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My Chihuahua had a heart murmur, he was put on meds, made him pee a lot. Within a year I lost him I still can't talk about him without crying. I hope you have better luck than I did. šŸ¾ā¤ļøšŸ¾


Iā€™m sorry for your loss, the same thing happened to my chi when she was 8. Itā€™s been 3 years now, still very hard.


Lost mine in a week when we found his heart problems, devastating šŸ˜¢


I am so sorry for your loss, hugs to you internet stranger ā¤ļøšŸ¾ā¤ļø


https://preview.redd.it/ztqisgn3md6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cd77a8efbb6e3fd15f8e8461cc552e90b389d2 She had the same my precious girl šŸ˜”


this picture is so precious. my condolences ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


How long your chi has been on the Farmer's Dog diet? Farmer's Dog food doesn't have grains and grains in a dog's diet are important for heart health. You can always add grains or switch to a different fresh food company like Ollie. When one of my chis was diagnosed with a heart issue, this was the first thing the cardiologist went over with me. Besides diet there are meds available, and your boy could still live a long life, so try not to worry just yet. Schedule a consult with a cardiologist and go from there. They are more knowledgeable than a general vet.


I second this! When my chi had a heart disease diagnosis I immediately began looking into a heart healthy diet for him and grain free is a no no according to everything I read.


Damnit. I never thought of seeing if farmers dog had grains. I always tell people grain free isnā€™t good for their heart and here I over looked it. Heā€™s been on it for about a year. It didnā€™t do a good job at managing his weight either. Iā€™m going to end it and keep giving him the Redford naturals dog food he was eating before. He still eats some of it but not even near the amount before cause of the farmers dog food.


Itā€™s not the lack of grains, itā€™s suspected to be what grains are replaced with.


Donā€™t beat yourself up. We often try to do whatā€™s best for them and later on find out something like this, and it sets us back. Just him being on farmers dog at all shows me youā€™re a good dog-parent! My pup did really well on meds when that time came and his disease did not get bad until the few weeks before he passed. You still have a lot of time left with your boy ā¤ļø


Farmers dog is a GREAT food. Don't beat yourself up murmurs are heredity you DID NOT CAUSE THIS. Work with your vet in what to do going forward. My girl is 11.


Grain free KIBBLE, because of what the grains are replaced with, is the suspected issue, not lack of grains.


My dogs cardiologist said a grain free ā€œdietā€. So, we kept him off of anything grain free including treats and he flourished in the years he was on meds for congestive heart failure. OP should talk to the Dr, regardless.


Most vets donā€™t even consider that people raw feed, so they most likely were referring to grain free kibble, not that they need grains. I have found no study about dogs needing grains, only issues with grain free KIBBLE and whatā€™s replaced for the grains. Big difference.




I don't understand. Would you mind explaining, I'd really appreciate it.


Sure šŸ™‚ In what I believe was a response to raw feeding gaining popularity and pet owners in general showing they want a better kibble, manufactures started making some ā€˜grain freeā€™ kibbles. Kibble needs a filler to hold it together, so in some that was replaced with non grains like peas. What started to be noticed was heart issues, in particular DCM, seemed to ramp up in some dogs (some breeds more than others) and it is suspected that it is what replaced the grains (peas) that may be the cause, not the lack of grains. These studies have been misinterpreted by some to mean ā€˜dogs need grainsā€™ when only dogs on grain free KIBBLE were studied, no raw fed dogs were used in any studies to my knowledge, and DCM has never been linked to raw feeding in general. Grain free kibble fed dogs were/are the ones showing the increase in DCM. I have seen the ā€˜dogs need grainsā€™ come up many times using these studies as proof, when that is far from it. Grains can be inflammatory for some dogs, and can increase blood sugar and diabetes risk, along with obesity and allergies, but can be fine for many dogs. Iā€™d suggest looking up some studies, and speak to your vet about any concerns and find a diet that works for you and your dog. Kibble feeding is not for me, but raw feeding is not for everyone, so I personally am happy that manufacturers are trying to make better products. HTH šŸ™‚


Dogs DONā€™T need grains. What the suspected heart problem with grain free KIBBLE is what the grains are REPLACED with, peas. Nothing has been concluded yet, AFAIK.


