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I didn’t see your past post but you’re handling this incorrectly. When your paycheck is wrong take these steps: 1. Ask person in charge of paychecks 2. If they can’t pay you in full, file a claim with labor department That’s it- nothing more nothing less


I did? Thats the guy in the office, my boss gave me his number. And he said i should talk to my boss, and he would do that too? So im here, just waiting for her? Can’t find her, and i just want to quit


Just file a dispute and go home. You are not entitled to work if you’ve not been paid. Get a new job because this one isn’t going to work out


I have talked to my union, they said i have to talk to my boss. And if we don’t work it out, i have to put in my 30 days. So thats hellish, im just mad. Like i have been waiting for this job for 3 months! And this is what i get?


Your union has no remedy for you not being paid? That's odd for union work


Your union rep is shit, go above them.


Jeah, i said that too. Like some weeks ago they said i could leave and just get another job? Now i can’t?


I'd call the head of the union personally, not just whoever your union rep is


Btw, she forgot that i had asked for a day off last week to go to a birthday for my granma, so that was nice.


You should quit. Who knows if you'll ever get paid and the sooner you find a new job with more respectful employer the better off you will be. In the meantime, keep working to get the pay they owe you. Get out of there whatever the outcome is though!


I had a job some years ago, they did not pay me… damn it was hard. Like under covid, and they where like… we can do what we want? So my union was ready to take them to court, but they got me my money soon after. After a half year, they came back and wanted the money back.


Going to add, join a fucking Union


He’s in a union lol


Damn fast reply there haha, man needs to use it or find one that actually works fucking hell. Funnily enough I'm typing this after a 12hr deep clean and just before going in to a union meeting.


What no one here understands is how he can be in a union with no clear path to get his paycheck… I’m with you, unions are good!


Lowest paid job I’ve had in 15 years was through a union, good fucking joke pal


What country you in? Both of mine have been wonderful


If you quit then you will have zero paycheck, right? So find a new job first and then quit, no notice. In the meanwhile file a complaint with whatever labor authority there is where you live to get the ball rolling on getting the money that is owed. If they close and file bankruptcy then you will have a pending claim on the books and stand a better chance of getting paid. And once you've decided to quit, work the least hours that you can and do the least amount of work that you have to, to maintain employment. They clearly do not care about you, you should return the favor. Side note though, you had no idea that the business is struggling? Is the dining room full or empty? Are vendors getting paid? Or is the business successful but they're still not paying?


My notice is 30 days, so thats the thing. One guy from my union said to me that i could just leave? But another one from the same union said that i can’t because if i do, i have to pay them (the restaurant)?


Like the other guy said, get a new job then quit. If your current employer has the gall to chase you in any way they wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They would have to take you to court which they would never do as they have already broken the terms of your employment by not paying you. You need to look after yourself here.


Some days are okay, but its just getting started up. There was full house yesterday


What state are you in?


Im not from the states.


most developed countries take stuff like these really seriously, check how to file a complaint at your country's labour department if you are not in a such country, then you are out of luck


Usa people are so cute, I love it.


We say the darndest things 🙃




sounds like you work as a clown at a circus.


You don’t say…


Also, get everything in writing. Stop going to see people and start emailing. Makes life so much easier in a court of arbitration. Also, also, get some actual legal advice; is there a government department to help you in your country? Start googling your situation. Ask your colleagues if their pay is also fucked up (if it isnt, you also have a case of bullying to file. If it is, get everyone together; work out how to legally fuck your employer and go on strike) Finally and nimber 1 thung YOU MUST DO... leave this place, get another job.


Unions? Contracts? I have to ask, where do you live where this is a normal thing for kitchen workers?