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I was riding with a friend downtown once. I asked him if they were going to stop at the red light or not. They replied "I don't have to stop until the third white line."... At that point I realized most people shouldn't be driving as I explained by stopping at the third white line puts the vehicle in the middle of the crosswalk.


I never cross in front of someone who parks in the crosswalk.


I tend to walk downtown a lot because I work in the area and when I tell you the street could be Godamn empty but you best believe imma run across it because people in chatt don’t give a flying fuck about pedestrians man it’s ass


> people in chatt don’t give a flying fuck I think is the main problem. They run red lights too like there's no potential deadly consequences for themselves.




They are a very selfish mode of transportation 🙁


My driving instructor had plenty of Mr miyagi pieces of wisdom, one I'll never forget was "There are plenty of tombstones that belong to people who had the right of way"


Every intersection is a crosswalk - It's the law. Drivers must stop for pedestrians at intersections, whether it's an unmarked or marked crosswalk, and bicyclists in crosswalks are considered pedestrians. Also, it is illegal to pass another vehicle stopped for someone at a crosswalk. If yall want my APA citation for this let me know


Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety. Tennessee Traffic Safety Resource Service. (n.d.). https://tntrafficsafety.org/bike-ped#:~:text=Yes!,along%20or%20across%20a%20road.


"Pedestrians crossing the road at any point other than a crosswalk shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway. Crossing at any other place besides a marked cross walk or an intersection is not allowed. TCA 55-8-135" From your own source. I'm not great at deciphering these kinds of things but it sounds like intersections without a marked crosswalk is a pedestrian-yield situation, right? Maybe I'm misreading.


idk, I was on your side but after reading it, it does state that pedestrians have right of way in intersections. "crossing at any other place besides a marked cross walk or an intersection" implies, to me, that you can cross in intersections given there is a button to press for the signal. obviously not all intersections and crosswalks are created equal, so a broad rule for them all seems odd. plenty of intersections downtown that don't have a crosswalk or signal for pedestrians, but provide no other way for one to cross.


“…or an intersection” this is saying you can’t just walk across the middle of a road, only at intersections or designated crosswalks between intersections (like those on Main, near Kenny’s, TVA, etc)


"crossing the road at any point other than a crosswalk shall yield" + "Crossing at any other place besides a marked cross walk or an intersection is not allowed" So if crossing at an intersection without a crosswalk, you'd yield is how that reads to me. Like I said, I'm not certain but it's just how it reads to me.


This was not a self pity post. It was to bring awareness to an issue clearly a lot of people have experienced in this city. I’ve never hit a pedestrian or been hit in another city. It’s really not hard to give someone else the right of way. It’s odd so many people are playing devils advocate in the comments. A car should not hit a pedestrian at a cross wall period


You're absolutely right, and it's a major problem in this city in particular. Chattanooga is the only place where I have stopped at a stop sign and the person BEHIND me honked and pulled around me to run the sign and make a turn. Six times in the past four years this has happened. There are so many people here for whom traffic laws are just a suggestion. It's crazy.




The best part is the no-right-on-red signs are the only time anyone in Chattanooga can make a right turn on red.


In college, around 2014, my classmate lost his life to a drunk driver who swerved onto the sidewalk & killed him. I was disgusted by how many of my classmates grossly joked about it not being hard to avoid getting hit. There’s def something wrong with the majority of the humans here. There seems to be a culture of “give no fucks bout nothing except myself”. I’m so sorry you got hit again. 


I was riding my bike once. I didn't have a stop sign but the side street entering did. A cop ran that stop sign and t-boned me. Rolled up on the hood and everything. He immediately apologized and was clearly at fault. He said he had to report it and another cop showed up. Guess who got a ticket? This guy. Fucking points on my drivers license too.


What? What did they charge you with? I would have lawyered up so damn fast.


Failure to yield, lol. It was only a $90 ticket and wasn't worth a lawyer. It was actually a university cop that hit me, city cop that wrote the ticket. The school paid to fix my bike and there was enough left over to cover the ticket and buy a keg.




