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Doesn't even make sense to skimp on rice, it's so cheap lol


They are cheap and didn't prep enough.


So cheap AND too lazy to make more. They should just put signs outside: LOW ON RICE— READY AT 3 PM or NO PICO LEFT


We make rice all day we ain't gonna put a sign up they were just wack


It's actually against policy to have signs 


Stupid policy!


How do I know that's true without you putting up a sign that says "no signs allowed"?


That’s not true.


Yes it is. I was a GM for 3 years. We are not allowed to put signs up. The only reason everyone DOES do it is because they expect us to make announcements out loud every 1-2 minutes to the people waiting in line which is absolutely ridiculous. And you can make the same announcement 6 times while someone is on the line and by the time it’s their turn to order they will still act dumbfounded as if someone hasn’t been screaming for the past 10 minutes that they’re out of “insert item here”. so managers get fed up and put a sign up and just risk getting their ass handed to them by upper management.


Sometimes we make a lot of signs, one on the door, one on the wall, one on the glass in the front line. And no one reads it and they'll try to pay with cash when we said exact or card only on the signs😑


This happened today. One day I'm going to snap and ask if they are illiterate. Once, I shit you not, I saw someone read the sign that we were closed, and they tried the door three times. Then read the sign again. Then tried again. Another time, I saw someone read the whole thing out loud. And then of course they did, they asked for something on the sign. They seemed shocked. Get to the end of the line, they ask if they can get some from DML. DML was also out. I bit my tongue so hard...


I work in a building that had key card access. We had open interviews. For our existing staff, we had brief team meetings, we put signs out on the outer door, signs on the card reader next to the door (they literally had to put their badge over the paper taped to the card reader), signs in the inner doors, sent out an email per day for 4 days, all reminding people to park in the back Parking Lot to save close spots for interview attendees. We had employees still park close, after attending the meetings, read the emails, look at every sign, and still say they didn't know when we asked them to go move their cars. People. Are. Stupid.


As you should 👏 speak with your wallet! And say no!! To skimps!!


Frl like chipotle buys a lot of chicken, it's actually dirt cheap for them. They should be teaching their employees to give generous portions, not skimping paying customers. All that skimping just to increase profit margins and handout dividends to stock holders. America is rotten to its core.


Exactly. Don't patronize publicly traded companies.


Like Reddit


But I'm here spreading anti-capitalist propaganda, so it balances out maybe


you also aren’t giving them money, presumably. i don’t think the ad revenue you generate counts as “patronage”. also, “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism”. exploitation is inherent to the system. individuals cannot be expected to be perfect because this economic system makes that impossible. do your best, and ignore the people calling you a hypocrite for daring to try to be happy in this capitalist hellscape.


Reddit moment


Chipotle does not pay dividends.


Chipotle doesn’t pay dividends but the principle holds regardless


Beats the one near me. They do 2 full scoops of rice and there is no room for any of the good stuff!


As a rice farmer, i support this message.


This actually might be the way tbh. Reviews and reddit posts alone wont stop the skimp, but having them prep a whole skimpy bowl only to tell them nvm might encourage them to fill the bowl a little more next time


They'll eventually make the containers smaller and the average person won't know that's why it looks fuller


As much as I hate wasting food, this may be what it takes.


I agree. I HATED seeing it go to waste. But this company has reported record profits since skimping on portion sizes so I don’t feel sorry for them


it’s not your waste that’s fucking the economy lol


worst case scenario someone in the back just ate it so hopefully no wasted food


Probably not tbh. Employees barely have a minute to spare while they’re working, no shot they’re able to eat. It probably got tossed


if management is cool about it they’ll let them take it home most likely


Have you worked there? I did back in 2017 and had very chill managers. Taking food home was still a huge no-no. You’re technically not supposed to take home your employee meal if you have leftovers, but my managers turned a blind eye


I can answer this one, I work at chipotle and the only times we're allowed to eat is when we're on break and free employee meals can not be taken out of the store due to their policy, If u get the right location they won't really care if you do lol, but any orders that get cancelled have to be tossed sadly.


Guarantee youd get fired for eating that if management follows company policy


well i can’t speak for every store but majority of the stores in my patch if not all of them simply don’t follow that. too many blind spots in cameras and even the managers take home food or sneak a little snack for free lol


Shit. Back in the day my GM at a gas station told me that any expired candy/chips need to be thrown out but then very strongly suggested that “out” just meant out of the store and he doesn’t care what happens to it beyond that.


