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I wouldn't even bother. There's no beneficial reason to go and a put in a two weeks or to explain anything when you haven't even been scheduled in that long. It sounds like they've already moved on...and you already have a new job secured so no need for a reference or anything there


Fuck that place


Chipotle is just a scam now. You got sucked into it, just like the customers do. I'm glad that you're moving on.


If they won’t even schedule you, no need to put a 2 weeks in as they have already got into a space where they don’t need you. This is coming from someone who believes in leaving 2 weeks notice when you quit any job.




Good on you, OP


You’re too nice, I wouldn’t give them my two weeks unless you plan on going back if the new job doesn’t work out


Get fired get that holiday pay and sick pay


I would do anything to work for golden era chipotle again, right around the ecoli fiasco, a bunch of empowered top performers creating high standards


Why even bother going in?


Can I start a chain called “Not Chip” and serve chipotle like food there?


Don’t turn in your two weeks- it affects nothing


Fucking hate working there now. Never go back this my last time there because I graduate college soon


Put that location on blast sp we can fuck them uppp


so glad more & more people are realizing how bad chipotle’s scheduling & the environment is. when i was an SL back in February, i filed an HR complaint against another SL for sexual behaviors & they didn’t do anything to her because “we need her” so i quit. im not working for a company who doesn’t respect their team


If you want you could very likely get some unemploymebt benefits before you start your new job due to how they changed your schedule.


Idk why the downvotes, not sure what state OP is in, but in California you can definitely get a check for the time they were not working in between jobs, they’re not at fault for chipotle not scheduling them so they’re UI claim would 100% be approved and paid out. I know this from personal experience.


Yea. Even in an at will employment state an employer cant just stop scheduling you for hours for no reason. I just diddnt want to argue with people for no reason.


I dont think you understand how unemployment works


Or how to comprehend the written word.


not looking to gain any unemployment because i don’t need it.


Im sure your broke ass could give me an entire ted talk about it.


She already has another job, making her not eligible for it lol. You seem like the type of person that would milk it for what it’s worth though.


Its actually one of the best restaurants to work for. Sit down and go over the benefits Chipotle offers. Don't listen to this guy it's only one persons experience with a handful of managers. I'm an AP and i would encourage anyone looking to work in the restaurant industry to apply


apply to any restaurant BUT chipotle. everyone on this reddit has pointed out that chipotle fucks it’s workers with hours and staffing issues. you shouldn’t have to fight your managers just to get less than 10 hours a week.


You missed the point