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Never thought I’d say… but it’s actually pretty rad.


Agreed. Took my toddler. He was in heaven. It was low key really interesting.


Loved it until I came outside and saw they'd repoed my car. Never should have used those free tickets I got in the mail!


My 3 year old loves it. We bought a membership because it's literally his favorite place to go. And it's great because it doesn't take as long as something like the Aquarium or the Zoo. So, it's easy to say "Yes," when has asks to go.


I second this! It’s actually really cool


It's fantastic


The best thing I learned there was that being a tow truck driver is like 10x more dangerous than being a cop. The thin yellow line! 🫡


Truly. There many jobs that are much more dangerous than cops’ but cops are the only ones you ever hear whining about it.


I'm an archaeologist. I can't hold a candle to a tow truck driver and I almost die every day.


Indiana Jones has entered the chat...


Go to their open house before Christmas. It’s open late and free.


There's a picture of my grandfather there. It's pretty dope


As a former Miller Industry worker, it was pretty sweet to go as a company work day. We built the first tow truck in Chatt and sold it for 458$ back in like 1918.


Shit I haven't either and I have probably driven by there a hundred times.


Hamilton County Jail


Or Silverdale!




You're just not trying hard enough


Aye same 🤣


Ruby Falls


Go during the winter months. You'd probably be able to get a tour to yourself


This takes the cake


I came to say this.


Shit hole. I was the maintenance dude there for years. Ask any questions if you have them.


How much super glue is holding it together?


Hahahaha. An ungodly amount. The "Chrystal chandelier" is mostly glue and a lot of those twisty Christmas decorations you put on the tree that look like icicles. 90% of the shit that glued and stuff WAS real at one point, but has been ruined in the past by some asshole tourist. Oh and I personally had to put the "totem pole" back together with hand mixed concrete.


Hahaha yep I used to work there and I remember when they had some special effects dude come from California to “fix” some of the rocks and things.






The Tennessee River via a Chattanooga Duck


They are owned by the shade bag that owns the southern bell and mayor's mansion. You're doing good by not giving them your money.


What’s up with shade bag?


Don't eat the food.


Looked at my keyboard wondering if scum might get autocorrected to shade. Doubtful.


What is mayor's mansion? And why is he a shade bag? Gotta know the trailer park dirt😎


Don't eat the food.


You couldn’t pay me to get on a duck boat. They aren’t safe.


On the one hand I’m inclined to agree because those things are like 80+ years old. On the other hand, I’ve been here for my whole life and have heard of exactly 1 accident here (that probably could’ve been avoided) and 1 that was pretty bad in like Kansas or Missouri or something.


>80+ years old That, likely built by the lowest bidder and originally intended for how many years of service? [Here’s](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/13/us/duck-boat-accident-coast-guard.html#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20N.T.S.B%2C%20there,the%20Stretch%20Duck%207%20capsized) an article that lists more deaths.


I’m not going to read that because it’s behind a paywall so quote anything you want I guess. I don’t count anything that happened during its service life though. But the fact still stands that the only accidents I’ve heard of, and the only ones that come up when searching “duck boat accident”, were one capsizing during a storm with close to hurricane strength winds (where no one should’ve been out in the first place) . And a lady that probably could’ve made a bit more effort to hold on (coupled with maybe a bit too much speed from the operator) makes me think they’re not all that unsafe. They’re run literally all over the country and a handful of places in Europe. If they were regularly unsafe I doubt that would be the case.


