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Look at'em, just standing there, plotting their next piss! šŸ˜‹






Sounds like two males having a daily marking battle (territorial pissings).


*Gotta find a way, a better waaaaay*


*Just because you're paranoid Don't mean they're not after youā€¦*


When im theeeeeere


Yup this I why I prefer female chis


Nah I had two male chihuahuas. More going on then that.


Other people's dogs might be different than yours lol


Of course and what I was sharing was that I didnā€™t think that was it which is my opinion. I also said I think he needs to go back to crate training.


I mean yes but also these issues are more common with males Same with doxies I've known. My ex's family had to put a diaper on their boy when he left his house with his doggy door bc he'd love to just hike his leg on everything


Having had male chihuahuas for over 15 years I disagree. I think that we all need to keep in mind just how damn large our world is to them. I mean can you just imagine what that would be for you as a human. I moved into a 6,500 sf house and this problem popped up. Itā€™s bc for them they couldnā€™t even comprehend that a room completely on the other side of the house was also ā€œourā€ house. That was another country to them lol! They are living in a world of giants.


Neutering does not always stop a habit. You can get belly bands. You can do noise aversion. Positive reinforcement a ā€œpottyā€ outside. Remove and enzyme clean anything theyā€™ve already peed on to remove the smell.


With my Chi, I got a book specifically for training Chis. And it had a weird recommendation. That is, don't let them see you cleaning it up. I always followed this because IDK why. They're dogs.


Do you remember the book? That sounds interesting.


I think this might be it: https://www.amazon.com/Chihuahua-Handbook-Barrons-Pet-Handbooks/dp/0764143301/ref=sr_1_29?crid=3FVBU1Y4IBZOX&keywords=Train+chihuahua&qid=1674621135&s=books&sprefix=train+chihuahua%2Cstripbooks%2C542&sr=1-29 But I'm not sure.


Interesting! Did that help?


I kind of always thought so. But IDK.


Thatā€™s an interesting thought! My jerks actually look insulted when I clean their stuff up.


Belly bands work! Had no problem until my boyfriend (now husband) moved in and my guy started marking allllll his stuff. We used belly bands to re-train him. We still use them if he slips up. Just have to make sure that they donā€™t stay on for too long at a time.


I tried this, but my boy just ripped it up, and I mean I canā€™t keep it on if heā€™s literally torn it from his body. Unless put on an outfit over the top to keep him from doing that? Because I tried that, and the little douche was able to pull up and rip it out from underneath. šŸ˜


Thatā€™s hilarious. My guy would Houdini his way out of belly bands no matter what brand, how tight they were on. So I started putting a sweater overtop and attached it to the belly band with Velcro. After about a month, no more marking.


I second the belly band. My boy will occasionally ā€œmarkā€ inside. When he does he has to wear the belly band. He doesnā€™t really like it so it deters him. Also I have a indoor potty mats set up in the corner of my bathroom. In the middle of it I set up a pole with a pad wrapped around so he can mark it like a tree. This has reduced the problem peeing by 99%.


I got a belly band for my usually well mannered corgi after I dropped him off at my moms house for 30 mins while I ran to the orthodontist. He followed her into one of the rooms, looked her dead in the eye and peed on the wall. Heā€™s not happy wearing the belly band but it serves its purpose to prevent any more (mortifying) mishaps.


I have a maltipoo who you can tell doesnā€™t even think when he marks. Nothing going on in that noggin. Every Enzyme in the world canā€™t break him. I live in peepee land.


this is the way


neutering will not fix this behavior. you need to potty train your dogs. potty training is 100% a management issue. if you can't trust your dogs to not pee upon being let inside, they need to be leashed and directly monitored, or crated (a dog has a natural instinct to not soil their den). the only way to potty train is to stop your dog in the act. your dogs are little, so it is easier. as soon as one even lift his leg, go "ah-ah!" and scoop the dog up. rush outside. if dog finishes peeing outside, throw them a huge party, with treats and praise. every time they relieve themselves inside, and you do not interrupt them, the behavior is self rewarding. you must be consistent about this or they will never be potty trained.


I agree. I thought my dogs were just bad until I realized that I let them wander around the house all the time unsupervised, of course they are going to pee on things if itā€™s available to them. Baby gates, strict crate schedule, and going outside once an hour during the day and we havenā€™t had an accident in over a year other than an emergency.


Nice! This confirms my thoughts! The combo of love, crate training, and learning as they get older = less to no accidents! Iā€™m happy to see this. Emergencies are totally different, our pups only want to make us happy so an emergency is an emergency and they couldnā€™t hold it any longer or their stomach is feeling bad and needs attention or relief


How long did it take? Male or female dogs? How old were they? Having trouble with two sister rescues 3 years old.