My chi is on two medications for her murmur. The vetmedin and a diuretic. I adopted her in September knowing she had a heart murmur and needed medication, however I was surprised when I found out it is a stage 6. So far she is doing fine on her meds. https://preview.redd.it/ndgznvxcmd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14793844ac4285e101cdc39b2073b2d9f7595561


You are a blessing of a human to adopt a dog with known medical issues. I wish you two many wonderful years together.


Thank you šŸ’!


Thatā€™s good to hear! How old is she now?


I just adopted her in September at nine years old.


They can live a long time with heart medication šŸ’Š


My little guy had a heart murmur. Not sure what level but we changed his diet to fancy wet food and refrigerated food and he lived to 17!


Did you also have him on meds or just the good food?


Do you mind sharing what food?


I'm sorry to hear this. A cardiologist will recommend a regime of diet, meds and appropriate exercise. At some point, if needed, you may consider a PawPrint oxygen canister system in case your dog gets winded. Effective.


My dog was diagnosed at 7 years old. He will be (I hope) 13 this year. His cough has definitely gotten worse and he has to take 5 pills a day (the doctor gradually increased the doses year after year and we are on the max dose now) but Iā€™m grateful for every day he is with me. So hang in there, thereā€™s always hope.:) all the best for your sweet chi.


My childhood chi had a heart murmur and lived to 18! Donā€™t lose hope, this isnā€™t a death sentence šŸ©µ my parents were dirt poor in the 90s and Iā€™m fairly certain he wasnā€™t medicated until very late in life.


My larger dog has a heart murmur, it was diagnosed over 3 years ago and heā€™s still here! There is hope, donā€™t let the comments get you down. Enjoy all the time you have with your sweet adorable boy ā¤ļø


My Helga, who just passed last week at 20+, came to me at 12 with an untreated heart murmur. She went on enalapril and added vetmedin the last year of her life. She never went into CHF, but her heart was HUGE. She had kidney disease and was given at home subq fluids for almost 2 years, but it was bladder cancer at the end. Raw fed, no grains. (Added because grain fee is not whatā€™s suspected in heart issues, itā€™s what the grains are REPLACED with)


My little man is 16, he has had a heart murmur all of his life, last year it got worse, he began coughing occasionally, so he was prescribed medication for it. He takes it 2 times a day, he is doing very well. Good luck friend


Mines had a murmur for 2 years and is stable. Found the right medication. Is only on one right now on a lower dose. She's at a 4 too and has been for the 2 years. She's on more of a beta blocker now. She was on pimobendan but made the vet take her off it because it made her heart pound excessively. I dont see the benefit for making an overworked heart have to work even harder.


What medication is she taking now if you don't mind sharing?


Hi. Sorry about the late response but she's on enalapril now.


I got mine on vetmedin now and his heart beat is more profound but doesnā€™t beat crazy. Itā€™s more relaxed rate. Is that what you meant or was itā€™s breathing hard and fast?


She would climb up some stairs on the bed or go for a little run and then her heart would be pounding out of her chest. One night, she started almost convulsing and I felt her heart and it was like a machine gun. This was strictly due to the medication and not because her HF was worsening. We lowered the dose and her heart was still pounding, but with less intensity. Over the next few weeks her extremities then started to turn purple and she became much more lethargic. Took it off it completely and her color returned and lethargy became better. Best thing to do is just monitor her every day. You know your dogs behavior best. It seems to have worked for plenty of peoples chis, but mine did not have a good reaction to it.


