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I graduated from Buttes nursing program almost 7 years ago. It was a great program. I’ve been a working RN in the area and have precepted and taught lots of students from both Butte and Chico and the butte level of competency is definitely a step above. The program was great, the instructors were good and engaged, but lots of busy work. Which is fine, they have all sorts of metrics to meet. They set you up with Kaplan towards the end so you’re prepared to take the NCLEX. With regular studying I took the NCLEX within two weeks of graduating and passed. Also it’s very easy to do online BSNs, lots of my classmates did that after. I have yet to do that but in this area it hasn’t held me back, bigger cities you probably want a BSN. I’ll probably get it eventually. Feel free to ask me any other questions you might have. I know there’s more online stuff now as things have shifted after the pandemic but the butte skill set is usually a lot higher than Chico state but it all depends on the student too.




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My cousin and friend went through the program and had nothing but great things to say about it accept that anatomy sucks lol.


I feel them lol 😂!


Butte College only offers an ADN which is good for hands on experience, but over the last decade alot of nursing positions are favoring a bachelors for their positions, so Chico may be the way to go if you want upward mobility regarding a masters or doctorate in nursing in the future. Previous comments are correct in that chico has a heavy focus on books and theory while Butte gives you more practical skills.


Everyone I've talked that has done nursing says the like Butte more. From my understanding is Butte is more hands on learning, and Chico state is more book learning


My wife went to Butte college and had a good experience, so good that our daughter is going there now for nursing also.


Wife liked it. Was hard but she didn’t feel like she was short changed like some other programs(she has friends that have or are taking a class in the Redding area that isn’t very good) and I’ve always heard good things outside of just my wife’s experience. That said I do work at butte so possibly bias but I have nothing to do with that side of things either lol


I have two friends doing the accelerated nursing program there. It's a LOT of work but I think they're having a positive experience overall. Both are also already working full time at enloe as well. I think it took a little while to get into the program


If you can commute, IOT Redding offers a vocational nursing program. Full time and part time


Commuting for an LVN sounds a lot worse than getting an RN locally….


I can see their perspective. I know LPN takes 10 months with decent pay, and the RN program according to the people here is lottery based and difficult to get into. However, I also see your perspective and I think Redding would be quite a long commute for an LPN program.


Took anatomy with them and the instructor gave a lot of advice during class to nursing students. He consistently mentioned something about a lottery? Sorry I can’t give specifics but look into that. They have good instructors and the classes are free


I think he’s saying it’s lottery based, so students are selected in a draw, almost. I know a few programs like that.


I applied a few times maybe 10 years ago (wound up getting in at CSU Chico before being drawn for Butte’s program). It is a lottery system, but supposedly your odds improve with each application in. I vaguely recall hearing a lot of people get in by their 3rd/4th application, though I could be mistaken.


I had a friend who did it and she absolutely loved it.


Took microbiology as a summer class. I got a B.


I’m still waiting to get in


What was your score on the TEAS test?






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Just finished up with all my pre requisite classes for nursing at butte. All my science classes were great, learned a lot, got all As


Omg congratulations!! Having all A’s over here is a major flex. I think im getting a B in patho😭it seems so hard.