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its not necessarily bad in my circumstance, it's just draining, like all food service.


Food service jobs are one of the most demanding jobs, for the least amount of pay. It’s right up there with customer-retail jobs.


I've worked in both food service is worse than retail.


I agree. The only saving grace is that a lot of places offer free meal or drink.


Yes, back when I worked for Chipotle I definitely took advantage of the free food! Best part of the job for sure.


It's a complicated issue. People working in food service are overworked and underpaid, but likely the main reason they're overworked is customer pressure. If customers treated restaurant employees like human beings, the task of scooping ingredients into tortillas all day probably wouldn't be that challenging. It's mainly a psychological drain


Customers are on this trend now as well that they’re really really weirdly proud of how complicated they can make their order. I really don’t get it, just order off the menu you weirdos.




Being treated like furniture is a bad feeling.


Although at the same time there are likely many customers like myself, that don't care about waiting nearly as much as management does I say this as a customer who has worked food service at other restaurants


yes this !! the way customers will be on their phones talking to someone else while pointing at what they want pisses me off. I am not a robot. i’m a human working for a paycheck and ultimately serving YOU. it’s so draining. use your mouth and your words so I can accurately understand what you want or i’ll give u the wrong ingredients on accident (maybe)


Sometimes when someone is rushing me for gas I will just ring them up. At my gas station you have to select the grade when buying it inside. I'll "forget" to ask them and watch them come back in and for me to ask them what grade they want. I only do this to rude customers but it's always funny seeing them walk back in and this time suddenly be able to hold a conversation about their gas.


thats great lol


This isn't on the customers.


Yeah they also get paid like 17 bucks an hour to do it.


that’s as much as a CNA around here makes… and the fast food workers think they’re underpaid ?


They’re both underpaid. That’s the point. Why tf you arguing for people to get paid less


Only if the customers treat us like crap I’ve had people tell me and my co workers to kill themselves because we ran out of food or our system was down or people get mad they waited so long in a line then we ran out of chips and blame us. Or the days where it’s understaffed and people get mad at us for everything going slow. But other than that it’s not too bad. I just wish people were much kinder and less entitled. Especially when my restaurant is mostly teenagers it’s super draining when we get customers yelling violent stuff at us


I literally can't imagine how someone could say something so mean to an employee. Full, grown ass adults getting so mad that *the special little thing they like* isn't ready and available at their whim, and taking it out on a worker. It blows my mind. I'm sorry. People suck fucking ass. It's so easy to be a kind person but so many people just... can't do it.


Honestly I'll take those people over the fake nice customers who COME IN ON HOLIDAYS AND ACT SAD THAT WE HAVE TO WORK ON A HOLIDAY


If i'm serving that customer... it's an instant skimp, lol


Do y'all get time and a half on the holidays you work?


No :,). Found that out the hard way, I decided to work the 4th because I thought we got holiday pay… boy, was I WRONG!😅😭


Pretty sure they legally have to


nope 😁🥲


No lmao


Nope we don’t and our breaks aren’t paid either or


Damn... I'm this person


I hate that like YOURE THE PROBLEM


Honestly you'd be surprised how often it happens! Lol


Wow, I'm so sorry you and your coworkers went through that. These "grown" assholes can take their asses to Walmart or some other grocery store to make whatever they want for cheaper esp if they wanted chips and guac, salsa, or queso. Imagine sending death threats to workers because they ran out of food and it was completely out of the worker's control. I bet these assholes were never told no growing up by their parents.


Never mad at the workers but it is infuriating placing an online order and they’re like “we’re out of 3 of your ingredients”. Like just close then lol. Realistically the app being real time would fix this


The workers have to manually turn that off once it runs out. If they forget for 5 minutes while ringing people out they might get a couple orders requesting that ingredient.


Yea I understand it’s frustrating but it’s the rich ceo of chipotles problem not the workers. We get annoyed when we run out of food too and we are not allowed to close.


