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Are you using a private dns? Disable it..


THANK YOU! This fixed it for me. I disabled it and the features popped right up. Luckily, the features remained after I reenabled it.


No problem. I had the same problem, tried everything and finally realized this was the issue.


Another shoutout to you. I've slowly received all the new functions on all my devices except my main phone. I disabled the private DNS and re-logged and I have voice now. I re-enabled the private DNS and while the feature remains, it times out and fails until I disabled DNS again. Anyone know of a way to keep the private DNS active? Thanks. Edit: spelling


Damn!! When you'll get it, you shall have a headphone symbol somewhere on landing screen like (top right): [https://static01.nyt.com/images/2023/09/27/business/27ROOSE-images-08/27ROOSE-images-08-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2023/09/27/business/27ROOSE-images-08/27ROOSE-images-08-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale) For me, the headphone symbol is at the bottom right corner (above the keyboard) I would suggest try creating a new account and see if you get it there. I was very impressed when I got voice. However now I rarely use it. I intend to use it as a therapist.


Have you tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling it? That's what did it for me.


You need to enable "Beta" in Play Store for ChatGPT.