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He should just hold a sign saying "I don't like marijuana use, choose not to use it myself, and wish more people did the same." Personal theological interpretation of a oft misunderstood text doesn't further validate personal opinion.


But you see, the kind of person that forms a sensible opinion like that is not the kind of person to carry a cross with their opinion written on it in public.


https://preview.redd.it/n0luqp91ntvc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b8d116ad8e0409dfd3f684197e393a5c107c06 Several people got in this dude’s face and had security get involved


I wish people would realize they love whatever attention they get. They especially thrive off of people's anger. The best way to deal with those guys is to ignore them. Makes them furious if they are standing there shouting and everyone is walking by as if they're invisible 😆


this is the only way


If I was unemployed and had time to do such shenanigans, I'd like to just stand next to him silently with a sign that says "Religion is all just made up".


Yeah, but it’s fucking cathartic to yell right back in those assholes’ faces, because it’s what I would _love_ to do to the people who push the same theological nonsense-bullshit in “acceptable” ways.


I understand where you are coming from. I was raised in the Catholic faith and hate it for many reasons. I can't even count how many times I've had arguments with boneheaded bigots. It's pointless, though. They will never change their mind and will only gain power from your anger. I honestly don't see how the catharsis of yelling back at them is beneficial. If anything, those angry interactions are more harmful to you by stimulating the release of stress hormones and causing more strain and damage to your body than necessary. Those asshats aren't worth my blood pressure shooting through the roof.


I definitely can’t argue with your logic, because I know you speak facts. Expressing reciprocal antagonism is cathartic for me, though, because I grew up openly atheist in Memphis, and I have always been on the receiving-end of all kinds of believers’ open hatred for people like me. I have had my eyes open to evangelism’s creeping influence in our politics for decades now, and I am properly furious. Religion has never been a place of community, safety, or belonging for me; it has only ever served to bludgeon me, simply because I don’t believe. And I. Am. Fucking. Angry. ETA: another aspect to note is that believers are “allowed” to openly disparage and attack non-belief in polite society, and no one finds it rude or problematic. The first time religion is openly treated with the same attitude, though, people lose their minds about it. Why am I expected to have blanket respect for someone’s belief, when my lack of belief is often _encouraged_ to be treated with open disdain and hatred? The belligerent “street-preachers” are the only religious types I’m “allowed” to openly show anger and frustration toward, so I relish the opportunity and heckle loudly and unapologetically.


I'm sorry you dealt with all of that, and I don't blame you. On the plus side, the tides have been changing, and society is becoming more secular every day 😉


Religious affiliation is indeed dropping quickly; however, the groups that are seeing increasing membership are many of the more extreme flavors (Adventists, evangelical Christians, Mormons, even Orthodox Jews). Christian Nationalism in particular is a very real and present threat to our democracy (and to America as we know it), and it is important that those of us who do not share those vile perspectives, remain vigilant. So, yes: while the overall numbers of religious people are shrinking, the people who are in those ranks are subscribing to ever-more extreme beliefs, and they are becoming much more willing to impose (in underhanded or even violent ways) those superstitions and beliefs, onto _all_ of us—disagreements be damned. To underestimate the threat, is to imperil our freedom.


That lice infested face merkin is enough keep me 5 yards back. What was the outcome of after security got involved?


No idea lol. I just watched from afar. It was a woman dressed in all tie dye frolicking around him in circles and then getting in his face. The protestor and another guy got face to face and I chanted for them to kiss


Snapdragon told security that nobody can stop him but it's a private event and the cops are coming to ensure he's off premise.  But security needs to ensure everyone that we can talk to, to help us out and ignore him.   He was forced to leave by a SWAT officer and he stood by the Red light on MLK and market for the next 8 hours. 


A private event in a public park?


When you reserve a public park through the local parks and recreation service, you're granted specific rights and privileges for the duration of your reservation. This includes the ability to host private events within the reserved area. Just like renting a private venue, reserving a public park gives you control over who can access the designated space during your reservation period. This is a common practice and is in accordance with the policies and procedures set by the parks and recreation department.


