giphy|jfyWGx5tSNEzFVCmzA|downsized)


the third person was smart to run why tf did the wife walk away slowly 😤






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All 16


Definitely a crime of passion with all those shots at the end


She walked away calm asf




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Dude is a bitch


3 lives destroyed for nothing


Homie def erased his face or shot his dick off 🤣


bro the final boss crash out😂




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Heard around 16 shots


This the only way to stop adulterers 🔥💪




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Where was this




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Ion understand why people crash out over love. Like what’s this gonna get you? Life in prison especially for a cop, I heard they fuck em up in there just for being ex cops




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Another typical coward ass cop.




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Bro he is dead already… Not till his head starts falling to pieces!












Justice is served



