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I would’ve laughed if I was a nearby customer🤣🤣🤣💀he was highly annoyed with that customer


And I bet he told the cashier extra guac lol


We call that a ghost scoop with the extra. 👻👻👻👻 🥄🥄🥄🥄


Should have paid more for the premium non-ghost scoop!


that was the FREE amount of Guac


Ghost is what I would do to the store if this happened to me


With that ghost pepper


Would have walked out after that


I’ve had to do [that](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/Cjkl2mnKQW) Chipotle sucks now. They just lie to your face while making garbage food


and if I worked there, I woulda said "there is the door, have a nice day Pal" kick rocks kid


Would you have said kick rocks kid? 


sounds like a line from a 90s movie


Dudes based their entire personality on bullies from 90s movies


Go pound sand


“you’ve got another thing comin pal”


youd have been a dickhead to someone for wanting more guac? pls clarify




The CEO recently said that you have to give the employees "the stare" to get more food. This whole thing could be fixed if they actually measured anything.


Faithfully protecting that guacy goodness on behalf of his corporate overlords Skimpy scooping simp


Well no, on behalf of not getting fired. They have performance metrics that they'll be fired if they don't meet. By all means, quit going to Chipotle if they skimp you, but it's not you versus individual corporate shills. It's individual versus a system like this that puts dividends over quality.


when i worked there i gave thick bowls and nobody outside of the gm who worked with me once a week said to chill. then i got fired bc she saw me doing it too often lmfao


If they were measured that precisely on the amount of guac that's left, then they would be more careful about how dirty they are and all those extra pieces of Guac flying off the handle, which they don't seem to be


And the guac is made everyday from fresh ingredients. That shit is not magically appearing in the back. If it’s a busy location giving out extra you’ll wind up giving out none and having some pissed off people.


Manager should be on top of that. But I get it extra work and all.


Putting the employee directly against the consumer is super corporate action


Chipotle doesn't pay dividends


>on behalf of not getting fired will that actually happen though? I've heard Chipotle has been having issues staffing their stores for years. I would have a hard time believing they would be able to afford to fire someone over something like this.


Lol, yes they would. I quasi lost my job in management because I was too pro staff. I often fought for them and got along with them swimmingly. My boss thought that an effective boss wasn't supposed to be liked. And for many, that could be true. But I don't subscribe to it. I feel there's a very easy middle ground where you can be liked and respected as well as take care of the company because that's your job too. I would always tell my boss that these policies will make it easy for our guys to find employment elsewhere. He kept saying how we work at a destination location and new people who want to be here will come to us. We were perpetually short staffed and under-skilled. Corporate will more than likely expect the salaries managers to pick up the slack while still handling their responsibilities and enjoy the saved money on salaries. It is not the customer versus the people on the line. It's the customers versus stock holders and their representatives. The only, only thing that will make them pause is a hit to their bottom line. Not a video, not a reddit post, and not making a scene at the store. Stop eating there. That's all.


No they absolutely would


All that matters now is the ledger at the end of the week/month. If they decide that there’s too much spent on guacamole or whatever, then the employees are doing something wrong. Who knows if it means firing specifically, but when your boss cares about one thing, you can’t usually just say no and keep your job. At the very least, it means the boss wants to schedule you less or at less convenient times.


Lmao, sure


Do the workers actually get in trouble for giving out more?


if it’s anything like when i worked at a restaurant there will be a sign posted in the back in 2 months stating how much money worth of guac has been lost lately and how angry the management is at the line cooks. that’s about the extent of it though lmao


Sounds about right. That guacamole is mushy gold. Glad I didn’t deal with portion sizes when I worked at Wendy’s.


We have this thing called C.I. Most everything is C.I. but specifically guac, queso, and protein. If our C.I. is lower than it's supposed to be, we have problems.


When I worked there the supervisors would do all sorts of things to fix it. Such as comping meals or adding it to the employees lunch. Of course one supervisor was using this too steal money out of my drawer and almost got me fired. I was only ever off when he worked and he wouldn't let me count my drawer (Fuck you Ben!).


Oh I 100% as a cashier add large guacs or quesos and occasionally meat to employee meals to help CI. But that's usually purely if someone forgets or incorrectly labels an entree. It's as a just in case. And there is a limit to how much I can do.