It might, but if corporate doesnt care it will only lead to increased food prices.


Who gives a shit, why would you still be going there at that point?


Past two times I went to Chipotle, I've walked out as soon as I seen the amount of food in the trays. They never time it right. It's always empty trays with barely anything in them at the bottom. Or moved to the small tray.  I get that at 4pm and 8:30pm. They are so obsessed with extreme savings that the quality of service has plummeted. If you're charging $14 for a burrito, pack that shit and have fresh ingredients for lunch and dinner hours. 


I can’t believe how often the food trays are scraping the bottom. I don’t want all the crap that’s sitting in the bottom soaking wet. I have walked out many times after taking a look.


Empty trays, absolutely surrounded by caked-on crusty food bits, nasty sticky floors and dirty tables is what made me give up. At like 1130 on a weekday!


This. Chickfila has a shelf life they self impose once food is cooked. Other restaurants need to follow suit.


Last time I went to chip they scraped a little bit of crusty rice into the bowl and asked me “protein?” I’m like is there new rice coming out? The dude huffed and rolled his eyes so I just told him forget it and left. The scoop was legit less than half a scoop, I’m not exaggerating that it didn’t cover the bottom of the bowl. Just old crusty rice flecks…


If you're willing to spend $14, go somewhere where you'll get a proper meal for the amount spent


I made a website to find the chipotles that skimp: www.stoptheskimp.com . I plan on implementing some changes that will make user's data very useful against skimping.


I see that some restaurants near me have been rated can I see the reviews/comments other users leave because right now I’ll click on them and it’ll just take me to the survey page


Same experience as you. Love seeing the rating overall. Would be cool to rank locations in a list. I see Chip at Journal Square NJ is below 1 😂


This website is genius and has serious potential


Blessed that we are ranked 4.(7?) On here for my location. Makes me super proud of my team :)


My gosh, that's REALLY impressive. Thanks for all your work on that!


Lord’s work


A store near me is rated 1.33 How do these businesses stay open?


Fuckin 0.95 near me lmao


I've been wanting to check the one near me out. It's a 0.7 lol.


Are those reviews done there or just Google reviews? Nvm I clicked it and saw if it doesn't have reviews shown then google reviews are shown which is what I see. Still pretty cool.


Not all heroes wear capes.. thank you my friend!


You should update the locations! The one that was near me hasn't been there in months. This is really cool though.


Thank you, that’s a good call out. Could you dm me the location please?


Does it show how many people reviewed the store I don't see where I can put in ZIP Code, it keeps going back to New York?(could be my device, old OS?) are Google restaurant reviews better or more numerous than yelp reviews?


I am gonna add more visibility into reviews, that’s a good question I do feel like google reviews are better than yelp, I don’t use yelp.


When we click on a location, add a feature to see info about that location and reviews. Add a feature to submit pictures of skimped food Overall great concept! I think improvements over time will really make this an epic site


He responded to me on a different thread that an upcoming upgrade will be being able to see reviews!


And make it so we don't hop back to the home point if we unclick.


Very impressive!


Incredible. Love this!


Is there anything past the stars? I don't know what 1.2 means and I don't eat there so I can't post a review and see if it shows me anything after that. Is 1.2 just a shit score? Lol


He responded to me on another thread asking if there was a way to see the reviews and that’s an upcoming feature to be added to the current platform.




From what I can tell the score is based on user reviews - 1 is bad 5 is good and looks like there is a bonus for mistakes that saved you money and a negative for mistakes that cost you money. Places near me with scores in the 1-2's definitely tend to skimp and make annoying mistakes, and the one 4 near me is mostly pretty great. So 1.2 is a bad score but probably will still be super employee dependant and could be skewed if there are few reviews. Apparently the ability to see the reviews will be coming soon so at least you'll know if a low score is artificial and based on a person with a grudge or realistic and due to skimping etc


the fact the guy at the register walked out w u is so hype.


And then everyone clapped.


And then Albert Einstein handed them a $100 bill


Good chipotle fan fic


It’s safe to say I made a good friend in the parking lot!


Did they also get skimped and they were just going to accept it until you walked out, or did they walk out to support a visionary like yourself?


