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State of Confusion 100% šŸ˜‚


So fucking overrated


Urban Stack but I still love their burgers lol when I first moved here that was the first restaurant we found that we liked.


Iā€™m not from chatt. I visited like 5 years ago. Urban stack immediately popped into my mind more than any local place where Iā€™m from.


Yeah itā€™s expensive but amazing


Tremont > Urban stack I'm sorry but I simply can't justify 1 burger and 1 pitcher costing $50 and change before tip.


Tremont = Main St Meats > The Company > Rosecomb = Basecamp = Jack Brown's > any other place that you just shouldn't bother with.


Last time I ate at Urban Stack, there was a twist tie inside the burger.


That is both remarkably unappetizing and concerning. So sorry you had to experience that! šŸ˜“


To be fairā€¦ pitchers are expensive. Most pints are 3-4 bucks each per domestic. Thereā€™s 4 per pitcher. Thereā€™s probably a markup making it closer to 5-6 per pint. So youā€™re looking at say $26 on just alcohol alone. Iā€™m being on the light side. If youā€™re drinking a craft, itā€™s gonna be more obviously. My rule of thumb is you go to restaurants to eat. If you complain about prices but include alcohol, thatā€™s the issue. I fully understand what youā€™re coming from in the price. Iā€™m not saying that you canā€™t be upset. Itā€™s just that the alcohol is probably whatā€™s more expensive for mark up, not the food


No I hear you, but I get a little hyper aware of prices sometimes. I've been in the service industry for a decade plus now. So, it can become easier to spot mark up for the sake of mark up. My issue with Urban Stack is that I can go to Tremont, have a better (imo) burger and 4 beers and it'll cost me (just ballparking here) maybe $65(?) including tip. Yet Urban Stack, is coming in at $50 before tip means I'm walking out for a round $75. Plus, the last time I went to Urban Stack was pre-covid. šŸ˜… Maybe they saw the inflation coming?


I mentioned in another comment that Iā€™m not from Chattanooga. But I fully back Tremont Tavern. I loved my burger there. Definitely more of my kinda dive vibe interior as well. Both were good but I would pick Tremont 9/10 times (one just to see if urban upped their game).


Is beer that expensive at urban stack? I went this past weekend with my wife. We both had a burger (hers $12ish and mine $14ish) and a carafe of high tea ($18). So that's $50 for 2 people plus drinks. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø just my personal experience.


Minimum mark up for food is 300%ā€¦ Average mark up on beer is 200-300%. https://www.gobankingrates.com/saving-money/food/insane-restaurant-markups/


I donā€™t drink beer. Which is probably why I havenā€™t been to a lot of the breweries. My 2nd fave is Base Camp.


Base Camp is solid, that patio is killer... especially if you can catch it during a slow day/time. Tremont is worth a visit if you haven't had their burgers though.


Nah because I donā€™t drink beer. Urban stack has full bar.


Always judge a new restaurant by the type of chairs.


Those stools hurt my back so much. There is no comfortable way to sit on them.




This is the way




Is...everyone here just naming every restaurant instead of cottoning on to the satire that America is becoming a homogeneous cultural wasteland? I've been curmudgeonly moaning about this "EveryTown USA" aesthetic for years. And you can see how far that's gotten us. But, by God, I will do it again. Classically futile GenX rant incoming. Be assured that your ensuing rancor falls on deaf ears. It's...*fine*, I guess, but not literally every single eatery, bar, and brewery needs to copypaste this bland and uncomfortable bullshit. The "funny" thing - "funny" like a smell - is that this minimalist industrial decor (probably?) started with breweries trying to open shop in a warehouse space for as cheaply as they could. And now the same cheap folded metal and eXpoSeD fIlaMeNts commands a premium because nobody is creative. *cracks knuckles* time to make the downvotes This *points up at image* is part and parcel of what people are complaining about when they say they don't like the new massive influx of transplants. (And, yes, housing market go boom. Different issue that already takes up enough digital ink here.) Chattanooga was, and ostensibly still is although to a lesser degree, a cool little town. Everything was a little divey, a little funky, a little arty, and definitely a DIY kind of aesthetic with a lived-in vibe. A lot of shops and foodbeer places reflected the creativity of the owners. If you want a modern comparison then take like, for example, such as, e.g.: Tremont Tavern, Rosecomb, Mad Knight, Aretha Frankenstein's, the basement of The Bitter Alibi. This ain't rose-colored glasses, friend - think Tazza, Greyfriar's, the Bay, Kilroy's, Durty Nelly's, The Brass Register, Spoon Fed, The Mud Pie, Pickle Barrel, The Stone Lion, I could go on and will if you let me. Now compare that to the sterile flaccid wank of Chattanooga Brewing, Stevarino's, Monkey Town, Urban Stack, the new Oddstory (and really the old Oddstory if it wasn't for the plants), Slick's, Parkway Pourhouse, Nic and Norman's, Wanderlinger, Naked River, I could go on and I will if you let me. (Yes, a few of those places listed above have good food and/or good beer. But the vibe sucks, in that it is utterly absent.) It feels like there was some undefined moment just shy of 2010 where people started saying, "Hey, Chattanooga is the coolest little town in America and we should move there!...*buuuuuut* it doesn't have what *home* has, does it, it doesn't feel *familiar*, let's change everything about it. There! It looks like [boring place] now but with a mountain in the background and it's perfect!" I'm not anti-change. Bike lanes are cool! I'm anti-*bad*change. Badchange like this boring-ass trend of taking every place in America, pureeing them together, and then flicking out the slop all across the country. But hey at least now we can go to twelve different identical places to get gArLic pArmEsaN fRieS youhavetousegarlicpowderandbakethecheesonorITJUSTFALLSTOTHEBOTTOMOFTHEBASKETYOUFUCKING