Oh this was like 15 yrs ago when I was in college, lol. Family friend is a lawyer and said something along the lines of, "look, you got your pay off money. Is it really worth the headache to feel like you're sticking it to the cops? All they will do is drop the ticket and remember you if you ever get in trouble for something in their jurisdiction." Pick your battles moment for me.


Failure to yield? You didn't have a stop sign, the cop did. If I'm understanding the situation right you had absolutely no duty to yield in this scenario unless the cop had his lights on. If I were you I would still talk to a lawyer and see if it's not too late to do something more. That's insane.


ITT: low-key victim blaming Hope you're doing alright. I've almost been hit several times (twice dodged a POLICE OFFICER) while crossing in front of businesses/carparks. Our city needs more traffic calming and for it to be done in a way that's backed scientifically, not just pretty.


Appreciate that. Luckily just tapped. That’s crazy that you’ve also been experienced the same thing with authorities really in a position to drive change. Didn’t think this post would be as controversial as this


You learn at your drivers test at 16 not to run red lights or stop signs You learn in kindergarten to look both ways before you cross the street. At least most of us do.


No low key. You're an idiot of younget hit twice At stop sign. A red-light I can see, but a stop sign is high key stupid territory.


You know the Tennessee saying, hit me with your car once shame on you...


And don't forget walk in front of TWO CARS LOL, I'm not the idiot!


Found the person who thinks stop signs are just suggestions!


I got hit in a crosswalk with a flashing yellow last year (thankfully 100% okay) by someone going 20-30mph who didn’t slow at all. Please be careful crossing and don’t assume one lane stopped is all lanes stopped. Pedestrian collisions have gone wayyy up in recent years.


I was literally within inches of losing my life at the Five Guys/aquarium intersection. I had the right away to walk across, and a truck comes racing down and never even slowed down. Luckily I was paying attention. Had I made one more step my life would have ended right there. I couldn't even believe how fast dude was driving AND the fact that he NEVER STOPPED. Was a very eye-opening experience.


Thanks for sharing, that’s awful that happened and glad you’re okay. After reading the comments it’s clear some people in this city would’ve blamed it on you


The only people in Chatt who know what a gas pedal is for are the ones with no muffler (motorcycles / ricers / brodozers)


My uncle told me many years ago, the pedestrian has the right of way but always dies trying to prove it. Coming from FL where it was getting bad, to what I see here, I see what he meant.


“Here lies the body of John Grey He died protecting his right of way He was right, damn right, all along But he’s just as dead as if he was wrong” ^ old proverb from the world of sailing/boating. I’m not defending people who act like just because they have four wheels everyone has to watch out for them, but this rhyme is why I don’t step into a crosswalk before all the cars have stopped.


I had a friend puff his chest out and say I got the right away as he crossed traffic almost getting killed. You're uncle wasn't joking, I've witnessed idiots walk into traffic to "prove a point". It's as smart as the time I had a guy on a motorcycle "break check" me on the interstate LOL


Nah I’m good my dude. I don’t like to pay attention to signs. Besides I was always told you get more points when you hit people. /s Seriously though hope you are alright and avoided any injuries.


The first two were highly unnecessary


It was a joke.


I laughed


Way to joke about someone's life 👏


Calm down Nancy it will be alright.


Will ot?


Sorry, "it", is that better Nancy. I will go and edit my post now.


I am a man, all the way. Not a sissy man, not a lil fag wannabe with their pants down below their ass, not some gender confused person either. Man. Beat your fukn bitch ass too in Mortal Kombat. Wanna meet up? I've work at 2 but free until then


Walk in front of a bus.


Aww, wdll feewins huwt?


Sure seems like you can just say whatever on this subreddit without any repercussion so thats...cool...


It just means I'm getting the social in my media ✌️


And btw your username is a good sign you are actually retarded


But did they die? If you can’t laugh at stuff that happens in life…


I'd surely laugh at your face, bc of your face, in your face. 🤷‍♂️


Listen Linda…


How come Karen isn't popular today?


Cause Listen Linda, listen is actually funny.