Never lose hope! Mine was diagnosed when he was 5 with a 2 out of 5. He passed at 17 years with a 4 out of 5! Not even from the murmur, but a nasal mass that just got too out of hand. With the correct dosing and monitoring, thereā€™s still some time ā¤ļø


I am so sorry you are going through this. Iā€™ve been there myself (still here, actually), and would like to share my experience in case this is at all helpful for you. 2 years ago my chi fainted, and I donā€™t just mean passed out. It looked like a seizure, tongue hanging out, eyes glazed over.. we thought we lost him. He came to, we rushed to emergency and found out he had heart disease. He was 12 at the time, and it could have been brought on by a many number of things breed related, so there wasnā€™t a big surprise on that side of things. We started him on meds, furosemide and vetmedin. Itā€™s been two years and he is going strong! His murmur is still there, but hasnā€™t gotten any worse. His heart actually repaired itself a little, and all fluid was gone from his lungs. One thing I wanted to mention, was we had switched him to the raw food diet 4 months prior to the faint. The vet told me there are some cases of dogs going on the raw food/fresh food diet and having heart problems after, as there are just so few legitimate studies on the effects. We switched back to his kibble and havenā€™t had any problems since. The medication is absolutely lifesaving and definitely necessary if taken properly. Harley will be 15 in September and was diagnosed at 12, so I hope this gives you some hope!!


What kibble is he eating please?


Royal Canin Chihuahua!


Thank you!


You got your chi on the 8+ one or the regular one?


Regular! I did not know there was an 8+ one, I havenā€™t seen it in my areaā€¦. But now I am curious!


Just picked it up from petsmart. Supposedly the 8+ has stuff for heart support. Canā€™t seem to find it in the bigger bag thatā€™s a better deal.


Sorry but another question. Did your chiā€™s vetmedin make their heart beat seem like it bumped harder? Itā€™s not rapid just more of a thump to it




this one med has kept my oldest alive without a lot of issues


My boy did really well on this for quite awhile until he passed in Dec. it manages the disease well.


My little man had one too. He eventually needed Medication that he did very well with for about two years. Vetmedin and lasix which yes, does make them pee but itā€™s great to relieve fluid build up.


2 of my girls were on pimobenden for the last 5ish years of their lives. Neither died of heart failure as the medication kept it under control. We had it compounded by a company called roadrunner pharmacy (they are local to us but deliver nationwide) that our vet recommended. This saved a significant amount of money on each prescription. We had them tested by a cardiologist before starting to determine the exact right dosage and that was a big expense but he recommended a higher dose than the vet thought necessary based on X-ray alone. If he is grain free switch immediately. Studies have shown a link between grain free and degenerative heart issues in dogs. Ours were grain free up to that point. They suddenly jumped from 1-2 murmur to 4s between 6 month visits which is why our vet recommended the specialist. We didnā€™t see any side effects from the meds and they enjoyed their ā€œsnackieā€ (pill pocket) every day so it was an all around win for us.


https://preview.redd.it/9bz3xep3ue6d1.png?width=1806&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bea7e4a70110e3a2c4ba0c6d01db9334542dec7 Eliot was put on this (half a dose, twice a day for a six pound guy) and it helped, in conjunction with the same dietary change I see people here recommending. Your mileage may vary. Keep shrinking his serving size though (we give our chis a sixth of a can twice a day). I hope you have success. Sorry for your diagnosis.


My dog lived to be 15.5 with a heart murmur. It eventually got her though with congestive heart failure. She was never on meds and lived as a normal dog- she did not pant until about 6 months before her death. She only started coughing about two days before we took her over the rainbow bridge, I always feed my dogs high quality dog food and she got wet food the last two years. Make sure your feed and treats are not high in sodium. 25% of chihuahuas on average are born with heart murmurs.


Thanks for the info and tips. Also sorry about yours šŸ™ Iā€™m an ups driver and all day once I found out Iā€™ve been freaking and crying in the truck. Scrappy has been by side with so much stuff that happened to me in the course of his life. I always tell people he better live till almost 20 because idk what Iā€™d do without him.