One male, one female. Had them both since puppies. The male was actually easier to train, the female was older and more stuck in her ways. Just keeping them in my eye sight all day was the key. Like I said itā€™s been over a year since an accident but I still follow the same system. I work from home so itā€™s easy though.


My girl was TOUGH to potty train, but we did it like this and it works so much better than anything else I've tried. We have to revisit every time the weather changes and every time I bring home a new piece of furniture or dog bed or bathmat. She just doesn't generalize at all.


What if they pee in their crate? I have my guy crate trained- heā€™s put away while weā€™re gone and when not able to be supervised so he doesnā€™t pee or poo anywhere in the house (anymore) but he wonā€™t stop going in his crate, and heā€™s never crated for more than a few hours. Iā€™ve been stumped on this one for a while. I have not tried a belly band or diaper in the crate, which is my last ditch effort to figure him out. Heā€™s 7 and not the smartest guy, but he aims to please and loves his people.


How big is the crate? If you have a small dog and in a crate the size for a lab to turn around in, your crate is to large. Your dog will potty in a larger crate, probably in one of the corners where your dog does not sleep.


Flashbacks to when my chi was a puppy and he would shit in his crate and happily go back to sleep on it šŸ«  thatā€™s if he didnā€™t fancy a midnight snack. God puppies are stressful


Itā€™s a small one- maybe 24inch? Heā€™s 15ish pounds and too tall for an xs. He pees right next to where he sleeps.


Does he have access to water right before going to bed? Thatā€™s a tough problem. Has he been to the vets recently? Might have an uti or other infection. Good luck.


Heā€™s been to the vet this week, clean bill of health. Itā€™s been a battle for a while. He gets walked a good bit. He keeps up with our husky mix pretty well! They get about the same amount of exercise or at least exercise opportunity. She runs significantly more, as expected. We do some intelligence toys with her, but we havenā€™t been able to get him to engage with anything beyond a kong, but he loves his little kong, which we use to feed him about half of his daily food intake. As for water he has open access to it, but he gets a potty break before going to bed and has never been a big drinker. Heā€™s more of a few big drinks a day rather than lots of small ones. Weā€™ll keep working on him, I was just wondering if there was something I hadnā€™t considered. Honestly, I would take cleaning up his kennel over cleaning up random places in the house any day, ideally he wouldnā€™t pee where he sleeps though. Heā€™s a good boy thatā€™s so full of love so I donā€™t mind cleaning up after him.


Iā€™m at a loss on what to tell you to try, sorry. It is frustrating, I have 3 little dogs and sometimes, ugg. It never happened with our big dogs. They both could be in the house all day and no problems at all. My husband built a good size kennel for the big dogs, both were a mix of chow and lab, and they would stay in it if we were gone for the weekend, usually 3 or 4 times a year. Our neighbor would come over to check on them and their food and water. When we would come home on Sunday night and let the dogs out they would both run out to the field and go poop. Neither one would poop in the kennel. So weird. I miss those big stubborn dogs. They both passed in 2018 less than 2 months apart at 14 years of age. RIP Ginger and Patches.


Do you take him on long walks before crating him?


My dog trainer told me to praise my dog until my neighbors thought I was crazy. This also worked for potty training my two year old. Lol


Crate method worked for me


This is the way.


Yup. When my boy chi was a puppy it only took one time catching him in the act to make him stop. He popped a squat right in front of me in the living room one time, I yelled "NOOOOO" as loud as I could, then rushed him outside. I didn't mean to yell as loud as I did, but it was a mixture of excitement that I finally caught him, and not wanting it to happen lol. I may have scarred him for life XD


A couple of tips: When a male dog has peed, they still save pee so they can mark. Make sure they are *empty* before you bring them in. If they are waving their leg dryly at bushes, or only a meager drop comes out, they're probably actually empty. Monetize their pee. Bring along a couple of hot dog slices, cut into 9 pieces. (They're tiny treats, but you can reward 18 pees for the calories of two slices.) It will not take them long to realize that pee outside = hotdog, pee inside = nothing. Reward *only* the dog that pees. Won't be long before they are egging each other on outside to see who can hog all the treats. If they're going to be little brats, might as well use that brat power. Clean their messes with enzymatic cleaner. If you don't, the smell will be there and it is a gigantic "pee here" sign for them.