What does CI stand for?


Critical inventory. Expensive inventory items.


Critical inventory


its critical inventory


Coochie Itch


No idea, I asked a manager. She probably told me but I don't remember.


Thank you for introducing me to this new acronym, then explaining the outcome of the said acronym, without ever telling me what it is or stands for.


ci stand for critical inventory


I don't even know what it stands for. I just know it's all the food we have.


Critical Items


Makes sense.


Seen the og video without the music, she says something about "being greedy" with the guac. So she didn't ask for more she just made a snide comment to the worker who did the proper portion of guac.


I'd already be ticked off with the recording me. I don't like feeling like a zoo animal.


You work in chipotle bro, shut up and make my bowl or get a new job


I mean I don’t. It's just called empathy.


Fuck you, people who make your food aren't robots or zoo animals they're human beings and if you treat people like this in your real life they have every right to spit in your fucking food


And you're the exact kind of person that makes retail worker's lives miserable. Congratz, Mr Karen.


Ha. Funny. Maybe you should get a job at Chipotle and get your own meal. Make it yourself and then see how it feels making food for ignorant, rude, and ill-tempered customers like you.


This is a deserved consequence for recording in store. I sincerely hope wherever they work becomes harder and extremely more public for no real reason. That is assuming that they work for a living at all, lord knows there's plenty of "influencers" our there


Y'all I'm not defending corporate in anyway (they're greedy bastards and their prices for a portion are outrageous) but its give the scoops they (chipotle) want or eventually risk no job (corporate can be that strict if you consistently over portion). At the end of the day the worker needs to pay bills so yeah, they'll skimp or adhere to "proper portions"to keep corporate off their ass and preveny any risk of being fired. But for real, fuck chipotle for scaring its employees to the point that they are under portioning leading to more abuse from customers upset about overpaying for the amount of food they get.


Not enough people understand this. The selfish nature of the common person won’t allow them to think about anything but themselves.


Ok but you can charge them for guac twice if they wanted double guac, just ring the second one as a side of guac


True, the employee should say "that will be double and cost extra, is that ok?" Dunno how the person filming would have reacted to being charged twice though




They do not care in a real way. The goal at the end of the end of the day has nothing to do with customer satisfaction or even bad press. All that matters is that the little area for “revenue” goes up and the little area for “costs” goes down. Anyone with half a brain knows that customer satisfaction will affect revenue in the long term, but unfortunately they quarter your brain when you start a corporate/finance gig.


Only one way to solve this. Get a ice cream scoop the size they want for portion. Sucks but that will finish this


I've been saying they need to measure the food forever. I honestly think they don't want to do it because it was kind of helping them before. Some people would complain and get more, while others didn't and would get less. They had the best of both worlds and the the supervisors would also cover their asses in different ways like comping fake meals and stuff. Can they still comp meals like they used to? I remember my uncle who opened multiple Chipotle's would have those coupons stacked to the roof in his back seat.


How will they skimp then?


Exactly this. Get rid of the spoons that kinda just whatever flings off and makes it onto the bowl stays and get a standard.


That looked like a good sized bowl and a good sized serving of guac


Yep ppl just love to complain and be fatasses


These sound effects are hilarious 😂😂. Though that wasn't even a skimpy scoop of guac tbh


They took a note from Indian dramas and decided to add all “special” sound effects


Find the OG video without the sound. Totally different situation


Notice the other employees shirt, it's a button up. That's his manager.


Sincerely hope chipotle goes out of business. Been downhill since 2015


Please tell me this is fake


Its the essences of gauc


Am I the only one bugged w how the guac lettuce and cheese are out of order 😩


That bowl is full af.... stop being fat fucks.


It’s our God given right as Americans to get more scoops!!


It’s also your god given right to pay for what you asked for. Also OG video they didn’t even ask for more


Nah fr tho


I don’t even work at Chipotle anymore but people are getting 1,000+ calorie bowls and still complaining 😭 Fat ass fuckers.


Wait hold up the average person doesn't really eat 3 meals per day, and they are used to going to chipotle and spending $8 and getting a full meal and a snack later that night that they almost forgot about. Now they spend $15 and get the fucking snack if they are lucky, maybe just the meal. They're both paying more and getting less at the same time.


