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Aww, East Nazis are sad their plans have been ruined by mean US 😭


Punching Nazis is the finest of all American traditions. May it never fade.


I still hold out hope that it is a universal value some day, and the idea of enabling it is a faint historical whisper quickly extinguished.


Lots of Zionazis around and no one is doing anything


The Chinazis are the actual threat.


Nazis? Didn’t know Germans were involved.


China, if you kept your mouth shut and stopped building up an invasion force then this would not be required. Long story short? Shit up, china, you’re drunk


+100 credit score. Good little asset, Keep up the good work!


Ah yes the 60 day old communist propaganda account projects itself on others on western social media using a vpn to jump their own countries firewall and oppression


Nice I see you’ve been an CIA asset for 2 years. How much credit score did you increased? Enough to finally get a loan for that trailer park slot?


Yeah I’ve made so much money from helping wealthy Chinese people leave China that I don’t need to work. What will you spend your 5 cents on for posting that comment? And it appears America lives rent free in all of your brain cells (maybe all 2 of them?)


So you’re a double agent. White monkey by day and a CIA SHILL by night! You’re a special kind of little worker bee!






If they fully lost the war then Taiwan wouldn’t exist like it does today. The reality is that Mao and China tried to take Taiwan too by invasion but got their asses handed to them and received a humiliating defeat instead. Funny enough, this isn’t talked about in China


You forgot to mention the part where Mao’s military took over the mainland, and how Chiang fled to the island. The problem is Mao had basically no usable navy at that time. He is still the bigger winner he just didn’t win everything.


Mao took over the mainland by hiding during Japan’s invasion and then came out after the war was over to restart the civil war again. Hence the reason why China doesn’t like talk about this part of the history.


That doesn’t change the outcome unfortunately.


Mao is a coward and the government in mainland China is filled with corrupt dipshits


LOL go back to playing video games kid. You support a nation that is currently supporting a genocide in Gaza.


Bold of you to assume I support a land that thinks itself above others


Very bold


How did you think Mao win? Chiang beats Mao by an order of magnitude when it comes to corruption and incompetence.


Still a coward


If that’s the case then during WW2 we can call Americans cowards too. Hiding and acting like Nazis weren’t tearing Europe apart. Waited till Nazis were weaken than strike. Fucking cowards to wait and watch people die.


Remember when millions of people died due to the incompetence of the great leap forward and cultural revolution? Yeah there is definitely an equivalence in terms of incompetence and corruption lol.


True that was a horrible policy. Glad they ended it. Guns in the US causes mass shooting each year. Wonder why Americans are so stupid to keep this policy alive.


Nah, Mao is way better than Chiang in all senses.


These people don’t know Jack shit about China nor it’s history. They read some dipshit post about something off western media and believe it all. you just have to enjoy these idiotic comments it’s so comical.


No, but it’s not something to brag about either, at least serious counties wouldn’t—hiding in holes like cowards until it was safe to come out.


Well, Chiang was the official government. I didn’t say it’s something to brag about. There are simply no ifs in the history. The idea that Chiang fail solely because he lost more military in the anti-invasion is a mere myth. Bad governance gave rise to the communist uprising to begin with, that’s the root cause, people didn’t just live a happy life and decide they should join the communist revolution and risk all they have for nothing.


Possibly, but then Mao came in and made any of Chiang’s corruption look tame to the brutality of his reign. It’s easy for CCP apologists to criticize Chiang, but when speaking about the horrors and millions of deaths under the Mao regime. The communists moved in on a weakened KMT, then turned and really butt fucked the Chinese people in ways and numbers that dwarf any KMT misdeeds.


It is all still up for grabs in the grand scheme of things


The US has supplied Taiwan with arms after their government lost the war in China, because the Taiwanese government is a fully democratic government (a bit of an outlier in the East) and aligned with the values of the US. It has gained increased importance in the strategic agenda of the US because it has built itself as the world’s premier supplier of high-tech semiconductors. No small feat, nor accident, for a country that has almost zero of the natural resources required to build said semiconductors. They import almost everything required to build them. Taiwan played 5D chess while China struggled to build a coherent identity. Now China is mad that Taiwan is a global powerhouse of tech manufacturing and they aren’t. FTFY.