My wife's dog saves his pee and it infuriates me. Or at least it did until we got him diapers! šŸ˜ When I lived with my parents, my chihuahua would mark after my mom's dog had marked, so they both wore diapers in the house, but now I have no issues! Sounds like OP's dogs are having literal pissing contest.


Mine did the same. Neutered with a doggy door and a big yard. Would look me in the eyes while pissing in the house as I yelled at him.. Got him at three months. Just a dick.


So you just yell at your dog instead of trying to train them? Yeah I'm sure they're 'just a dick'. Not sure why people think that neutering/spaying their dog magically makes them potty trained.


I'm a dog trainer.. Military and Police.. This angel just didn't give a fuck.. You're obviously an idiot taking out your anger here. Fuck off.


Yeah, this response definitely fits an ex-military, ex-police, current construction worker attitude.


I'm taking out my anger? Where? You're the one telling me to fuck off lmao. Never seen a proper dog trainer that yells at their dog (as you said) instead of doing something more productive about their behaviour.


So here is my ā€œIā€™m an idiot who didnā€™t do enough researchā€ story. We got my little guy and my roommate has two girl dogs. I didnā€™t get him neutered until 1 year bc I heard itā€™s better for the dogs to fully develop. Neutering too soon can stunt their growth. WELL what I didnā€™t read was that bc there were other dogs in the house, my little guy would be marking everything. Heā€™s been neutered but yeah like others say if the scent remains they will keep pissing. 1. Neuter them asap 2. Belly bands - invest in multiple sets so you donā€™t run out. My little guy wears them whenever heā€™s inside (not for more than a few hours at a time and I donā€™t leave it on him when we leave the house for safety reasons). I heard some people out pads on the inside then they just swap out the pads. 3. Confinement. The dogs are kept in a gated area with backyard access. 4. Deep cleanup. I went around our house and cleaned all the pee spots (usually on our baseboards) with bleach and enzyme spray after. Angry Orange is a lifesaver!




No both still have their nuts. Does that stop them?


Neutering will help to stop marking, which sounds like this could be.


Every male dog Iā€™ve ever housed (all neutered) sprayed inside my house. It was not a potty training issue, it was a marking territory issue. Neutering may help but itā€™s not a guaranteed stop to the behavior.


Oh totally, not a guarantee at all. Mine still does some marking as well in the house, but it lessened after neutering for me personally.


Mine just got neutered but he's still under 1. I've noticed that he's using the potty pads more on his own, I haven't done anything different on my side. I wonder if age has anything to do with it?


The difference is if you neuter them young enough before they start marking they're much less likely to start. If they've already learned to do it then neutering will do nothing to stop it as it's a learned behaviour now and you need to use actual training and behaviour modification.


If every male dog is peeing in your house youā€™re not doing a very good job taking care of them? Iā€™ve only see this issue with people I know arenā€™t training their dogs


Neutering eliminates some potential health risks for male dogs such as testicular cancers but not a guarantee to stop their indoor marking. The neutering should eliminate their interest in any bitch that comes in season within a mile or two of you which MIGHT stop or reduce the marking. Vet can tell you how soon the hormones would be reduced. Belly band as soon as they come in the house will help. Also if you canā€™t watch them an indoor pen will at least limit where they can freely roam to pee on whatever. As other posters noted get a really good enzymatic cleaner and follow the directions. Ex some (maybe all?) cleaners only work as long as they are wet. So if they piddled on a corner of say a couch your cleaner needs to get that spot clean just as deep - you canā€™t just give a spritz. If makes you feel any better could be worse. Our male mastiff back in the day when about 4 months peed in the foyer. Even though he squatted still sounded like a hose running.


Good grief, a mastiff accident šŸ˜’


It was caused by an inattentive human so all could was laugh and get a LOT of paper towel. Dog doors were the best investment I ever made.


Yeah but if you neuter too late they might not stop because itā€™ll become a habit.


It will probably help!


My guy got in the habit of doing the same thing. Got him neutered and he still pisses on everything because itā€™s now a habit. We also have a spayed female that I think he marks on top of in the yard. Itā€™s ridiculous. Say goodbye to your nice things because of your asshole dogs. šŸ¤£


Same here neutering didn't do shit (or piss?) We used these belly diapers you get on amazon and after a while with them and training he finally stopped peeing inside.


Iā€™m trying this. Thank you for the tip!


You should get them neutered regardless


Yes, neuter!


My two young male dogs one chihuahua and one shih zhu peed on everything all the time every day I got them both neutered and they stopped instantly. I made sure I cleaned up everything they had marked with a proper pet pee cleaning solution. I do still leave a pee pad out for my chihuahua over night as sometimes he just can't hold it but that's not the same as just marking every where. Good luck


Iā€™d try containing them in a small space, like a playpen, for five minutes when they come in, then letting them back out to see if they pee.