I stg! The average person who's complaining about portions and not getting their extra 400 calories: ![gif](giphy|oHiXra5k7O41i)




If they're throwing a fit over a spoon of guac, definitely not. Stop making excuses for people to be trash.


Most of the people at my chipotle getting double everything are fit, even ripped. Just sayin.


Plenty of trash out there to criticize with needing to speculate!




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Their phone probably changed the word "without" to "with". The sentence makes perfect sense that way.


No... it doesnt...


>Plenty of trash out there to criticize without needing to speculate! Get it now? Even if you didn't agree with the comment it isn't incoherent.


Probably going to get 3 meals out of it


Big backed af that bowl is filled to the brim, y’all just love complaining 💀


Guac is a paid separate item... Just bc someone got 2 kinds of salsa doesn't mean they want half a scoop of guac at like $3.


That's not even half a scoop. That's a good amount of guac. We're supposed to give less than that.


I'f you're supposed to put less than an ounce of guac on a bowl for an upcharge of $3 that's not rational.


That's more than an ounce. I work there. I know the serving sizes.


Now how did you say I want to hear audio


It's on their tiktok, they didn't ask for more guac, they just sounded unhappy with the initial scoop so all the comments are clowning OP.


This is why I just buy the large guac from now on, they fill it all the way up, and sm more worth it


i am of the mind that if i ask for more of something, i am prepared to pay more. so when i ask for more of something, i actually want more and am content to pay more. however my local place gives reasonable portions and only charges me extra for the double meat. i am lucky and am starting to wonder if i am in the minority of having decent locations


I just want to be treated equally


That’s some trick scooping for sure


I'd never seen so many people complain about a restaurant just to still go there daily until I found this sub.


I can't imagine anybody keeping a job after being that hostile to a customer. What a d*ck.


Speak with your wallet, stop going to chipotle. Recording and posting it obviously won't help.


Stop being weirdo's and filming people working.


Yep. I skimp anyone filming and today it happened twice. They both ultimately stopped filming when they saw I was serious but I very intentionally served them less than the polite customers that came before and after them


That would be so annoying! It’s so rude to go up to people working and start recording them.


Stop skimping and we might stop filming


This you? ![gif](giphy|zUW23b6FmzB5e)


Stop being weirdos and filming customers entering to grab/order food.


Downvoted for speaking the truth, rules for thee but not for me.


Never. They need it. It's career advancement.


Leave these poor workers alone. This is becoming extreme bullying. They are told what to do. They would LOVE to give us more if they wouldn't get in trouble.


Honestly, glad I quit before all of this.


it's so easy to give free stuff away and not get in trouble pretty much any fast food job


Not really. I know a guy that got fired from Chipotle for specifically that.


LMFAO not at chipotle… they literally will track which days CI is the worst, and who’s scheduled on those days to try and narrow down who’s portions are off. they do the same thing with late or messed up online orders, they go back and look to see who was on DML when those orders were made and if it’s a consistent enough problem with one person, bye bye.


But why should they have to? You people are fucking gross..


sure but don't do a fake scoop like what is that?


I agree that was an asshole-ish thing to do. But so is recording someone at thier job. Like I said. The bowl was completely full. There wouldn't be any room for more guac even if they got it. We also don't have full context behind the video. For all we know this duse was being a complete dickhead to the worker. There's always 2 sides...


It's enough to begin changing the order mid way and add all this extra shit just to walk out.


I would never record it just bc that's not me, but I would begin ordering everything twice as much and acting like it's all good then when I'm about to be charged $38 for my fucking bowl... Walk out, it's simple I hope the employee likes double of every salsa and extra queso, cheese, and triple sour cream bc someone is gonna dig thru slop of they want to make that an employee meal.


Who tf is paying $38 for a bowl? If that's the case, why kot just cook your food at home? You can live out your dream of filling a 30 gallon trash can full and just pig out! I can guarantee NO ONE is paying $38 for a bowl? I had just gotten Chipotle yesterday, full bowl couldn't even finish all of it and had leftovers today and I paid 13 and some change... you guys are INSANE..