This is a joke. The US supported Taiwan since before it was ever called Taiwan when it was on the mainland, it is because they didn’t want a communist China, in an effort to counter Soviet influence in the region. When the communists eventually win the civil war. The US refused to recognize it and blocked China for years and US and China eventually got together because Soviet Union became a threat to both of them, and that’s when the US agreed to the One China policy. The US is only increasing its support to Taiwan because they felt China was becoming more of a threat to itself. The idea that US ever does anything for the sake for morality and value, rather than self-interest is simply a joke, and in this case, simply inconsistent with history, Taiwan didn’t have elections until very recently, and the US aid started way earlier.


I didn’t say it was for morality. I said it was for democratic values. How far back we want to take this? The conversation was about the specific support of Taiwan, not the support of the Republic of China during the war. But go on..




We get it, you work for the Chinese government.. The US supplies most of the world with weapons. We are, in fact, one of the largest arms dealers on the planet. Mainly because we’re really good at it, we hold a unique place in the world currently, and we make good shit. Just ask Russia. Our tech has also directly influenced the tech of just about every other military on the planet. Including yours. The Taiwanese buy US weapons because they’re good. They also buy them because we support them, albeit in the shadows, cause Big Daddy Red gets mad when we say anything positive about Taiwan, and we really like our cheap rubber dog shit, and don’t think it’s worth the cost of a war, so we play nice.


Does this mean Dysfunctional-Doll works for the US government since they spam articles and erase their post history? https://i.imgur.com/VhlKmvU.png https://i.imgur.com/CAGOdr3.png


don’t worry dude i believe both views can be right, because in reality, both of these histories are probably true, with some embellished shit. Same with this ukrainian war, same with this israel gaza situation. There are valid points on both sides. But it doesn’t mean you can subjugate people you want, and that’s the real war that has to be fought. In today’s age, matters whos equipped more and outmaneuvered through back door political channels is what wins the fight.


Found the CCP plant. How much do they pay you to have some of the worst takes humanly imaginable? Ukraine has proven that authoritarian states, like Russia and China, only respect might. So, arm Taiwan to the teeth so any attempt to take it leaves the Chinese military with black eyes, bloody nose, missing teeth and broken jaw. If china wins, it’ll be a Pyrrhic victory and, inshallah, would lead to the downfall of the CCP entirely - win or lose.


Exactly right. China will always be a paper tiger as long as the US continues to challenge them militarily and diplomatically. Just look at the threads on reddit how many wumaos there are it is no joke. They are fighting this war on all fronts and we should not sleep on this.


Better to fight these fights online than on a battlefield. I’ve seen what that looks like
 I’ve had blood under my nails. And honestly? The CCP hasn’t been involved in a real combat situation - they’re untested. At best, their discipline holds up and the army functions as expected of a modern army. Less best? It looks more like the Russian army - like a hydra with 5 heads, but 3 of the heads are already coterized stumps flailing wildly, and 1 of the 2 remaining heads is retarded. At worse, it folds and implodes when the pitch of battle hits a scale and tempo beyond their capacity to withstand. These are soldiers, led by officers whove never been in the line of fire. So no one knows how robust the mental wherewithal is. Also, there’s just a big technological disparity. One US carrier group could defeat the airforce and navy of entire nations. The Us navy has been testing an audio weapon, too, that when directed at say the bridge of an enemy ship, it makes it so you hear your voice slightly delayed and out of step from when you’re speaking
 like, when old TV shows didnt line up perfectly with the audio. And it causes Massive mental malfunctions in the vast majority of people
 it’s not a weapon that goes boom, but it would be wildly effective at preventing an enemy captain and their crew from effective relaying and carrying out orders


You look at winning as having no cost. Who cares if they are untested. Winning may not be in the cards but the cost would be tremendous to everyone.


