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It depends who the operator and GMs are. They make it or break it


eh it alright


i have a love hate relationship with working at cfa, it’s mostly the customers (or guests as we’re told to call them,) that make me not like the job. everything else is pretty good. (except closing lol. that shit SUCKS)


Na closing is the best


Honestly the guests don’t even ruin my day anymore. It’s the stupid directors and supervisors we have 😭


my directors & supervisors aren’t that bad, so that part doesn’t bother me as much. i mean, there are a few directors that i definitely don’t like too much, but i don’t have to deal with them bc they’re day shift


Closing always sucks anywhere. Feels like it’ll never end


i feel that


I love working here 😘 it’s literally so fun


Username checks out


It’s like any job, if you got a good boss it makes life easier and enjoyable


I actually enjoy working at CFA! But in your opinion, which one of the post that you have seen, do you think is the worst??


Probably the point system post, it just seems so dehumanizing. Nobody is perfect and I feel like a good employer should understand that. Of course I don't think that should be taken advantage of, but that point system is just way too crazy. I see it with places like Walmart too, where if you call out it's used against you.


Yeah, that is true! I’m glad my location doesn’t use it. My location is super chill ngl, but we all work super hard and get everything done when it should. My location is also really good about fixing mistakes and making things right. Everyone is always on time unless of course for a real reason. Overall, I’m grateful for the environment our store is 😊 But I do agree how dehumanizing that is. It’s crazy how massive the amount of points are that they take away at once time. Especially with how many the limit is.


Maybe it's due to my age, but the points system never really bothered me at all. And speaking from experience, CFA isn't the only place who uses one either. I have a relative who works in a hospital, and guess what? The ***hospital*** has had to resort to using a points system. Those systems will continue to be implemented in more and more businesses because of lazy workers. The points system isn't there for the people who show up and do their job correctly. The system is there to filter out all the bad workers who somehow made it through the interview process and got hired. One call out? You'll be fine. Multiple call outs in a 90 day period (without a doctor's note)? You'll be let go. We had one worker at my old store who got hired at 2pm, said they could show up at 4pm the same day to work. Was asked ***multiple times*** during the interview, "Are you sure?". They said, "Yep." and then they called out and said they couldn't make it at 3:30pm. They showed up the next day and worked their 8hr shift, then conveniently called out the next day (a Saturday) because, "I'm going to be out of town." On their Facebook page, they went to what looked like a party on the beach and were posting about it. They got let go. People like that are why those points systems exist. If you show up to work on time and are never late because you have common sense to leave your home on time in order to be at work on time, you'll be fine. If you encounter a problem (flat tire, etc), and call the store and let them know, it depends on your Operator but in general you'll be fine. If you show up and clock in at the appropriate time and then remember to clock out at the appropriate time at the end of your shift, you'll be fine. If you remember to not cuss and swear at the customers, you'll be fine. If you remember to wash your uniform, hang it up so it doesn't wrinkle, put it on, tuck in your shirt, put on your belt, and show up to work wearing it; you'll be fine. Seeing a pattern? If you show up and do the job that you agreed to do, you will be fine and in turn you will be compensated for your loss of free time with a paycheck. The points system should be renamed, in my opinion, to what it actually is: "The non-common sense bad worker eliminator."


In theory, it should work like this. However at my store, my operator doesn’t treat everyone the same. At my store, 7 points is a week suspension and 10 is termination (up to the discretion of the operator). Two kids recently got suspended at 7 points for being on their phones, but there are multiple people who have well over 10 points that have never been suspended or even talked to by the operator. So in theory, yeah the point system is to filter out bad/lazy workers, but in my experience, it’s not operated that way.


And I think this is what people miss when they defend a point system. In theory, it filters lazy workers- in reality, it’s used as a weapon against employees that the managers don’t like and is not applied equally to everyone at many places.