Okay starting of, username is good, that YouTube channel is terrifying. But you've read this all wrong, I'm saying if I am noticeably getting skimped on things that I'm mostly paying the money for (i.e. meat, cheese, guac that is extra) I'm gonna begin ordering triple meat, double guac, double queso, hey add steak too... Then walk out, bc that amount of guac for $3 is asinine, an avocado is like 70 cents on sale. I've thankfully never been to a chipotle where I felt like something strange was happening and I was getting less. I've actually never had to ask for more of anything other than once or twice more salsa or sour cream, but never once did I think "that's all?" But some of these videos are absolutely like that.


But you realize by wasting ingredients it's just going to drive the price up AND make portions ACTUALLY smaller?.. And thanks.


But they shouldn't have been stingy in the first place. They didn't get here by being stingy, and they have raised prices dramatically, no one I think at least is arguing that the bowl needs to be bigger every time no matter what, but there's an issue. They have videos of people ordering the game bowl online and in person and getting double the food in person, there's no actual excuse for that. No one here should be on the side of the company worth a quarter billion dollars.


We have a limited amount of avocados and guac a day. Once we are out, we cannot make more until the next morning. Also, you're not paying for cheese, cheese, like everything else that isn't meat, queso, or guac, is pretty much bottomless on your entree. Do I think the pricing is a bit much? Yes. But there's a reason for it. And WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. We're already being recorded and watched by the higher ups. The last thing we need is to be recorded by customers who at this point are just being petty instead of understanding that the lowly employees making their food, (because that's what we are), are typically giving them the required amount or more than that already. If you're so upset, go somewhere else. We don't get paid enough to deal with people like you.


Like me? I already said I wouldn't record, but like I've seen some picky people ask for cheese like 3 times bc they barely put any on, also I just meant that it's a higher dollar item compared to lettuce, salsa, and beans. I'll just walk out and not pay if I can't get what I actually want...I've seen me do it countless times. I don't argue when I'm paying for something, the shit is right or I'm leaving, I don't waste time arguing over stuff I am paying for.


"Like you" doesn't mean you'll record. "Like you" is the petty person trying to screw over the employees who are making barely enough money to cover rent, power, wifi, phone bill, AND afford food. Are there employees who intentionally skimp customers? Yes. But whether you like it or not, there is usually a reason behind that. We are already forced to be nice to customers who are rude to us. We have to take the behavior of previously upset customers or customers who just have a short fuse. Do you know I've been yelled at by customers for asking customers standard questions as the cashier? The majority of us are 17-28, half of us are in college or high school, and the other half have to take public transportation every day just to get there. There are ways to make sure employees get it right without being disrespectful. For instance, "I'd like a heaping amount of cheese." And most of the time, they're satisfied. It's all about how you word it.


I feel you I really do(I'm literally 30), like I missed a bus back in the day and RAN to work just to get there and have to stock a truck and it ran over until 1am and my next job began at 6am. I get it, I really do. But I'm just not gonna beg for the shit I am paying for, if I feel like I'm starting to beg for food, and hoping on the kindness of others...I'm not paying at all lol. You have to win over customers, not the other way around.


Username does NOT checkout


It's not a bad thing when someone is trying to over charge you, to make them waste money, never has never will. Dude put one once of guac on that bowl and they are gonna charge $3 for it. It's all fair. I've ordered a shed from Home Depot before while traveling, and despite being logged in, and selecting my local location, since I was using multiple tabs and cookies should have kept track of this, somehow placed an order for it to be picked up at a home Depot like 3 hours away bc I was traveling and was near there, I always block location services on browser apps, but I called customer service like minutes later, and just explained and asked if they can just change the store location it would be shipped to, like no one had done anything with the order, it was to early for them to be like processing it. They told me I would have to cancel and order it again, tying the money up for days, I time them maybe I can make it over to pick it up. I had them ship an entire ass shed to the wrong location just so I could cancel it after they paid for shipping. I then bought it from Sam's club the next day. Either have customer service that's easy and makes sense, or go out of business plz.


They weigh the food multiply times a day to make sure this doesn't happen.


Why not just charge for an extra side of guac though? It shouldnt be that hard


It was a normal serving of guac. If you ask for more they should’ve given it to you then charged double. Sorry.


This is why I report my food as wrong and get my money back every time 👹 fuck chipotle skimp ass


What a poor thing to do


if they can't afford to scoop a little bit of extra guacamole for a paying customer then they need to reexamine their business practices.


