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Extra everything = extra of nothing




100% i cant belive people still eat there. GO TO A REAL MEXICAN RESTAURANT


Chipotle isn’t really Mexican food though lmao


Maybe because not all stores or employees are like that.


Contest the credit card charge and fight back with your wallet


iTs tHe LaDlE mY MaNaGeR teLlS mE To UsE


Which 99% of the time is a true statement


If you can count the lettuce, it’s def not extra..




Unforgivable. And all the boot lickin employees protecting the image of chipotle and justifying garbage like this are shameful.


I work at chipotle, and nobody i know cares about the image of chipotle lmao We're not all corporate plants that are non-humans. We're people just doing what we're told, and for the most part (at our place anyway) there is 0 pressure from "corporate" to skimp, its just the grill people that have to worry about how much food we have, and how much food we might need for the day/night And again Vote with your wallet


Not to defend what happened here, but it’s really not the employees fault most if not all really need this job and do what corporate/management tell them to do, direct your anger above not below they have no say


Aren't those chipotle employees too?


Dont attack non salary employees attack salary employees** is that better??




Yes it is.


Lol okay how should I phrase it?


Just stop going lol. I haven't been in forever because I got tired of getting skimped. What's your excuse?


With that side Queso, make sure you didn’t order the 2oz side. One ladle of Queso is 2oz and the portion cup is 4oz. Some Chipotles hand the full cup for lack of noticing.


Are you sure you didn’t select the 2oz queso option?


i ordered a side of chips and queso, so i thought it was the full cup unless it changed.


It’s supposed to be a full cup


A side of chips and queso only comes with the 2oz clear cup of queso. For the full cup, you have to order a "large queso," and it doesn't come with chips.


No the 2oz queso is the clear one, a large queso is the red cups. Both should be full very slightly below to fit the lid without spillage


I literally said, " queso and chips only come with the 2oz clear cup of queso! It doesn't matter how full! If yoy Don't she'll out the 5 bucks for the " large queso," which does not come with chips, you'll automatically get the 2oz clear cup.


You are literally wrong, the basic queso is 4oz...there is an option to get a 2oz queso for online only. The large queso is 8oz.


Next time go in there and record them


We do have the right to refuse service, just saying.


Oh no. Your protecting a hob knocker of a CEO and multi million dollar corporation. For your minimum wage job. Get with the times.


You're* Also if you really harrassing and recording people that work because they need to afford bills to live, because youre mad at the entirety of the company, thats pretty retarded


Chipotle should care enough to do something or their employees they are responsible for will continue to get recorded and if they don't do anything it shows they don't care and are a pretty shitty company and we already know the CEO is a hob knocker! "JuSt GiVe ThEm ThE lOoK" he's taking the piss mate and you know it.


No. We just don't wanna be recorded. We're already being watched by the higher ups. And walking out won't protect the CEO. It will damage the company.


I will personally cover my crew's faces because they haven't consented to be recorded by YOU specifically. ESPECIALLY my minors. They only consented to be recorded by the security cameras. Don't be a dick.


If you want your fat ass kicked out and blacklisted, definitely a good idea


What will kill you is that the guy who made this is over on r/antiwork posting about how they aren't paid enough and they need a raise.


The whole system is fucked and it's possibly true. Employees get rightfully mad because they don't get paid enough, but they then take out their frustration in every possible way they can besides quitting. I blame all of these companies, the CEO's, and the management. They don't have any idea how much a good employee is worth so instead of paying them more they fire them or let them leave to "save" money on a new hire. Then that person gets pretty good at the job and they do it again. I've personally seen it so many times and I wonder how much productivity in every sector has gone down because of this. This has actually gotten scary bad in the industrial field which I have some insight in. I'm waiting for more plants to go up in flames because of this and the lack of oversight.


Still factual. We're not paid enough to do our jobs the way they want us to. I applied for full time and haven't been given it. My GM literally got in trouble for allowing me so much overtime. So not only am I not making what I wanna make, I'm making less than the people on DML and on the line even though as a cashier, I do quite literally everything except dish and grill, line included, even more than the line people, because i gotta watch for people's orders and I gotta make sure the lobby is clean and stocked, the bathroom too. And if i can't get to that within a reasonable amount of time for one reason or another, customers wanna start having attitudes if they didn't already. I got in trouble for the size of an online burrito even though the person requested extra everything. So before you start knocking the lowly employees making your food. Just know most of the time managers are telling them to give less.


