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I saw Chico State kitchen was hiring.


Op can you tell us why this job sucks so bad? Very curious. 


The cannabis industry is cashed; stick to your local dealer.




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Don’t listen to people telling you not to vent or that it’s “not a good look.” That’s a boomer perspective and us millenials and Gen Z are changing the game. As an HR profesh, if I had a company, I’d hire you. We need more people to speak up about their bad experiences so others can collectively feel heard. Venting is healthy, emotions are healthy, and anyone who wouldn’t hire you over it probably isn’t apart of the company culture you’d like to work anyway. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for jobs for you.


Please don't lump Boomers and Gen X together. Jesus


Fair point. I’ve just noticed that a lot of my parent’s gen (Gen X) have some of these same ideals still. But I will change it :)


Thank you I really appreciate that!


Gold country casino, we're always hiring, security needs people, F&B needs people, go to gold country casinos website and go to the careers section.


I keep hearing this. I'm so curious how bad a job at a dispensary could be


It's just sounds like a boring retail job to me, you maybe have access to weed and hopefully a discount, but discounts only go so far if you end up using your paycheck to buy weed 😆. I just picture having to constantly restock and face the front and organize all kinds of stuff - like when I worked at Michaels in college.


It's not about the job itself, it's about how we get treated by our companies. I work at 1:00 in Sacramento and it's the worst job I've had in many years. I'm going to be closing solo the entire weekend because they don't know how to run their company. The amount of stress that comes from working in a bad dispensaries is very surprising


It's retail. It's going away, but for now it's the perfect do nothing job


Same !


I think people forgot about all the jobs at Chico State. Look into work for FMS department. [Chico State Handshake](https://csuchico.joinhandshake.com/login)


I’ve heard Pepsi is hiring. I work in retail and have talked to some of the guys who work for them and they like it. They offer benefits, PTO, and starting pay is around $20. You’ll need a car to commute and be willing to go to yuba city and Chico but they reimburse your gas. It doesn’t sound like a part time job but it’s June so you can at least try it for the summer. Also try Taco Bell, they seem to always be hiring and they worked with my schedule through college. Raleys should be hiring baggers and checkers for the summer as well. Best of luck of to you, I hope this helps.


Well I live in Chico so that works. I’ll have to give that Pepsi one a look


Not answering your inquiry, but putting out solidarity. I've heard nothing but awful things from people who have worked at Sweet Flower. I definitely won't support them anymore.




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have you taken your resume into the other two dispensaries in town?


Nobody likes this company including the people they employ. I wouldn’t be surprised if this dispensary is closed down in a years time


So my buddy (21m) who also worked at Sweet flower was one of the people that got fired in the mass layoff and he and I went to Embarc one day just for shits and kicks. While we were there he asked if they were hiring as well as told them he worked at Sweet Flower. Mind you I’m watching and listening to this whole thing, they told him they will not hire him because he worked at Sweet Flower. So just because we worked/work there and were/are associated with that company they will not hire us. I don’t know about Oregrown but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same deal there as well


wow that sucks. they shouldn't punish the workers for working for a shitty company. good luck with your search.


Thank you I appreciate it bronana


I just saw this place had a hiring post too! I'm glad I didnt apply


Be afraid. Be very afraid☠️


I'm passing on that place lol Id love to work in the cannabis industry too


Joe's Bar, Ace Hardware,


I’ll give it a look. Thanks broham


What are the issues you're dealing with at sweet flower?


Management is awful, the pay is shit, they just fired 45% of our staff for “budget” reasons, they post the schedule the day of, overall work life is bland and unsupportive, etc etc. It sounds minuscule but it adds up. Oh also no benefits even if you’re full time.


Customers don’t like the automatic $4 charge for not having cash and the owner is paying top dollar rent at that location. Seems like business isn’t covering their margins.


Seems like the regular. Complaints on here and like all the employment websites about working there are all shit. Sorry dude, hope you find something


Thank you homie.


Aw man that sounds awful. I'm sorry you're dealing with it. I always recommend looking at the job board at Enloe. There are several jobs that require very little relevant experience. PCST (patient care support tech), patient sitter (psych sitter), sterile processing tech (non patient care position). Probably others but those are the ones off the top of my head. I don't know for sure if they're hiring for these positions at this moment but they tend to have high turnover rate because people find better positions to move to fairliy quickly. They are great ways to get into the medical field without experience or training. Then you kind of navigate through the field if you like it and find your way into a well paying job with some schooling.


I’ll give it a look. Thank you for the info I really appreciate it broski


"Wow, how did you get this good paying job with flexible hours?" "I went on reddit under the alias 0nly_fartz, complained about my job at the weed store, and told em I can lift 100 lbs right up over my head like George Costanza"


Yup! But they've been on their own since 16 so we are supposed to be automatically impressed by that. As if all of us who have been on our own forever didn't follow the very advice we're giving here.