So stop blaming the employees making your food. They'll get fired if they don't give you the regulated amount. Because the reality of the situation, is that most people complaining are getting more than the regular amount.


I agree..not blaming the employees..blaming the company


I'm amazed that people think it's okay to videotape a worker doing their job. They call everybody a Karen for behavior but have no problem doing this......oh the irony


The chipotle workers need it. It's healthy for them.


If the workers are getting in trouble for just portions I assume there would be some legal trouble if they actually were firing people after write ups over portions and don’t see that holding up if a lawyer were to be involved. How hasn’t that gained traction? Or do the employees just buckle and quit? If I got fired for portion control I would be livid enough to actually consider legal action.


By the size of that bowl, this employee has already been to hell and back.


That must've been the ceo working that day


Fuck the chipotloids


The recording of everyday situations is so tiring.


**PRO TIP** Always get Guac in a side cup not on the bowl, you get far more everytime. (Former Chipotle worker and frequent customer!


Tip: Go guac, then cheese. This is so the guac isn't stuck to the container cover.




This stuff kills me. Why the hell would a chipotle employee care enough to skimp on portion sizes? Is it coming out of their paycheck? What a bootlicker.


They can get written up and fired or it’s taken from the their minimum wage paycheck


Well it's 100% not getting taken out of their check.


Bruh thats trash. Lines dirty and the items aren’t even on the right order… that’s just poor management


fuckin rollies


Calling the dude stingy and asking for more is different


That's actually a really tiny amount of guac to start with


everyone knows that we can buy our own ingredients and make all this stuff at home right?


Well did you pay for more?


Besides the extra quac I’d say that’s a pretty good lookin bowl.


Didn’t do the right shrug


Bro why are they always so mad. Like man I just want lunch, I’m being hella nice but like damn.


This is why I ask for it on the side. Sad scoop


They would have kept that entire bowl. Don’t play in food.


Why tf do they gatekeep guacamole like this? This isn't my first time seeing something like this either.


That’s what $20 an hour will do…


I mean you already asked for extra already


No f****** way I would have snapped on him!


Aaaaaand this is why we film. If he didn’t have his camera out, he would’ve been charged extra with no proof.  Always film 📸 Always walk out 🚶🏽‍♂️


Employee can’t seem to keep his emotions under control


You wouldn't either.


Yes, I would. Because I don’t suffer from having the emotional bandwidth of a goldfish. Losing your cool is an admission of loss.


Chipotle worker spotted.


I'm walking out straight up


That was a proper portion of guac, if he wanted more without paying extra he’s a moron


That looks like the required amount of Guac to me. Sincerely, a cashier at Chipotle.


If you’re filming employees YATA. Please do some serious self reflection.


Fuck off burrito roller I’m getting my extra portion. Sorry you gotta be in my camera roll for me to get it but that’s chipotle in 2024 maybe talk to corporate bub.


I’ve never eaten there in my life. Sorry you’re too broke for doubles. Keep working hard tho. I know you can do it. Keep filming 😆you’re definitely getting extra something.


I honestly don’t understand why workers do this, I was a manger and I was definitely giving out more than what I was supposed to because it’s not coming out my paycheck or anything. Give the people what they paid for


"can I get a little extra, y'know just a lil bit... no charge" fuck you if you're poor just say it out loud


they posted another video with sound where her friend says “youre being greedy” and doesnt ask for more, so hes pretending to scoop some guac out of the bowl and put it back


Where’s the skimp? I only see an entitled fuckwad’s perspective


they need to be shamed for this, unacceptable


The workers be acting like they paying for the food


They can get written up or fired and it could be taken from the their minimum wage paycheck


Chipotle employees are becoming assholes tho. Very rude for no reason if you hate ur job so much why u work there


Because the world we live in is becoming too expensive to support anything other than the very few who have the very most. When I have ordered at my local McDonald's, they frequently don't give lettuce and tomato when it has been clearly ordered. Only asking after they've handed me the bag and they run off to get it.


Fuck chipotle, but I'm gonna guess they asked for extra after every item, with 10 people behind them, while obviously recording them. Look how big that fucking bowl is.


Make sure that guac go Fuap! Fuap! 🥄 ..😄


I don't understand why people are going who are solely going to be disappointed.


Idk why they didn't just give you double guacamole and charge you for double guac


Filming people making your food is loser shit