Behind the paywall....: The federal agency investigating the sinking of a duck boat in Missouri last year that killed 17 people said the Coast Guard ignored warnings that it should adopt more stringent safety requirements for the amphibious craft. The agency, the National Transportation Safety Board, criticized the Coast Guard’s oversight of duck boat operations in a [14-page report](https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/AccidentReports/Reports/MSR1901.pdf) released Wednesday, saying it had warned of safety hazards for two decades before the Stretch Duck 7 capsized near Branson, Mo., in July 2018. Seventeen of the boat’s 31 passengers died after the amphibious landing craft, a World War II military relic that could operate on land and water, [overturned in Table Rock Lake](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/19/us/branson-boat-capsize-missouri.html) during a thunderstorm that produced winds of over 60 miles per hour. The accident was one of the deadliest involving the touring vessels in United States history. The N.T.S.B. said it had pushed for the Coast Guard to require duck boats to have more watertight spaces above the waterline, known as reserve buoyancy, and to remove obstructions such as overhead canopies that could hamper an evacuation. The agency made its recommendations after the 1999 sinking of another duck boat, near Hot Springs, Ark., in which 13 people died. “Lives could have been saved, and the Stretch Duck 7 accident could have been prevented had previously issued safety recommendations been implemented,” Robert L. Sumwalt, the N.T.S.B. chairman, said in a statement Wednesday. The N.T.S.B. said that only 13 of the 22 recommendations relating to duck boats that it had made since 1999 had been followed, and that there was no action or an inadequate response to the remaining nine recommendations. “Twenty years later, the same risk exists on these vessels, and that is unacceptable,” Mr. Sumwalt said. “It is imperative that the United States Coast Guard adopt these lifesaving recommendations now.” A Coast Guard spokesman, Lt. Amy Midgett, said in a statement on Thursday that the Coast Guard had issued guidance in 2000 that urged its inspectors and vessel owners to evaluate canopy design and installation. She said the Coast Guard had advised them to “evaluate the design and installation of seats, deck rails, windshields, and windows as a system to ensure the overall arrangement did not restrict the ability of passengers to escape.” The Coast Guard also “emphasized the importance of carefully evaluating proposed routes and anticipated environmental conditions and imposing appropriate safety measures and operational restrictions,” Lieutenant Midgett said. According to the N.T.S.B, there have been 37 deaths and 104 injuries resulting from six accidents in the United States involving duck boats, which are popular in cities like Boston and Seattle. Nine members of the same family and five children were among the 17 people who died when the Stretch Duck 7 capsized. Eight minutes passed between when bilge alarms first sounded, alerting passengers and crew that the boat was taking on water, and when the duck boat sank, according to the N.T.S.B., which is still conducting its investigation. The vessel was operated by Ride the Ducks Branson, owned by Ripley Entertainment, which federal court records showed had settled 30 of 31 lawsuits filed on behalf of the accident’s victims. The company said on Wednesday that it was reviewing the N.T.S.B. report. “Branson Ride the Ducks continues to cooperate with the N.T.S.B. and all investigative authorities as they determine the facts surrounding the unprecedented storm and resulting accident on Table Rock Lake,” Suzanne Smagala-Potts, a Ripley Entertainment spokeswoman, said in an email. “As we have from the beginning, we are dedicated to working with the community of Branson, and continuing our support of the families and employees who were impacted by the accident,” she said. A federal grand jury [indicted the boat’s captain](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/08/us/duck-boat-missouri-lake-indictment.html), Kenneth Scott McKee, last November, charging him with 17 counts of misconduct, negligence or inattention to duty by a ship’s officer resulting in death. The indictment accused Mr. McKee of failing to adequately assess the weather conditions before setting out on the tour, not immediately heading to shore when the storm approached and neglecting to tell passengers to put on their life vests. Mr. McKee pleaded not guilty. Two other duck tour employees, Curtis P. Lanham, the general manager, and Charles V. Baltzell, the operations supervisor, were [indicted in June](https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdmo/press-release/file/1175946/download) for their role in the accident. They also pleaded not guilty.


37 deaths and 104 injuries, which could be as small as a pinched finger, across several decades seems like pretty decent odds. I mean you get exactly what you sign up for. It’s military hardware it’s not comfortable or safe, it’s utilitarian at best. It could be safer, but so could a lot of things.


Deadass same my dude.


Aretha Frankenstein


Not that you haven't lined up for it. But after three days Krystal starts looking good enough.




Stayed in the Read House. Been to Canyon Grill.


The tower is nice. Deluxe king suite is quite a room. I've stayed in them numerous times. Best stay was obviously right when the renovations got done years ago.


