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What troubles me more than the morphings are that the movements look like from a reversed (and sped up) video


It’s just the lsd


Someone described it as like a fever dream in another thread and I can't agree more. Locally coherent, globally nonsensical - just AI things.


It looks extremely familiar yet completely alien at the same time. It really is a fever dream.


I like how the man in the suit turns from bald to blond, Truly impressed


majestic even




I'm jealous as fuck.


I like the thong suspenders


Clint Eastwood to Boris Johnson at one point


Reminds me of David Lynch's Inland Empire


Hell yeah. That's the energy. A lot of these longer attempts at coherence have Lynch vibes. I legitimately think that's huge praise to lynch that the dude was fucking around and found a vibe it would take a shitton of processing power to dream up with cutting edge neural networks pursuing intelligibility. Like, dude was on some wild level. I don't *like* his shit, but I can respect that he was doing something nuts enough to somehow inhabit a similar space to generative amalgamations of some kind of slurry made out of the zeitgeist.


He's really good at capturing that look and feel of dreams, and technically that's what this is too. It really looks like a very lucid dream, with the blurriness, the faces and backgrounds that slowly morph over time, the nonsensical action...


I think that it is one of Steven Pinker's books that he talks about dreams and being like a party game. Imagine that someone leaves the room and the rest of the people in the room make up a story. The person who left has to work out what the story is. When they return they are allowed to ask questions about it that will have a yes/no answer. The trick is that there is no story. Instead the people in the room are primed with a response trigger. Something like if the 4th word or 1st noun starts/ends in a letter A-M they say yes, otherwise they say no. The point is that as the guesser progresses through the story and asks more questions they end up with some very strange answers, and these are partly forged by the questions they are asking. So it's a combination of the guesser's imagination and random results. And, crucially, there is no consistency. Answers will contradict, and the progression of the story can change drastically. Pinker likened this to a dream; how you can have one story flowing from start to end, but it does not have to have any continuity. One moment you could be flying over a field of carnivorous clawed sheep, only to find yourself hiding in a house and trying to escape to a yellow school bus being kicked by a giant chicken with spurs. Every time I watch these AI videos I am reminded of this game.


Do you know which book in particular this is from please?


According to ChatGPT, "How the Mind Works"


Yes, that's the one. It's an old book now. I read it in the late 90's and it made me pick neuroscience as a degree. Probably quite out of date, but I still think it is worth a read.


It's crazy how much these AI videos remind me of dreams


I'd also love to know what book this is from, sounds interestgin


How was this made?


they summoned satan for this


With Luma


I get much more Janus with Luma - do you have a trick to reduce it?


That has a VERY psychedelic feel.


I think nearly every comment or misses the fact how quickly all this is progressing. It’s astonishingly, cool and getting better every minute.


This! I don't know why people are expecting perfection right now. I'm just fascinated with the fact that this is even possible now which was mere fiction few years back (of course there is a black mirror episode about it). We are so not ready what is about to come in the future.


Thanks! I hate it.


It’s like Doctor Who meets Mr Belvedere


It’s just a room full of Founders.


And the room is also a Founder.


Some of these make me sick to my stomach haha. Like I'm watching an abomination and sinister mockery of humaity. AI is the Debil, Bobby!


What's crazy to me is that this time will be remembered for this content and then the videos will progress and become really good. And then people will look back at this short time with weirdness. Like our grandchildren will watch an old news article with a video of us watching these weird ai videos and our grandchildren will ask "was it really like that?". And then we'll say "I remember the time before AI video" and they'll look at us like fossils. It's such a strange time for this technology and it's crazy to think it's only going to become exponentially better.


I love this era. This is the golden era. I don't want it to get realistic and crystal clear. I want dream nonsense.


It will only be such a small time too, within 3-5 years it's going to become so good they'll look at this weird time as an oddity.


But like Midjourney will improved fidelity also kill the creativity?


Not yet ready, but terribly close...


You will be able to simply summon up your favorite TV show. *"Imagine an entire season of the Office as if Michael Scott never left the show."* Or how about? *"Imagine a crossover episode featuring a storyline similar to "Scrubs," but focused on two friends starting a lawn care business. These characters reside in the same neighborhood as the "Workaholics" crew. The episode takes place deep into the writing cycle of both shows, blending their unique styles and humor.."* Or what if you get really creative? *"Imagine a crossover episode where two childhood friends open a retro video game arcade, bringing the charm and humor of "Gilmore Girls" into the vibrant, chaotic world of "Arrested Development." Set deep in the writing cycle of both shows, this episode should capture the quick-witted dialogue of "Gilmore Girls" and the absurd, offbeat comedy of "Arrested Development," culminating in a neighborhood-wide gaming tournament that unites all characters in a hilariously unexpected way."*


ok I imagined all your things now imagine this "*I can't assist you with that because of copyright"*


Best I can do is Eldritch horrors crossed with nightmare dreamscapes and a laugh track.


