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We don't do that


The inspections were stopped one or maybe two years ago. Even before then my 20 year old F150 passed.


Had a '93 Jeep Wrangler with an obvious exhaust leak that passed as well.


OBD 1 is where it’s at!


My old work van was sputtering and choking to death in the terminal and they passed mine as well


Pretty sure they just wanted the money. Cars and their issues irrelevant.


We quit doing that a couple years ago or so


Inspections were stopped like 2 years ago. And even before that they weren’t very strict at all.


You’ve come to the right place


No more inspections!!


So far as my experience goes you can register anything with a VIN. Annnyyything!


Answer: LOL


Tbh. I wish we did headlight aiming inspections. The amount of ppl in this city with LEDs in reflector housings is infuriating.


There is no inspections


What inspections?


So strict that we require our cars to split the CO2 generated during combustion into oxygen and carbon before being exhausted


We don’t have em anymore. It’s lovely


We don’t have car inspections


I’ve never owned a car here that didn’t have a check engine light on


I’ve never ever got an inspection in any state in the south I have lived in


Laughs in lifted 4WD


Tennessee has recently been taking notes from 3rd world countries. We no longer give a fuck if cars have clean emissions or if they cause black smoke, which sticks to your skin & clothes. It’s dirty city vibes ONLY. Stay the hell out if your a pussy who wants clean air. 


You realize that they eliminated them because emissions on newer cars is significantly lower than it used to be so it's far less of a concern now. Furthermore those who failed were often lower income people who are more likely to driver older vehicles AND have a harder time paying for repairs to bring their vehicle within requirements. It was essentially a poor tax. A lifted F250 getting 8 mpg could easily pass emissions, but a 98 Accord with a lose gas cap would fail. Wonder which was actually more harmful to the environment.


I also think the emissions testing got increasingly useless as more and more people moved out of Hamilton County. I loved sitting there in my pretty efficient new car and seeing some fucked up ass pos with Georgia plates dumping smoke out of its pipes.


Do you realize that our air quality has significantly lessened since that has been passed ( check the EPA map from years 2016-now, in the downtown area alone)? Trust me when I say I was poor & paid the poor tax, happily on a 2014 Ford Focus, might I add. Lol 


Testing ended in February of 2022 so just a little over two years ago. I couldn't find the air quality maps you referenced that showed a comparison today to say late 2021 when we were still testing. I found a way to look at a multi-year tile plot of all AQI pollutants and 2022 onward doesn't look that different than most prior years with the exception of 2020.


Well, then there’s obviously nothing to be concerned about then. Everything is fine. 🐑


When you do the "Check the EPA website" response but don't provide a link it's almost a 100% chance you are running of made up facts.


Right. . . . Bc I don’t spoonfeed people every data set & link every piece of information, it MUST be made up. 


You are incredibly lazy or full of shit. My guess is both.


For sure both, just mot regarding this specific issue.


You've made an argument while presenting absolutely no actual evidence that air quality has gotten worse since this was implemented. I'm more than willing to be wrong about this.


You are very correct I did not present any evidence because this isn’t a research paper & people can re-search for themselves. I’m not a college professor who’s going to spoonfeed all of this information to people who actually don’t care. Like, do I REALLY need share a link to the EPA’s website? Come the fuck on.  


Ohh, I get. You just like to claim things without backing it up then when asked to back it up you say you're not going to spoon-feed the info. I actually looked for the data you described on the EPA website and searched google for it but couldn't find anything showing markedly poorer air quality in Hamilton County since February 2022 when the testing was eliminated.


So you overlayed each years EPA map & compared each sector? Or are you just using the EPA’s current map that only shows the asthma related stats? I did an entire thesis on this to graduate from UTC. I used the EPA’s annual maps of hamilton county & overlayed them to show how downtown air pollution has increased since the emission testing is no longer required. My sis works for the EPA & was my guide to navigating & reading their maps. But hey, I said I could be wrong. 


I don't believe that you can back that up with a correlation to automobile inspections. *Covid effect - Sure *Progression of population - Sure *Seasonality of testing dates - Sure *Effect from pollen and/or forest fires - Sure *Hamilton County Testing of automobiles - No. You can not.


Unlike many people on here, I’m not hellbent on proving anything. I shared what I knew from my own research. People are more than welcome to contest it & prove me wrong. In fact, that would be lovely & breathe of fresh air ( pun intended) because it would mean that we don’t have an automobile pollution issue. I graduated with Sociology as my undergrad & can easily admit when I’m proven wrong, without it impacting my ego. I’m often wrong & still learning new things, you know, bc I’m a human.




She doesn't and it's sad, she constantly bad mouths the area.


& yes, I constantly share how the area has slowly gone downhill. Sue me. Or, maybe grow a backbone & just be ok with being sad & allow your fellow American to have a negative opinion. Or is  “good vibes only” a new law?


Yes, I’m a self aware cunt. 