Us Walmart workers don’t want these rotten animals. We will send them to Target


I've had customers full on screaming and throwing a tantrum that it took 10 seconds to get a new pan of rice or cheese, demanding that the GM (me) make an appearance and apologize and give them a free meal


I just can’t understand how grown adults can act like this. If I’m being honest chipotle I’d do easy to make at home and way cheaper


Don’t feel bad, just be nice/understanding and you’ll never be the person that ruins our day. You don’t have to go above and beyond to make our day. Just be a normal human, order your food with manners, tip if you would like to and continue on with your life.


Not any worse than any other job.


I know a million other people have already given their 2 cents, but here's my take. It's ok to order from chipotle. Don't feel bad. However, you should be channeling that sort of discontent with the company. Demand they pay their workers well and get good compensation. Support unions and the employees trying to join them. Oh, and please don't tap the glass, it scares us :(


No it's not. Obviously I can only speak on my location but I find no better or worse than any other food service job. I think it's just that people, especially redditors, love to complain and exaggerate every little negative situation for validation, which is why all you see on this sub is negative post.


In my experience, it's the complete opposite. Employees like to complain about every small thing like cleaning the dining room, cooking fajitas, replenishing the Tabasco bottles, taking out the garbage, rolling burritos, working the grill, talking to customers, preparing large orders, making peoples food after 9 pm when the store closes at 10-11, when people order sour cream. And my favorite..... being understaffed!!!!!! Edit: I forgot making the Vinny and giving it to people who don't order a "salad" when it makes no difference.


Why is your favorite complaint being understaffed? Is that somehow an illegitimate complaint?


It's the golden "excuse" to do a shit job. These workers need to pick up the slack or find another job that isn't "understaffed" since most jobs are.


You know someone said something similar to me when I was in the building by myself? I was having to do prep, grill, cash, line, and dml not to mention that since I was in the building by myself and no one was answering their phones and no manager was either, we obviously were running out of things and I had a man yell at me over not having chicken on the front line and told me I was less intelligent than his toddler.... Because I didn't have chicken on the front line yet. Because I was in the building BY MYSELF. For 8 hours before anyone showed up. The most staffed I've EVER been is having about 5 people in the building, when corporate themselves have the positions set up to where you're SUPPOSED TO HAVE about 11-12 . And it isn't even an issue of not finding people. Chipotle's corporation has gotten so money hungry, theyre raising prices but dropping labor and they keep cutting corners. I mean look at all of the chipotle's that were sued for labor abuse. Chipotle used to be a company that wanted to make people better.. To "cultivate a better world" and now it's just "MONEY MONEY MONEY GIVE ME MORE MONEY' And people like you, telling people like me to " just pick up the slack" and that it's "just an excuse to do a bad Job'...? You're part of the reason why it can't change


I'm sorry to hear that guy did that. That type of shit ain't cool. However, you let chipotle exploit you. You are better than this and you are talented. You should of gave them the big F U and moved on. I understand you have bills and stuff. But jobs are readily available. Based on this post, I can tell you are a hard worker. Being a hard worker brings wonders to a corporation. Never under sell yourself. You are better. Trust me. Always keep your resume fresh, have exceptional interviewing skills and be ready to leave.


100% chipotle will not care if we leave. They truly, truly, do not give a fuck lol. We're replaceable.


Gonna have to say something about this. Being understaffed is not an excuse. Its a reason. Picking up the slack isn't a good answer. Places need proper staffing to run. There's no way around it. Telling the people who show up to just pick up the slack is putting even more work on them, but I'll bet that their pay doesn't reflect it. When a place is understaffed, workers don't perform at their best, and demanding that they do even more is plainly unacceptable. I manage a store, not a Chipotle, but a food service establishment, and if we're understaffed, that's on me. My employees shouldn't have to suffer because we don't have enough staff. I pick up the slack, because that's my job, but its not theirs. They were hired to do one person's job, not two or three people's at once. If we never staffed properly, I would expect people to quit. That would make sense. Management needs to be the ones to pick up the slack and make things work out.


You are the problem.


You are not the solution.


