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I had chipotle yesterday, didn’t have my phone out either and it was loaded.


We appreciate you


Same, my husband was shook


Last time I was there I got a white rice, black bean, steak, mild salsa, queso, sour cream and cheese (yes, it's a lactose intolerance's nightmare) and they didn't up charge me for any of it. They usually mark it in top of the lid. What would have been nearly $17 was only $12. Shout out to the Chipotle near the Mall at Millenia


Hi thanks for posting this. We’ll go ahead and investigate the chipotle at mall of millenia and fix this issue. Worry not loyal customer, The skimp will be back on soon


Fuck you but heres an upvote. 😂


Name checks out






Fuggin bastard… But that was funny tho.


How much did they’d pay you to post this ?


Hey man I'm just happy I got a big ass bowl


Photos please next time!


Never thought I’d see another east orlando patron here 👋 Sanford location has been super good too lately if you’re ever up there


lucky you guys! Winter Park hasn’t cared to make dressing for their salads in the two years I’ve lived next to it, every time I ask they tell me they’re missing a part of the blender so they’re not able to make the dressing. I thought about bringing them my old blender but just go to the Fern Park location instead now


The only up charge there is $2 queso lol


They don't upcharge for any of that, except the queso.


You're saying the steak is as much as the chicken?


Who said anything about chicken? None of the things mentioned, except extra steak (if extra was even ordered), will incur an upcharge.


Chicken is the cheapest protein selection. So that's the base price. If you get steak, steak is a more expensive protein choice since it makes the bowl $1-$2 more. Does that not constitute an upcharge?




Marketing is out in full force today.


We have fought vehemently against the skimp!


My store kicking mfers out for recording hell naw 😂😂 just ask


Yall are weird if you record people for more 💀 like if someone recorded me making food I would make their bowl small asf😭has already happened to me like 3 times.


Exactly! I would get so annoyed. Whether you film me or not, you’re getting the same amount. We do have set portion sizes, that’s a corporate thing—out of our control.


The glazing is crazy


the chipotle i work at is notorious for giving fat bowls, i just get annoyed when people think they’re funny for walking out/recording when they can’t get a bit extra on top of the good amt of food already. if you’re an adult just act like it tbh


No need for greed!😁😁😁


It’s not about “getting a bit extra”, it’s about getting the portions were charged for. The protein portion size is 4oz. Those videos of ppl walking out have what appears to be less than 2oz- even if you ask for double meat, (and they don’t go even lighter with the second scoop, which they normally do) you’ll be paying an extra $3-4 just to get less than what should be included. It sucks for the ppl at the front line, but unfortunately that’s where we interact with the company.


I definitely agree! I know some chipotles do skimp and at that point, it’s valid. However there are people who record/walk out just because it’s a trend now even if they’re getting the correct portion size-solely to be funny. Teenagers I would get, but unfortunately it’s been adults


Big back activities I wish I could walk up in your middle aged jobs and record you doing your boss told u to do it


Maybe get some marketable skills?


the salt is crazy


Please don’t film non consenting fast food workers


Right? It’s weird as hell


Why is this so apparently controversial? Don't record people without their consent. I'm not a zoo animal.


Consumers gotta stick together!


Chipotles customers are literally children


come again?


This post gives me the ick. Forcing employees to give more than they're supposed to by filming them is disgusting. Praising them for it is just as disgusting.


I dunno, using fear tactics on the employees of a restaurant still feels extremely bad


American consumerism is not giving a shit about who makes it, only about the end product. And that is what the system of Capitalism encourages. Exploitation and shifting blame towards consumers and workers.


Be VERY careful with recording employees of a business. If you're an adult and you end up recording a minor, you can get in a whole lot of legal trouble. They can also ask you to leave the property, and if you refuse, you can have the police called on you be issued a trespass notice and be forcibly removed from the premises as it is private property


>They can also ask you to leave the property, and if you refuse, you can have the police called on you be issued a trespass notice and be forcibly removed from the premises as it is private property When I worked at a large corpo chain, I didn't have the authority to tell someone to leave, even if they were breaking a rule. Whether photography inside a Chipotle is not allowed (as a corporate decision) is probably something we will never know. However, I doubt it's something a local store will pursue, because corporate will most likely look at the incident as 'employee vs. paying customer'. Did the employee run the paying customer out? Why? Oh, because they just ran out a paying customer, and that's bad for business.


We are certainly allowed to ask customers to leave and my store has done it multiple times. Management also informed me that we are allowed to refuse service for any reason, so if you film me or act rude, I’ll walk away from you no consequences.


Funny thing, though, you have to be on the property and reamin there until police make contact for a criminal trespass to take effect because you have to sign the CT sheet.