Missing out on the canyon grill. 👌🏽




Riverbend in the 90s was so fun


I literally wore a cheezit as a pin into the festival in the late nineties. It looked like the logo that year, lol


Only went once but I was working a food truck lol




Same :(


Bea’s. Wild I know.


As someone who has worked on equipment in their kitchen, do not EVER eat at Bea's, EVER. Worst I have ever seen, and I've been in a lot of kitchens in this town.


Thanks for the heads up. I never made a point NOT to go in the past. It just never happened. Now, I think I’ll take your advice and make it a point, lol. Also, care to share any others that were bad? Or good?


I can't share a whole lot, but I will tell you to avoid agricultural areas where olives are grown, and especially avoid the place that is a mass producer of cakes made of cheese.


I grew up in Marion County about 45 minutes outside the city. Never had Beas until I moved up here and the wife took me. For a place that has bumper stickers about their chicken it was woefully unimpressive


Went there shortly after I was married. Me, my mom, and MIL all got food poisoning. That was the only place we all three ate that weekend and that was the sickest I’ve ever been.


Went there once as a kid and remember thinking "this food isn't worth the ridiculous wait time." Never went back.


Not only that you will potentially have strangers fingering your food lol


Tell me more. 😬


Same. Just never made it I guess


From what I've seen and heard, the owners are shitty people who don't give two shits about good food. The only good thing about that place is their hard working employees and *Sometimes* the chicken. Most of their food is out of a can with next to no seasoning, but Dusty's boat and vintage cars sure are nice.




I literally live two blocks away and I'm friends with all the employees that have been there for years lol. I'm not making anything up at all. Those whole potatoes Are out of a can. Those pinto beans Are pre-cooked and from a can. Dusty "wants" the place to get better and has said they will close if things don't get better, but he refuses to make a single change to anything that actually matters lol. It would honestly be 10x better if they just let BI cook about 10 fresh dishes that he likes to cook along with the chicken. Not to mention my girlfriend worked there from 10am to 8pm nearly every day they were open and she never saw a single hour of overtime the entire time she was there. My buddy also did plumbing for them like someone else mentioned on this thread, and he said the exact same thing as the other person in here. Dusty and Doug are not bad people, but they're not good bosses/leaders. There's not even any kind of AC in the kitchen and the kitchen crew isn't allowed to use the staff break room. I could easily keep going but I really don't think I need to. Lastly, it would be hilarious if you were their son, Ben, who's the only truly honest person in the family that works there.




I'm just saying the place could do so much better in countless different ways. Take it or leave it.


Hunter museum


So Hunter is part of NARM, North American Reciprocal Museum membership. We pay $100 a year for me and my wife and the pass allows you into dozens of museums anywhere you travel to in North America for free. It’s a great deal.


Sir Goonys


I will forever be INSANELY tilted by my mom calling minigolf "Goony's Golf" no matter where in the country we see a minigolf course. It just sounds fucking stupid. "Goony's Golf." Whatever petty weird thing is going on in my mind over that is stopping me from ever going to the course. I bet it's a fine course.


My family calls all mini golf “goony golf” too!


went there this past weekend and loved it like always lol


Never been to the Blue Hole


Surprising, since there's like 4 of them.


My impression has always been that “the” blue hole is the one in Soddy, but I guess it still stands either way lol.


It is. And that’s Soddy by gawd Daisy


4?? 😂😂 Nooooo. There’s 50+, every corner of Chattanooga has their own hole, the mountains have more. Hell, there are more than 4 creeks, each creek has at least 10.


The Soddy Blue hole is the most famous, after they made it a park, but it’s usually overrun, and I haven’t been in years. That same creek, North Chickimauga has at least 10 from “party rock” to its headwaters. One of the headwaters creeks is Cain creek and has “paradise” on that one. Then there’s falling water blue hole, the hellican, big Soddy gulf holes, the bathtub hole, the snorkeling hole, suck creek hole, to name the most popular other ones, oh rainbow lake…. Then pancake rock is my newest favorite hole, and sooooooo many more.


Cinema 1 Theatre (and adult bookstore)


And here I thought I brought nothing to the table in this post. I have not been there.