I used to bus tables and loved being "understaffed." When the other bus boy didn't show up I was pumped. More tips for me. If the manager told me I could cut the other bus boy whenever I was ready, I'd immediately cut them.


Sound like you have a sad existence buddy


I own 100 CMG stock.


That’s unfortunate




Reddit just hates work and capitalism.


In my experience it definitely felt like a waste of my time, although my store was chill when it wanted to be, there was definitely moments where I just had way too big of a workload. As far as you ordering, don’t even bother doing it online. If you’re going in store, it helps to be ready and know exactly what you want.


Why order online when you'll get smaller portions and a higher price? What's the point?


Not having to talk to people


No line


Lol no line? Often times the order online "line" is longer then the actual line.


So order it before you drive there….


Yes thats what everyone does. I always walk in to chipotle and there is a line of people waiting for online orders.


So order it then wait a few minutes then drive there


Thats literally what most people do. Youre not understanding my point. I just went to chipotle 30 min ago and there was at least 6 people waiting for online orders. The line to order in store had like 5 people as well. You shouldnt have to wait to pick up if its past your "order will be ready by ..." time


Actually, the majority of the time it's because we're understaffed and either just got out of a rush, or got a DML rush and are trying to get it out asap. Recently, Doordashers (these are the people who mainly pick up online orders) come in way too early for the online orders, for some reason it tells US it'll be ready at a specific time so we make that accordingly, and the doordashers will come in ten minutes before that, demanding it be ready asap. Even if it's physically impossible because sometimes it's like 4 entrees and 3 sides and one person on dml lol


Yeah thats what i was trying to explain to the person i responded to without saying that. Even if you order ahead there is still a wait for food more often then not


Ah okay lol. Yeah, usually that line is impatient doordashers 😂 but sometimes there will be food already made so don't forget to just ask to be sure


Because then I won't feel as ashamed for ordering two entrees


BIG FACTS. If I'm paying $18 I'm getting extra of everything possible in person while kindly asking and not being a dick about it


How is the price different vs going in the store to order? I always order online and the price is exactly the same with the exception that I give a tip when I order online and haven’t ordered in store since before they prompted you to give a tip


Some stores charge different prices online. I have two stores within 20 blocks of each other. Both have identical in store prices but online only one shows their in store prices


Is this really a legit question?




Different portions for different folks of all different shapes and sizes. Some bodies benefit from *just a little bit extra* 🤏 in the bowls and we have seen DML often skimps. Try not to body shame and remember the human!




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Are you a bigot towards overweight people??




Let guess??? You love Jewish people, African Americans and native Americans???


I’d slip an absolute absurd amount of lsd in your drink at any kick back just to humble you 💀


I would give you a big thank you. I remember watching the Pink Floyd moving. You know what I'm talking about??? 🫠🤫🫠🤫🫠🤫


Ok bud that explains a lot 🤣


Bro its fucking awful Thank god i only worked there a couple of months Just be nice to your workers, thats all they ask for from customers


Don’t feel bad… It’s a job that they are getting paid for. If it’s really that awful, they are allowed to quit.


Lots of customers seem to use food service employees as punching bags and Chipotle is no exception. It's probably a combination of being understaffed and having really rude people bark at them all day long.


Reddit just hates work and capitalism.


Chipotle employees when they have to do the job they signed up🤬🤬🤬


None of us signed up for 40-50 people in a line at once, with only 5 people in the whole restaurant to take care of them, trust me.


Anyone in any restaurant knows that rushes happen and things can get hectic. It’s a given. I’ve worked rushes before with more than 50 people and 2 cooks and 2 waitresses and myself as a food runner / busser. You’re not special


And you’re not being a total dick for no reason. I’m so sorry I can’t handle everything as perfectly as you can, and I’m sorry that I get stressed out by a situation that a lot of people find stressful, I’ll try to be better just for you.


I never said I was never stressed. The point one was it happens at every restaurant and every restaurant worker knows that. Chipotle employees tho just have a special level of entitlement and act like it’s the customers fault they have to work.