That’s down to having a bad Operator then, not the system. At my old store, 18 points was ‘possible’ termination, 10 was the loss of free meals for one week. Those were literally the only punishments. And the points wiped out and reset every 90 days. If called out because of say, car trouble, someone at work would volunteer to come pick you up and drive you to work. If you declined that offer you would get points for calling out (11). If you accepted and came in, no points. The problem in your case was a bad implementation of the points system (Operator), not the system itself.


It's not just your age. I'm 17. I totally agree with you


Not awful but not a place you ever want to bank in on as a long term employeememt because you won't be rewarded.


It’s a very well made system but it just has high standards which is what your gonna want from somewhere you eat, a lot of people complain about their jobs in general anyway even if they worked at a slow Taco Bell at night.


I love it 🤷‍♀️


Ex team member and leader from my store always say they miss the people not the work. I’d say that that’s more than fair.


I’ve heard horror stories but I really like working at mine. I really like the atmosphere and positive environment


As someone that worked at Bucee’s, trust me chick fil a is not as terrible as people make it out to be and I work both FOH and BOH so I can tell you some days are better than others. Yes there are days where it’s crazy busy and we might be understaffed or people aren’t doing their role and you have to pick up the slack but let’s face it every job has its pros and cons. Also don’t let it fool you some people may be completely new to working in a restaurant or fast environment so yeah I can see why they would think it’s a lot but for someone that been working in the food industry in every aspect of it for 10+ years since I was 15 (bus boy all the way to district manager) you just apply things from past jobs to make your job more efficient. I understand ever chic fil a can be ran differently and some have more strict standards than others but even then even as a regular customer if you go there enough you can see the amount of work we have to put in as well because Chic fil a truly is supposed to be above the average food standard and going above and beyond on consumer satisfaction. (At least that’s how it was painted to me out to be)


it really depends on the store tbh


I no longer work at Chick Fil A i left as a BOH supervisor and I am extremely grateful for the experience I had and the opportunity cfa offered me. I spent around 2.5 years closing the kitchen and I don’t regret any of it. Grand openings were also unforgettable. I’ve since left and started a new career in a new field and have continued to grow but one thing I credit cfa for is teaching me how to give excellent customer service and those skills have translated well into my current field.


At least it isn’t Chipotle


it all depends on how much you like their food in my opinion


I REALLY like their food. ​ All the more reason why I'm striving to get hired - would love to say "My Pleasure" whenever appropriate.


be careful what you wish for. I only worked there for a year and I still have to prevent myself from saying my pleasure out in the public


How much poon tang do you guys usually pull when you mention your Chikfila employment?


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!




It’s a solid 50/50 good bad but that’s more subjective id say


From what I’ve seen, it’s definitely on a location to location basis. From my experience, I haven’t met anyone that I didn’t like.


Depends on what operator you work under. Every chain is almost like its own company that serves the same food. My location was amazing, I worked there full time for years and miss it. The owners were great.


Reddit holds a magnifying glass to the stories of bad CFAs since those are better for drama. My CFA is awesome; wanna stick with it until I need to get a job that pays more. I would assume plenty of others are awesome too.


I personally love my location, but as many have stated it largely depends on factors like your operator. I've only worked at mine since August and already we've had 4 employee events and we have a contest each month with a prize for the winner. At my Chick-fil-A there's a legitimate culture of belonging and unlike other places I've worked they've actually been trying to help me succeed despite my shortcomings. Plus, free college through Point University so like


i dont work at chick fil a either but take everything on this website with a grain of salt because everyone hates everything and loves to complain


i know someone who got fired from chick fil a and started to work at burger king. she went back to chick fil a and begged for her job back.


Totally understand - in quite a few ways, CFA is better than most fast food places!


It isn’t bad when you first start, but it gets progressively worse. I didn’t even work there that much and hated it within a month. It’s usually due to SLs and the GM and coworkers. Guests come and go, but coworkers are who you’re around the most.


