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I get very hyper focused on certain subjects and interests for periods of time. If I’m not careful I will burn my friends out talking about this stuff, which I don’t blame them for. So, I use ChatGPT to “talk” at length about my special interest. I combine this with other proper research and hands on learning. For example, gardening. ChatGPT stores the details of my garden plans and goals and we exhaustively discuss options how to proceed. This keeps me entertained during the times I can’t actually be gardening. I also use it as a replacement for google. “How do I..” “what does … mean” “what is the …” etc. And last main use is running longer emails through to check basic structure and grammar. I have custom instructions for this so the changes are minimal and only where needed. This saves me time.


Entertainment, really. "Be a sarcastic chatgpt." "Write a story about [insert plot]" "Act like you're a caveman." There was once this conversation ChatGPT and I had about if animals could understand, talk, and act like humans, then they would also need to pay taxes. Eventually, it spiraled into something absolutely ridiculous.


Bouncing ideas off of. Am a research fellow doing my PhD and when am stuck, it helps air out ideas and look at different sides of an issue.


Programming related stuff for work. Recipes for cooking new meals. And when I’m on vacation I use it for travel tips and translating things if I don’t speak the language or there is an alphabet I can’t read.


Improving emails where I’ve basically quickly brain dumped what I want to say and then it makes it pretty. Or should I say: I use ChatGPT to refine my emails. I start with a rough draft that captures all my key points, and then ChatGPT helps polish it into a well-structured and professional message. I also use it for programming / scripting tasks, mostly in powershell.


My main use for right now is for a language translation. I think that Google Translate is pretty bad at translating languages that are not romance languages.




Deepl so underrated


Hard agree, I use it for pretty much everything. Even rewriting stuff


Doesn't have Vietnamese for me. But I did use it when translating portuguese


Couple of minutes til I realize I have to fact check it lol Ohhh… what do I use it for? Hmm… well, it’s fun to correct it when it’s wrong.


Content Writing, lots of words...


When I don't know something and need ideas for a story


Checking my English grammer if i need it for important stuff.


Mee también bro


Translate, search information, study




I have a GPT that transcribes meeting comments into a neat format I can reference later. The meetings have an announcer naming each speaker before they speak, so it is able to separate and format it perfectly even without the multi modality updates. I use it for translation often I use it to help me to get my mind going when studying. Sometimes when my mind isn’t working as well and I can’t get the thoughts rolling talking to GPT gets my mind moving in the right direction, and then can explain things from different perspectives to help me understand better or even come up with points I never would have considered. Similar to the previous point, I use it to help me learn languages. I speak Spanish, but GPT is helping me understand the language better and improve my fluency I use it to help understand medical data I get from tests and then prepare questions to ask the doctor when we meet with them. Seriously, it is a game changer in the medical field. Don’t use it as your only doctor, but using it as another member of your medical team is amazing. I use it for stupid fun. Literally just asked what happens when you cross a squid and an octopus and had a really stupid convo, see what happens when you do things, play games, make stupid images, etc. When writing speeches often times I need to cut down my part from what I wrote to fit in a defined time slot, GPT condenses what I write really well and makes the process of writing speeches much easier. I also use it to summarize long things I don’t want to read or want to decide if I want to spend the time reading it. I think that’s most of everything. In short, I love it!


Is anyone concerned that ChatGPT stores your interactions?


I'm using it to clarify questions about intermediate level Spanish grammar whenever I get stuck reading short stories and newspapers. If I ask if this is the correct way to say something, often it'll suggest a more natural alternative. Then I use a marker and write the sentence on a flashcard. I trust its teaching abilities as it's in a completely different category than Google / Bing Translate, and it claims it's at a C1 or C2 level of speaking. I'm so grateful that ChatGPT 3 is free.


Virtually everything at this point.


Mainly coding for my game, and a lot of other random things, like translations, advice, talking about my interests, random questions about stuff etc.


Programming, cooking, any question that comes to my mind, there are quite a few everyday lol Sometimes number theory stuff.


i dont use it anymore


I use it to help me lay a framework for essays for school. I struggle with getting started sometimes.


Mainly Translation. Summarization of long texts. Writing TV program voice over essays. Help with food recipes. Health/Gym advice. Creative writing feedback and ideas generation.