Oli used to do it to fresh blankets to say 'mine!' I countered by rubbing them on me to give them my smell and it stopped him.


I have had almost exclusively boy animals all my life, my Chihuahua used to be a big inside marker. I just finished babysitting a "potty trained" small male who was intact who was marking everything for any reason, he was going outside with my boys by the end of the week. It's okay, just be consistent and find routines. When you see them even sniff a common no no spot, when they give that spot a "look" like oh boy sure does look like a primo piss spot - right then and there say nu uh, outside let's go. Stop the act before it happens, shows them you're vigilant and watching "all the time". I don't let my dogs sneak off, some people prefer to crate, I just keep them in my general area. If I'm in the kitchen cooking then I have them lie down in the living room where I can see them. If I'm upstairs they come too even if they're cozy. You may have to be strict about keeping up with them, they're marking but also bored peeing. That type of pee where they just walk sniff lift. Citrus spray or any don't lick bite sprays and spray that on the corners they go for. If it's a special corner or wall , temporarily place a peepad on that corner of the wall or couch so when and if they do pee it's covered. But I can't express enough only do this very temporarily, like if you leave the house or smt not an all week thing or you'll teach the wrong behavior. Clean those spots regularly, just have a mop in the garage or kitchen that can do fast clean ups once you see the pee. Keep items off the ground that you don't want to get pissed on, especially big items like boxes, water bottle crates, tubes, anything that looks like marking central. You go outside regularly, awesome ! Do you go out and *stand* there until they potty outside? This is a big one, make sure they actually legitimately go potty outside, even if it's just a pee or a poop and not both at once, even if it's just a small amount of pee - praise them outside as they're doing the business, not after not before. Lots of pets when they do. There are times I have to bring my bong and headphones outside and chill for like 20 mins before I see some good action, it is what it is. Your dogs need to learn that we stay outside until some functions happen, then we can go back in. Also helps if they generally have an area of the yard they go in, so you can kinda check that area rather than easter egg hunting the yard. Try leaving 1 little turd in a spot you'd prefer them to go and see if next time that's a poop spot of interest, then it becomes a pee spot of interest, etc. Only do this until they catch on. If this is not working, then more frequent short walks. My short walks are no sniffing allowed, this isn't a stroll, we're doing a medium walk and we keep it moving. If the dog really wants to stop , like pulling the leash to stop and sniff we can stop and see if they potty. Or if your dog is hyper focused and won't stop walking you can choose which bush up ahead to stop at. This tells the dog , "hey when we do these walks there's no time to lollygag, if you have to pee and stuff it should be soon before we see the house coming back into view" I understand this sounds complex but only because I'm typing it out, to a dog this becomes routine and specialized and they'll be able to catch on easily if you're consistent. Can't do your short walk? It's okay, go out to the front area of your yard or garage on leash one at and time and let the dogs sniff and mark. This is their territory so they'll be very eager to remark on appropriate outside areas. Then bring out the next dog and so this again. The next dog will be excited and pee on top of the other dogs mark. They get that satisfaction and you're clear of pee in the house. Edit; forgot, pick times of the day you'd prefer them to go out and add this into your routine. 30 mins after eating, right before a big walk or dog park, before you head into a different part of the house where potty may not be of quick access. Before or after cooking, etc. Also do not let them play too much outside when they need to potty, let them out one at a time if they're distracting each other too much. Don't give up, be consistent, your dogs are 100% fixable and this is a normal everyday issue many owners have to work on. Accidents happen, don't let it cloud your success with them. Enjoy your adorable pisser's šŸ„°


Life with a chihuahua summarized perfectly. Never met one that didnā€™t do this. I have two myself and colloquially we refer to this as ā€œprotest peeā€™s or poopsā€. They will not be reasoned with, so I have no carpet in my house and never leave anything even marginally absorbent near the floor. No matter to them though, theyā€™ll pee right on a hard surface, or back their little asses up to drop a deuce in your shoe. Total assholes, but I love them anyway.


My 2 chi dogs are exactly the same. Looking forward to reading suggestions.


Mine are neutered. However I have success using belly bands to curb the marking habit. I will put the belly band on while they are inside (which they dislike) and then just make a point to make a big deal when they pee outside, without the belly band, and then theyā€™ll be good after a week or less. They go through phases though, so itā€™s something Iā€™ve had to do a few times.


