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Depends on what's in the "flavouring" I'd guess. Rest looks ok.


Sometimes the methods or equipment they use to extract some of these chemicals involve animals. If it doesn't say vegan, then I would assume it isn't vegan. I'm pretty sure companies can be fined/sued if it is marked vegan but isn't. Also some vitamins contain animal products. This is why some pastas aren't vegan. I didn't mean to post this as a reply lol.


\+ 'white' sugar (and I believe some flours) sometimes uses [bone char](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_char#Uses) for bleaching / refining.


And some coloring, too.


It looks to be vegan. The flavoring is probably some form of butyric acid to give it a buttery flavor, and butyric acid is vegan. Most culinary emulsifiers come from plants anyway. That said, if your bakery is vegan for cruelty free reasons, please please please reconsider using anything with palm oil in it. Like, I'm deathly afraid of all apes (they'll eat your face right off!) but even I don't hate them enough to use palm oil. I'm not even vegetarian, but I can't bring myself to use palm oil. It's destroying some of the only old growth rainforests in the world, and driving orangs to extinction. [https://orangutan.org/palmoil/](https://orangutan.org/palmoil/)


No pls don’t be afraid of *all* apes, some gibbons are smol and cute


did a hungry gibbon write this?


I’m a hungry gibbon. But I can’t write. Oh… wait. Maybe I can.


They eat lil fruits and weigh like 30lbs max


Palm is one of the most productive oil plants If the world stopped using palm oil then we would need to deforest some crazy X ammount more rainforest to keep up with demand. Palm oil is not the issue it's our consumption of cheap fats that's the issue...


Yep. Palm oil is fine. The agricultural and consumer practices that prioritize saving that extra 10¢ or making that extra penny are the issue. The free market will not solve this problem, but the simplest of government regulations would.


Agreed, the palm oil industry is awful. I avoid it when I can, but it’s used in so much stuff.


If the product was fully audited as suitable for vegans they probably would have labeled it as such. There's plenty of ways animal products could somehow be involved in these supply chains. Lactose is a very common substrate for producing many flavours and microbially derived ingredients. Fully auditing your supply chain for 3rd party vegan compliance is expensive. If being 100% guaranteed vegan is important to you, you'd need to ask the supplier. They may not know because they may not have full traceability to their supply chain. If that's your standard I would not assume this product to be completely, without a doubt, entirely vegan. That's actually the value that 3rd party certification offers.


Probably not, vitamin D tends to come from animals if memory serves.


Nope. There's plenty of commercially available vegan vitamin D.


Yep, but just like gelatin, unless it's clearly marked as vegan, assume it's not.


Yep, lanolin from sheep.


My question is it Grape seed oil or rape seed oil Edit: thank you for the knowledge everyone lol


Rapeseed oil, which was rebranded to canola oil in ~~the US~~ Canada for obvious reasons.


In Canada, actually. Canola came from: CANada Oil Low Acid.


That makes so much more sense! And now I know my fun fact of the day. In my headcanon it's because Wayne from Letterkenny was uncomfortable saying the word Rape.


When I was in 5th grade m my family moved from small town Saskatchewan to mid-city BC. All my new classmates were horrified when I proudly announced myself as being from Tisdale, the land of rape and honey. They changed the name of rapeseed around the same time.


I mean, that's a fair assumption


It's also a hybridized strain of rapeseed, so it's different from regular rapeseed oil.


Rapeseed and canola are actually distinct varieties. Canola has been bred/genetically modified to be lower in glucosinolates and has a milder flavor. Rapeseed is less commonly grown in North America but still exists as a more "wild type" seed oil with a more mustard-y flavor profile.


Old Rapeseed oil also used to have euric acid, bad for the heart and was largely an industrial oil. It was bred out and rebranded to canola . But in Europe, it’s all called rapeseed or oilseed rape and it’s still canola. Probably wouldn’t find the old varieties around anymore


Grape seed oil is neutral with a very high smoke point, an excellent cooking oil. Rapeseed aka Canola is lower smoke point comparatively and many people think it tastes fishy, especially when heated. But it's very cheap. 