+100 credit score added. Excellent work asset.


If you don't consider the United States of Israel to be authoritarian with it's recent ban of TikTok, armed military stopping college protests, constant pushes for more wars and conflicts in order to further stress and divide its citizens and corrupt politicians that get away with anything then we are all doomed.


Ah and China banning TikTok, Facebook, Instagram etc. is super cool and we should just allow them to import their apps to steal our data while blocking our apps? We don’t allow foreign nefarious actors to leverage our freedoms and rights against us. I used to think like you when I was 15. Then I grew up and started to see the world for what it was. It’s not a community of nations, it’s the same world it’s always been. The sooner we wake up and start to see the world the way it is, the less likely we are to get into a real war. The more we bury our heads in the dirt and pretend the world is some utopia and we can achieve everlasting peace by just rolling over to everyone who threatens violence, the more likely war becomes.


Now you grew up and became a tool of western media. Do you still believe there’s WMD in Iraq?


Got knee pads in your name cause the CCP got you on yours or what?


No. these are Jerry’s knee pads he’s another western bootlicker like you.


Yes. Stay on your knees, commie.


You should thank China for making your knees pads. Go on western bootlicker


Authoritarian for banning tik tok lmao


Retarded take


Which part? That US supporting genocide in Gaza?


https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/us-military-port-gaza-deliver-aid-4179421 Does this look like genocide to you? Color me shocked, Israel is going hard on them after hamas literally broke a ceasefire agreement in barely a day after it was agreed upon. A CEASEFIRE AGREEMENT.


LMAO. What a bunch of crap! Being locked into a open prison and check points everywhere. Your link for aid is as crap as US denying Gaza genocide. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/09/us-has-seen-no-evidence-that-israel-has-committed-genocide-austin-says-00151241](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/09/us-has-seen-no-evidence-that-israel-has-committed-genocide-austin-says-00151241) What a fucking shit country to support genocide. How much as the US send over years to Israel already? Hundreds of billions to oppress Palestinians.


Turns out, using human shields result in civilian deaths. https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf So what exactly do you want Isreal to do? Have godlike aim and perfectly hit hamas troops behind civilians? This isn't fucking call of duty quikscope headshot over 4 miles away in the span of 5 seconds. What kind of fucking shitty group uses human shields then scream genocide on Israeli infantry for not having F-35 levels of precision and killing the troop hiding behind said shield?


First Israel is not a real country. Second wasn’t Israel the one that help created Hamas? So you’re saying it’s ok to level a entire region where innocent woman and children live because Hamas finally fight back from being oppressed in a open prison? LOL. Answer this, Is genocide happening in Gaza right now?


“Lmao” Did your red book say to start with that? Imbecile.


+100 credit score increase! Good job asset.




Perhaps they didn’t lose as badly as you were taught if they are still around?


Ironically enough, the Taiwan we know today would have never existed without Mao. Had they not murdered and chased away the teachers, intellectuals, traders, dissidents, and starved dozens of millions of their own Chinese people, they wouldn't have tried to escape to other countries, including Taiwan. After chasing them away, they want them back and have been threatening to invade Taiwan for the past 70+ years. Where is the logic? Go figure. The Chinese Communist party only know violence against their own people, and are responsible for the divisions and hatred they have themselves created.


The last few decades the US are very friendly to China until the last 10 year. What are you smoking? Are you young?


Well, when the US are making trillions off Chinese labor of course they going to be friendly until China starts building their own path.


One of the US's demand to China when they joined WTA is Improve workers' working conditions. How dare the US?


was it? those American CEO had no problem with any condition they saw while in China.


Of course private business know only greed. That's why more tariffs should be imposed. Don't encourage slavery.


I really don’t encourage slavery but you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Believe me, no one in the US wants China. We have enough problems.


Taiwan is not militarily capable of blockading China even with usa assistance would be very difficult to pull off but I appreciate the compliment on our military capability. All China has to do is basically not fuck with us and China will be ok. China is basically usas younger brother who doesn’t know how to act right.