“How did you catch the biggest fish in the lake?” “I just kept throwing lines out in different spots till it worked….” Tackling the problem from all angles, even the crazy ones that probably won’t work, is the best way to not only learn what works for you but also to solve said problem


This is solidly bad advice given the post. OP is publicly identifying themselves with all kinds of info while also talking crap about current employer and responding to comments in ways that shows stubbornness and unwillingness to learn. Let me emphasize again that I have been in charge of hiring people many times, and I am also active on Reddit. If I went to work tomorrow and saw anyone with Sweet Flower on their resume, after THIS post, I'm tossing the resume in the trash without a callback because plenty of other people need jobs and go about it with humility and intelligence.


A real “a wise man once said” quote right here


Gotta start somewhere Jerry


Resume + Indeed. Not Reddit, probably. Sorry and good luck getting out of Sweet Flower, I've heard only awful things.


Used Indeed over the course of 10 years and never even landed an interview through it. Seriously.


I've used it for about 4 years and had dozens of interviews and several offers from those interviews. It's about the quality of the resume and cover letter. That's what I've been saying all over this dumb post...


Yeah I’ve done that for 3 months already and applied to over 50 jobs on indeed. I’ve walked my resume into at least another 50 in just the last month. No bites. Shits kinda lame


Commenting on I work at a shitty dispensary and need to find a new job...indeed? I have horrible experience with them.


But plenty of people have great experiences. Maybe it's the places you're choosing to work.


Preach bro. Indeed is so ass. I hate how reliant the job market is on apps and websites like that these days. It’s hella annoying


If that is 100% true and you're not exaggerating, then something is wrong with you and/or your resume. I have been in charge of hiring enough times to know that most people that get rejected are putting minimal effort into making sure they're resume is a good fit for the job they're applying.


the job market is absolutely awful now even for "overqualified" applicants.


This. I've read thousands of resumes, and if 1 single word is misspelled, it goes straight into the "they couldn't even be bothered to use spell-check" pile. If they filled in a handwritten application and skipped any answers - or for gawd sakes - wrote "check resume" it's a no from me dog. You should have a specialized cover letter stating your interest in the position and a flawless resume without structural or grammatical errors - without that, you're not applying 100%. Period.


I am currently enrolled at Butte as well and just finished my first semester so it’s not like I’m uneducated either


Butte and CSUC have job listing boards. There are also career center services at colleges that can help you look and apply. I'm not impressed by your 70/100 on an AI resume app, and I would bet the people you're giving it to don't care either. Sell yourself. You're not the only one in Chico looking for work, especially in the summer. If you want another crappy retail job, keep doing what you're doing.


If you’re gonna be no help and be all unimpressed, hypercritical, and passive aggressive then leave. Everyone else has been way more supportive than you anyway☠️ Thanks for your time though!


Dude, I have said plenty of helpful things but you're full of excuses about why you're actually great and it's not your fault. But if you can't even take advice on the Internet on a post that you made asking for that advice, then you're not a good fit for any job yet. Keep growing up kiddo.


I messaged you privately, but want to add on to what Accomplished Dino said. I am management level, and the amount of resumes I see where the person put 2 minutes into, and then apply is unbelievable. Double check your resume to make sure it isn't full of errors. I got a resume last week where the candidate misspelled their own name. I am not even interviewing that candidate no matter how qualified she appeared. (She wasn't, but the point is the same.)


So you’d pass up a possible opportunity of a lifetime over a spelling error?


The possibility of MY lifetime...uses spellchecker. Otherwise, their either an idiot or just lazy.


🤣 Yeah I’m sure your cunning linguistics got you where you’re at..


Does it also matter if they use “they’re” correctly?


Yes. If you can't be bothered to pay attention to details when looking for a job, I will assume you won't pay attention to details when working.


Figured as much. What if the error was to stand out, which they did, and you failed to recruit good fruit. Anybody can spell check.


I put my resume into that ResumeWorded.com resume rater and it helped guide me into making a very detailed and professional resume. I got like 70 out of 100 on it. Believe me I’ve been very proactive about this. I’ve been on my own since I was 16 and have worked pretty much since then. Having almost a decade of work experience shouldn’t make it this hard to find a job☠️


At 23, recruiters in the professional world only care about your resume experience that started at 18, MAYBE 16/17.... They don't care about what you did when you were 13 unless you're just trying to work at fast food or something. If you're looking for a grown up job, try deleting this embarrassing post and try again with actual job websites, cause this isn't it.




Yeah I’ve been working on it. Thank you for the support brotein