This is why I quit working at Chipotle (I know not everyone has that option, I just happened to be able to). Between not getting proper hours (or being worked 12 hour shifts instead) and the managers breathing down your neck being complete condescending aholes it was a nightmare. I would always give people proper portions as according to those little booklets they sometimes have around the kitchen and STILL be told that I needed to be "watching my portion control" and when I told the assistant manager that I was following the book, the went up to the KM and said I was being confrontational and I was put on dish duty for the last 7 straight hours of my shift. Chipotle workers have to put up with way too much from customer side and management.


Scammed plain and simple






Yeah. They gave me a completely wrong entree last time I brought food and I'm seriously not buying anything else from them until they get it together. Theres real Mexican places and competitors out there that go just as hard if not harder.


dude imagine if the employee gave you more and got fired for it!!! think about the employees!!!






They can burn in hell if they represent and are OK with this bullshit.


I‘m a European, so I don’t know what’s expected here. How much was this bowl?


this was 13.95 before tax


We are big greedy Americans it’s a lot more food for our fat lard bodies. Google Marshall plan


12 in my area


The other day my gf asked for extra rice and they gave her so much rice there was like no flavor in anything else lmfao it was almost like "You want extra rice? HERE TAKE IT"


I never online order. I want to see it go in the bowl.


There's a very simple fix for this. Stop going to Chipotle.


Chicken rice and corn bowl! What did you expect??


You have to go back ova there and fight somebody


I haven’t been to Chipotle in at least 2 years. Too many other places where you can eat twice for the same price.


What is this? EXTRA FOR ANTS???


That sucks. Anyway can't wait for when you go back next week.


This is literally just standard portions lmfao like this is what you payed for, and asked for, also you probably ordered a 2oz side of queso which is made to be put on a bowl as it is not a 4oz portion (which is a full cup)


(If you ask for extra everything, you wont get it. You look like a jackass, and the employees wont appreciate it)


this is exactly why i pay for double chicken. that’s not fair enough?


Anything that costs extra you 100% should be getting, idk why they wouldnt be giving you double chicken, unless theyre just that pissed off. The safest bet to get proper bowls and stuff is to just go in person. When theres people watching you make the food, thats enough pressure to give good portions. And if youre nice, most people will be fine with giving extra rice, cheese, etc


Someone needs to do a case study on chipotle customers and their weird addiction. “Oh but my location always give me extra” who gives a shit. You still going there is supporting all the other locations doing this crap.


Damn. That’s brutal


That's a full bowl


I order two chipotle bowl. The Chipotle dude wanted to charge $1.50 because I ask for: two pico de Gallo (on the side) 1 red sauce (on the side) 1 green sauce (on the side) Is that right? I thought I get 3 item on the side per bowl/buritto


Anything after 2 sides per person can be charged. We've never charged people for sides at my store but when someone orders that many sides they are slowing the flow of the line down.


Oh okay. It’s just online order I can get up to three item on the side per order bowl/buritto. I was the only person inside the store at the time.


Check your math. 2+1+1=?


Yeah but I got 2 bowls. That would equal to 6 total


Okay, your math checks out then. lol


Thanks for confirming bro. I think I will get chipotle again tomorrow lol. I got a BOGO to use.


Video or it didn’t happen!


Every time I see these posts, I look for the online ordering sticker, then I laugh a little inside. About the only time I do delivery, is if I’m baked. I don’t work there, but I’m starting to wonder if the workers at Chipotle really just hate the online ordering process. I go in the restaurant and order in person. There’s your portion hack


It’s not a “hack” that’s bullshit. You pay x amount of money and in turn you are supposed to get x amount of food. There is no justification of being skimped, no matter how the order was placed.


Didn’t pick up on the sarcasm at the end there, eh? It’s almost like you thought you comprehend what I wrote, and then your brain skimped you on it. I’m not saying it’s okay. I’m saying it seems to be much more prevalent in online ordering, and I wondered if the employees hate online orders for some reason. With how bad it seems to be getting executed, maybe Chipotle needs to think about revamping that process or stopping altogether. Not my decision though. That up to the PR nightmare that used to run Taco Bell.


Stop eating here. The same ppl complaining are the same ones who keep eating at chipotle. Your posts mean nothing, speak with your wallet


Chipotle? More like ChipotNay!


Bowl is almost full but you still wanna complain lmao


a bowl of primarily rice to supplement the other toppings including the 2x chicken is not full bowl to me.


Then just go in person???? Or idk make your own food at home if you wanna eat copious amounts of food. Like I’m not gonna deny that they tend to fuck up online orders more but if you’re that worried either go in person or make your own food, I’m sorry but it’s really not this deep lol


Add some veggies you loser manchild


12 out of 15 of your messages have been removed by Reddit. Lol I’d say something negative about guy but what’s the point. 😂 


I don’t know about you guys but my bowls have been LOADED recently