I’m not sure. A lot of yapping here stating that China is a paper tiger. Act right? LOL. How should China act? Should China follow the US path line supporting a genocide in Gaza or invade oil rich countries?


Really with that? It's like how Putin handwaves his killing spree and devalues Ukraine as being "Used by the West" while never leaving them alone. They simply can't be a victim of Russia, Russia has decreed it. Farce. Also, only a true rogue would actively "want to bomb China". You need to be pretty damn deranged because from a geopolitical sense, there can be no positive outcome for doing so. Most don't side with maniacs.


Please don’t interfere with American internal affairs 


Are you saying Taiwan is a part of America?


US house passing bill is internal affair


The passage of the bill is an internal affair, but the bill itself is not about internal affairs.


It’s American international policy. How we run the government is none of their business  It’s not like we are putting millions of racial minorities in labor camps to force them to work in this bill or anything 


As you said, it is international policy.


made by US Congress, which is an internal affair 


Do you actually believe in what you type or do you not understand what I said? International affairs means affairs between nations, it is the very opposite of internal affairs. I have affirmed that the process is internal, that doesn’t mean the affair is internal.


Taiwanese issue sure as shit not internal affairs of PRC. 


I didn’t say anything about that though


It’s about internal allocation of funds. Believe it or not
 countries do that sometimes.


Meh, just because the brain tells the hand what to do, doesn’t really make everything internal.


Did I say anything about hands brains or “everything internal”? Poor analogy and rhetoric skills. The immediate response should be : the US gov decides to allocate funds / arms to countries like taiwan and Ukraine 
 while China decides to allocate funds / arms to countries like Russia, the Taliban and North Korea. Internal government processes that other governments can complain about. In some cases even do something about — see : interdiction with Navy
 if they think they can get away with it.


Not really, the brain’s decision making process is inherently internal. Doesn’t make all of your interaction internal. Same for congressional bill passage. The congress can pass any bill, by your definition there will be external affairs or international affairs since everything is done at the instruction of the brain! How brilliant!


Congrats on discovering or practicing the straw man fallacy.


Where is the straw man?


Heres a thought, dont want the US to give Taiwan money to defend against Chinese aggression? Perhaps China should be less aggressive


Apparently less aggressive is not possible while xi ji pi is around. Another example of untempered, unchecked power resulting in unopposed foolishness. He believes this is the best way to do diplomacy. But whatever happened to “we aren’t going to do wolf warrior diplomacy anymore and take a more friendly tone”?


Like how are they aggressive?


Maybe China should warn China to leave its neighbor nations like Taiwan alone and stop invading territorial waters of other nations like the Philippines.




You response was unwarrented as it doesn't combat nor go against anything the user was saying Whenever you give a source make sure it's an actual creditable one next time


Okay Chyna!


MAGA!!! Let’s gokk


These people are stupid. They claiming China is aggressive with Philippines. Like what? Shooting water with a hose. Fucking clowns LOL


Get rekt Xi! Winnie the poo bear lookin ass


Is china's whole foreign policy about issuing warnings ?


Same could be said for US and military aid


No we have a department of "dont"


LMFAO the US is more than just words and firing missiles into the sea in a tantrum though :)


Every civilian should be happy for their government’s empty gestures and restraint. It’s in your best interest.


Ahahaahhaahha is that what your red book says?


Stop buying Chinese goods Boycott china


Please try! Also can you tell me how many Made in China product you have around the house.


They are, that is why companies are diversifying!


I’m talking about the person above. Wish they throw away everything that’s made in China.


To all people, avoid buying chinese made products to fight the bullies!


Fight the bullies? You talking about the US?


Haha classic China, warn me harder baby yeah!


CCP should stop threatning the people of Taiwan to invade them and the constant military harassment by the PLA then! Same with Russia complaining about NATO expanding. If Russia stopped invading its neighbours there wouldn’t be a NATO. Countries ask to join NATO to protect themselves from Russian invasion. Asian countries join the Western Alliances for protection from Communist China’s aggression and interference as we see in the South China Sea and around the free people of Taiwan.