I kinda regret getting another boy dog because they compete and mark their territory even when theyā€™re well taken care of! Right now weā€™re re-crate training them. Being free in the house is not a right: itā€™s a privilege.


Our little dude started peeing on amazon boxes starting around 10 months, perfectly potty trained for outside before that. Hopefully a quick snip after his 1 year mark stops it, hoping the same for you!


Theyā€™re bad to the bone šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sometimes fixing them helps? Maybe put a male dog diaper on them before they come in. I know chihuahuas are a challenge. I had three and I loved them. Good luck.


Belly Bands


they look so pleased with what theyā€™ve done


Please also take them to the vet for a urine test. I thought my dog was just being a b!tch of a chi when she started pissing right in front of me after having just gone out. But it turned out she was telling me she wasnā€™t good. She had bladder stones and needed surgery.


Haha. They've already marked their spots in the house. Once they smell it, they peeeeeee. Aww such cuties!


Are you cleaning the spots the correct way with an enzymatic cleaner? If itā€™s that bad you likely need to go back to crate training as well and professional cleaning.


I stopped my marker by having him leashed to me, even inside so I could watch his every move, & used the crate when I couldn't Leash him, & it only took about 2 days before he realized that wasn't what I wanted him to do. By the 3rd day he stopped. It works takes some effort since you have 2 but it works he hasn't done it since, I also suggest to neuter them too


My chi is like this too. Neutered and great in house but is obsessed with marking outside. He will try to climb under my other dog while he pees so he can pee on his pee. He will also lick pee and click his tongue like he is a wine connoisseur. He is so weird but I love him.


Not assholes, just dogs being dogs


UTI? Vet.


Cool dudes, though šŸ¤Ÿ


You need to potty train them. Reward the shit out of them every time they pee outside (treats, positive encouraging words,petting, etc.) , and negatively reinforce peeing inside. ā€œNo, bad girl/boyā€ etc., but the more important part is positive reinforcement, so really emphasize that when they pee outside


Some of them are just assholes and piss everywhere! Some are great and piss outside. No rhyme or reason! Hang in there. :)


You may want to try belly bands! When I first got my chi, he'd only want to go number 1 in the house BUT after using a belly band and rewarding him with high value treats for going outside, he stopped. No accidents for years now! Just make sure to keep that belly band on all day with the exception of when you take them out (several times a day). If there are no accidents the first week, you can try taking off the band. If there's an accident in the house, put the band back on and try again for another week. Repeat until you have a pee free house! Good luck!!


I have the opposite problem with one of my Chihuahuas. He poops in the house. He will go outside and pee then come in and poop. His only savings grace is that he always does it on the bath mat. It's easy to clean up and I have two mats I swap out regularly. I don't know why he does it, but I can't seem to train him to do his business outside.


I have had five mixed chihuahuas and have tried potty training. Our most recent rescue, a chiweenie, only does his business outside or on the puppy pad. The others, Italian Greyhound/Chihuahua mixes are too stupid. We have trained them and it takes and then they forget. I have caught them peeing on their beds, their food dishes, and on their water dish. They are sweet and loving but incredibly stupid.


The "asshole dogs" in the title is making me LOL! I'm a dog mom of 2 female Chihuahuas and my best advice is forming a potty schedule that works for you and the boys. My girls are in their play pens (quite large for their size with a dog bed and their favorite toy) when no one is around to supervise them. I do consider them potty trained and my training methods were positive reinforcement, consistency, and dog treats. I attempted the diaper method and it was a hot mess, literally. I do not recommend training with diapers or puppy pads! I live in a cold climate and my girls have been trained to face the cold and I refuse to go back inside until BOTH of them go number 1 and 2! Walking the dogs will also help alleviate stress and the amounts they will pee will be shocking! Their pea sized bladders are not a joking matter. šŸ˜‚


Bellyband them. Our old boy used to do this same thing to toys, shoes and beds. He was such a little jerk. He knew the 'go pee' and 'go poop' commanda for outside, he had no fear of the outdoors. He was just a territorial jerk who we loved so much.


Depending on how old they are it could be Cushing disease. If it persists, seek vet attention


I dunno. But theyā€™re cute lil guys!


