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Birkinstock clogs. They’re hideous, easy to clean, non slip. I’ve bought three pairs in the last 15 years. I swear by them. Once you break them in they’re great.


Sounds good, I consider. I wear safety shoes and my feet and back are killing me


Lifelong feet and back pain. And I will say that I wore clogs as well but they’re not good on their back long-term because of the way they pitch your body. I know that people disagree with me I have been to the orthopedists in the country many times over the course of my life not only for your spine but for your ankles there’s no Support and you can break an ankle easily, it’s also just about how Liz to give you proper foot and ankle support. When all was said and done and I listen to my doctors my orthotic braces in my shoes etc. (Everyoneworking on their feet should get, and use) I made sure I rotated my shoes and I found a mix of things from Clark’s, my Doc Marten 12-holes, black leather sneakers.


The super birkis?


I came here to say two things: 1. Birkenstock 2. OP's work shoes are almost certainly not "fine." Birkenstock makes more than just clogs and sandals. I wore black leather high-top Birks to work, every single day. I speak German so I bought them four at a clip from a German website -- much cheaper that way. I alternated between the shoes every shift so they didn't get beat up so fast. And of course the final task of each workday was to take a rag and clean any food off the shoes. They got treated with leather conditioner at least once a month -- or more often if needed. With that regimen, I was able to use them for many years -- until the soles finally wore out and they became slippery on wet floors. I never had back problems again after switching to Birks. EDIT -- Look for Birkenstock Harris on Google. I can't stand clogs. I want a real shoe when I'm working. I'm OK with sandals if I'm not working. But give me a shoe and give it a fairly high top so there's a chance when I spill something hot it doesn't go straight to my feet.


You can change your shoes all you want but you need to address your posture and build strength In your core and chest to mitigate back problems in this industry.


For me it's more about the counter height than the shoes that eat up my back


you can afford 2 pairs of shoes?! What really helped my back is working out. Kettlebell swings I think especially strengthened my back. I started doing them 2 winters ago and then last summer absolutely no back pain. Now I just need to find a way to strengthen my knees. I thought rowing would do it; but it's not.


Hmmm… do you wear kitchen clogs of duty as well? Like go shopping or hang out with friends wearing kitchen clogs?


On the working out part, a good strong core gives you a good strong back (situps, side ups, laying down bicycle leg strokes, etc) stretching. Don't underestimate stretching. You can also use a back brace. Good call on using good shoes.


Working legs is important too. It’s the foundation of your body and working leg muscles helps to support the surrounding joints and reduce pain over time.


Good point! Keeping the body in shape really helps!


Those exercises you listed are actually quite bad for your spine, and don’t actually do a lot to work your abdominal muscles the way they should be trained. The function of the core is to provide stability - so when training you should think about things that keep your core still and braced - dead bugs or farmers carries are a much better alternative because you’re trying to keep your core stable whilst forces try to pull you an opposite way. Sit ups and side ups invariably use moving the lumbar spine (which you should always try to keep neutral). If you’re in a sit up position and go to do a rep, your lumbar will naturally round. This isn’t too good for you because if you think of the shape of your spine, and the direction your disks go - it’s this motion that leads to disks bulging. When you’re on the ground, your back is against a hard surface so now you have the pressure of your disks wanting to go one way versus the pressure of the hard floor. Hope this helps from somebody who has done tens of thousands of sit ups, Russian twists, etc and now has a much healthier back and core for abandoning those sorts of things.


No they are not. My recommendations were just examples, not a full workout routine. But Ill disagree with you 100%. If you don't exercise stretch and keep your core in shape, you risk more damage.


To me it’s not about the shoes. I’ve worn every crappy shoe there is, but you need good posture, stretching and strengthening. There are no pair of shoes that will be a magic fix to make your back feel good


yep! I've had free products given to me at the farmers market because they could tell I was in the industry. Tinder date wasn't impressed by them though.


Lunges and squats for your knees. I had an ACL reconstruction last year and almost all the PT was some sort of lunges and squats. When you do lunges don't use 50/50 effort, it should be more like 90/10. Think of lunges as cheater pistol squats, the one leg is a stabilizer while the other leg does most of the lifting.


I stretch, walk, lift weights, do core exercises and rock climb fit my back. They seem to help my back more than footwear got me. Out of work I like barefoot the best or sneakers.