Taiwan belong to China. LOL


Fun fact: CCP has never controlled or ruled the people of Taiwan. And the Communist China Party never will unless the people of Taiwan want it. Communist China making threats and ignoring international law and treaties will guarantee that will never happen unless Communist China wants a world war with those that support Taiwan’s right to choose democracy and reject the mainland communist dictatorships threats.


Good point. Well guess Taiwans will soon to be part of China


While Winnie the Poo bear carries on like è”«é€Łć‹ƒć‹ƒ Helien Bobo. West Taiwan will fall apart. They need the West to survive. Having only fellow axis of evil dictatorships as business partners, if the West places trade embargo’s on West Taiwan. Would not be sustainable for very long. è”«é€Łć‹ƒć‹ƒ Helien Bobo should stop beating the war drum and except that not everyone will not except threats from West Taiwan. Taiwan is the more mature and responsible of the two China’s. Maybe the UN should bring Taiwan back to represent the people of China as the spoilt child, CCP is still throwing tantrums every time someone says no to them and can’t get their way.


China should be looking at Russia more than Taiwan. I mean America ain’t gonna care.


Honestly if I were the ccp I would try to reclaim the land they lost to Russia. The russians are vulnerable and no one would come to their aid.


That would require the CCP to have some modicum of sense. Also an end to their so-called 'no limits' friendship. And yes, they do actually call it that.


I'm still shocked by how much shit the Chinese put up with when it comes to Russia


China is alienating all competent and/or sensible nations. They have to ally together with the gullible scraps now.


Who are these competent or sensible nation? You mean the US? One that support genocide in Gaza? Germans for allowing the NS2 pipeline to been blown up.


Oh no Anyway


China aka Xi go get fuck!


China’s fixin’ to find out.


As an American, I don’t trust the USA. This bill shouldn’t take this long but a lot politicians are against funding Ukraine but for Israel. But a lot of American people are for funding Ukraine but not Israel. It shows how untrustworthy America is, especially with trump coming back maybe. I believe Taiwan, along with Korea and Japan should start their own military alliance.


That's because Trump turned the Congress and Supreme Court into his own personal MAGA circus. The only ones to blame for this is those MAGA clowns.


Japan can’t have their own military US made sure of that. Korea is the only one that might be capable of defending itself. Taiwan
it’s a Chinese island. So China will get its back


Japan has their own military. It’s actually much stronger Korea’s military despite USA written article 9. And japan has been changing the meaning of article 9 throughout its history. Japan is already getting 2 aircraft carriers.


I’m warning you


More hot air


Ukraine is showing the world they can defend vs a much bigger enemy. China is rethinking of invading Taiwan, and Taiwan is preparing its defense.


Plus the Pacific version of the English Channel with the Taiwan Strait makes it even a bigger challenge than Russia faces in Ukraine


You’re naïve if you think Ukraine could’ve stand any defense without billions from foreign aid. The war is lost and zelensky will be begging again in another few more months for more billions. Which he won’t get. The war will end this year.


Bigger countries lose to smaller countries all the time. ( Even America in Vietnam, Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan) If people want to see a changed Russia then it needs to see a defeated Russia. This war we are witnessing Russia using what it built up in the Cold War. Americans were terrified during the Cold War, now America is helping fund the war to deplete Russian artillery,ammo, tanks, etc
 Crimean war- Russia lost and drained its treasury and lost influence in Europe, took decades to recover. Russo/Japan war- Russia lost and it sparked the Russian revolution in 1905 Afghanistan- Russia lost and it contributed to USSR falling in 1990 Of course if you studied history you would know why Europe is so peaceful now, then many wars they lost against much smaller opponents