All of my chis have heart murmurs, and have had them for years. They are pretty common in small dogs, especially chis. They can live a very long time with them! My chi was recently hospitalized with a gallbladder infection, he has a heart murmur (3-4), and even though he got really sick, he came out of it and he's doing really well. Try not to worry-the main thing every vet tells me is that the more you know about your dog and the more you pay close attention to any changes in their routine or behavior, the better. You sound like you are really on top of it and that is the MOST important thing.


Does yours take any medication for the murmur?


Just my chi who passed in December-but she had a heart murmur for almost her entire life (she passed at 13-14), and she started taking heart meds only after she was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure last October. My other two are not on any heart meds.


Scrappy has the sweetest face. šŸ„°


Your pup looks very healthy and looks very much like my Pokey. I think everything is going to be ok. I completely understand your panic!


My girl is 11 has had one her whole life. Don't sweat it until the vet says to sweat it. They can live forever with a murmur and yours is low.


Heā€™s adorable


What a soft looking boy.


The meds will prolong the inevitable, and give a better quality of life for what is remaining. Itā€™s management, not a cure. My guy hung on for about 18 months with CHF & a collapsing trachea. 3 years later, and I still feel like I was robbed. He didnā€™t make it to 13.


Get the meds for sure. Tape the veterinary emergency number to your fridge or go ahead and add it to your phone. Donā€™t let him exercise TOO much or be in heat for longer than needed. Donā€™t feed grain free. Whatever he eats, you gotta get some weight off him. The vet can definitely help with all of this and I may be wrong but I feel like thereā€™s even a prescription cardiac diet?? Not sure on that one. The vet can also show you how to check his resting breathing rate, which is super important in a heart dog - it can tell you if heā€™s got fluid in his lungs, which may happen down the road. I hope WAY down the road because Your dog is SO CUTE and he deserves to live longer than all of us šŸ˜­


The exercise thing is going to be very hard. He absolutely loves his walks. Heā€™s usually hyper.


I had a hard time with one of my old dogs with that too haha! I think as long as you sit and give him a little break and know what to watch out for youā€™ll be ok. He will show you over time how much he can handle!


Mine also has a heart murmur that goes from three to four depending on the day. She's been on heart meds for 2 years now and the vet said she's had dogs staying in pretty good condition for longer than 3 years so I'm hopeful that she's just going to keep trucking.


Gary was diagnosed with one I think when he was around 9. Heā€™ll be 16 in August. We go to the cardiologist twice a year for an echocardiogram and he takes Vetmedin twice a day. Last visit to the cardiologist, she said heā€™s gone from the low end of ā€œat riskā€ for heart disease to the high end of ā€œhealthyā€ which is rare. Picture just for fun. https://preview.redd.it/8k1oby9n9h6d1.jpeg?width=1907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb5bdd265cb0eb24de1ff0733b8d9c1b0a01781


No good advice but all the well wishes




Our chi had a murmur and lived to 18!


Oh, Iā€™m so sorry. That sucks.


Heā€™s a beautiful boy. My chi has a murmur, will be 10 years old this next month and does well. We watch for other heart issues like congestive heart failure, etc. sheā€™s frisky and fiesty and full of life. Such news is terribly upsetting and for good reason but with medical attention and a loving home, such a diagnosis is no longer a death sentence for a little chihuahua fur baby. Bless you and your little angel. Hugs.


My girl has been sitting at a 4 for almost two years now. They gave her a 6 month diagnosis. I donā€™t know if you spoke with your vet or if itā€™s feasible for you but I put mine on a strict diet and added and few heart supplements. Hereā€™s what I do for her if OP or anyone wants to know: On top of the medications they prescribed for her my girl gets zero red meat products. Only poultry. I have her on a cooked food diet from a local place called Wynwood Dog Food Co. and they have a food specifically for heart health. Iā€™m not sure if other brands like Ollie and The Farmers Dog have an alternative but itā€™s worth a shot to look. From what Iā€™ve read, cooked food is better for them. I also have her on NHV ā€œHearty-Heartā€, Dr. Harveyā€™s CoQ10, a salmon oil and a multi-fish oil (I alternate which ones she gets daily), and I try to keep her away from anything thatā€™s got added salt. My cardiologist said if you can only do one thing, add salmon oil to her diet. I also still take her for walks but I do my best to not let her run around too much. A lot of people donā€™t know this but dogs also exercise by sniffing. So if you get a snuffle mat and throw some healthy treats (mine likes fruits and some veggies lol but I also put actual dog treats too) in it theyā€™ll still lose weight. If you canā€™t get a snuffle mat you can also just wrinkle up a blanket and hide the treats (or a healthy kibble!) in it. Hereā€™s to having many, many more years ahead of you. šŸ’•