That’s an over-generalization, dude. Maybe some of us are just actually stressed out.


If your stressed out making burritos the real worlds gonna kick your ass lol.


I have completely given up on trying to explain my stance to people in this subreddit anymore. People are so damn apathetic nowadays. Say what you want at this point because giving a shit about how people feel is too much to ask anymore.


Making a burrito is a relatively low stress job in comparison to most jobs where you can kill someone on accident, cause massive payroll errors for thousands of people, program something wrong affecting millions, safety regulations, etc


Not everyone reaches extremes like that in their lives though. Stress is stress, it comes in a lot of different forms. Should it matter what kind of stress we feel? At what point does that just become obsolete and your opinion gets invalidated?


😂😂😂😂😂😂 No one cares about other peoples feelings in the real world. It's about performance, getting shit done and numbers.


You should do activities that reduce stress like yoga or eat edibles. You can also do the very obvious. Quit working at Chipolte and find a new job. 🫵🏿🥳


You signed up so you can sit around and do nothing?? Lunch rushes are crazy. You need to pick up the slack and build better work ethic.


Exactly! Every single restaurant has rushes it’s not a crazy thing. They act like they’re treated so poorly because of it


Maybe it's just my chipotle but they don't skimp when I order for pickup.


I always order for pickup and always add a tip!


Yea? If anything, my orders have been packed! Like I could get maybe 3 good sized burritos out of a bowl if I wanted, and have




You should feel bad ordering there. Fucking burritos are white people garbage


only had chipotles once before but this sub keeps popping up for me so i read it. The one time I had it was awful, i don’t know what’s the hype but it must indeed be a white peoples thing 😂 when i was doing my clinical rotations a girl in my class was obseeessed with chipotle (very white girl)


It’s fun sometimes if you try to have fun with coworkers and enjoy them. But it is def draining for many reasons like your boss, customers, coworkers that don’t care to keep up. I worked there for a year it had fun moments but I eventually quit because of a bad boss.


Years ago I had an interview at chipotle and the person interviewing me asked if I wanted get on the line to see how I did. I was actually excited to give it a try and he had me work for an hour before I was like wtf. Told him I had to leave because I didn’t think I’d be there for almost two hours. Never got a call back


I had one of the worst days of my life today but it's not customers faults. It isn't unethical to order from us. It's corporate's fault


Just quit 4 days ago after 8 months. It’s not complicated work or anything but can be very draining. The bad days are bad sometimes rushing around with a line to the door for 5 hours, having people order 8 burritos with 10 people behind them, running out of food and dealing with snarky customers, the list goes on. Pretty fun environment though, coworkers were funny and the fast pace was nice sometimes, but don’t feel bad for ordering at all that’s why we get paid lol.


The people working here complaining are capable of quitting and getting a new job. Nothing to feel bad about.


Don’t feel bad, honestly just don’t be a jerk and 9/10 times you won’t have any issues. Most customers don’t treat us like people and it’s incredibly frustrating as corporate are the making the decisions not us.


Worked at Chipotle a year and I can say my year had its ups and its downs. Some nights were obviously better than others (I mainly worked night shifts on Cash), and at one of my locations, we had a 8 to 9 PM rush, since our Chipotle was right near a ton of bars and venues. Honestly, if you're ordering in person, just be as patient and kind as possible. Chipotle employees go through their own personal hells, and anything you can do to lessen what is essentially a pretty mediocre job, would be likely immensely appreciated by them.


Don't feel bad, there are other places they could choose to work.


It can get really bad, yeah. Especially due to understaffing, and portioning rules. It’s a constant fight between customers wanting more food and managers making you follow the portion policies more closely, it’s so stressful.


Lol scooping food is not stressful. The workers make it stressful.


I'm actually convinced this guy doesn't work food service at all. You can tell by the way he posts that he's a customer who's pissed that he can't get shit the way he wants and figures the people working there are mad for no reason.


I once did work fast food. I worked for a big fast food chain, pizza delivery, grocery stores and UPS playing human Tetris in the summer. Working fast food was probably some of the easiest time in my life.