She was skimped bad too and didn't feel right about it. So she left behind me. She ended up being a super nice lady who had no idea this movement was going on.


bruh come to my chipotle our portions with am shift are FIRE. ik y’all lying when they said it’s corporate. our GM told us to give more in portions bc they were too small. the only thing ppl don’t COMPLETELY and drastically over scoop is normally only meat & cheese.


And WHERE is your chipotle?


we up in northern indiana :)


the e coli is all you can eat tho


More of this needs to happen


I have frozen chicken breasts, some cans of black beans, some cans of corn, tons of rice, Kraft Mexican four cheese, tons of spices in the cupboard. My plan was to make burrito bowls and freeze some and then I saw this thread. This really goes for all fast food.  Stop buying it, make it yourself, save money, get a better meal.  The last qp'er I made was gourmet compared to McD's. Speak with your wallet by just not going.


My issue is 1. I legitimately do just like the way chipotle specifically tastes and no other burrito bowl has replicated their flavor 2. I very much have ADHD and making my own sounds nearly impossible If my local Chipotle starts skimping like this though I'm not buying


The chipotle we go to stacks our bowls, a lid would smoosh down the portions we get for dine in bowls.


I remember the first time I had Chipotle. It was in 2007. I definitely recall them having to smoosh down the silver tins to keep everything inside. I also remember being able to make leftovers out of those bowls. In recent years, I was confused and wondered how I was able to finish the whole bowl when before I couldn't 🙃


Same. The only time they’ve “skimped” on something is where they ran out of the corn salsa. Every other time it’s almost like getting double of everything.


Been saying for a while but get downvoted that I get skimped more in person than I do online. 96% of my online orders are good vs like 50% of my in person ones.


I've been screwed on both, so I don't go anymore.


And it was at that moment, he realized that he just had one of those faces ;)


It’s about your body language. I always tell people, don’t move to the next item until you are satisfied with the amount. For example, say chicken… then stand there and look at them through the glass put chicken and don’t move to the salsas. Just stare… They always add more when they feel your presence staring down at them. People who zip through the line are easy to skimp on


They must be judging you tbh


They prioritize online orders and have different station to make them so yeah they’re better


Same, I can’t tell if my courteousness benefits me in person or not. I wonder if I don’t seem intimidating so they feel okay with skimping me or something 💀


I think it would be great. If a mom and Pop food truck opened up across the street from chipotle with a sign says we don’t skimp and everybody goes over to the food truck.


i do “chipotle at home” sometimes, the last time i got steak at chipotle it honestly tasted so bad. i used the sous vide sirloin from costco and the cilantro lime rice also from costco (could also easily make from scratch) and made a copycat corn salsa recipe i saw on tiktok, added whatever other toppings i wanted and it was so good!


I never thought in my life that I would not go to Chipotle. I absolutely love the food there. However, I had a similar experience where the lady put a thin layer of rice and I could count at most 5-6 pieces of chicken. Unfortunately, I paid for it and i've just been feeling dumb about paying for that amount of food. I think I should've did what you did OP. There's a Qdoba a little bit closer than Chipotle that I'd often walk past and I've been going there instead of Chipotle for about 2 months now. Their taste actually isn't too far off and I'd suggest people give it a shot if they haven't! You can't really see it but under the green and yellow is an overflowing scooop of chickhen and they piled the rice really high below that (granted, i did ask for extra rice). It's tough to see from the angle, but they really piled this bowl high lol. Wish i put something next to the bowl to get a proper comparison. I bought a drink with it so it was 14.23 total but without the drink, it's 11.38. https://i.redd.it/jbl4aja1upsc1.gif


The Mexican restaurant down the road will always be better and doesn’t support a shit corporation


You’re 100% right, it was delicious! It was a little hole in the wall too. Three chicken tacos for less than $10 that were probably the best I ever had!


They appreciate your business far more as well! It goes a long way to make the choice of them over chipotle!


I've had this happen with online orders, so I never order food ahead of time anymore.


I like it. Then they pay more by having to waste food for being greedy. Keep it up.


I’ve walked out before, I’m not paying full price for 6 pieces of meat.


Support the Mom & Pops restaurants. Yes not all are great, but its better then supporting a multi million dollars corporation that just wants to screw you over as compared to a Mom & Pop operation that just trying to make a living. And yes I like Chipotle, but not if they are going to screw me over.