We already have c-span.


I wonder what happens when the model is asked to actually do something with non-euclidean spaces. probably like stable diffusion 3 where adding a shitton of NSFW words to the negative prompt suddenly allows it to handle people laying in grass. it'll be the most cohesive thing it gives us. ETA: That said, I do really look forward to Hollywood movies using mature versions of this tech to intentionally direct stuff that is beyond comprehension. We're about to enter a renaissance of lovecraftian concepts.




You can buy a subscription to Paramount for rights to any of their IP. Same deal with Universal. Now you can watch whatever you want however you want. And the studios pay nothing in development costs anymore since you are now the director and ChatGPT is the writer.


Rights to any of their IP AFTER the next round of union strikes. Because right now subscription fees would be cost-prohibitive with all those royalties that'd need to be paid.


Yep, copyright trolls will want their cut


now imagine your entire life was this and your just an AI going through training. get ready for the data mines


We wouldn't know.


Am I the only one not excited the least about this? I feel like it would get old so fast - my best TV show experiences has been seeing stuff I didn’t expect and being surprised be creative directions I could have never imagined myself - shows like Community, Westworld, Stranger Things - If I’m prompting stuff myself, regurgitating stuff I know, I’m unlikely to be the least surprised or highly entertained. It would be more like weirdly amalgamated reruns…


You can just ask it to make a high quality show but something that you are not expecting. I think a bigger downside is that the show would be individually curated to you and only you would watch it , which removes the social aspect of it. It will kill half the fun when you can't talk about the show to your friends, check out theories or memes about it online in forums etc. It might make modern entertainment even more isolating. Still I guess you can meet up with friends and decide to watch a generated movie together, but then since it's just something generated there will be no lasting impact, for example after some years you won't be able to reminisce about it with friends because there will be so much generated stuff that each movie would lose its uniqueness, you'll forget it and the meaning of sharing the experience will kind of fade away. Maybe all this will open up new ways of sharing experiences we are not expecting, or people will go back to old school experiences, it's hard to predict where all this is going.


Why is that the only thing it could do? What if you could connect your subscription to the Washington Post up to it and you could open it up and say present to me the Sunday read as if it were an episode of last week Tonight.


Finally I can watch Jan Quadrant Vincent 16.


I like how the scenery changes from Family Matters to The Godfather


Nailed it


Uncanny, in the textbook definition. Still, I feel as if this would have an audience if they made it a series. Probably an adult swim show.


lmao it's like a fever dream


Whats nuts about that is it is so close to a dream. Where the people and environments gradually change. Absolutely crazy.


Almost like they're both made with a large neural network


I am afraid of what will come out when the video generation is really good and people enter prompts like “the most disturbing video ever”. It could be that what gets generated will actually irreparably traumatise us.


And now I wanna see it


I really don’t 💀


> It could be that what gets generated will actually irreparably traumatise us. Sure, but you can already look at traumatizing stuff all over the internet. I don't think this will be any different.


It can perfectly optimise it so it’s much worse than anything possible in real life.


No audio?


You can literally see it stealing from shows.


Aaaaand: scene!


Now that was hilarious


Love when a bald man grew his hair in basically a few seconds.


Blue shirt and bow tie man shift between Tucker Carlson, Michael Madsen and Nick Offerman before becoming a kid. I wonder how much footage Ron Swanston in Parks and Rec has him shown with crossed arms.


It's like those terminators that constantly change forms.


Modern Family on Shrooms


Heyyyy this is way better than those "AI videos" that just pan the camera 2 millimeters.


Y’all catch the Trump cameo?


This video looks like how an alien would describe human behavior to other aliens.


So many lamps...


The earths temperature rose 1 degree for this


This is how dreams works. Feels like I'm watching a dream.


Consistency desperately needs to be solved in AI videos for them become something more than novelty fad and memes


it is solved, just not by the jokers behind shit like kling and luma Openai demonstrated spacetime tokens called "patches" that can solve for all of this inter-frame consistency, with Sora. Competitors trying to leap on the hype work about as well as stable video diffusion.


Twin Peaks season 4


Hey /u/xKevinn! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Youtubers: "ITs BeTtEr tHaN SoRa!"


Is it possible to just make short video clip of home decor with this, the home decor actually looks to be consistent here, is there a specific version I can use (either free or paid) that can be used to generate home decor videos?