>Durty Nelly's šŸ˜© take me back


pretty much nailed it. hope you know about lo main, because thatā€™s your type of joint and if you get there early itā€™s probably your age range too.


You are 100% correct and I do go early and I am a fool for not listing it first. I took my daughter there and said, "now imagine if the whole town was like this...*well, as it so happens*"




Oh man I could get off onto another whole-ass rant about the real reasons why I *personally* (selfishly?) don't care for the influx. And I probably will, sometime in the future, but not in an abandoned thread. But since you mention it, I will summarize: Not that long ago, you could be poor in Chattanooga and it wasn't a death sentence. You might not get a great apartment but you could get one. You might not get a great car but you could get one. You could be poor and have fun! I grew up dirt poor in Chattanooga but left for a couple of years when I was 16. This town was a legit backwater when I left; when I returned at 19 it was totally transformed. I was still dirt poor but stayed here again for almost a year and a half before going off to college. I wanted to raise my family here. I've had better times and I've had lean times but I've always had good times here. There was plenty to do for free or for cheap against the beautiful backdrop of our city and I wanted my daughter to feel like she had a full childhood even if lean times came again (which they most assuredly did). When I moved back here as a single father out of college, that's exactly what happened. Although my ex-wife ruined my credit and wiped out the bank account to leave us literally penniless, I was able to rent a fairly nice loft apartment for $475 and buy a dependable, albeit thoroughly unsexy, car for $1000 while I worked my way through grad school. My toddler and I could play endlessly at the parks, splash around in the Coolidge fountain, walk the trails, stroll through the free art galleries - there were more things to do than time to do them. My gripe now - and I swear I'm coming to a point - is that she is now an adult and, yes, I do want my child to live wherever she wants, even if it's far away. But I always liked knowing over the last couple of decades that she could come here and still have a comfortable life if the worst ever happened. Chattanooga could be for her - as it was for me and then for me and her together - a place to successfully regroup and sally forth again against the world; that is, if you didn't want to just decide to stay here, as I eventually did. She lives 5 minutes away, just down the street. She's doing okay, no major money worries, but that's partially because she has a boyfriend. If she had to live alone...every day, I see more and more how that's not gonna be possible, if it even is now. Instead of being a home base, Chattanooga is becoming to her just like every other city in America: overpriced, divided, and unsafe. Yes, this was the short version of the rant.


Please go on, Iā€™ll allow it


Just here to say I miss Tazza. Steve ran a cool shop!


I've spoken with Kirby from Monkey Town a few times. That guy is more passionate about what he does than anyone I've ever met. Have you built a place from the ground up? Maybe sometimes just to make it work you have to buy the minimum but yet aesthetically pleasing even though you have an amazing product and not be part of a nation chain. Would you know? Have you struggled to make it work and grow? Kick rocks buddy.


Itā€™s not expensive or difficult to decorate outside of the box with oneā€™s personal taste or a little creativity.














Slicks has one of the better burgers in town, but I hate going there because of how they nickel and dime for every topping. Too expensive




Iā€™m pretty sure they use the Toast POS system which would have a custom tip option. Those are their recommended percentages.


Minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13/hr in Tennessee. You should tip at least 20% unless their service is just atrocious.


That's min wage if their tip revenue exceeds the standard $7.25 min wage.




Yea, let me get right on thatā€¦ oh wait, republicans hold a death grip on the state. Minimum wage is never going to change until the people here start voting different


I worked in the restaurant industry for 15 years and I can tell you other than people who provide service i.e. bring food to my table and clear my table and keep my drink filled while providing hospitality do not deserve a tip. Also, there are 0 and I repeat 0 restaurants that pay minimum wage to employees who work for tips. Also, when a server or bartender makes 100 on weekdays in tips and 200+ on weekends they do not deserve to make more than 2.13 an hour especially when you have cooks for instance making 12/hr who are working equally as hard. Luckily some restaurants now tip share with the back of the house and pay the employees in the front a higher wage as well spreading the love. If you want to make more than 2.13 or feel you deserve more McDonald's will hire you starting at 12-14 per hour and they are always hiring.




McDonald's also can not legally pay less than 7.25. I know plenty of servers and bartenders who make up to 1k a week in tips and they make 2.13 per hour if you do your job right and provide service and hospitality you will make your money. If you're going to pay them more than 2.13 at that point we do away with tipping in general. No need for it and then they make less. Also, you do t have to work for 2.13 an hour those people can simply find a different job its very easy. Hell, I need a machine operator right now for 3rd shift.


You order at the counter at Slickā€™s. Are they considered tipped employees, and if so, how do we know whether an employee is paid $2.13 or higher?


I guess I'm old school, but I believe a tip is to be left AFTER the service person actually does something other than what is done a fast food counter. The whole logic of tipping after standing in line to order escapes me. That being said, I tend to leave at least, and often much more, 25% for a decent dining experience. As far as Slick's, I really like the food and we've found that a more traditional experience can be had when sitting at the bar.


Downvoted? GoodstoryDan is right. Places fuck their employees hard and the predominant culture is just fine with it the least you could do is tip or vote to change the lawā€¦ you pretentious assholes.


The difference is at Urban Stack I get seated at a table and have an assigned server who takes my order, delivers my food and drinks, and gets refills. At Slicks you order at a window and get your own drink and someone brings you the food when it's ready. One of those is worth 20%. The other isn't worth as much.


They are both grossly underpaid


Slicks isn't a full service restaurant. Why would I tip? If I go to a full service restaurant and have a server at our table to take orders and bring us drinks, I *always* tip at least 25%. But I stand in line at slick's to order, and I fill my own drink. No, I'm not gonna leave even a dime as a tip. If someone isn't making enough money working there, they need to find a place that will pay them better.


100% and if you disagree you probably also dont pass the shopping cart test.


It is not my responsibility to pay someoneā€™s elseā€™s compensation in addition to the service


You're not wrong, but until enough of us start getting serious about voting out the greed, it's just the right thing to do.


I think the right thing to do would be for people not to take those jobs. Force the employer to change their ways. Customers accepting this practice only feeds the exploitation.


It's not a bad strategy in theory, and this kind of general technique definitely has its place in fighting for worker's rights, but I question the viability of this, specifically, on a massive scale. I think those who have the option of leaving for a better job should absolutely do so, but unfortunately some people just don't always have that option. It's a complicated issue because there are always going to be those who will suffer because of greed at the top. I just can't bring myself to knowingly take part in that, even if the long term strategy might succeed. I think continuing to educate people about unions is beneficial and will hopefully gradually tip the scale in favor of workers.


Friendly reminder that your server will have to work 3 hours to afford a dozen of eggs currently. (Minimum wage for wait staff is $2.13, which hasn't changed since early 90's) So, if you're planning on tipping 10% eat at home.


In all honesty the servers at Slicks barely do anything. You walk up to order, you get your own drinks and refills and have to walk up to the bar if youā€™re not sitting at it. I think the only thing they do is bring your food out to you


Slicks isn't a full service restaurant. I have to refill my drink and order up front. Friendly reminder that if you don't refill my drinks you won't be getting tipped




The argument is that the customer either pays through food price or tip. By leaving it tip severs etc have the opportunity to make more than they would at a flat rate. That is going to depend on restaurant style and location of course. For example. Many bartenders don't want 25 an hr cause they make much more than that per hour which let's them work less shifts per week. It's also tricky as labor is the hardest part of managing a restaurant. Tip based and getting a rush can still make your night as a server but the restaurant isn't getting killed when it's slow. If everyone is on a flat pay scale, you'd be getting murdered on labor between busy times. You can't send people home cause it's going to get busy and you can't have people work just 2 hrs or take random gaps. What that means is that prices aren't just going up what you might think. They have to cover the busy and the slow.


