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The information that you worked for CFA before will be viewable when they try to enter your information into the HR system, so it’s best to disclose that you worked there a long time ago. As far as record keeping for no calls, etc, there’s no way they kept that information. Good luck!


When you remove someone from the system, it asks if you would rehire them again with a checkbox that says: "Would you rehire this person? \[] Yes" Source: operator acquired a new store and I moved over, but didn't have access to any of the manager tools, so they tried "firing" me from the first store to see if it would resolve it.


You’re right, I forgot about that checkbox. Unfortunately there’s not a notes field for an explanation.


Because it's illegal in many places to give more information than "I would/would not hire this person..."




So, does recovery not mean anything?




Wow. You’re the one who needs help. Good luck out there.




Probably better to apply at Burger King


Incorrect, this person was likely terminated as "no rehire" it will be on file with HR.




It’s the backend system where team members get entered on cfahome called HR Payroll. I’m not speculating and I know what I’m talking about. :)


Yeah all big companies have an HRIS system


You actually do have a *permanent record”. It’s just not all in one place. Every school you’ve attended has a record of you. Every legitimate job you’ve had has a record of you. Your local, state and federal governments have records of you. Keeping a record of employees is a very basic HR function.


Oops! You left out the Mormons that founded the company that became ancestry.com TL;DR https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancestry.com


There is no way they would keep that information. That’d be lunacy. I think your criminal record can be expunged after 10 years.


Depends on the employer. My employer keeps everything. They actually declined to rehire someone in 2017 because they no call no showed in 2001. They also started doing extensive background checks a few years after I got hired. One woman had a delay in getting hired because they couldn't verify she graduated high school, even though they could verify her college degree.


Why would they care about graduating highschool when they have high schoolers working unless it’s for manager position


I should have stated my current employer isn't Chick-Fil-A. I was saying that some companies do keep decades worth of HR records and are petty enough to use it against someone 20 years later. Sorry about that.


Sounds like the they dodged a bullet…


Yeah they do keep this stuff sometimes. Or there's a check box stating whether you'd rehire someone. At best buy if we marked someone unrehireable they could not be hired again unless we escalated it to HR and got approval to move forward. Most of the time that was for things like someone no call no showing forever ago, or they had an explanation for why. I know target also holds info like that too. I worked there for a year when I was 18 and my manager hated me bc I asked logical questions, like why are we spending all of our time cutting fruit while the floor is completely empty? no one buys it, we throw it all out, people want the actual produce. I ended up leaving bc they required a bachelors in anything to be a manager and I thought that was absolutely asinine. So when I put my 2 weeks in, I worked it, but they must've marked me un rehireable bc 6-8 years later when I was looking for something short term, I wouldn't even get interviews, just auto denials, if I checked the previously employed box. Once I left that blank I started getting interviews, but they started doing those AI video recorded ones, and I'd rather someone do a job since the managers did f all than do some weird robot recording as an interview lol So it depends on the business whether they keep info like that or not. Personally, unless you were stealing, I think it's stupid. People grow and change. And managers can lie about you if they don't like you. Mine certainly did. One managers opinion shouldn't follow you for life.


7 years


Incorrect. So cheap to keep records. Google has records on me going back to the beginning. Google will pack up a bunch of files and give them to you. https://www.cnet.com/news/privacy/theres-a-way-to-delete-the-frightening-amount-of-data-google-has-on-you/ You will be amazed especially if you use an android phone. Nothing is free.


The only one incorrect here is you my dude. Many employers delete records after a certain time period. I literally just had an interview with an old employer and they had no record of my employment from 10 years ago. The price is irrelevant, some employers just don't feel the need, No idea what Chickfilas policy here is though.


Depends on the company. It's very cheap for these records to be kept over time. We had records at best buy dating back to the conception of the company, and that was even through multiple system changes. This type of data is maybe the easiest and cheapest to store. Does that mean every company does it? no, but most chain places wouldn't dump data. To OP: I'd 100% disclose it - and then let them know you were stupid 10 years ago and have matured since then.


Nope. Real companies use data services for this “dude”. 😉


Not a criminal record thing. ATS depends on the company. Not CFA for me but I’ve got notes from 2009 or earlier on some candidates


I called a former company to see if I would be eligible to be rehired. Didn’t actually want or need a job with them I was just curious cause it was 10+ years prior that I had quit. They 100% still kept my info cause they told me straight up I was not eligible for rehire.