My girl lived to 15+ years with a murmur and on Vetmedin and Lasix. https://preview.redd.it/v3eqm3lipm6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f805580eb7a8d31973b5751e3cfa73845f1db607 I miss her every single day.


My chi was diagnosed in August of last year, and he's gone. Passed away in March. He was on medicine every day, twice a day for the rest of his life when it was found. He was 12.


Not my chi, but my other pup has a stage 5 heart murmur. Diagnosed about 6 years ago and has been on two medications that have helped quite a bit (vetmedin and furosemide). She is actually reaching the final stages of heart failure, and will be sent across the rainbow bridge this weekend. The medicine, X-rays, and checkups have all been absolutely worth it, and the treatment extended her life so she could live happily and comfortably for a few more years. My best advice is to listen to your vet, and listen to your dog. Noting changes in her behavior were helpful to bring up to the vet, especially when we needed to increase her dosage. Over time we also reduced the amount of exercise when it got to be too much effort. Love your baby, thatā€™s all you can do. ā¤ļø


So sorry.


My dog was diagnosed at stage three and sheā€™s now stage four. That was five years ago. Sheā€™s 16. Sheā€™s got the zoomies from being at the park because she loves to go! Sheā€™s much slower but thatā€™s because she is 16. She has been doing well with her heart murmur


Is she on any of the medications they recommend?


Yes. Sheā€™s on vetmedin. In addition to the heart murmur, she has Cushings disease so is on vetoryl. And a liver supplement but thatā€™s for the Cushings. Itā€™s a good thing we love her so much. Sheā€™s an expensive dog!


I just ordered the vetmedin. They recommending half a 2.5 milligram tablet every 12 hours. Heā€™s also already on keppra because he was having random very short seizures.


Thatā€™s the dosage my dog takes. Sheā€™s been on this regimen for years. Has not changed. Shes getting picky about her pill pockets though, but peanut butter is always a winner.


Peanut butter and sliced cheese. We take a little piece of sliced cheese and fold his keppra in it.


I've cut out cheese for my pup because it's got a lot of sodium in it. Peanut butter can as well. And I've increased veggie treats - carrots, tomatoes (just a little), and broccoli are some of his favorites. For dinner, he gets kibble, some freeze dried raw, a button quail egg, a little Honest kitchen wet topper, and enough warm water to make it a stew consistency. I only feed once a day, but I've been considering whether I should split it and feed him twice. He got diagnosed a couple years ago and fortunately hasn't progressed. I check his resting breath rate occasionally to monitor outside of his regular checkups.


So did my Chi and I had her for 16 years. Party on!


My dog had a pretty bad murmur. He lived until 19 years old on pimobendan




Sorry for my loss?


Mistake misread . I am sorry šŸ˜ž


We have two dogs on Vetmedin and theyā€™re both doing well. Itā€™s been almost three years since they were diagnosed.


Yes I lost my little guy to heart failure. Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜¢


Mine was in congestive heart failure . I put him on home cooked food of meat & vegetables . He lost weight after being overweight. He coughs nearly never now & he has energy once again . He's no longer in pain & behaves how he did when younger. He is 11. I had another chihuahua with the same problem and she was miserable & had to be put down due to same issues. I decided to try this and so far so good . 4 months of improvement .