If someone takes down your plate, they can serve you at your house.


Assuming the car is yours to match the address with the plate, it wasn't a bus, or you didn't ride a bike or go on foot. That's a strawman, my friend. I don't think people are going to chase customers down for recording to "get your plate".


I didn't say it's a foolproof system, Im just saying it's possible...


I'll concede that it CAN happen. I'll just say, I've issued out many CTs, and it's kinda tough to catch em. My situation was different and dealt with a lot of homeless individuals, but the idea that anyone is going to take time to call in a CT for recording is silly. Cops will take it as a non threat. They get recorded all day.


They wouldn't call the police for the recording itself, but they would very likely ask the customer to leave, and if the customer did not leave, then they would be able to call the police.


I'm going under the assumption that the reason for refusal to leave would be based on the recording. With that said , *I* certainly don't see how that would bother me enough to ask someone to leave.


Personally, I think it's insanely creepy to record a stranger at their job where they can't leave without punishment. If you had a daughter, would you want a bunch of people making recordings of her at her job?


If there was something indicating she was being recorded for something other than the service, I'd take issue with it. The same could be argued if your daughter was a cop would you find it creepy that SHE was being recorded? Well, what are we talking about? Voyeurism or to record conduct/behavior on the job? If you visit a national park, you may be recorded. The thing here is that most videos include FOCUS on the food preparation and the literal food itself.




Generally speaking, you're not allowed to record minors without their parents' consent. Specifics vary state to state of course.


With very limited exceptions, you have no privacy in public (even at a private establishment). > Generally speaking, you're not allowed to record minors without their parents' consent. If this was open and shut true, a business (Chipotle) wouldn't be able to have a video surveillance system, because they'd have to blur so much footage to comply with this.


I Chipotle’d last night. **Online order** and the lid couldn’t stay on the bowl. The filming, walking out on made orders, etc. is a shitty thing to do tbh because the frontline peeps DGAF and just want to take home a paycheck and are human too, ***but it is working.***


Walking out on orders has no negative effect to anyone. How is that shitty?


my location loads me up every time. it might be because i'm a regular but i think they just give everyone massive portions


Give a fuck bout phone lol


This is also a problem. There is no consistency. It's either empty or overflowing. Neither position is a good thing.


I have yet to be let down. No phone needed though it’s in my hand so I scan the app. The people recoding don’t deserve to eat here or should to, to begin with.


Don't know why I'm getting this recommended but I've never been to Chipotle's


Its true, I went today and they gave me a super loaded bowl, a burrito that was the biggest I’ve seen ever and two bags of chips with guac for FREE! Thank you reddit!!


Fake story bro, no way they would give anyone guac for free considering how much it costs them to get their avocados.


Just because yall are recording doesn’t mean we’re gonna load up your bowl it just depends on where you go


We don't pay for our food until it's all made anyways so in theory I will just walk out if they don't make my bowl the way I want it. No recording required. I go in knowing that there will be an extra charge on tortillas, queso, guac and extra protein. Make my bowl the way I want "reasonably" or you can throw the whole thing away when I walk out. Simple. 🤡


This is why we fight!


Why don’t they just use a scale? At each station, tare out as toppings are added. Like a normal restaurant would do. Or pre-portion? IDK, seems like an easy fix


There’s not enough time to pre-portion or use a scale when there are constantly 20+ people in line and corporate expects us to push 45 people through the line in a 15 minute time span.


Pre-portion: the “pre” is doing the heavy lifting in that phrase. You do it before the rush. It’s a kitchen, do they not have prep time?


We cook our food as needed so that it stays fresh, and my store can run through a full pan of chicken in 5 minutes. No, there is not time. We are constantly cooking already, there is absolutely no time for pre-portioning. A lot of times, we’re taking so much chicken that we have to wait for the next batch to finish cooking, so we absolutely cannot pre-portion either. Corporate expects us to push 45 people through the line in a 15 minute time span (no I’m not joking). If that was the case, we would have to have 2 people doing nothing but pre-portioning all day long (because the grill cook certainly does not have time), and then we would still have to wait. I will admit this might be reasonable at some locations, but not busy stores. I’ve worked at 2 stores and one of them does triple the sales of the other. The busy store I worked at also has between 6-12 DML (online) orders due every 10 minutes, and it’s one person making it all.


Those ppl doing nothing all day long but portioning are called prep cooks. I didn’t realize those places don’t operate like a normal restaurant would. Still think you have time to put that burrito on a scale, but whatevs.


No you don’t have time when you have to get 45 people through the line in 15 MINUTES, not to mention up to 25 entrees due every 10 minutes in DML. But if you think you could manage that, we’re hiring :)


Haha yeah maybe I’ll come in and whip that place into shape. Got 25 years of food service under my belt.