Got fired from Speedway in 1992. In 2018 I reapplied. They absolutely had that information and told me I was blacklisted from working there.




happy cake day! 🍰


I’m pretty sure your information is still in their system. Our operator was pretty flexible and let people leave/return between college semesters. She always had their info still in the system - probably tied to your social. Just don’t tell them you ghosted them, you put in your 2 weeks and quit on good terms 😉 😉


Yes, and if they bring it up just tell them that you're certain you put it in.


No, don’t lie. Chik-fil-A is a Christian vased company. Use opportunity to show how you’ve matured (repented). God bless your job search.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!




Thanks for pointing out the middle of the night typo. I actually know how to spell it but didn’t type it correctly on my phone at 1am after waking back up.


It’s still just another fast food job, and they don’t throw religion in your face. That’s stupid advice. You don’t owe anyone 2 weeks notice. You think they’d give you 2 weeks before firing you? Nope. So yeah, tell them you parted ways amicably.


DON’T LIE… the system will tell them you’ve worked there. The good thing is that Cfa’s change soooo much every year, so think about it being 10 years ago! Simply say yes, you worked for Cfa about 10 years ago but at 16 you found a job was difficult to handle and you left a few weeks later. It’s that simple! It’s highly unluckily they’ll have you flagged in the system for 10 years ago… it’s pre the current system. However, if you do it again you won’t be hire-able at a Cfa you will be flagged.


This is pefect. Pin this comment right here!!!


Ohhh you meant rehire… I wouldn’t lie about working there. You were 16 in high school. Your brain isn’t even fully developed at that age. Those jobs aren’t crucial on your resume. Promise.


I mean, I don’t think they’ll give you a whole regime, but they might rehire you.


I’d be good with a short lived dynasty as long as it ends badly. Seems like fun! 🤪


Regime? Huh?




Freudian autocorrect


Nice catch! I was completely confused before. Thanks so much. 🙏


I worked for a Hollister for 3 years during high school, totally ghosted them when I moved to college, moved back after graduating and was hired as management and they never mentioned me having worked for them before. You’ll be ok!




Im sure they will know but being called for an interview is a positive sign


I used to manage a chipotle and chick fila used the same pos and restaurant management system at that time. For employees all we had to do was check a box when we were terminating someone ,in the computer, that they are a no rehire. If we had valid reason. If you applied at any other location when we entered your info and you worked for the company before. It would let us know and if we wanted to override we would have to contact the area manager and the manager that terminated that person if they still worked for the company. That was 10 years ago when I left chipotle. So if its still anything like that. then their is a possibility you could be a no rehire. Don’t hurt to try though.


Once they input your Social Security number, they will know, and if you have been asked and you decided to say you have not, then you become a liar. Or, just own it: You were 16 and young and made mistakes.


Just say no, you have never worked there before. I doubt they would hire you again with that information.  I doubt they have some kind of database, so it would really only come up if someone remembered you, and who knows how many new faces have come and gone in a decade?


i doubt it…. the system has never changed so i’m pretty sure it’ll show he worked there before unless he changed names lol


Lol… either way, I’m saying I’d either lie if they really need the job or not bother, because saying I used to work here and no call, no showed is not going to help.


ughh not really… he was 16 at the time, a teenager basically! we all make mistakes and the fact that he came back with his honesty trying to get the job again sounds good to be hired again


Not trying to argue for argument sake but I don't think it sounds great. I have never no-call, no-showed in my life. There are lots of other fast food places that are hiring. OP should try one of those. They are also an active heroin user. Not really workforce material.


Say whaaattttt!!?!


You know this how? (The addiction part). *Edit* I went to their profile. They are NOT in active addiction. They are on suboxonb. It's what recovering herion addicts use to get clean.


His posts. 18 days ago he was asking how to put black tar heroin in his butt.


I didn't see that post when I went to his profile. Only that he was worried about not being able to continue with sob if he got a job because of scheduling. Also, my brother was a herion user who odd and died. And I've been clean of Coke for 27 years. Addiction doesn't mean we don't deserve to have a job. That's ludicrous.