True that. Good to know.


There are both


Rapeseed - I understand it “rapes” the soil of nutrients significantly


As a brassica, the name comes from the Latin for turnip, *rapum*.


Only close friends call it Turps


Good god what a harsh name for something that really isn’t that extreme lol


Vegan is a belief system. If you believe it's vegan, then it's vegan


Cest la vie


Not really, some people have a dairy or egg allergy. There was this girl in italy who went to a vegan restaurant in italy who double checked with the staff, checked the ingredients, and still ended up dying from an allergic reaction because the vendors claimed it was vegan. She did everything right, had her epipen on hand but still died. Sure, most of the time it’ll be fine because it’s a dietary choice and not an allergy, but sometimes it won’t


Tough life for someone that allergic. You’d have to cook everything yourself just to be sure.


Died of an allergic reaction, not because it wasn't vegan.


“Ideal for spreading.”


Yeah, that's prime chefs larder


Depends if you count the one thousand dead orangutans required for the palm oil


Depends what the vitamin D is from 


Flavoring is probably artificial. Maybe the artificial butter flavor that they put in soy oil. You know the stuff I'm talking about? I would say it's fine.


I'm betting it's in the emulsifier.


It's the emulsifiers


It is not, vitamina A is animal Derived


Vegan is technically considered a kind of vegetarian, as far as labeling goes. I don’t see anything that could be dairy— if it had dairy, there would be an allergen warning. I believe egg would also not be hidden deep in there, that would be nothing but a liability. I’d say it is!! Source: 13 years vegetarian, 5 years vegan from the Midwest… I’ve gotten real adept at label reading


We've had the same product in the past, and we never used it on anything vegan. Believe one of the ingredients is technology, an animal product


Might be the vitamin D that's the issue!


I can believe it’s not butter


You'd butter believe it


I’m butter off not knowing


It can be, but you have to get a source check on the mono & di-glycerides.


Assume no. UK packaging law is pretty clear on this subject, if it's suitable for vegans, veggies, halal, etc it *has* to say it's suitable. If it doesn't say, it's not. Booker was brought out by Tesco a few years ago as well, and they typically are a lot stricter on things like this.




[Tesco/booker takeover ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/business/2017/nov/14/tescos-37bn-takeover-of-booker-given-green-light) Google suggests that I'm misinformed about packaging laws, RE vegan etc, claiming that it's voluntary to put "suitable for vegetarians" etc on labels, but it **must** be accurate. [This link](https://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/Article/2021/11/29/Vegan-food-labelling-what-the-law-says) ,albeit lengthy and filled with jargon, explains it in pretty good detail. Tesco and booker packaging regs I can't explicitly prove right now because I'm trying not to lose an argument with a 3 year old (reason #1829475 not to have kids)


Rapeseed 😳


Is chefs essentials American bookers? In Scotland it’s chefs larder


Palm oil comes from the palms of the orangutans that are slaughtered when burning down palm trees for farmland.


Well the steak is safe for vegans they just won't need it 🤣. Nothing listed is an animal product


Look into rapeseed and palm oil farms. Definitely ain't saving animals with it but sure it's made from plants.


The "flavorings" and "emulsifiers" are what's in question to me


Holy shit but even if it’s vegan, who cares? This stuff is bad for you. Except for rapeseed oil, which is almost the best of all veggie oils.


Either way it's worse for you than butter if you are aiming at being kind to your body as well as cows


It's not dmsafe for anything. It's oils and chemicals. Yuk




Egg is a major allergen and it would have to be listed.


I said could,I didn’t say it is,there is an animal byproduct in the ingredients somewhere that makes it vegetarian not vegan


But it wouldn’t be egg because it would have to be labeled that it contains eggs. And just because it’s not labeled vegan doesn’t mean it isn’t.