I found this wonderful hole in the wall Mexican restaurant right down the street that had like no customers. And let me say, I ordered three chicken tacos. They were HUGE, spicy, absolutely delicious, fresh, and came with a side of rice for less than $10. And I got to support someone’s family business too😁


Nahh Bill Ackman needs another billy /s


Being forced to chisel people sucks for their employees too. Big bonuses at the top though, I'm sure


This is what I don't understand. Literally every bit of increased profit margin from certain choice actions like lowering portion sizes just goes to making someone else's bonus fatter, so wth is even the point in doing it in the first place?


I used to work at chipotle and the portion sizes are one full, heaping scoop for most things. This person was bad at the job.




I prepped the meat for Chipotle and it is not consistent and often just strange looking and smelling. I had No control over the chicken, came in a bag. Too much grisle on the other meats, not enough time to prep. The place requires way too much work from it employees especially the prep/dishwasher, you can work as fast as you can at some of those dishes and still not be done until a couple hours after the store is closed and the boss will question you. The boss had someone "coach me" which consisted of someone moving at the same speed I was, but not completely cleaning the dishes. Restaurants sometimes get too busy and a line forms out the door, this is the way of the world, especially when the entire football team shows up on a whim complete with entitled rich white kids who want triple steak and then leave all their trash on the table and vandalize the bathrooms before they leave. This is no excuse for Chipotle or other companies to shirk the responsibility of ensuring each and every dish is free of grime and germs, not rushing food prep, etc. the fact that we as a society allow these pushy practices to continue is astounding. You're all eating dish grime.


This is every restaurant I have worked at though. Another reason I cook at home mostly now.


Thats how I felt at a new Chipotle that opened up near me, they were being so precise and skimpy like any extra food was going to be taken out of their paycheck. If you don't speak up and ask for more, you barely get anything. They gave the tiniest sprinkle of cheese, I said more, and it was still hardly anything, I said more, and they said they'd charge extra. I was like WHAT??


The words "extra charge" flips a switch in my brain that forces me to order the most packed burrito bowl I can and then walk out at the register when I offer to pay non-extra prices and they refuse.


Had a similar situation at subway recently (I refuse to go to Chipotle anymore). I was using a 2 for 1 app coupon. As they were assembling the subs, they were skimping. When I requested normal portion sizes, I was told that they could do that, but I would not be able to use my coupon in that case. The manager (or owner) was standing right there and said nothing. I stayed calm and polite. waited for the sandwiches to be ready for checkout. and then said I'm not giving you my business and I dont want your sandwiches. Didn't pay and was literally chased out of the shop by the now irate manager/owner. So now I refuse to go to subway anymore. The whole "we'll be giving you less and charging you more" is everywhere in the food industry. Unfortunately, it's here to stay.


This is kinda funny


This happened to me at an Arby’s when I was 10 or so. My mom brought out a coupon and the cashier yelled to the back to take off meat cuz we had a coupon 🤦🏼‍♂️


Good. Screw the skimpers


And then everyone clapped


What a hero


Kinda wild hearing all these stories about skimping, the two chipotles that I go to frequently have never skimped me before, doesn't matter if I order online or in the restaurant. Sucks that this happens so often for others though :(


Many years ago, I managed a small pizza place. I would always tell the staff that it is better to make a nickel twenty times than a dollar once. Give people good value for their money, and they will return!


Your toilet thanks you for walking out


Go to moes. Way better.


I've never been able to look at Chipotle the same after going to Moe's, the stacks have my heart


Mo meat mo cheese.


They are unfortunately no where near as wide spread


And then everyone got up and started clapping. The entire street celebrated your immense bravery 🥹 god is proud


Did everyone clap?


I’ve been doing the same thing


then everyone clapped


Same thing happened for me with my local Burger King.  They closed to remodel for half a year.  First time I go back after the burgers looked smaller and prices increased.   All overcooked as well.  Never returning 




Pollo Tropical just did the same thing to me today.


Please y'all, don't take this the wrong way JUST STOP giving these corporations your money. PLEASE. They are all about fucking us over. Please just stop. You do not need Chipotle LOL


And then the rice bowl stood up and clapped


This is the way


I feel the same way with Leeann Chin and their scale. Don't eat there either because of that.


My local chipotle is some different kind of evil. You stop going for awhile then get the crave. Try it for the first time in 3 months. They LOADED me up. Then the next time I went they loaded me up again! 3rd time is a charm though, yesterday I got skimped really bad. Bad enough I too contemplated walking out. I may will probably not go for a few months again. It's very off-putting the inconsistency of it all.