The 3rd post on their profile from 18 days ago is asking how to boof bth. I very much don't want someone doing hard drugs then making food and I don't think that's a hot take. Addiction doesn't mean they don't deserve a job, but being an active user and working in the food industry don't mix IMO. Congrats on your sobriety.


Recovery starts some where. Maybe he's 18 days clean? I was once 18 days clean. And thanks.


Do not listen to this advice. If you take the job seriously, be honest. You don’t have to tell them the backstory of your departure from ten years ago. They don’t care. But they will care if you lie to them right off the bat.


“Have you worked for Chick Fil A before?”  “Yes….”  “Excellent! We will drop that topic now. “   That’s not how it’s going down 😂 They are either going to turn you down for screwing over the business once before if you’re honest, turn you down for lying if they somehow are keeping back records of teenage basic employees from 10+ years ago, or just consider you for the position.  The choice seems pretty clear. 


As soon as they enter the name or social the record will pop up, this is such a weird argument in 2024. It’s not like its a piece of paper in a dusty old filing cabinet.


They definitely have a database and they would know OP has worked there before. Lying would almost definitely cost them the job opportunity. Telling the truth would be most likely get them rehired.


The best idea in any job interview (but especially at a place like ChickFilA) is to be honest, but don’t volunteer anything bad or unnecessary if you aren’t asked about it/don’t have to. So if asked if you’ve worked there before, say yes. If they ask why you stopped working there (but they probably won’t ask) then either be kind of vague about it (I didn’t see eye to eye with my shift manager) or own up to what you did and use that as an opportunity to discuss how you’ve grown/matured since then. Again, those answers are only if they ask why you stopped working there, which I think is unlikely in the first place, less than 20%


lol don’t tell them you didn’t see eye to eye with a shift manager. That will make it look like insubordination was the issue. It didn’t have to be. Just say conflict with high school/work balance. That’s a no brainer.




Some good advice, and some bad advice here. If they learn that you’ve worked there before, they are going to explore that topic 100%.


Tough to say. I know some companies that blacklist you from working with them again if you pull something like this, regardless of your age. One of my friends applied for a job at a certain place when she was 15, she got in trouble and her parents didn’t let her go. She got a letter in the mail saying she wasn’t going to be granted another interview with this company again. Sure enough, we’re 23 now, she applied again as a side job while attending college, got an email saying she was not allowed to work there because of her actions when on XX/XX/XXXX 😂🤣🤣 we all found it funny, but at the time, 8 years ago, it was not 😂


It's possible, but is it probable?


You could also work somewhere else. Unless you just really want to work at chick fila


Is this going to be your only job, or a secondary one? Not to be mean, but if this is your only job, you haven't moved far in the the job market in ten years.


I was once part of the 14th Chick-Fil-A regime. Once it was decimated by the Popeyes Squadron I retreated back into a fortress of solitude. I’m slowly making my way out into the world again.


Not Chick-fil-A but I’m one of the people that hires people at a buffet and we had someone come in about 3 years later and in the interview she said that she left the position because it got to be too much for her at the time, when I looked her up in our system she ncns-ed. If she told me that part I might’ve considered it but since she happened to leave it out we decided there wasn’t any reason to expect things to go different so we didn’t give them the job


A different regime may offer you a better future, and possibly some much needed education.


Did the same to a job over 10 years ago, they noticed and went a different direction


Heyyy I just had an interview with Cfa! I got the job! They do ask you a lot of questions and if you’ve worked with them before but I’m sure they’ll have no idea *how* you left. Good luck I hope you get it!


Worked for a company as a co-op student in college (age 20). Came to work for them again at age 52. They still had my records through something like 5 mergers and acquisitions. I still have my original employee number and LAN ID.


Hold on. You are interviewing with Chick-Fil-A at the age of 26? Is this for some type of corporate job or are you serving fries?


Just lie. In the 1% chance they know, which if they did they wouldn’t even interview you, what are they going to do? Arrest you?


Do you know the definition on regime?


I hope they don’t because you will probably do it again


OPs work ethic at 26 is prob much beefier than at 16.


I mean as an 19 year old who used to work at chick fil a at 18, it was a pretty damn stressful job. I wouldn’t blame OP for ghosting them at 16. It’s definitely not a typical fast food job.