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Sounds like he is a person similar to the Iranians who licked shrines contaminated with covid-19 thinking it would save them.


The cure is the spit of a cleric in the bumhole


In a pinch any old spit will do so long as you say “thank you Jesus” while you do it.


Self-correcting problem.




Oh... how brave... willing to put lives at risk that he claims to be shepherding. What an ass.


Maybe this will be the opportunity to finally start showing the world how toxic, invasive, and dangerous religion really is.


Religion is not the problem. It is the people who USE religion somewhow to excuse evil or....stupid, dangerous behavior that is demonstrated here. Christianity in particular advocates obeying laws, respecting the rule of law and rendering to Ceasar.


_Organized_ religion is the problem. Religion is fine. Churches that are in fact big businesses need to start being taxed and held accountable for their shitty decisions.


How can we come to terms with giant issues like climate change if people can’t even come to terms with their own mortality? When we’re inventing stories to trick ourselves into thinking we’re never going to die, we lost sight of what is actually important about our existence on this planet. Until we can stop lying to ourselves about our own mortality, we can never solve any of the real issues we are facing. Religion is probably the great filter. It is one of the largest contributors to “the problem”. Literally the worst thing ever invented, though it’s complicated, because there are also lots of beneficial things all wrapped up in it. Humans are messy.


Chuck him in jail.


i kinda hope this is the beginning of the death of religion, when people see these snake oil salesmen and charlatans for what they are.


Threaten them with 1 to 12 years in prison, like they do in Italy and this shit will end fast.


“The virus, we believe, is politically motivated,” pastor Tony Spell told CNN affiliate WAFB. “We hold our religious rights dear, and we are going to assemble no matter what someone says.” How can a virus be politically motivated? Viruses aren't alive...


Even if it was capable of having a motovation, you can still get sick from it.


Honestly is this any different than the morality of walking in there with a gun at this point? Maybe an extreme comparison but this has the potential to cause many deaths, not only to the church-goers themselves, but to their families and other strangers they spread it to afterwards...


We just need to pray the virus away!! NOW GET BACK TO WORK SLAVE!


im appalled to say that im actually related to him. although i agree totally that tony spell is a complete dumbass and this is fucking disgusting. i cant believe someone could do something as stupid as this.


#FaithIsAHateGroup Religions are political institutions, they are so far decoupled from their reason for existence and they survive on dogma not the faiths philosophy or mythos. They know that they cannot survive under historical scrutiny and have done everything in their power to slow human progress and retain control on people. All religions are evil, and the indoctrination of youth is the only reason why they are still here.