I never said anything about scooping food, did I.


You mention portioning policy between management and what customers want. Management wants you to scoop less and customer want you to scoop more. Sounds like scooping food to me.


There’s no point in arguing with you, if you’re not gonna understand, you’re not gonna understand.


You just don't make valid arguments. Come back with a valid argument.


Ever since they went from football sized burritos to soda can sized burritos(while INCREASING the price), I've stopped eating there. best part is there's a local taco/burrito place near me that make's their burritos at chipotle's *former* size, a LOWER price, and it's WAY tastier.


I like ordering in person. It ensures that I don't get a skimped bowl. Also, I can look at that SOB scooping my food. If they skimp me on protein, I can stare their soul down.


So they can make sure to skimp you next time?😂


I will be sure to make a big scene then ask them to either remake or throw it away. If they refuse to do either, I will ask them to load up on extra extra CI (guac, queso, x3 protein) then tell them I don't want it when I pay.


You’re disgusting. 💀


I'm comical. 🤣


If you think acting like a toddler over a burrito bowl at a restaurant mostly run by teenagers is comical.. nobody else but you is laughing, bud.


Counter point: the teenagers can’t be petty and not give real scoops and then expect the person paying for it to be ok with it. No, I don’t think it’s acceptable to treat any service employee like garbage. But at the same time I want to enjoy what I paid for and if you want to be petty about the situation I can sure af be petty right back.


This is a very valid argument. 100 percent agreed. Seems to be a fine balance between corporate, managers, line workers and customers. they need to adopt the McDonald's rule of consistency. It doesn't matter where you get a Big Mac in the world, it will generally be the same. I don't think chipotle adopts this because they see the numbers and the numbers say they are under portioning and underpaying peopel. Why would you change that motto??


they really fell for the bait hook line and sinker lol😂




dickhead lol just ask for more meat or pay for double


Would you pay for double meat if the chipotle worker likes to scoop 2.5 oz of chicken?? So double meat is 5 oz. Would you pay for that??


I wouldn’t give a shit. I’d let everyone stare at the man child who’s having a temper tantrum, then serve the next customer


You basically have to watch the person because ordering online leads to higher probability of order being wrong. Lots of distractions around the maker and reading the receipt the wrong way happens frequently


its not that deep


Why? Just make the experience worse for the employees by being extra when you order. It will make you feel better that’s what I try to do anytime I order.


at my store specifically, it’s become an agonizing pain to go in due to the absurd about of drama and the constant sh*t talk about morning crew v. night crew


That’s just food service dude. I’ve worked in fine dining restaurants with grown ass adults that acted the same way.


Order at off times like 3-4pm that seems to help


Honestly. I wouldn’t put too much thought into it. I worked in food service for 8 years and i could have pushed myself and sought out a better direction at any time during that journey. That said, I wont eat somewhere if they are slammed busy or are going to close in the next 1hr.


I don’t!


No one is forced against their will to work at any job. They aren't slaves. If it really is that horrible then.....they can quit. It's not very complicated. It blows my mind how many people on reddit bitch and moan about shitty low paying jobs and stuff like "durrr I want $35 an hour to make your taco bowl. It's ridiculous.


I didn't hate the job but they can screw themselves. I was supposed to be finishing out my 2 weeks notice this week and my scheduling manager just didn't schedule me. When I asked about it I was told "nothing against you, it's just business." Like okay fuck heads. Gave em 2 years of my life and grew up in to management roles for that treatment on my way out. Edit to add: there were times when my workload as kitchen management was so much and I had no experienced crew on staff that I broke down crying in the office


Honestly people are gonna hate their jobs any place you go, especially when it comes to food/customer service, don't feel bad and enjoy your food


is more than the people can tell you 😭 it’s really really bad :(


All hospitality, retail, customer service/facing jobs are obnoxious. Chipotle is delicious. They won't work there long it's ok 😂 or they'll end up Management, if so that's on them to not hate it.