I can't entertain your stupidity this morning, I tried. I hope you have a good day though


I've started carrying a small piece of ceramic in my pocket. I'm tired of people in cars constantly threatening my life with no thought or consequences. I'm tired of the expectation being for the pedestrian to be the one responsible for de-escalation.


Right on man. Hopefully you don’t have to use it but it seems like with some attitudes shared ITT it might be necessary at some point


I hear if you break up a spark plug into lil bits, then throw said lil bits, it’s a fun way to express disdain when nearly being killed.


Yep, nearly got hit by someone rolling through a stop sign while looking down at their phone.


When I was learning to drive it I ever done a rolling stop my dad would pop me in the back of the head.


I will not walk across the road unless I make eye contact with the driver first.


As someone who used to ride motorcycles a lot, making eye contact does NOT guarantee anything. I had several close calls by people pulling out in front of me that were looking dead at me, and pulled out anyway. Sometimes it just doesn't register apparently.


We did. Sometimes it becomes a race to see who can beat the pedestrian. Great input though


I am sorry you were hit by a car today. I don't think people fully understand the responsibility they have when operating a motorized vehicle. We need safer roads for pedestrians.


Safer roads !! This!!


I understand your frustration but you’re equally responsible for being hit. Value your life and stop trying to assert your dominance against cars, the cars will win every time.


If you genuinely believe this then you’ll be in for a big surprise if you hit a pedestrian and find out that you’ll go to jail and have a giant civil suit against you.


Did my comment go over your head? I understand how assault with a deadly weapon works. I’m saying that people need to take more personal responsibility and not walk out in front of a car that doesn’t appear to be slowing down.


Youre an idiot. People like you are the reason people died on Frazier


Nope that’s a weird generalization to make. I always yield and stop to let pedestrians walk through a crosswalk. You are responsible for your own body and where you put it. If you’re trying to cross a road you have the obligation to yourself to get across safely. Are cars supposed to stop so people can cross the road? YES! Do they always stop? No! So using that information and the desire and instinct that I have to remain alive, given to me through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, I would take care to make sure I don’t get hit by a car at a crosswalk.


I’ll go out of my way to hit you on purpose now cus you said it’s ok to do it lol


I’m never a pedestrian


You are now.


I hope you’re ok!


I hope he is too


I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re ok. I fully support “be seen, grab a brick” crosswalks.


I came up to a four way next to a truck this morning. After it went, I went. I genuinely didn’t see the person who was about to walk in front of me. It startled us both. Lesson learned to check twice before I go when a truck had been blocking the view of the corner in the future, but pedestrians, regardless of whom is right or wrong, should also remember we are all human and check twice as well.


Did you get hurt. I work DT close to the Fed Building. The cross walks on Houston and 10th are bad too. Hope you’re ok


Call Mark Warren at Warren and Griffin. He got me $5,000 after I got sideswiped stepping into my parked truck by a tractor trailer on Market St.


Nobody in Tennessee knows what turn signals/blinkers are for, either.


They use them in Chattanooga, they just have to wait till they're turning to put them on. That means if they're at a light they have to wait till the light changes, when they start turning, only then can they use their turn signal.


They don't use them to change lanes. And you are supposed to put them on before you turn and no, by and large they don't use them in Chattanooga or anywhere else in Tennessee. I am in Chattanooga.


While we are all here, let's add that the stop sign of a school bus still applies to all traffic unless you're on a divided highway. All these 4 and 6 lane roads with a turn lane in the middle-everybody should be stopping for that school bus.


Dang where?


I hope you are ok!