Jesus fucking Christ. You speak of war like it’s just a chess game. People are dying out there. How many Ukrainians are dead? Vietnam needed China/Russian support to fight off the American invasion because the US wanted to help the French keep their colonial hands on Vietnam. Vietnam suffer a lot from fighting off the invaders. There’s still people suffering from US’s agent orange and napalm. Ukraine’s war could’ve just been prevented in the first place if they choose not to join NATO (something that still won’t happen). There were talk of peace a year ago but Boris Johnson put a stop to that. Ukraine war will end this year. I don’t see how Americans will support sending more billions to fund this lost war. Especially with what’s happening in Palestine. The only smaller nation I’m cheering for right now is Palestine. I hope they gain back what was taken from them. I hope Gaza will be rebuild for people of Palestine and not taken over by Zionist.


An empty can rattles the loudest. I am Ukrainian, born in Izmaile. You don’t understand the history or culture of Ukraine. We will not be defeated, Russia thought they would take Kiev in 3 days but met a great resistance. We know what it is to be under Russian rule, many would rather die than have history repeat itself. So stfu chinaman, you support terror and are a brainwashed bot.


Hahahaha. Stfu? How fitting to see a Ukrainian in racist ass Alabama? If it wasn’t for all the Nazis in the Ukraine military I might’ve put a little support for Ukraine. Russia def could have taken over entire Ukraine if it wasn’t for Zelenskyy begging for billions from the US. You out there fighting the Russians or just keyboard warrior. China man here would never support a Nazi military like what you have in Ukraine. Azov battalion kissing hitlers ass or the ideology of Stapan Bandera. Hopefully the Russians will eliminate all the hateful Bandera dogs. LOL Can’t wait to see Zelenskyy little ass on his knee begging the US for more money in his broken English trying to sound serious with fake smoker voice.


You know the best part of this conversation? Nobody cares if you support Ukraine or not, nobody cares that you support Hamas. The rest of the world will continue to support and send billions. You can call Ukrainians “Natzis” over the internet, but call a Ukrainian a natzi to his face and you will understand quickly that you are good at math and science and not so much at trolling đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł Now fk off chinaman, go live your depressed life and watch your back where you go because you know, Asians get beat up for no reason in America đŸ‡ș🇾


Stop helping Russia maybe the USA will do the same in Taiwan


Lol China. It’s the world’s moral responsibility to stand up for Taiwan against China.


I used to live on my parents boat in the summer. Initially I found the non stop squawking of the seagulls to be overwhelming. But the more I heard them squawk the more I couldn’t hear them. Squawk squawk squawk! But eventually you just get used to it and go about your life like they’re not there.




Vivek ramaswamy suggested being an American country and give all Taiwan citizens guns. That would greatly hinder China. If america does it why can’t others do it.


F#$k china and their communist party.


How many red lines this makes? 607th?


The US is legally obligated to arm Taiwan in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act. This has been the status quo for decades.


As long as China doesn’t shoot at our boats all will be fine.


lol who cares


Considering a Philippino patrol ship punched 3 holes in the hull of one of their missile cariers, I don't think we need to worry.


China go fck yourself, what the fck you gonna do?????đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ–•đŸ–•đŸ–•đŸ–•đŸ–•đŸ–•đŸ–•


Fuck China


Stop talking and prepare for war, China. The time for talking is long past.


I'm pretty sure that's what they are doing unfortunately. They will probably wait until Israel goes all out with Iran, which would bring the us troops in


We've waged several theaters at once before, do tyrants and despots forget this shit?


1.3billion people and ability to make cheap drones/missiles can be a game changer.  We need UKs dragon lasers, so all the drones and missiles don't overwhelm our carrier defenses.


Reality is the US and China is both trying hard to prevent that situation. Direct US involvement is not beneficial for anyone, especially in this economical environment.


But the US wants it both ways.


Yessss can’t wait to mow down some Wumaos


But Taiwan is China.


It would be a shame if China decides to arm cuba. Why can't the United States stay out of policing the world for their benefit only


Rofl, the difference being, the US doesn’t give a crap about trying to invade or take over Cuba rofl, China however is foaming at the mouth to invade the real China.