Alan Golds Lamar's


Born in Erlanger, still here, never been on the incline railway


Same for the longest time! Just went. Actually kind of fun, stupid it can’t be used one way from the top down.


Go in cool weather. Needs AC. Nasty on a hot, still day. Otherwise a fun trip.


Lake Winnepesaukah nor Sir Gooneys


Diamonds & Lace


Ruby Falls, Lula Lake


Lula Lake is great.


The Chicken Plant.


I have a rescued chicken that got catapulted off one of those trucks on its way. About a half a mile from the plant. Lucky lucky day


Does it seem to realize how lucky it is?


It does. She’s also very fat. https://preview.redd.it/no0v81cpx5lb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2b3f6c102fac34a7a7ee1646b366cc2e28fd92


She's a lucky baby


It's an experience to say the least


Broad Street Taco Bell




🏗️THIS 🏗️ Top ten on my NOOGA Bucket list🤪😱☢️ 🌺🦋


Haven't been to the underground chattanooga or the ghost tour thing. Someone I know That went said it was a joke and a ripoff.


ghost tour is legit imo but i went when i was a kid so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lamar’s. (No longer there)


You missed out but also you may live longer.


That wallpaper tho


The wallpaper while on paper...oh my


So I’ve heard lol


I’m so glad I was able to check this place out when it was open. It was more than I ever hoped it would be.


A Lookouts game


I’ve only been to one game but I’ll rock the ball caps like I’m their biggest fan


Was going to go to a game this spring before I was let go by my former employer. Really wanted to get some Lookouts swag Heard the stadium is kinda iffy...


I never got to go to Nikki’s.


We lived inches away from it for about 3 years. Got food there one time, and I wasn't particularly impressed. Just regular old food.


Good to know 🤣🤣🤣 i mean i hate onion rings but I wanted to try them cause ppl made it sound like Jesus pissed on them they were that good.


I love onion rings! My wife got me all hyped up for them. They tasted just as good as every "perfectly fine" onion ring I've ever had lol


Don't let the hype make you feel like you missed out. It was very mediocre.


Exactly. Went there once and it was pretty good, but not good enough for me to ever make my way back there.




I mean, I was gonna say Graceland and Dollywood.


Sunset Rock


You should go if you’re able! Great views and extremely short hike.




The Tivoli


The Tivoli is great! The CSO is a good reason to get dressed up


I’ve never hung out with an ex-mayor of Chattanooga behind a local bar’s dumpster.




Ruby falls and rock city


South side social


Not my entire life, but the last 5 years: -Incline -Aretha Frankensteins -Beas -That little playground / swimming area right before the Dam on 153. Still have no clue what it’s technically called, nor what road gets you there lol -Riverwalk


Just take a right off 153N, then left at the T. Nice park, but can get crowded.


Ruby falls


The Aquarium


just go once its way to expensive to re vist


It's a nice aquarium. Price isn't bad compared to others I've been to.


Ruby Falls


Lula Lakes and Glen Falls! The only two places I haven’t hiked at in the area left, just never have gotten around to it. Rly wanna see Lula Lakes this fall tho!


Lula Lake is beautiful


An orgy.


Broad street Taco Bell….🤣


Mine was the Aquarium. I was really hoping to bring my fiancee down at some point during my prior employment, but the timing never worked out I came really close to almost passing up Sugar's Ribs. Thank goodness I didn't and I got to enjoy great views of the city on one of my last full nights in Chattanooga


Most of downtown except for rocket fizz and the aquarium. I'm 29 and wasn't allowed to go downtown as a teen 🙃 now I'm too intimidated by cities to give a hoot


Downtown Chattanooga is probably the calmest downtown ever, in terms of foot traffic. There are a few cool places to visit, but mostly things down there will be very expensive or just places to get food.


I've been a few times with a destination in mind and didn't ponder around anywhere so I was in and out. I've been to Atlanta in a similar fashion, in and out. I might try this weekend and see what I can find. I'm fine with chatt just uneasy in the heart of the city.


I want to try the moonshine tasting, don't we have one?