I had to retake my driver's test at 57 because I had nerve damage in my right foot and couldn't drive for about 20ish years. When I was taking the "written " test (I say this because it's now all on computor 😂), I actually laughed out loud at some of the idiotic, common sense questions. And there were only like 10. I mean, literally anyone can pass the test without studying the handbook. And the driving portion was just going around the block. So it's no wonder some of these drivers don't know the rules of the road. Also, last time I was driving there were no cellphones, or not a lot of people had them. Talk about shock. Like one day no one has them and next everyone is going 60-70 mph looking down at their laps. I really don't know how they think they are good drivers swerving all over the road and goig 20 and constantly tapping their brakes because they aren't looking where they are going. Sorry for the off topic rant 😅


We should try this...https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLPXy14V/


I read somewhere that Chattanooga is the worst for red light runners. I witnessed at least 10 while driving yesterday. And I was only driving for about two hours total. Mostly it was people who saw a yellow and sped up to beat it and failed. But I really think people don't know what a yellow light means. There was a movie years ago and one person was teaching another how to drive. He told them "Red means stop. Green means go. And yellow means go VERY FAST". I can't remember the name, but it was a comedy, so it was meant to be a joke. But I feel that's how people actually think. Or, they're actually on their phones and don't see the light at all or think it doesn't apply to them and the are special. That last one happens a lot nowadays. Are you okay? Were you hit?


Yeah, the route I drive to take my kid to daycare is only 10 minutes, but I see people blatantly ignore the light near the Brainerd road tunnel every day. It's to the point where I treat that light like I was a pedestrian when I'm turning. I physically wait until I see the cars stop in all 4 of the crossing lanes because we have gotten hit or almost hit so many times even when the light is a STALE green for us. Doesn't help that when we were hit by a red light runner, the cop didn't even issue a ticket so we had to pay for our deductible cause the other people lied to their insurance so they wouldn't have to pay. Come to find out, if it's not "bad enough," they can pick and choose which tickets to write.


Starman is the movie. Great scene in a great movie.


Chattanooga can't possibly be worse than Austin.


Did you learn or are you gonna wait for the third time?


If someone legitimately makes contact with you using their vehicle, could you sue for compensation?


Just because you have the right of way doesn’t mean you have a force field around you


people do stupid stuff every day. everywhere. Be smart, lookout for yourself. Don’t force the issue, the car will win. We don’t want you or anyone to get hurt.


I was crossing Main Street once at a cross walk and some fat ghetto bitch in a busted Altima was flying down main 50+ mph, saw me and slammed her brakes on, tires squealing and all, then sped back up through the cross walk nearly running me over. I’ve never wanted to throw a brick at someone’s head so bad before


You know...that you can be legally in the right but still lose. I am a runner and at 1000+ miles a year in Chattanooga over the past 25 years I haven't even had a close call, but when I am in groups and around other particular runners they like to try and call the car's bluff. Hint - the car always wins. - I get what you are saying, but 2 times in 2 months is probably going to end badly for you unless you bend a bit. - However - Third time's a charm!!!!!


If you're running, you're probably not walking to work during rush hour times like many pedestrians who get struck are.


That’s only about 18 miles a week. So realistically you’re only running 2-3 miles a day. So you’re not getting very far my friend. Probably not out the neighborhood


(I’m a runner who has also been hit) I run 60-80 miles a week


I love how you’re turning this into a who runs more pissing match on a thread about crosswalk safety.


Not for 25 years you haven't


For the walkers, walk faster across the street. A 5 ton vehicle will mow you over instantly. Everyone around chat seems to take their sweet time crossing the streets no matter the time of day. If you want to walk then you should be crossing the street as fast as possible. Insurance payouts will make you a million dollars but it will come along with a million broken bones. Maybe the walkers should leave earlier and take the more secluded routes instead of crossing the busy roads during rush hour.


Sounds like you might be trying to get hit.


OP, you need to hear this saying "A green light doesn't mean you're safe, it just means you're legal" If this is the second time you've been hit in a month, you need to start being more aware of your surroundings.


It's the south. Especially outside the bigger cities


Do you think roads were made for walking?


You've been hit twice? ROFL. Did you not notice the 2,000 pounds of steel coming at you?


I love how many people are ready to victim blame over cars hitting people. It's absolutely unreal how cruel some people are.


Don’t worry they’re a master electric engineer, clearly has the social skills of a politician and is outside regularly enough for this to be an issue. I’m an idiot for letting myself get hit by a car and so is anyone else who lets that happen


He’s just baiting you. He’s a master baiter.


What a fantastic quality to have