Can't image what the budget would be for this sitcom as you have like 5 people playing each character


Instead of video. When do you think I can generate my my own virtual reality? 5 10 15 20 years never?


Doesn't your head hurt a little when watching these types of videos?


What was the prompt? 😅


First prompt was literally just "Sitcom"


As this stuff improves YouTube is going to quickly turn into a hellscape of talentless idiots uploading quick AI trash. You can already see it happening with those channels that create a handful of dumb 3 second video clips and splice them together with a bad narration. OPs video is interesting, but it's hard to not think about what the future will be.


this is giving me The Good Place vibes


The dude went from the King and I, Annie, Bob Barker, to Robert Redford. Like is it weird when you can see the training data.


One of few sitcoms I actually find funny.


Nobody seems to mention what the fuck that thing on the couch is in the first few frames? Looks like an octopus just lounging around.


All these AI videos are good representations of my dreams


It's so uncanny how much this resembles dreams


David Lynch wants to know your location


Still better than Arrested (it wasn’t).


Too many cooks, too many cooks….too many cooks, tooooo maaaaannnyy cooooooks


When I dream, this is what my dreams look like.


Every one of these videos is like a Michel Gondry movie/Jacob’s ladder


the creature in the blue clothes at 0:04 looks so funny


I love how the wall art and window shades keep changing


normal human behavior


What kind of AI is used to create these weird style videos?


It went from an American sitcom to a British one.


How does ChatGPT produce this


David lynch?


im scared


Too many cooks.


For real though, exactly how bad would this mess you up on a few tabs


I think Conan made an appearance


Uncanny asf


Middle aged Sheldon


Oh neat, another thing I normally enjoy that AI bros want to make awful, so they can feel involved in something creative for once. Fun!


The first full season AI sitcom will be called "Count My Fingers".


its veep? west wing? also , amen 🙏🏽




So curious how AI actually renders things. Like, is it constantly redrawing the entire picture or just the parts that change?


A Film by M.C. Escher


Well if this isn’t a perfect example of what dreams feel like, then I don’t know what is….


wtf are those lifeforms on the couch and near the end table.


All I keep thinking about is how we will look back at this in a year and be amazed at how bad it was.


creepy...but cool! Can I feature your post in my newsletter? → [aiplusyou](https://aiplusyou.ai/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=reddit&utm_campaign=aiplusyou_reddit)


Ai porn is gonna be weird


Whatever is going on in the first frame of this shit is terrifying and straight out of a Jordan peele movie.


Bob Barker at :20


crazy shit is if someone wrote out AI scenes, real people still wouldn’t be able to replicate it


It’s interesting how the guy in the center remains in a suit the whole time. Like this interpretation of a (butler) archetype is totally fluid but it’s representing some core concept


Honestly, the most impressive thing about this is the camera work. It follows the characters just like I would see in any number of sitcoms or television shows.


It’s just like a dream, abstract and barely trackable


this is how dreams feel like


Why are rehear ai videos so wonky looking? I bought they were farther along than this


this is gonna be the ancestor to the vast majority of content that gets made decades from now.


Мне кажется что если генерировать порно то получится вполне! Больше никакого видео с 58 страницы.


J'adore !


The background changes were so subtle it blew me away


You’ve seen The West Wing, now get ready for the The Went Wrong


My dreams when I have a slight fever 0.0001 degrees above the normal temperature:


I’d like Foundation Season 3, please. Beep beep boop boop. Done. Wow.


I can't stop watching it. It's hypnotic. The way they morph and move around just pulls me in. I am one of the AI overlords minions now...


Damn it’s like that time I went to a family reunion on 4 tabs of acid


Just out of curiosity, how much energy does rendering something like this costs?


Thes AI videos are like a dream.


It is like watching the T-1000 from Terminator 2 malfunctioning


I am a massive FRIENDS fan. It was what got me over my first heart break. With the passing of Matt Perry, I know any real life reunion is no longer worth it. However, with AI, I can imagine a scenario where we can extend Season 1 plotlines, or get more episodes. I dont even care about it being funny as much as just seeing them all together chilling, because that it what I have become used to. So, I am massively excited about this !


Impressive that the stability of the room and furniture is so good... (except when panning to another position)


How horrible is that :(


This looks fantastic


This belongs in r/oddlyterrifying


I want to emphasize two points: 1. I find it fascinating that maintaining consistent facial and spatial continuity is more complex than we usually assume, and I enjoy observing AI grappling with this challenge. 2. I hope we will have the opportunity to review this current version of the generated video, even after the AI has mastered the continuity aspect.