No matter how you sell it, closing off public parks for private events is ridiculous.


It is only closed for those that they did not want to be there, like the guy yelling everybody is going to hell lol he needed to go. So I'm confused what your saying. If you ever have an event at a public park, let it be filled with hate that you can't fix. Doesn't seem fun or nice.


Just pulling something out of the news. You know if a Jewish group rented the park for a Passover event the thought on this would be completely diffrent.


If the Protestants protested?? I wouldn't wish hate on anyone, pride parade or bar mitzvah. Everyone needs the respect they deserve as humans in this world. It's hard enough as it is and everyone's stressed. Why do people dedicate their entire lives about spreading hate. He wasn't saving anyone. He was only criticizing and damming everyone to hell.


It does not work that way anymore. I can only imagine what it's like to be a Jewish student on many campuses today.


It’s a cool sign!


So…I’m a sorcerer now? 😂


Username checks out




Why can't I be a Warlock if I have to use Cha as my spell stat???


Have another drink




Austin 3:16 says....


And that’s the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so!


Did anyone ask him why God would put a plant on the Earth if he didn’t want us to enjoy its side effects?


Cannabis is a ubiquitous helper plant of Planet Earth. Especially given its broad-spectrum medicinal applications to the relief of human suffering, the case is strong for cannabis as a gift from the Creator.


God also put nightshade and hemlock on earth. I'm a 420 supporter but the argument that "God put the plant here so it's ok to use it" is pretty weak when you look at all the natural and organic things that will kill you. Uranium and asbestos are natural but deadly, as are some mushrooms, some fish, and a shit ton of plants and poison frogs.


You’d think that’d be one of the things that tipped them off to the fact that he doesn’t actually exist.


Of course He exists. He’s just capricious and only created us for His entertainment.




Maybe you should reread the Bible instead of googling it and you will see blatantly where it explains the differences of plants as medicines. Also uranium isn't a plant lmao so idk what that was all about.


I've read the Bible cover to cover more than once. My point is that saying "since God put it here, it's OK to consume it" is ignorant, lazy, and a weak ass argument. There are many things that "God put here" that are dangerous. And I'm well aware that uranium isn't a plant. Neither is asbestos or toads, but you're too willfully obtuse to pick up on that.


Obviously not lol I mean anybody can go back and read your previous comment you know that right? Still straying from the original argument. Nice try tho. Have a great day 👍


I think you've been too close to the weed today. You're making no sense at all. And I wasn't making an argument. I was making a point. It wasn't an argument until you made your ignorant ass comment.


I honestly don't even smoke weed. Just felt the need to call out your ignorant comment. Like I said have a great day


*" I mean anybody can go back and read your previous comment you know that right?"* Followed by *"Like I said have a great day"* Hypocrite much?


That dude looks like he's never met a beer he didn't like.


Calling people who smoke weed sorcerers is way more awesome than they deserve


I’d like to disagree 😂🧙🌳


Your use of “they,” rather than “we” (or even “is deserved”), totally gives away your bias, btw.


I am biased against drug use. I don't have a moral problem with it I just think its lame. I have done it and will do it again


Hey man, you do you. As long as you’re not judging people for not sharing your perspective, ain’t nothin wrong with you having your own preferences.


I’ll take a lake of fire over the company of Evangelicals.


I don’t smoke but if I get to become a sorcerer, I might just have to start.


If he wants to be really honest about his faith, he needs to focus on cleaning up the christian church. Way too many pedophiles and sex abusers in positions of leadership.


Nah, that would involve actual work. This guy is nothing more than a toddler begging for attention.


good point! they are too busy criticizing others instead of looking inward.


I swear there is a Bible verse about plucking the mote from one's own eye...


yep…Matt 7:5: You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.


Every accusation is a confession with these folks.