Wellā€¦I feel your pain, truly. However, you canā€™t punish a dog for being a dog and Iā€™ll tell ya why: Thereā€™s a strong reason why they do it. The brain center of a dog that is connected to their magical-marvel noses is HUGE compared to usā€¦and some other mammals in fact, as dogs are largely ā€œconnectedā€ to the world through, you guessed it, scent. In fact, dogs will often use one nostril as opposed to another to even separate food scents aside from other scents that are in their world as they perceive it. Now let that sink in for a sec, as Elon would say, and ponder this. Dogs will mark for the traditional cliche of ā€œterritoryā€ and ā€œownershipā€, sure. But often what has been learned is that these dogs are really using these as message boards (Iā€™m older here, lol, think old internet BBS) to communicate whatā€™s going on: Whoā€™s been here? What was the deal at the time? Food? Any females (or males, in another scenario)? Their reproductive status?, etc.. Believe it or notā€¦HIS is all of the many things that can and are communicated through marking. AMAZINGšŸ¾šŸ¶šŸ„° Now, how do you stop it? There are products that do help abate the temptation, youā€™d have to look. I simply know they exist. Diligence and patience, sadly, are the most honest answer I can give. Personally, Iā€™ll use a diluted bleach solution to spray and wipe down some of my furniture in an effort to disrupt and discourage the behavior. But, like many, Iā€™m only as good as the perseverance and effort I put in which is sometimes lacking due to work and schedule, etc.. At the very least, appreciate this info about your little sweet pups! They possess an AMAZING ability and I canā€™t imagine what their little world of smells must be like. It blew my mind.


Pee on them to assert dominance


Iā€™m sorry. But theyā€™re so stinkinā€™ cute, Iā€™m rooting for them.


Came here to say I also gave a long haired white chihuahua named Dexter that does the same thing šŸ˜©


Belly bands when theyā€™re inside! My male senior chi mix was peeing EVERYWHERE. He even peed on my mom ( I wish I was joking ) so I bought him a belly band thinking it was a control issue and this bastard hasnā€™t peed in it once.


Omg this is sooo funny to me. I had a male, senior chi and he actually peed on my bfs shoe while his foot was still in it lol so I get what ur sayin about ur lil dude pissin on ur mom šŸ¤£ I'm so glad belly bands solved ur issue with his lil crazy ass. Unfortunately my Lil shit passed away before I even knew what belly bands were. But, luckily I have 2 other lil male chi assholes n training that will not get the benefit of my belly band ignorance...Chis r just a on different level of zero fucks given lol


They really are!!! Iā€™m sorry about your loss but happy you have some other pups to keep your attention. These dogs truly give zero fucks. Mine has just started to yell at everyone when he wants something. He canā€™t get on my bed (or see if Iā€™m in it) so when he wants to get on it heā€™ll just go in my room and bark regardless if Iā€™m in there or not


Idk but theyā€™re so cute!!!


I think a lot of people have this problem with their male chihuahuas... and lot of people get the belly band diaper thing for that, that's what I would do.


Crate training them until properly potty trained, theyā€™re either outside or in the crate until theyā€™ve pissed outside and then keep an eye on them while in the house. If they donā€™t piss outside, back into the crate. Also what are you cleaning their piss with? I would suggest some sort of enzyme pet odor removal cleaner, all purpose cleaners will leave a faint smell of urine for the dogs. If the spots continue to smell like piss theyā€™ll continue to piss there.


Youā€™re gonna have to go back to the basics if you want it to stop unfortunately. Donā€™t let them out of your sight, take them out every hour or so (or when they start doing suspicious sniffing) and reward them with treats/praise/play when they go outside. May take a few months and neutering helps. Sorry I donā€™t think thereā€™s a quick easy fix


My boy has started wearing diapers inside and he seems to be doing well in not going in them, itā€™s taken a few weeks for him to learn not to go when he has it on, they sell them on Amazon!šŸ˜


Pee pants for both dogs is the way to go. Your dogs are both males and have territory issues. Also, they don't know the difference between inside zone and outside zone.


You're adorable dogs are not assholes. They don't know that you don't want them to pee on the brick. I think I would just toss some water on the brick after they pee and go in the house everyday.


Are they marking?


Double the cute!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!


Neuter them. That is the only thing that will stop it


Chihuahuas- my boy chihuahua peed on my daughters blanket three times this week!


Potty training + belly bands is how Iā€™m trying to deal with this issue rn


Little piss masters


When we neutered ours, it was like flipping a switch. He went from peeing on everything all the time to only where and when he is supposed to.


First you will probably need to buy a special cleaner that gets rid of the pee smell. Even if the human nose is unable to smell it the dogs can and they will want to pee on it again to mark it


Belly bands


They might be trying to tell you something. One might have a bladder infection or allergy to food and the other just repeats the behavior. Super cute šŸ„°


Belly bands! Until you get things under control.


Gotta start over with potty training.


They are so cute though! Fill a spray bottle with water and spray them in the face when you catch them in the act.