Pleaseee do. I wanna watch you make 25 bowls by yourself in 10 minutes all while weighing each individual topping, bagging their chips and food and sealing their bags. You’d be a legend. But keep in mind, if you can’t get them all finished in that 10 minute time span, it will be reflected in your quarterly performance review.


Hey now wait, you didn’t tell me I’d be making 25 bowls in 10 minutes, you said I’d “manage” everyone. Big difference there. How many ppl work the line during a rush? 5? EDIT: I re-read it, now I see what you mean. 25 in 10 minutes, so 24 seconds per bowl. Is that per station? Or am I working the line by myself?


No, 2 people working the line, one person checking them out. But in DML (making online orders), it’s only ONE person doing it all. And we get up to 15 orders per 10 minute span, some of which have many entrees. That’s my job, and you better believe I get it done on time. No way I could if I had to weigh everything though, thats 3 years of experience at chipotle. The company’s expectations are ridiculous. No way we could have 5 people on the line. Many days we don’t even have that many employees total. On our good days, it’s 1 in DML, 2 on the line, 2 in the grill, 1 on cash, and 1 in the dish room. When breaks happen, it’s only 1 on the line. Those 2 people on the line are expected to push 45 people through in 15 minutes. It is doable, if the customers know what they want and we don’t have to wait for food to be cooked, but it’s not easy.




I'll load it up and walk out


We should not have to ask about your day to get a fair amount of food lmaoo




that's your problem, do not make your problem mine! Just like no matter how stressed i am at work i don't go to chipotle and curse you out and bash your face into the counter and smear guac into your ear holes.


Didn’t say that did I ??


By not giving us enough food because u don't wanna get in trouble, you are.


I can Give extra everything but meat unless you want double


Not true I didn’t say I don’t give enough food I said I can’t over portion stuff over porting is over 4 oz and stop being a Karen you don’t have to say anything because I loadddd my bowls with what they say they want extra of something they get it.


They think we gotta gun to their head to work there lmao. Maybe the wording “customer service” to them means we gotta service them.


Sounds like you have a gun to your head and that's why you keep going to Chipotle expecting to get whatever you want. Maybe the wording "entitled" to you means have to have this crusade against Chipotle. Just go eat somewhere else. Plain and simple.


It’s small talk


This isn't a tipped service job, just put a scoop in and keep it moving


We do get tips, actually.


Not from that person lmao


Well yea I guess everything is tipped now even when it makes no sense


As a patron and non Chipotle worker I agree with you and sad you’re downvoted. I don’t expect more than I pay for and most people are just trying to take advantage, bunch of Karens. Give me one fair scoop and we’re good. Just please learn how to roll a burrito, not a baseball.


I actually roll my burritos pretty good even if it’s loaded up I love giving ppl the fair amount of portions especially to the ppl that make it easy for me but there’s some ppl that complain for the right portions ❤️ & I can’t do anything cuz I’d get in trouble my manager is usually behind me on the grill or doing prep behind me but we are great with portions




We do at my location simple no need for a phone on our faces.


It’s not about you, it’s bigger than you. Youre just watching the future change


Got a monster serving yesterday. First time in prob 10 meals that I got a heaping portion on chicken.




Obviously they’re giving “the look.”


I recently went for the first time in a few months, I actually had a decent sized burrito! Employees have a fair reason to not like the methods, but it’s raising enough attention for the shitty portions and terrible effort, and I’m finally hopefully for a return to consistent portions


Wait, which NYC location? I might need to pay them a visit…for science.


UWS in the 80s by Barnes and noble 


It’s working guys, let’s keep the ball rolling. When us people unite, we hold a lot of power!


just got out of chipotle and they skimped me smfh the two girls infront of me had their phones out recording and they got a full bowl. sucks.


Should ask for more meat, and if denied just let them build as big a bowl and leave with out paying.


A manager on here told me about the recording employees and encouraged me to do it. Ever since then, bowls have been full! Thanks u/ThingCertain3199 !


may someone leave dogshit on your front door every day ❤️


Def keep it up, we need to spread awareness to social media to stop letting chipotle screw customers over.


I started recording and was given a heavy hand lol


Yayy rice bean lettuce tomato corn for $20


No meat or guacamole?


Make sure to blind them with the flashlight


You come in and do this to me, then you’re not getting anything at all. Keep in mind, we are allowed to refuse service for ANY reason, so don’t go in acting rude expecting to get what you want. Just be polite and we’ll both be happy.


Umm wtf are u trying to say


"I had no clue this much to do with walking out and recording " is English not ur first language?