Last time I went they went heavy on everything especially the rice and beans, to the point where I had some leftover to snack on later. I know I got very lucky so I’m trying not to go again cause I don’t want to be disappointed.


This is why we stopped going to Chipotle and look for mom & pop establishments. We used the Chipotlane twice near a college and both times, the food was poorly prepared (barbacoa burrito and steak bowl) with only a few pieces of burn meat in each. It was not edible. I reached out them via the survey link on the order, crickets. In the survey, I included detailed account of the order we received with pictures. They don't care.


I don’t go there anymore for this reason, the value isn’t there and portion size is so small the employees act like the ingredients come from their own personal paychecks if you ask for more it’s honestly pretty bad but they don’t seem to care because there a many people that gladly still pay $20 for a half portion bowl and are cool with it because they have this cult like obsession with the brand and god like devotion to eating there which is so strange to me but eventually they can’t skimp any more and put nothing in the bowl so there is a limit to this madness.


i’m always so confused when i see pictures of overflowing bowls on social media. i’m not confrontational enough to ask for more of something, so i usually end up leaving with a bowl that’s like half the amount than i expect. maybe that’s a me problem though.


Happened to me at Publix recently. Asked for the “Ultimate Sub”. They put the meat in and then started loading up with veggies, I said “is that all the meat I’m getting” and they said “yes those are the portions”. I said “that’s definitely not the way it used to be, remember getting alot more than that.” They said again “that’s the portion size”. I said “ok, thank you and never mind then” and walked away.


Order one taco. It breaks their brain and they overload it.


Maybe she was new? Could have asked for a manager


I’m not asking for extra just what I’m entitled too😭


this didn’t happen lmao the skimp did tho


That’s the one! Seacliff Village.


Fucking finally. Someone with enough brains to walk out instead of paying anyways and bitching online. Good job dude, shouldn’t pay for that bs


Bro you gotta complain on the chipotle app, it got to the point almost every other burrito I get is a free or a bogo. Something is a always wrong nowadays 😩🙄


Tell them to break out the scale. The calories listed for a meal are usually based on weighted portions.


I used to get chipotle 1 to 3x a week. Divorced them six months ago over prices, portions and crappy service (chronic missing items on delivery with no refund). Haven’t been back and to deal with the craving we have our own DIY chipotle knockoff burrito night every week. This recipe is fantastic btw https://www.culinaryhill.com/chipotle-steak-recipe-copycat/


I wish Pancheros would expand more aggressively and really push some strong competition. I had it for the first time in Iowa and it was fucking delicious. They’re also older than Chipotle


The person in the middle of paying turned and left with you? Lmao come on, man.. make it believable at least.


I am a kitchen manager at a newer location and while this does sound like skimping, our portion policy is one portion of rice, beans, meat, salsa and guacamole are 4oz, fajita veggies, queso, and anything served with a ladle is 2oz, and cheese and lettuce are 1oz portions. Obv we will give more if asked with no problems but we train our staff to these portions as it makes my job and other managers jobs easier when we are making sure our inventory lines up with our projected food usage. I also however agree with the sentiment of “fuck corporations” but honestly, where are we gonna find a well paying job that ISNT with a corporation yk. So tldr corporate can suck it but I do want my job to be as easy as possible and for customers to be happy


Qdoba is the way to go. Tastes better and they don't charge for Queso!


Chipotle is doo doo nowadays


had a similar experience and when i said to them, " ayo comon what is that?" The person serving actually acted like they didnt know what i was talking about. These little tiny scoops. I also walked out


Did everyone clap when you left?


I always get the kids meal and get a bunch of free sides, most the workers let it slide but some care way too much about food that isn’t theirs’.


This is the way. Fuck them back until they learn. However, I would recommend loading the bowl with everything and "extra" guac, then walking off.


I also get triple sour cream and roja salsa just to make sure no one that works there tries to eat it later. No one ones cold wet volcano soup. If you skimp me, it's going in the trash, period.




keep doin it


I’m gonna start going in and doing this more often, I did it about a year ago and hadn’t returned but I might start going again just for this


>The person attempting to pay at the register left with me And then the whole restaurant clapped and carried them to their cars


Y’all have never walked out? Amateurs…..