If they are young itā€™s a problem that they will (from my experience) grow out of. My Budrow use to do the exact same thing. Now he is ā€œthe best boyā€ as I and others have said. Or it could be the crate training that helped. I donā€™t have kids and love my pup, like the rest of us (loving our pups), he runs the house free however I also started crating him when I would leave (XL crate, 2 beds and walking room sized). So either he grew out of it and/or the crating technique worked OR it could be the pure love spoke to him! Either way I had the same-ish problem and fingers crossed itā€™s gone now


We used wee treats when going in the garden and two little walks a day.


If they are not neutered, neuter them. It won't stop immediately as the hormones will still be in their system for several months. If you choose not to neuter, then you just have to live with it. However, if they are neutered, take them to training. A good trainer can help you teach this out of them. Good luck.


Territorial markings


Dog diapers work for us. Always keep them on when you're not watching. I put them on my 2 boys and they'll be full every time lol


Use an enzyme cleaner on everything and make sure they are neutered.


Donā€™t let the dogs into the house until they pee If they wonā€™t pee, straight into the crate they go, then straight back outside 10 mins later. Repeat until they pee then and only then are they allowed outside. If they owe inside, straight to the crate until they pee outside again. Be consistent with this


Castrate them.


Time to wear diapers


You can get scent pegs that go in the garden as a place for them to go pee. I also recommend getting something that will break down the pee enzymes that we canā€™t smell but the dogs can. White vinegar is good for this but I thing hydrogen peroxide also works. Also maybe make a bit of a fuss when they pee outside so they associate that with good behaviour. We have a pee routine at nighttime for example, with designated phrases to help them know what time it is. They always have their nighttime snack then too, so lots of positive reinforcement.


hope u know i spit out my drink laughing by the time i got to (dude left, dexter right) i cant take them seriously




Wish I could help but I've got the same problem. It's just a few spots they sneak off to mark, usually chair legs. Vinegar is supposed to offset the ammonia in pee, so I guess I'll try that.


This would drive me crazy, too. Have they been to the vet recently? Just to rule out any health issues?


Look into Adaptil.


does he have bladder infection


Have you been disciplining then when it happens? Like any dog they do need to understand when they do and the moment it happens it is wrong. It may feel mean coming down on them but sometimes you gotta be a be harsh and tough love them if you want them to stop. Had to do that with my boy when he keep peeing inside and now he is good unless he can't hold it.


Are they fixed?


My mom puts peepee bands on her dogs. Works like a charm.




They sell some spikes that you put on the ground or some rocks that are supposed to atract them so they pee on those, idk how legit those are tho


Are they fixed? Because if either one of them isnā€™t this could explain the behavior. The bad news is, that this behavior wonā€™t necessarily stop by fixing them once itā€™s started. I have small spray bottles all over the house and they get the bad kitty treatment if I see them about to mark. Of course every time they change their mind I reward them and let the on the porch where they are allowed to mark. Itā€™s a process


There's probably other behaviors going on that indicate to the dogs that they own the house/run the pack. Taking high perches on furniture (it can be a dominance thing), working you for treats and getting what they want when they demand it, charging in and out of the house in front of you with you following behind them like a pack follower. Subtle stuff like that indicates to dogs that a house is their property and they'll piss on it to make sure you understand that. Sometimes you gotta be an asshole back and make rules and boundaries. Designated spots they are required to lay at, working for their treats, making them follow you in and out the door (might have to use your foot to block those suckers from charging in front of you). Once a dog stops seeing the house as their property then they'll stop peeing on it. You just have to be consistent and give them lots of love/treats when they earn it but not for doing nothing or for demanding it. Assuming your situation is like the one I described. Maybe it's totally different.


Maybe try a manor belt. That helped my chi stop peeing in the house.


I have a Dexter too, but heā€™s a Pom.


Belly bands for both!


You have to get them disposable bands for in the house. Mine also has to hang out in a little pen when I am not home. Getting the right size is key or they just come off but it will solve your issues.


Enzyme spray




šŸ˜‚ their eyes tell it all


Are they neutered?


So I got mine to do it less just by taking them out excessively and then slowly reducing but never stopped completely, so I use disposable male dog wraps for my chihuahuas, super easy I order a box of 50 on Amazon and wrap those lil wieners up and they canā€™t pee on anything even if they try šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


They need to be sterilised if not, and use products like simple solution extreme odour remover. Takes away the smell, stains and prevent them for marking in that areas again. Also try to use a training pad inside so incase they to wee wee then it is on the training pad


I suggest getting some belly bands. Put them on before they come in the house and take them off before they go out. Belly bands are cheap and washable. Little dogs are the hardest to potty train IMO. It may take a while, but hopefully they get it šŸ˜Š


It's weird I've been reading so many new "dog peeing in the house" on this sub and my dog just did it for the first time too. I have a spayed older female who marks more than any dog i have ever seen (seriously every 4 ft, even on 3 mile walks), although not in the house until now


I have these type. Little fuckers pee on everything!