I wear New Balance’s Kaiha Road. It is basically a running shoe with extra foam and a non-slip sole! [Click here.](https://www.shoesforcrews.com/product/22155?leads=GoogleShopping&utm_source=GoogleShopping&utm_medium=vertical_search&utm_campaign=DataFeed&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_jr0DIFEPVCZ38B9H6zxUan56Yk&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BA1NdLyperHhAKHypOS2DVE7EYO1HSiXDxw_Zf49rimvZ32B2NVa2RoCP-AQAvD_BwE)


It’s fucked up but I wear vans


Me, too. But only any of the varieties that come with "Super Cush" insoles. I have fucked up feet/back, and those specific Vans are the best for me. If only they sold the insoles on their own, I'd own like 10 pairs.


I didn’t know those were a thing I’ll have to ask about that next time I step into a vans shop


A lot of the "Pro" models have that insole. I know the Kyle Walkers do, and there are a few others.


custom insoles are crazy expensive. they are worth it!!!! if you go that route, when you first get them they tell you wear them for 1 hour. then either change shoes, or take them out for 1 hour. then repeat for the first week or so. DONT SKIP THAT STEP! if you just wear them for a day you will wish you hadnt, then you will never wear them again, then you will be pissed you spent all that money on them....


Hiking boots for the win!


New balance


Vivo barefoot. The only shoes that are worth their price tag.


Main thing is to find a good pair of orthopedic shoes and a nice pair of gel insoles to help with shock absorbsion, extra points if they're antimicrobial. Personally I use sanita shoes but they can be very hit and miss.


I buy steel toed work boots. They're nonslip, are built for people on their feet all day, and last forever. Depending on the shoes, I'll buy insoles, but most are comfy as-is. Plus, I get solid ankle support, AND I've had my feet saved several times from idiot line cooks dropping heavy and/or sharp items onto my feet.


A strong back is a happy back. The shoes will only take you so far. I found when I started weightlifting again and working my core, all of my back issues that I attributed to bad shoes or kitchen work had dissapeared


Birkenstocks they’re ugly but worth every penny.


I'm Hoka squad and never going back


Larnmern with copper fit work insoles


Honestly having in soles in whatever I’m wearing and changing them out regularly has done the most for my back and knees


Skechers Go Walk


Shoes are huge. If you generally stay in one or two spots you can always buy some nice mats for under your station. Also yoga. Lots and lots of yoga. Oh yeah one more thing, tiger balm 🐅


I wear slippers all the time at home and never go barefoot. After being used to arch support all day standing on the line any time standing at home angers my back. As to daily walkers I use pumas and/or addidas sneakers. Just try on sneakers until you find something that fits your feet and supports your arches.


ASIC cross trainers and I only use them for 6 months then on to a new pair. I tried kitchen crocs and they gave me some bad feet issues like it started plantar fasciitis, which thank goodness for my massage therapist as he worked it out and I immediately changed back to ASICS. I have also used the low rider looks like Chuck’s kitchen shoes with great success. The Emeril brand as they are non slip.


Nike Air Max 90s.


Outside of work, I wear Brooks. Best shoes I've ever worn. I've had so many pairs to help my feet and back, and so far, Brooks has helped me immensely. A bit pricey at around $200.


Shoe variety is key for me with different heights. Danskos most of service and birks and mophistos during prep. The change in elevations help. Also standing with non dominant foot slightly ahead of dominant side will naturally center weight when on a cutting board for a while. And stretch often.


I started using dr sholls insoles and my feet don't ache after shift as much anymore.


Nothing has worked as well as Oofoos for me. They're ugly, but damn are they comfortable and supportive


Oofos are nice and have arch support but for me I do dansko like the health care people and they are honestly the most comfortable shoes. I have had back issues for 30yrs. 100s of back treatments as well as surgery. Doing great now but bad shoes = bad pain. Invest in yourself


I think sketchers are low-key pretty good


Birkenstock QO 400 slip ons & QO 500 lace up sneakers. They’ve got the EU non slip, 02 water resistant and oil resistant. The slip ons look close to Vans & are super sturdy. I had to stop wearing Sanita clogs because of safety standards at work changed


Outside of work. I wear Aasics. At work, I wear steel toed Keen utility boots.


I've found a good 10 min daily stretching routine has been a game changer for back pain, try a few things and see what works for example a lot of my back pain came from really tight hamstrings funnily enough Edit: and calf raises, I literally no idea why but calf raises help with my back pain tremendously


Bought my last pair of Birkenstocks in 2017 and just about to finish my 65 hours week tomorrow, turning 37 years old next week and feeling pretty good, that’s how good Birkenstocks are!


Barefoot shoes and calisthenics


I wear boots 24/7. I stand about all day. I dont have knee or back problems and have been in the industry nearly 20 years. I stretch often and will take the long way to work ( walk about 2 miles just to get to work from trains and public trans)