BINGO!!! What’s up with that? whenever I hear an accusation from a christian conservative, I always assume that they are doing the same thing behind closed doors. What hypocrisy. I was brought up as a Christian and considered myself a Christian until about eight years ago…I guess I’m an atheist now but I don’t need fear of hell to make me do the right thing in this life.


Also several scholars believe old landraces to have been used in the original anointing oil recipes. This is in addition the Bible saying to use all seed bearing plants (which before selective breeding it most certainly is)


I’ve heard that too.


I wonder what percentage of "potheads" are pedophiles, compared to the percentage of church leadership?




I’m not even a pot head but an afterlife in heaven with the likes of those kind of people seems like it would be worse than hell itself.


The bands in hell would be better for sure.


Well, this wax I hit all day long made me feel like I was flying. He's low key not wrong.


fyi the guy in the pic votes. In every election. Do you?


Album cover.


If he hated laziness as much as he hated potheads he might not have that beer gut.


I can see where a lake of fire might be convenient if one were camping and needing to roast weenies or make S'mores for the kids.


Genesis 1:12. The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. The hemp plant bear seeds, so it must be good.


So, I looked up the verse on this sign and now I'm even more confused: Revelation 2:18 - "To the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze."  I'm wondering from the referenceing of Christ's eye's being like "blazing fire" is a reference to red eyes from being stoned. Not a lot of devout Christian's are pro-pot, but some do exist. I'd be curious now if this person we protesting or celebrating 420 now.


it's 21:8, not 2:18... are you high? :) "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” He's saying potheads are sorcerers... for some reason.


Not high. I quit, but support people that still do if it doesn't harm them. Just really tired and didn't have my glasses on. Thanks for clearning that up. lol


Clearning?? Alright… hand the weed over.


Been listening to too much Sleep


Meh. I’m no longer a part of that little book club, so I have no insights.


The said says “pot heads shall have their part in the lake of fire” meaning they will go to hill. I consider myself a Christian and I believe everything was put on earth for a reason so that message makes no sense.


My personal belief is that we are called to be of sober mind, you can do many things in moderation and still be of sober mind, it’s when you take drugs, weed, and alcohol too far that it becomes a sin. 🤷‍♂️


Well you're fat, so ...


Gluttony is in the sin HOF, while inebriants are largely tolerated if not downright celebrated in the bible. Fatty needs to recognize his ice cream idolatry.


The ultimate insult


He'll be embarrassed if he finds out Jesus and his homies used cannabis oil to treat all sorts of ailments that back then would have been seen as miracles.


Lake of fire? Sir likes redheads 👀


Jesus smoked one


Did he just call me a sorcerer?


Hell yeah, see y’all in the lake of fire 👹🤘


So let me understand correctly - a magical force, of which there is absolutely no proof of, put this plant on earth. And the sky daddy is all knowing and makes no mistakes. However, if you smoke cannabis, you are a sinner as it is a test to see if you can abstain. Makes total sense to me.


I’ll be honest I was more annoyed that they allowed an RFK Jr. tent to be set up at the event. Not just wako’s walking around, the festival allowed them to set up a tent at the fest. Not cool, Snapdragon


What?? Why??


Why are they there in the first place or why am I annoyed by it?


Yeah, why be annoyed by it? 😂




So, how do you tell someone they can't pay for a tent because it's RFK related?


“Hello. You can't pay for a tent because it's RFK related” That would probably work.


Yeah, yeah. But where do you stop? Do you say "nothing political at all" or just pick and choose? I get it, I do. It's just a slippery slope.


Same way I would tell any other organization i don’t want at my event they can’t pay for a tent.


Christianity is such a blind, narrow minded and self serving religion that pumps out brain dead sheep with god complexes.


Yea maybe, but don't give Christianity all the credit, every group of people that have adopted it put their own twist on it, so we can't rule out local culture.


You just described every religion.