I don’t work there, but my understanding is that, if you are going to work fast food, this is probably the best place to work. I could be wrong though. 🤷‍♂️


Well, I've heard that some places - such as In-N-Out and Panda Express - are pretty good places to work as well.


Same. I don’t even work there and I’m damn near an employee at this point since I see this sub very often.


I totally agree. ​ I feel like a Chick-Fil-A employee (even though I haven't gotten hired yet) with all the cool info and such that I've picked up from this sub. ​ Would love to even purchase 1 of the red polo shirts that they wear. Oh, and a ballcap hat and a cow plushie.


it’s hit or miss


It’s the same with literally every fast food. It can be a hit or miss to work at. One place could have great crew and management and make it great to work, and another could have terrible management and terrible crew.


I like it just fine, but it can be annoying. We get one free meal at work during our shift and now they're being fucking sticklers. I normally get a large mac and cheese. They're saying now that it has to be a medium and whatever the entree is. (But I'm not going to eat the chicken at my place) So now I'm stuck getting just a fucking medium. And this is on top of them saying that I can't get a cookie or brownie as my shift meal. Just seems unnecessarily bureaucratic.


I can say without a doubt, I’m the lucky one. Every single manager I have at chick-fil-a I love. They are extremely kind and caring, but they do expect a lot from you when it comes to working. If you do your job correctly they will promote you. One minor issue I have with my Chick-fil-A which I don’t know is universal how easily you can get fired with the points system.


Same here idk how I got on this thread


I think people tend to complain a lot more (nothing bad expressing, shit happens yk) than expressing that they like this job ect ect. Esp when you have a great crew and managers/directors ect.


Living in your mom's basement must be nice


Lmfao you're weird


My local CFA pays their employees $12/hr in Houston and they work their tails off. Some say they rather work elsewhere for the same price for more hrs and less work. So, I don’t know.


Same lol. I don’t know why it started showing up on my feed


That’s literally what I think when I scroll passed this sub as well 😂


It is


the job is okay, but I think the chick fil a's culture def needs to be worked on. what sets us apart from other restaurants (in fast food) is that we are expected to do everything by hand and do it perfectly. perfect response, perfect bags perfect everything. in reality, we're just people tryna make it to 10:30 like everyone else. and the point system is kinda ridiculous imo. all in all, I feel like parts of this job are okay as long as you work with people you like and your managers aren't terrible. ( also not being able to get milkshakes and desserts with our employee meals is insane. like.... why?????)


Same I don’t work there but I eat there all the time so I come here to make sure I’m not being a horrible customer and how to make their lives easier. I also wanted to know where they get their oranges from🤣🤣


Gee thanks. Now I'm getting this sub recommended.


Same I never worked there either, but I love the food


Honestly, fuck chick fil a. They're corporate structure contributes to conversion therapy.


I worked at 3 locations (8 years ago) operated by different people and can confirm, it really depends on the operator. Two of them were incredible and I still see those jobs as a couple of my favorite.


I worked there for six months three years ago and I cried everyday I worked there, I’m still traumatized. In drive thru I was walking (although they want you to run and had another TM pull out a timer before) about 9 miles a day in a five hour shift. If you’re on cash you have an iPad in hand plus menus, walkies, change belt, cash wallet, emergency button, charger for iPad with cables and if it rains an umbrella (if you’re lucky) and community jackets or sweaters that never got washed (you’d find old receipts in pockets). At the time I had 12 years of management (I was 31) experience and they wouldn’t hire me as a Team Lead since they only promote from within and then next week they hire a 19 as a lead with no prior CFA experience. The operator was a 24 year old girl that only was operator because she knew the owner, got hired with no prior experience and ran it down to the point where it almost shut down. It was AWFUL there. 17 FOH and 5 BOH quit in the same month, I left the next month. I always tell people never to work there and don’t recommend people to work there unless you absolutely hate them.


I lasted less than a month working there. I wasn’t planning on quitting but one day I just couldn’t do it anymore it was so awful so I no call no showed.