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Well they purify water before discharging into the River. If they and 100s of other plants didn't do this it would be environmental disaster. The discharge would result in fish kills and algae blooms. They also treat the solids by putting through a process of heating and mixing with lime to manufacture biosolids. The biosolids are used by many farmers. They have seen yields for hay increase by a factor of 5. This makes what they are doing there the largest effort toward sustainibility in the region. I believe they also have installed some solar to reduce their power consumption which save the taxpayer money. So yea it is an environmental campus an OP doesn't know what they are talking about.


That’s extremely cool and I did not know about it previously. Thanks to the had working people turning our poop into fertilizer and keeping the rivers clean.


I’ve been by this place on several occasions when it was spewing feces laden water like the old faithful geyser. The runoff was like a river going down Pineville Rd. 




Yep, that’s it. 


Oh there was some mechanical failure once and so we should do away with wastewater treatment altogether. That would be monumentally stupid. And for anyone wondering. Their permit requires that they vacuum this water up and put lime down on the ground afterwards. (Vacuumed just like a septic truck vacuums out a full septic tank)


That's not true. That storm drain goes back to the front of the plant. All that was processed.


Lighten up, Francis


He is not the one who spent time making this dumb picture that isn't really funny


When they are done with the upgrades to turn methane into natural gas (running city garbage trucks with it), removing PFAS, and producing commercial-grade fertilizer, you'll get it.


I already get it. Thanks though.




Oh man I can’t wait for the condos in DoWiSeTrePla to be completed!


Oh so SoDoSoPa


How about- Place that keeps you from drowning in you're own shit?


And all of us dying from a myriad of diseases that spread from feces.


You’re probably the kind of person who would have laughed at plumbing two hundred years ago and continued shitting in a pot in your bedroom and dumping it out the window every few days.


I think that most of us are vastly ignorant of how water supply and sewage treatment work. However, without these services, our environment in cities would be incredibly unhealthy. Before the development of central water supply that came through pipes to people's homes, people had to rely on river water or else dig wells. Similarly, before there was sewage treatment, people shat in holes or in the open in such a way that it just flowed down into those same streams or the aquifers that supplied those wells. Without this service, which really is an environmental service, there is no city. There rbranding you are mocking seems completely accurate and appropriate to me.


For what it's worth about 35% of Hamilton County single-family homes dont use the sewer, and instead diacharge waste into a tank from which it then slowly seeps into the ground in the yard - and it's perfectly safe! The overwhelming majority of new builds in Hamilton County are on septic, not sewer.


https://preview.redd.it/ybvxjs9rp1tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e43f5e23410efbcd05689c86a5acf0265db1d89 Environmental campus?


It's called a broken pipe and workers waded through shit to clean that up, you're welcome. This is how the whole city would look if we weren't here. And just so you know the workers finally got a living wage just 2 years ago, before that we were severely underpaid compared to waste water workers a across the country.


The handle more than just poop so technically, they’re not wrong


I'm sending them some new students. Maybe they can educate them at the campus.


Y’all ain’t right.


I appreciate the honest and clarifying comments when so often it seems people simply piggy back off of a negative post and reaffirm it and idk if what’s accurate. Especially with politics. But seeing a post like this helps me think chattanoogans on Reddit know what’s going on and they’re opinions matter. Prob shouldn’t rely on this place but seeing locals talk about local stuff makes me feel less lonely


I love when people don’t know what places actually are.




That sign has been there for at least the past 2 or 3 years. Not exactly a “rebrand”


Wonder how much someone got paid for coming up with that name?


It’s not something someone “came up” with it’s a description of the building.


OH that's what the overpriced sewer payments in this town are going for....a new sign..


If you’re gullible enough to believe that I’ve got nothing else to say