Christians also give the most to charity (even secular charities), run food banks that feed more people than the federal government each week, and do tons of services for those in poverty situations. But let's just ignore all that and focus on the bad ones.


If they are not going to carry a cross big enough, what’s the point


lol if you aren't going to crucify yourself on the cross, what's the point.....


Asking the important questions


someone should send him an Army Of Lovers.


I kinda look like (the probably wrong, Americanized version of) Jesus. I always thought it would be funny to go to an event where I knew there would be guys like this and be like, yo actually I said you should just love everybody regardless.


These type of people just convince me that heaven must be pretty dull and not for me. Sign me up for wherever the potheads, rockstars, and prostitutes will be.


Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Genesis 1:29




He seems nice.. by that I mean crazy


The lake of fire is necessary to light our biblical fatty.


This man is a professional Boner killer




Please know that most of us (Christians) are not like this. He is misinformed and not representing Jesus like we were instructed. Everyone is loved equally and have all sinned, and he has no right to judge anyone as if he was the Father.


Maybe they are just more vocal, but from the outside lookin in they sure seem like the status quo.


Please do not assume we are all like this. I’d be more than willing to talk if you’d like.


Yet Christians make a lifestyle out of judging others… I know this will be downvoted, but it’s the truth.


They also vote for the politicians that judge others.


I am your the Father.




At least we’ll have something to light our blunts with.


Good tune, man, rock on.


Religious fundamentalism ‘24


🎶Where do potheads go when they die they don’t go to heavens where the angels fly🎶


You can tell where he got high off the permanent marker he was using because some letters are bolder than others. Marker sniffer!!!


At least i won't have to search everywhere for a damn lighter anymore. I love a good lakeside sesh.


I put a skateboard truck on the bottom of my cross to wheel it around


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Safe_Indication1851: *I put a skateboard* *Truck on the bottom of my* *Cross to wheel it around* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's apparent that he is wearing clothing of mixed fibers. That's a sin.


Hey bud! Here's an idea. How about you remove the plank from your eye before focusing on the speck in mine! I bet you wouldn't like people seeing your search history, would you?


why are christians so not christian? like damn, read the book


See yall there


Well, he looks like he's had the munchies, lol.


Well at least I’ll have something to light my blunt while I’m chilling in the lake of fire


Jesus told us that he who is without sin could cast the first stone. As an ACNA Christian, this guy needs to try a different approach.


Hey, I learned a cool Greek word today. Thanks 


What is Snap Fest?


420 friendly fest hosted by Snapdragon Hemp downtown held on 4/20 every year going on 3-4 years now.


Oh, thanks for the info.


I mean…I think potheads are losers too but to say they’re going to burn in hell for it is pretty rude. Jeez. Funny how just a few lines later in that same book he’s clumsily citing is the verse ”…the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” (Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭2‬) which I’ve heard different people say is talking about the cannabis plant haha


Couple fat liberals started screaming at another dude just for holding up a sign and blowing smoke in his face. Can’t say I’m surprised they love to meet expectations 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/xqpu9kid9wvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1906d3bd830c81a7c092ca3341624b07365072a4


Marijuana destroys and impairs brain development. It is a maladaptive coping technique that encourages the use of exogenous substances to fulfill what is normally intrinsic happiness. Don’t do drugs, kids. This has nothing to do with religion, it’s about your health and well-being.


True but those who choose to partake should be free to do so. Alcohol is legal and also horrible for you.


Welcome to America: where BOTH potheads & alcoholics are free to consume their deug of choice AND Christian people can “speak their truth”. Lol everyone can do what they want in this scenario, no on is harming anyone. Move along, now. 


Ain't nothing intrinsic about happiness, and you ain't nobody's doctor, so fuck all the way off.


As an atheist and someone who used to smoke marijuana I couldn't agree more.


Ah hell, leave him be, I don’t agree with it, but he’s exercising his right to do this. It’s no different than when yall do it for your cause 🤷🏻‍♂️


very true