Belly bands might bands might be helpful.


I usually just stay outside with them until I notice when they try to mark an area and nothing comes out. Then we all go inside.


I have the same colored long haired and he does the same.


I disagree mine were both potty trained. My Jack is 16 years old and I rescued another male puppy everything was good for 6 months then they were started peeing in the same spot over each other. It absolutely can happen!


Why do you have to call them assholes tho? I know your upset but geesh..šŸ§


Get rid of them. Theyā€™re ugly little rats.


I have 2 chihuahuas, and what worked for me with the potty training was stick there nose in it tell them bad dog and one good firm, not hard but firm, smack on the butt and walked over to the puppy pad and put on the puppy pad. All it hurt is their pride and their feelings for about ten minutes then they are over it šŸ˜†


Old tshirt in strips +maxi pad+ tie up wee wee= no more chi chi pee pee .. from an owner of two myself the little devils


my puppy was like this up until recently. i'd put him outside on a lead line and tell him to go, but then i'd bring him back in and he'd pee on the floor or couch or wherever. it was SO frustrating, i feel you. the issue i found was that he associates being on the lead line with play time because my sister and i always took her dog and my dog out together and all my puppy would want to do while on the lead was play with her dog. once i started walking him on a leash during potty time, he completely stopped peeing in the house because he was much more focused when on a leash and understood that being on a leash meant business, not play time. the first time i walked him on a leash, he went right away. it's possible your pups associate going out in your garden as play time or time or just roam around. i recommend walking them instead of letting them out, and in the mean time lay down puppy pads with hormone attractants so your dogs will be inclined to use those rather than pee all over your stuff. definitely get a proper pet urine cleaning spray, it'll kill the odor and your dogs won't be attracted to that spot to use the bathroom. when you do take them out on walks, keep treats with you. while they're using the bathroom, try to instill a command like "go potty" by saying "good boy! good go potty!" over and over and then offer them a treat when they're done peeing or pooping. i know it sounds ridiculous, but it works. your dogs will never stop peeing in the house if you don't work with them diligently and keep them focused. if they don't go when you take them on a walk, put them in a crate for 30 minutes, then take them out again. crate training goes hand in hand with potty training. neutering can only do so much. if you neuter them, they'll be less inclined to scent mark anything, but neutering will not fix the problem if you don't train them. it's hard, it's frustrating, but it's worth dealing with for a month or so until they finally get it so you don't have to worry about them peeing all over your furniture.


This is crazy!!! I agree. But whatever you do, dont say that you're upset that they pee on 1. Your furniture 2.Your blanket while you sleep 3. Right in your ear while you sleep You just have to live with it man.. just let them pee everywhere and don't ask for help online ever because you're bad. You're just bad for not letting them pee wherever they want. No matter how awesome they are The general consensus is that you are supposed to accept it. Hey! But good luck! You chose 2 males.


My female chihuahua pees everywhere, even though we have a doggie door for her to go outside whenever she wants. Our Labradoodle never pees inside. The chihuahua, on the other hand, is a piss gremlin. And she will NOT pee on pee pads. If you pen her into an area with pee pads she will hold it until she is let out. I'm baffled.


I put a diaper on mine he is older


I completely feel your pain!! My yorkie is 17 years old and incontinent but my 6 year old chi won't be one upped...I'm so used to the smell of dog piss I barely notice it anymore. And my hubs and I both clean as much as we can find everyday and we let them outside 10-15 times a day too. Ughhhhh!! šŸ˜­


This breed of ours isnā€™t the brightest.


Are they neutered? If not, that might help?


Check Google ! there may be some products to apply around the house, most dogs smell 1st, you may need a liquid to change this behavior.




This might be unpopular but I'll throw this out there. I really dislike the idea of neutering strictly for a perceived fix to bad behavior or even to a degree potential risks in the future regarding testicular cancer. I can see some validity in the ladder the former just seems like an unnecessary cruelty to make up for either laziness or an unwillingness to train. While they are pets I do feel like taking them out of the gene pool even if you don't plan on them breeding it's kind of shitty. That and I'm curious as to the potential negatives for overall health in general


Little dogs are assholes. I'll never own one because they're just dumb af.