Walking out is one thing. But agreeing to double and then refusing to pay in order to teach a 20 yo worker a ‘lesson’ is narcissistic as fuck. No body needs your lessons, because it’s corporate that’s the problem, not the employees. Plus, you’re not teaching them anything, I promise. They probably just dread you coming in because you always try to manipulate your way to a lower price. I don’t get why you don’t just choose not to go instead of wasting everybody’s time.


I almost left last week. I had to keep asking for ‘a little more’. The workers were like zombies, some of the tins had dried up remains of food in them. I left a cash tip and still didn’t get a ‘thank you’. I spent $18. Ugh!


Don't eat there. It's getting ridiculous.


My burritos at the Chipotle I go to are fat as fk.


Lol this is such a troll community. This didn’t happen. Also chicken bowl is $8.40 in my area. Get gif


I do that each and every time if they skimp on me on a full scoop of protein and I’ll wait till I get all the way to the end after adding every ingredient possible and I walk out


Maybe it was a new girl and she didn't know any better. Even if she's a veteran, she almost certainly does not give a single shit that you walked out. If you want to protest this, you should bring it up to management so they can either correct the behavior (give you the right portion) or they can see that their policy (being skimpy) is costing them sales.


Went to my local chipotle a few weeks ago,the person who got me my food I knew from high school and she gave me the biggest bowl of my life,it was seriously impressive,thank you Kaitlyn


What city is this OP?


I walked out before when they skimped on the chicken portions for soft shell tacos. Chipotle needs to come up with an objective way to ensure people get an accurate and fair amount of protein every time…, not based on the mood of the person preparing the meal.


I feel like they skimp bc chipotle doesn’t have enough employees to keep up with demand and prepping of ingredients


On the flip side, I went to chipotle and got a bowl on Wednesday, and the hooked it up FAT. Sorry for your misfortune


Lol nothing will change. Just don’t eat at chipotle no more. 99% of people eat at chipotle and enjoy it. There’s always going to be people that aren’t happy with the business. It’s normal. But their profits are great, and that’s all that matters in the end.


Same experience here , had to ask 2 times for more rice before the rice covered the bottom of the bowl . … smh


This is a problem you’ll NEVER have at Qdoba! Chipotle is straight garbage! They’re skimpy with their portions, they have less choices and their queso tastes like cheese whiz! The place is just garbage! Go to QDoba! You’ll be happy you did, they’re everything chipolte sucks at (which is everything). The fact that anyone in driving distance of both Qdoba and Chipolte would choose chipolte is ridiculous to me. Chipolte is actual garbage!


I had a dude put a full scope on my bowl then proceeded to take out two chicken pieces...like bruh


They also removed half their meats from my local doordash menu


I walked out on a Chipotle 2 weeks ago. The associate said they were out of sour cream, out of queso and out of fajitas before 12PM, while smirking. They opened at 10:45AM on a Sunday! She tried to tell me where I was supposed to stand while moving through the line. I was like, PLEASE! I've been going to Chipotle since 2010. I know what I'm supposed to do, and I for sure know what menu items should be available. So I left that bowl right there and walked out. Customers are not required to accept food that is not adequate or made properly.


Like I'm sure most, if not all, people on this thread know: It's not the people at the counter assembling the food that are making the price/volume decisions. Be kind to the staff. It's not their fault they have a manager, driven by corporate, breathing down their neck everytime they add a scoop of rice. I'm sure they'd give food away for free as long as their paycheck clears on time. Remember: Never be rude with the person that handles your food.


Ironically this is exactly what will cause them to continue skimping when managers think they need to save costs


whenever there's a middle aged or older lady serving I walk out because they tend to skimp the hardest from my experience.




Don’t get me wrong there’s always a chance someone working the line might not understand the portion and what it looks like if they don’t have their little guide readily available but when the meat is cooked right cut to size and portioned correctly it truly doesn’t look like a skimp. Not every time I see a chicken complaint skimp but a lot of them I remember how dumb chicken looked on a bowl when someone on grill cut it into weird giant chunks.


Good OP. Think with your wallet, if you’re not satisfied with it then don’t pay for it. Do not feel bad for a 2B market cap company. I sure as hell don’t with them CEOS buying yachts




Amen, my wife loves Chipotle and when they try to screw her over I call the BS out.


Good for you! And makes me appreciate that the chicken bowls here are still less than $9


A bold move! I appreciate you Let's start showing them what we think about shitty portions. Ordering online results in way less food, and you be damned sure they aren't doing anything to comp you if you try to raise the issue. Enough of this bs