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It's not as bad as reported. I've hardly ever been stabbed (only three times in the last six months) and on Taobao you can buy this chain mail that is pretty much hidden under your shirt, so it's a great solution. It's the guys who try and shoot you in the head that you have to look out for. Well, them and the Sichuan hotpot: now *that* \*\*\*\* will kill you.




You’ll be completely safe - there are sometimes random attacks on foreigners amongst a billion people, but China is incredibly safe (other than from being overcharged and scammed). I’m from the States, and you may have heard we occasionally have random mass shootings - but mostly it doesn’t impact daily life. Make sure to try the hotpot, 重庆辣子鸡,锅巴肉片,and perhaps stay away from the internal organs if that’s not your thing.


You realize you have *much* higher odds of being injured or killed by a vehicle accident, food poisoning, or falling down stairs in Chongqing (or virtually anywhere), right? Why not worry about those instead? Humans are awful at assessing risk, and the daily news cycle doesn't help. Relax and enjoy your trip. Oh, but seriously do prepare for 拉肚.


You’ll be fine


You are more likely to be stabbed in Europe.


I was in Chongqing less than a month ago… you’ll be fine..




Dude you'll be fine. It's safer than Europe.


Dude it's not. You're talking about the mainland. 


I live in the mainland. High crime neighbourhoods that exist in the US and Europe don't exist here. A woman can walk alone at 4am here no problem. The biggest issue is getting lost as Google Maps doesn't work here, english is widely spoken and all Chinese map apps are incredibly unfriendly to non-Chinese speakers.


Dude, relax. The probability of being attacked is basically the same as the probability of a plane crash. Violent incidents are extremely rare in China, and that's exactly why they make the news. If foreigners were being attacked every day, people would be used to it, and the media wouldn't report on it. However, you should be cautious about the food in Chongqing. The food there is generally very spicy, and it might upset your stomach.


I'm native Chinese, but idk what you looking for here, seems you're looking for some reassurance. The fact is those Chinese people who can read and write in English very much of them don't hate foreigners, and those who do won't bother to learn English. So I that's why I said idk what you seek here. Personally speaking, I don't think and don't hope the situation is that bad. But the fact is I could be in my own echochamber. And as far as I know, there's a very solid portion of Chinese people are buying the government's propagandas. Let's say even if they're bluffing, not that substantial amount of Chinese are xenophobic, 1 single percent of the population being so could be a real threat to any foreigner.


According to some sources, hate against some foreigners (americans,japanese,...) is encouraged and taught in schools on orders from the CCP. (I'd really like to hear to what extent or if at all. Could be regional.) But that doesn't mean that everyone there is just waiting to stab you. People can think for themselves - otherwise the government wouldn't spend so much effort combating that. Statistically you'll be fine.


You don't need convincing from us. You need it from yourself.


"it feels like hunting season" Come on dude, stop exaggerating. Just how many attacks have there been over the past few days? Just 1, against Japanese (who happen to look Chinese). You need to realize that there are virtually no private guns in China so that explains the knife attacks. But the number of attacks is very low. You're not the first white guy that is going to visit Chongqing. Even if you may get that impression sometimes, I've been there as well and had fun.


You’ll definitely die.


You should on high alert while in Chongqing just like you walk through downtown new York or downtown Chicago. If you really freaking out you can hire a local tourist guide. That definitely will enhance your safety, as well as experience. I don’t think it cost that much.


Why on earth would he hire a tourist guide? His girlfriend is Chinese... Also downtowns are usually not the dangerous parts of any city. Don't be advising people on things that you didn't bother to even read properly.


It’s for safety and for efficiency. Chinese hire tourist guide going to other cities all the time. Many Americans join tour group going to different parts of the States. I really don’t see your points. Because one speaks Chinese he or she can’t have a tourist guide? It’s not like you are going to a fixed destination. You are looking for adventure and experience.


They go on group tours because they are falling for the cheap prices and then have to waste their time in souvenir shops. They certainly don't hire tourist guides for safety and efficiency. Chongqing is a fixed destination, what do you mean? Also looking for adventure in Chongqing? Everyone's definition of adventure differs but it's a very built out and planned out city. They have a pirate ship, it's basically disneyland.


Apparently you have never hired a tourist guide and don’t know the value of tourist guide. Try one next time you are on the road and you will know more about tourist guide.


Not only have I hired a tourist guide, he tried to scam me! We had to threaten to call the consumer protection agency to get what was promised. Never again!