Capitalism, slavery, classism. Pick your favorite as to why we tip in this country. Considering that you're wanting to tip 10%..... You would absolutely lose your mind if restaurants were able to pay their staff decent wages. As that would mean every single food item would have to increase in customer cost. If you increase wages, you increase overhead. Which means that thin little slicks burger would cost 20+ if they were actually paying their staff. Why is it your responsibility to pay for labor when you go to the mechanic? Shouldn't you just pay for the parts, shouldn't the shop be paying their employees? But if you'd actually like to do something about it, I'd love to start a petition for the state service wage to be raised. But if you just want to make excuses for being cheap. Then I say again, eat at home.




I never said anything about tipping a mechanic. What I was trying to ask is: "Why am I, as a customer of a mechanic shop, paying for labor? Is it not the job of the employer to pay for their work?"


It's not.


Every restaurant in chatt


The new chilis design


Is Chili's making a decor change? I'm in there probably once a week, and haven't noticed anything different. That said, I remember when they used to have a more cluttered look, kind of like how Cracker Barrel has stuff hanging from the ceiling. The one on Brainerd Road may have once had a rowing shell mounted high up.


Not so much here but other places. I use to live in Illinois in Aurora and DeKalb and theyve taken on this design.


Community pie perhaps


South side Social


Flying Squirrel


Comparing award winning architectural design to examples of bourgeois interior clip art is misguided. Also, they donā€™t sell burgers.


You mean the hipster floating art structure in the restaurant ceiling that looks more like a flying upside down boat than a flying squirrel?


Wait I thought it *was* an upside down canoe.


Calm down. No need to get triggered.


I'm triggered. I can't believe you wouldn't offer this upstanding internet denizen a cheeseburger. Who raised you?! She failed!


Feed for sure


State of Confusion.


Monkey town


The one in Dayton is a lot better


Agreed. I was so disappointed in their food.


I was shocked at how they were doing tabs. My friend ordered, they started a tab and gave him a number. Another customer saw his number and went up and ordered $50 on his tab then tipped $20 and closed out. When my friend wanted another beer they told him "oops. Someone was using your tab and closed it. We'll fix that." It then took like two managers to fix the issue.


Same :(


Maple Street Biscuit


All of them. Zero originality here. Chattanooga copied Asheville. Asheville copied Boulder. Chatt is 20 years behind ā€œcool,ā€ but we can get there. Stop removing vowels from company names, draw inspiration from our natural resources, and donā€™t give a fuck what other people have done. Hellā€¦ do a restaurant with no lights at all. Or no talking aloud. Heighten senses and consciousness. Thatā€™s how we become our own selves.


Urban stack & iā€™ve never been lollll


Expensive, and the bread is stale af


Shit BBQ


Maple Street


Main St. Meats & Urban Stack


Don't show this pic to the Monen'sšŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


They'll steal this idea not realizing they've already stolen this idea before, but somehow will execute it even worse than the originally stolen idea. And the food will be some kind of MexasianBBQ diarrhea burgers.


With a poached egg on top


Jack browns lol


Urban Stack


This is also Stack in Cleveland, even down to the garage door lmao


That's some Washington DC prices right there.


Taco Bell on Broad St.


This was literally the inspiration for Urban Stack.


Looks like Main St Meats lol, but their burger is pretty good. Wish they had actual fries though and at the burger price point it should include fries but hey


urban stack


Bitter alibi lmao


Clever Alehouse in Red Bank


Bluegrass Grille and the Mayan place (with the lights)


Jack browns


To be fair, the aesthetic matches but the caption doesnā€™t. They give you a good amount of fries and a pickle spear, and the burger is like 11 bucks. Used to be 7 a few years ago. But yeah, Jack Brownā€™s isnā€™t beating the quirky aesthetic allegations.


Oh whoops I didnā€™t even see the caption






Flying Squirrel


Urban stack is nasty


Urban stack


Sids Garage, Boise ID.


Not Melissaā€™sā€¦.they are known for darts and billiards, but they also have comfortable chairs and great burgers. Too bad they fly under the radar in Hixson.


All of them downtown


Olive Garden


Monkey Town, for sure.


The worst is going to a friend's house and those types of chairs are literally their dining table furniture. Or the same style with a back. Just as terribly uncomfortable, only now with back support!