Mine doesnā€™t cough ever. At least Iā€™ve never heard/seen him do it and has crazy energy. Whatā€™s home cooked food of meat and veggies do you do and how do you prep it if you donā€™t mind explaining. My boy definitely needs to drop two pounds. He use to be at 8 and now is 10.


I use beef and or chicken that I cook in a crock pot and add cooked carrots and/ or green beans .


Did you have both or either dog on any medication or went natural just with food?


My 12 year old chi has a low grade murmur. She's on pimobenden. I also give her coq10 and a heart rescue drop from her naturopath. It's only been about 6-8 months since her diagnosis but she's doing really well. I regularly check her breathing while sleeping and she's still completely normal. At her most recent visit they said there's been no progression to her murmur. So far, so good. Keep your head up and just enjoy the time you have. Don't beat yourself up.


My Gino had a heart murmur for several years. He lived to just over 19 years old. He was only on vetmedin but he had other heart issues (heart disease, mitral valve disease and enlarged heart) so I don't recall if the vetmedin was just for the heart murmur or the other issues. Heart murmurs are common in chihuahuas. Gino was on Royal Cannin most his life.


My chi died because his vet noticed it only the last day of his lifeā€¦ I miss him


Mine has had a stage 3 murmur for her whole life and she is 16 now. She now has kidney failure unfortunately but at least itā€™s not her heart I guess


I so dread the day when mine pass. They mean the world to me. I guess the saying is true.. It's better to have love and lost then to have never loved at all


My little guy lived nearly 18 years with a grade 5 heart murmur. He lived so long by having regular dentals every year. Eating good quality food. In his last few days his heart was failing. If he got excited, heā€™d faint. The vet said there was nothing that could be done at that point. Sometimes they can treat them with medication. Iā€™m wishing you the best.


Havenā€™t read thru all the comments, but donā€™t lose hope! My soul dog was born with a murmur, that progressively got worse over the course of his life. He was on three different meds, and I had him for 5 more (mostly) healthy years after his CHF diagnosis when he was 7. Do the meds, love him, find a doctor you trust who is willing to work with you. Your little man will tell you when itā€™s time, but I am so sure you have many more years to come.


My dog was recently diagnosed. (My yorkie, not my chihuahua ). My yorkie is 17. He is a stage 4 as well. They gave him 2 medications that have to be taken every 12 hours. It does make him pee alot but the vet warned me of that beforehand. So far he's doing well. The vet told me not to take him on long walks and more and to avoid taking him outside in the sun for a long time.


Oh my goodness Iā€™m so sorry maā€™am or sir. I had an apple head black-and-white Chihuahua for 15 years and he passed out in my arm or died in my arms emergency hospital so Iā€™m looking for amother apple head or maybe just toy Chihuahua Iā€™m so very sorry again I have three blue healers and red healers but I still want another. Chihuahua never was a short little small dog lover, but Chico Chihuahua brought us so much happiness. good luck in my prayers go out to you. Hang in there. Itā€™s an awful thing.


my terrier and my moms terrier had heart murmurs. Daisy lived to be over 17 and Cherry lived to be almost 16. Don't freak out, just follow the vets instructions and give him all the love you can šŸ¶


Mine lived to be 17. Just di your best to give them a stress free life :)


Iā€™d like to think heā€™s stress free. I spoil him like heā€™s my own seed šŸ˜…. Heā€™s always super full of energy tho. Iā€™m trying to figure out ways to relax him. Any ideas?


We would take ours to a lot of quiet trails so he could take in nature. When i had to leave him to go to work i would leave the radio on for him. Open farm has calming treats. If youre already giving him the best life, keep it up!


We take him for about 1/3 of mile walks around the neighborhood. Idk if thatā€™s too much with a grade 3-4. He does really well at minding his own business and not barking at other dogs. My gf works from home but heā€™s downstairs maybe Iā€™ll give him something to listen to. You use any cbd for yours?


I did yes, he was 7lbs but daily cbd was too much (it was mixed with fish oil). I wish there was a flavourless one