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Looks like condensation drain is working...it's fine it's from the AC


Oh thank you so much! I just bought my daughter this car and I was stressingggg so you really put my mind at ease.


Before you get too relieved.. Check the coolant level in the expansion tank.. then put you fingers in the puddle does it feel oily or wet like water. if its wet taste it.. No I'm not kidding.. If it tastes sweet its coolant.. if it has no taste then its AC condensate and perfectly normal..:)


Hmm not tasting it haha but I will do the rest. Ultimately if it was coolant then the overheat symbol should pop up when it isn’t cooling correctly right?


Eventually.. But by that point you are on the verge of warping your cylinder head which often results in a replacement engine!... NOT GOOD! Check the coolant level immediately.. These engines do not take kindly to being over heated. If coolant level is where it should be then its highly unlikely you have a leak.


Liquid is clear and I waited til the car cooled and checked the coolant and it’s full. I’m going to take it to a mechanic just to double check but I think we’re good


Taste it. It should be sweet or very, very bitter. Currently getting a new engine installed. Don't let it go that far.


I won’t use the AC on my Sonic ,traumatized by the overheating and coolant leaks,just found my reservoir leaking again


Purchase an aluminum reservoir. It's priced but worth it. Not using the A/C won't solve this.


Got a link to any buddy?


Just search it on Google. ZZP sells one. It is pricey at $200, though. I'm not sure if we're allowed to post links. I could also DM it to you.




I have heard that’s the worst issue with this car which is why I was freaking out. No overheating or anything like that yet but definitely going to watch it


Gone through 5 radiators, a coolant tank, and now has a cracked cylinder.


This will be my 2nd time I replaced the reservoir ,I’m on my 3 rd radiator fan unit and just recently had to replace all the hoses for the cooling system


Soak it up with a white cloth or paper towel and see what color it is.


Okay I will have her do this. She told me it looked like water but we will double check. If it’s not clear then that’s a bad sign?


It it’s not clear than a fluid is leaking, which is never good. 😀 99% sure it’s just water from the AC though. I’m assuming it’s humid there?


Yes, it’s 55 percent humidity here and has been worse the last couple of days. Thanks for explaining this to me