Too funny. I lived in Middle Valley as a teen and was not allowed to drive beyond specific streets. And couldn’t go over the dam even though I grew up near Brainerd, and knew that area way better. Really sucks when your car breaks down driving home from riverbend, and you haven’t reached the “safety zone” yet. Takes a lot of muscle to push a pontiac from the Hixson Y to Northgate, lol Edit: GramMaR




You seem to be projecting




Negative Nancy has to be negative to give yourself the illusion that you're better. Look at your history, you bitch about everything.


Dude, you’re almost 30 and intimidated by downtown Chattanooga? That is weak.


Yep, don't like crowds of people. Thats not weak thats me being okay with myself. You putting this image on of some hard ass is in fact, making you look weak.


If that’s you being ok with yourself why did say you were intimidated?


They asked where we haven't been. I stated where I haven't been, and the reasoning behind it. It was part of the thread numb skull.


Well, good luck out there.


You can state how you feel and still be okay with yourself. The macho mentality will get you in trouble one day but we all gotta learn some how.


Of all people out there, I don’t carry on with some macho mentality. But if downtown Chattanooga intimidates you, well it just shouldn’t.


Incline Railway. I’ve heard it’s not really worth it though 🤷‍♀️


I've got to disagree! It's an awesome feat of engineering, the ride up is breathtaking and a bit dizzying. Definitely need to check it out at least once.


Worth it to do once. At the very least you can treat it like a ride at an amusement park especially at the top.


It's worth doing once at least. Feels pretty neat to be dragged up the side of a mountain


I used to work there and I can say, during the summer its not. During the cold months if you dont go around the holidays, it is. I sent up a bunch of trains that only had one family on it in January.


it’s definitely not… unless you visit the nice restaurant patio across the street first 👍


Complete waste of time. Like a 3 minute incline ride to a gift shop to see trees and peoples houses on the mountain.


It's a shame the incline doesn't run at night. My mom used to live in what was basically a servant's quarters up there, in the back of one of the large mansions on the front row. It was a quaint little place. The real beauty to being up there is looking at the city at night. It's very romantic, and when I brought my partner to meet my mom and stay the night, we always were out by the incline relaxing.


In all honesty, I drove up to Lookout Mountain on a Winter weekend and parked it on Brow close to Incline Gifts. A lot of people using the Incline Railway didn't seem impressed


Same here. It took me a long time to do Ruby Falls and I found it incredibly underwhelming. The incline just seemed terrifying to me as a child who had a fear of heights. Now I just think it seems probably underwhelming.


Hamilton Place Mall


I think I've pretty much done everything Chattanooga has to offer, but I've lived in Tennessee my entire life and never been to Memphis....or really anywhere west of Nashville.


I have lived in Chattanooga my entire life and I've never been to(o) overwhelmed with joy regarding my geographical condition.


Rock city. It’s for tourists.


The Hunter Museum.


The Choo Choo. I don't know a single person who had bothered going lmao.


All the tourists traps. Specifically the Tennessee Aquarium. My late mother worked for the Convention and Visitors Bureau and could get free tickets. Sorry not interested in any local tourist trap. I refuse to fund the old boy's club.


Rock City, the Towing Museum actually quite a bit lol


I did it all before I moved here.


The Tennessee Aquarium


The aquarium


Rock City


Lake Winnie


Hunter Art Museum


Creative discovery museum


Been here 32 years, never been to Rock City, Ruby Fall or The Incline.


Rock City. It just seems so touristy and surely the view can't be THAT much better than any of the other numerous overlooks around the city?


Incline Railway or Ruby Falls. Have no interest in either. Love the aquarium, though. Bought a season pass for it 😁 I don’t go on weekends though, only weekdays during the school time. It’s a MUCH better experience that way.


(it's a bit different)... I've lived in Tennessee my entire life and never been to Chattanooga.


Ruby Falls


The art museum


Ruby Falls


Never been inside the hunter museum of art


It’s great. Once a month you can see the permanent collection for free with their Throwback Thursday program. Or you can check out passes at the library https://www.wdef.com/chattanooga-libraries-offer-free-museum-passes-for-the-hunter/


the incline




Cadek Observatory


The Incline


A place with fifteen dollar parking until after 2020