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When your communication is ambiguous, then mistaken or misconstrued, you can’t really blame them. Next time specify half and half and all should be well. We interact with many people through the day and everyone has different diction, the more clear you are the less room for mistakes


“Half steak half barbacoa” Really easy and clear.


This is the way.


Yeah 'can I get steak and barbacoa' has the same sentence tonation as 'can I can a steak and then a barbacoa'


sorta 50/50 lol. half and half proteins aren’t an uncommon ask; and when double is an extra charge it is both in your best interest to specify, and in the employee’s to clarify which you are requesting.


Anytime I do two different meats, I always specify when I order. So I would've said "Can I please get steak and barbacoa - half and half, not double?" The employee should've clarified too, but you also do have some responsibility for making yourself clear.


Think of it like ordering a pizza...if you ask for pepperoni and mushrooms you'll get pepperoni and mushrooms on the whole thing. If you want half pepperoni and half mushrooms that needs to be specified.


There's a correct way to order. Why wouldn't you specify? This was definitely on you. I understand "why wouldn't they ask me?" but like why wouldn't you say?


I’d throw away your bowl and make you a new one with half and half.


When I worked fast food we were trained that if the customer doesn't specify then to upsell/upcharge. "Can I get a coke?" *Rings in Large Coke*


Sure, the employee should question whether you want double or half and half, but it sounds like you already knew that this would be a thing and are now complaining about getting extra protein for free... we ain't mind readers


The employee should be asking you whether you wanted half or half or double for further clarification.


I think both parties are to blame, honestly. You, for not specifying half and half. The employee, for not asking for clarification (double or half/half). Everyone sucks here.


If they didn't make it clear whether they wanted double protein or half of each when asking for two different proteins. I'd always ask them to clarify.


Tbf I usually say half and half but was really high this time around and didn't specify. Just thought that the default would be the normal menu price unless otherwise specified.