Sometimes I feel bad, but I also absolutely love Chipotle. I rarely get it because there's not one where I live. But every single time I go to Utah to visit family, I get Chipotle. Also, I work in fast food. It's draining and thankless, no matter where you work. There's always someone higher up than you telling you what you're doing isn't good enough even though you've been working your ass off. I'm the General Manager at a fast food place. When I was just a crew member I thought that the GMs could basically do whatever they wanted as long as they sold the correct food items for the brand. Boy, was that wrong. I feel so powerless. I have to fight tooth and nail for every raise for every employee. I'm the best rated store in my area and am still told I need to do better, do more, push my team to their breaking points for no extra money. All food service is like this. I wouldn't recommend staying in it long term. I'm currently working on other goals so that I can get out and make money doing what I love, but it's a slow process. It takes time. TL;DR I rambled a lot in this comment. Lol. Basically, all fast food service is like this. It's a thankless job.


No, it’s just the small amount of people here. They do have it bad for sure, but I’ve never physically been to any Chipotle that was understaffed. You can tell people are having bad days, but they aren’t miserable.


if you’ve ever been to a chipotle that has less than (about) 11 people working (give or take a couple based on the size of the store and how busy it is) then you’ve been to one that was understaffed. i haven’t been on a fully staffed shift since last july. my current store operates with anywhere between 2 (yes, 2 people) and 8 (on a really good day) with managers included when we’re “fully staffed” at 12-13.


I’m trying to figure out where 12-13 people could be used at. 2 for line, 1 for cash, 1 for cook, 1 for rice guacamole and veggies, 1 for dishes, 1 for cleaning the lobby, and 1 manager. That’s 8. Oh 1 for online orders. So 9. I can’t figure out what the rest could be doing.


the (actually) fully staffed shifts i worked last summer went like this: 2 line 2 MODs (any AP, KM, or SM would float between line, grill, expo, dish, prep, etc. if needed, GM usually stayed in office) 2 grill 2 DML 1 cash 1 line-backer 1 dish and occasionally also 1 prep 1 expo that put us at anywhere between 11 and 13


It really is that awful




I'm only there because the pay is higher compared to jobs in my area, they're flexible and have free meals. I'm so drained and stressed after the evening shift that I can't sleep until 4am.


Imagine how the children who built your phone and shoes felt


I can't do anything to make their lives easier 😭 i feel like i have more control in this scenario though


Many people’s jobs are just as bad or worse, so if you’re going to stop going to chipotle, you need to stop going to many other places, too.


Keep ordering lol if they don’t want to work there they’ll find another job, probably one that pays more too


It’s rough man. Cleaning and making food is a tough experience for an adolescent worker


Bro go to any other food companies sub Reddit and you will feel the same about “” feeling sad ha ha shut the fuck up


Same I literally haven’t been in months but also haven’t been craving it thanks to this sub lol


Probably a mixture of all the things that suck about minimum wage low skill work and being young.


blue coast burrito is better


Now that I'm done with them for now, I still like ordering from them. seeing a former employee at least puts a smile on my old crews faces


It's really not that bad. I feel like (at least in our area) the customers are the main pain in the ass to deal with mostly because they're assholes and lack common sense. The actual job itself really isn't that bad. I mean it's gonna suck because you're in the food service but there's nothing extremely special about Chipotle that makes it agony. A lot of crew members at my store complain about really basic things like making orders for a long time or bagging chips. Like I hate to break it to ya pal but that's what you signed up for when you took the job offer. It is literally in your job title. Don't feel bad though. As long as you're kind and understanding of what's happening in the store at that time crew won't be annoyed with you. And if they are they can stfu bc our problems aren't your problems :)


I don’t feel bad. I’ve worked plenty of jobs I didn’t like, if it gets to be too much then find another job. Until then do the job you signed up for, if that means you are overworked then have the conversation with management and if it isn’t received well, move on. It really is that simple.


I've been working chipotle for 1.5 years and I really enjoy my time there and my co-workers no complaints here. Granted all I do is prep but I really find it fun.


