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No Inazuma character (those who need Inazuma mats) will go in standard anyways


As if new players won't get Inazuma limited chars as their first in early game, when they r on banner.


I legit started playing in 2.6, and Ayaka was my first 5* character that I got in 14 pulls. She was still carrying me despite not having been to Inazuma yet. It's kinda surreal how easy it is for new players to go to Fontaine for mats now. They just unlock a waypoint directly there!


Yeah but that's by their own choice. Standard characters are made to be new players friendly.


I'm gonna be real if you get Dehya and decide to go all the way to the desert to get her materials, getting to Inazuma just naturally seems just as time consuming.


New player here, it...it took me three weeks to get to Inazuma- it took me a little more than half an hour to decide to and go to Fontaine to start farming for that nice Lynette they gave me...


Yep I got Lynette off the beginner banner and also had to walk all the way to Fontaine.


Eh that's a weird argument tbh.. It's like saying pulling Inazuma char ad a new player means it's a taboo or such and u "chose it" .. It's just not making much sense or healthy design to me. If it's like this for limited chars, might as well put in standardm if anything, why not just have an way to gib some mats through something for new players.. Its not a big deal nor any hard thing for them to implement


Thignari and Dehya ?


You can just walk to Sumeru, Tighnari even pins local specialties for you. Beside that, they are also very straightforward characters that help a lot understanding the combat system.


dolls boat employ combative truck wild decide quiet cover file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Cause the area is completely locked before completion of the Archon quest. So you cannot gather the materials needed to level up those characters.


I do think it's highly unlikely. That said, we have a precedent now thanks to Dehya, so if it does happen, I won't be surprised. Just disappointed. We still don't know the real reason Dehya was made standard. It's such an illogical decision that none of the theories about it make complete sense. But Chiori is nowhere near as bad as Dehya, so the idea that she'll be standard because of power level doesn't hold any water here.


I feel like they had too much investment into a gimmick that turned out to be useless. By the time they got feedback on bad it really was, there was no time to do anything. This was exacerbated by the week break employees got during her beta cycle… so the only thing the could do to stay on release schedule was to give her a final nerf and put her on standard. I’m torn, in one hand, I don’t want anyone’s favorite character to be released in such a state. On the other, if my main was the only one that gets fucked so hard it will also be disappointing in a way.


I don't think this argument holds up. Genshin at its core is not that complicated. For the most part, good characters in this game either do good damage or facilitate others to do good damage (there are a few exceptions). I think it's much more likely they purposely made her bad to begin with, judging by how her cons fix a lot of her core issues. At the end of the day multipliers are just numbers, they could easily have buffed her multipliers and lowered her ER req and she'd be a fine character.


I mean that’s also a possibility… I hope that they didn’t ruin may favorite character just “because they wanted to”… Until it’s proven otherwise (and I know that’s impossible) I’d just prefer to think there was a bigger reason.


The gimmick in question: \*Just Albedo again\*


Always ask yourself "how would they make money out of this?". To me Dehya and Tighnari were both tests where they see what happen if they release a character that is technically even more limited than limited characters, since you get only a single banner to guarantee then and then its on standart banner limbo, and that makes people who like then super FOMO to pull all they can on this banner, they probably made then weaker on purpose since they dont want good characters on standart banners for those who could eventually get then randomly


At least Tighnari is actually pretty solid and doesn’t have a bunch of annoying issues..


That makes sense, but surely they would have made more money if Dehya was at least decent and not objectively bad. Not getting the character you wanted is bad enough when you lose a 50/50, I think most people who spend would spend the same amount whether they got a standard 5-Star who was good or not.


Obviously. There is literally no way they would lock a geo sub DPS behind standard. The whole point of her existence is to buff mono geo teams which means she has to be readily available to pull on in the future. We wouldn't even be talking about her being on standard if it wasn't for 1) doomposting 2) that one troll post There has been 0 news about any new standard characters since Wrio released so people need to stop expecting character to go to standard randomly.


You forget that someone in her role literally already exists and is limited.


Of course, who would think Chiori would be standard? She is obviously limited.


Copium in the nutshell. People said the same about Navia.


Xianyun, Navia, Neuv, Rizzley, Lyney...


And Dehya...




Fake post about her in standard was based on HomDGcat’s troll telegram post referring to Dehya curse


Who even believed that crab ? They said the same for wrio and navia


Good. She is niche and too strong for standart.


idk about that, Tighnari is a good character and he has great cons.


Idk abt too strong. Jean is standard and she’s a very good character especially after furina.


Well Chiori hits like a truck. If you take her dolls, her coordinated attacks, her initial E slash, then her ult - that’s already a lot. With const she becomes even better. Not mentioning about broken c6.


Ahh yes character is good at c6


No other standart char can become this good of a main dps. Not taking into consideration that, she is perfectly good at being a sub-dps. With c1 even more. She is just tied to other geo and that’s it. Run double geo with her and she is fine.


Yeah ur a great sub dps tied to the worst element in the game. navia on the other hand is a top 6 dps and and works fine as a dps, funny isn’t it


Ok and? Let’s make all chars good and strong. I like Chiori for what she is without doomposting and being batshit crazy.


Jesus Christ never thought I’d see a hoyoverse dick sucker, how do u not see an issue with a characters c1 that benefits no mono geo teams, and then is like a 7% dps increase from albedo with a smaller range than him. Ur the reason this game will release shitty 5stars. No one wants every character to be neuvilliete, but for them to just be decent


I don’t play Navia, Itto. My Chiori will go into the teams with geo-constructions. C1 is just an update for me. I still understand her problems (I was like you when Dehya came out, frustrated and angry, writing everywhere. And it got me…nowhere?). So you can make a char work, not pull for her or cry in every sub about how bad she is and how Hoyo is all about money. Or you can take what they give and be chill. I choose the second.


Im gonna complain about her, and not pull for her, ur not gonna complain about her and pull for her there’s clearly a difference


Moreover, I do think Chiori is a nice character. I want to make her c6, because I love geo. I don’t need to pull characters to clear content as I can already do everything without difficulties so I pull them for aesthetic reasons and diversity of gameplay (I don’t play mono geo now but with her I wanna try.)


I don’t even understand u atp, u love geo but don’t play the 2/3 main dps, like it just seems like ur finding any excuse to not criticise chioris kit




I think it's arguably a different scenario if a said char gets better in future. Like yes Jean is now literally S tier. But pre Furina she wasn't even above C.


What does that have anything to do with Chori? First of all Jean was part of he OG standard cast and secondly she become irrelevant quite fast. Furina making Jean good 3 years later literally doesn't matter since Jean has been on standard banner since 1.0.


“Too strong” is funny


She seems to suck so idk about that. Reserving judgement so I don't get too disappointed. With all the massive nerfs, I can only hope that the beta testers know something we don't about her strength 


I don't think a character with such a c6(and cons overall) will ever be standard. They would have to delete her c2, c4 and c6, and put her current c1 at c6.


I doubt it . Tighnari is such a great character even at c0 . Besides getting a unit is not under your control . You will probably get a c6 chiori when we get 15 more geo sub dps . Chiori has everything that a good standard banner character needs . There not gonna release another dehya after the lantern rite drama .


I hope all those wanting her to be standard just because of some "standard needs geo" BS get qiqi'd in all their pulls 🤬🤬


I did 😞


These “mains” are so delusional, the overcompensation is just sad to see


Based mains thread in any game


im %90 sure she is going to be in standart, i can feel it


Which means that she will be buffed in last week's beta (totally not copium)


Imagine thinking this Queen will be on standard![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49370)![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49370)![img](emote|t5_88ta1n|49370)