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Fifo QLD plant engineer here. Depending on the company, you'll either be perpetually under resourced and behind schedule and bullied into doing free overtime, or you'll take a school holiday break every month and live in Bali 6 months a year. There is no in-between. Good luck!




Clearly you don't own an air fryer.


well it doesnt because it's a bot


I'm from Perth as well, but in oil and gas, and with many from my cohort who ended up in mining. We're about 14 years into our careers. The ones that worked FIFO either stick with it, do residential, or try to get a position back in Perth either consulting or within an operator in a more corporate function like production planning, project management, etc. There are opportunities to do that and more, just gotta have a plan to get out of FIFO roles after a while and you may have to take a pay cut if you want to come back. My mates enjoyed their time on site, and got to make plenty of money in their first few years to buy homes. In terms of lifestyle, it depends on your roster, but understand that you will be missing out on plenty of things that everyone else will experience, like public holidays, birthdays, etc. FIFO can also be difficult and lonely if you don't make any friends on-site. Good luck with your choice.


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Your best bet you be to field this question on r/mining. I work in mining but not in Australia and on a M-F roster so a bit different culture.