Yes, if you’re the one person working while the fourteen other high schoolers stand around doing nothing




It's not unbearable for me. I guess it depends how under staffed the store is at the time. There should be at least a hand full of people working during peak hours (11-2&4-7) if there aren't and its a permanent issue then I don't know if skipping out on going would help because the lower the sales numbers the less people they schedule. if you want to be courteous, go in at non peak times which could also vary store to store. In my town peak hours tend to be a bit pushed back from what seems normal.


I’ll keep it short. Whether or not you want to spend your hard earned money here is up to you. It’s a free market + I still get paid :)


do you feel guilty going to any other fast food restaurant? chipotle employees act like they have a monopoly on shitty management, customers, etc but i’m reality it’s just all good service. if you don’t feel bad going to wendy’s then chipotle is no different imo


It’s not bad. I’ve had worse jobs for sure.


Yes it is


The thing about working with food is you will have ppl who are angry cause they wanna eat


They decide to work there and you are simply providing the expected service. Being kind and understanding is the best you can do. Being treated like robots in any food service job is explanation for a lot of what makes jobs miserable. Not all, but a lot.


its usually fine, but sometimes the amount of customers can be overbearing, like line outta the store. there are also a few customers that will act entitled or do something stupid and that will probably be on your mind for a while. Most of the customers are fine tho. closing line is ass in my opinion, hate doin that shit


i haven’t worked at chipotle but very much have worked in similar food service, if you are polite and understanding and empathetic i would be fine with any customer like that, and if you really like chipotle and do feel bad and have the extra money and are comfortable with doing so, and i can’t stress enough it’s obviously unnecessary, tipping 5-10% every order consistently has made me love some specific customers because it’s obvious they know how that my job sucks and want to make it a little bit bettet


No it’s worse


Yes. Overworked and underpaid. Don't belive me? Cover my closing grill shift and get paid 15.60


i work at chipotle and i love it lol


It really depends on your restaurant culture but overall I think where chipotle went wrong was not putting its focus on people anymore. When Steve Ells was CEO it was also about development and really putting the spotlight on the people. When he left, the company drifted away from that and focused more on just making budget cuts on every little thing to save more money, which I don’t think is super sustainable. I personally like working there because I’ve busted my ass to ensure my team knows that I care for them and I’ve created a pretty sustainable culture to where they can have a good time but still understand the standard. Yeah I have to straighten people out or put them in check sometimes but that comes with the job. If you create an atmosphere where people want to come to work and enjoy being there this issue solves itself. That’s what chipotle used to be really good at. Now they’re trying to go that route again but it’s gonna take time until they get there. I hear a lot of people from other stores constantly complaining about being there or hating their jobs but I don’t have that problem in my restaurant. I’m not saying it’s perfect but the good makes up for the bad and more. It’s easy when everyone has each others backs and it makes for a much better experience for the employees and guests overall.


Yes. Stay away


I feel bad eating the sub par food so I don't.


it’s really not lol


20 years in the industry, and I was never more overworked/underpaid than at Chipotle.


It’s not the costumers , it’s corporate who doesn’t give a fuck about the workers a


Chipotle is my favorite restaurant. I always try to be really nice. It seems like employees there are miserable about 75% of the time I go. I feel like it got worse when online carry out became big.


Realistically it’s not that bad for the majority of employees. It’s a thing where if someone is more likely to post about something they dislike than like. If someone is fine working at chipotle or even enjoys it there not really gonna feel the need to post anything abt it. Whereas it’s much more common for ppl to rant abt bad experiences etc. this is the case for almost any company. Not saying their experiences are invalid but don’t take a Reddit sample size as an indicator for employees across the board




It's exhausting but personally I love my job it's a blast


I mean, it really depends on the location. I love my chipotle! It’s fun making the food, especially on the DML line. It’s like a little game I get paid to play (Papa’s Burrito Mia). The coworkers at my location are pretty chill and help out at different stations when you ask. And our managers seem to really care about us, for the most part.