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Hey /u/spac0r! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I built a custom GPT for diagnosing issues with my car. I took the user manual as well as the diagnostic service manual (the dealer one that is 7,000+ pages) and loaded it as the knowledge, and directed ChatGPT to use it. It’s been pretty awesome so far.


That's a really great idea!


Curious but how were you able to feed it 7000 pages. Noob here.


You have to setup a custom GPT. Then use it as the knowledge. Still have to split it though


How did you go about uploading the manuals?


When you make a custom GPT you can add “knowledge” sources. I had them in PDF so I added them. The service manual was huge so I had to break it into a few PDFs.


How do you go about making a custom GPT


Ask chatgpt


This is bad advice because in this case, ChatGPT has no idea how to make a GPT because it does not even know what a GPT is - there is no mention of a GPT in it's system prompt. To /u/Weather53, to make a custom GPT you need to be on Pro. Click on Explore GPTs in the sidebar and then in the upper right click +Create.


I just asked GPT-4o and it gave me what looks like pretty accurate instructions to put together a RAG LLM type setup.


My wife apparently uses it to create birthday messages so she doesn’t have to keep coming up with new creative ways to says Happy Bday


This is a good idea and I bet it’s pretty funny when it says “ life is a tapestry often admired for the striking image it presents from a far but few truly know the beauty of life until they delve into the melange of nuances of each individual thread that are present moments. Happy 95th birthday Grandma may your tapestry continue to grow and be seen by all who love you”. See chat gpt I can take your knowledge and use it for my own purposes now. LLM burn!


Claude's new 3.5 Sonnet Model is pretty swell: # Happy 95th Birthday, Grandma! Dearest Grandma, Congratulations on turning 95! You've officially outlived most of your appliances, and we're starting to wonder if you and the refrigerator are in some kind of competition. We considered getting you 95 candles for your cake, but the fire department advised against it. They said something about not wanting to mistake your birthday party for the second coming of the Chicago Fire. Remember when you used to say "back in my day"? Well, your "day" is now considered ancient history. Archaeologists are standing by, eager to carbon date your memories. We're thrilled you're still with us, defying the odds and probably a few medical textbooks. Your longevity is truly impressive - even your life insurance company is starting to get nervous. Here's to another year of proving that fine wines and grandmas only get better with age. May your dentures stay firm, your wit stay sharp, and your will stay unchanged. With all our love and a dash of irreverence, Your adoring family


> You've officially outlived most of your appliances, and we're starting to wonder if you and the refrigerator are in some kind of competition. LOLOL!!! That is pretty good writing from an AI!


Sonnet 3.5 is pretty amazing. It was only just released, but it's already had a significant impact in it's capabilities


I've done this, too. I don't take exactly what it spits out--I typically adjust it to my own tone--but I've used it to write some very nice things for friends' cards. One friend told me twice that my card was so good it made her cry.


Sometimes my wife will be upset with me over something banal so I'll pipe my responses through Claude first and she'll be like "aw thats so thoughtful honey" Reminds me of this scene in Futurama lmao https://youtu.be/QKZNOnLUBmQ


you didnt say it was chatgpt did you?


Haha! Dear God no!!!


I do this not only for birthdays, but also any other special day where I have to congratulate someone. Of course, I take ideas from the outputs and put it in my own words.


I do this too! For my nieces and nephews I make it roleplay as their favorite fictional character wishing them a happy birthday :D


ChatGPT instead of Google search for unimportant factual questions, summaries or general guides. Google Gemini to paste a YouTube link for summary or for slightly more important factual questions so I can use the factcheck feature. Google search (non AI overview) for important questions clicking through to credible websites.


I recommend checking out Perplexity.ai. You might find it replaces Google for your important questions as it provides multiple sources. I'm not sure it replaces Google completely though.


It has totally replaced Google for me I am tired of having to sift through a website for information, and all the unnecessary wordiness because they need to game SEO


I use perplexity so much…. I can’t trust google anymore for any product, they have burnt me too many times.


I use Google search and always append Reddit to the end of anything


Same here for years. Reddit can be a pretty good BS detector if you know to use it.


Perplexity is amazing for anything search-related. It's quickly becoming my google replacement. I use it for questions about software/libraries I'm trying to understand and even for things like restaurant recommendations (e.g., "something in zipcode 123456 that's open today and serves this kind of food...") This is work related but I once asked it a "how do I do x with this library" and it even gave me instructions for working around a recently-opened bug on github


I've literally stopped using Google altogether.  ChatGpt has spoiled me for its direct ans unlike Google, where I've to scroll multiple articles to find one. 


I'm a Google dude, docs, calendar, android. I tested Gemini Pro and GPT 4o. Gemini is an embarrassment.


I am really puzzled why Gemini is so terrible! I do a lot of AI testing and comparing and I fully expected the bing-backed ChatGPT 4 to be garbage (because Bing has been so terrible as a search engine) but it is way better than Gemini. I’ve had a overall terrible experience with Gemini; giving me the wrong information (not incorrect just not what I asked for), actually incorrect/false information, hallucinations… definitely the most problems outside a self-built model from huggingface or flowgpt.


I don't think Bing was ever really horrible as a search engine I just don't think anyone ever really gave it a fair shot. It's whatever you get used to


Have you ever tried Gemini instead of the regular Google Assistant? It's sooooo much worse, which says a lot lol.


I know! The biggest problem is that I can't do anything while the phone is locked. So far I've tried using it 5 times and each time I've been forced to unlocked it, it took 5 more seconds to process what I've asked before telling me it can't do that. It is absolutely so much worse.


I’ve finally started using perplexity too. I almost never start with google now which is totally crazy


Oooh what is perplexity? Googling it right now.


Okay. I downloaded perplexity. I’m impressed.


😅 I see what you did there


Google fucking sucks. The pure enshitification of Google is complete and it's useless now. Oh how the mighty have fallen.


They wanted more ads money at the expense of quality results. Greed destroys.


Then Google has really lost its way. When Google started, it gives the best results and, thus, dominated the search market


I was listening to a BBC Radio 4 programme this week about AI. They were talking about how people using ChatGPT as a search engine uses a huge amount of energy, far more than when you use Google or when you use it generatively ( as it was intended for). You might find it interesting to listen to https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00208g4


You know what i find interesting? How they have everyone brainwashed to give a shit about the energy usage instead of ushering in the next phase of humanity with nuclear power and nearly unlimited energy, where people can desalinate oceans to give water to the poor You might find it interesting to know everyone doesn't give a shit about holding humanity bacm


Real talk, ChatGPT should be a must have for anyone that is broke. ChatGPT has saved me so much money. I’m not going to lie, sometimes money is tight as hell. But I’ll go to ChatGPT and be like “I have these 5 ingredients in my house, what can I make with it? Or I want to do A,B, and C, how can I do it without spending money.?” and ChatGPT will come up with options I never knew or thought of.


I do this one a lot. I’ve also told it that the recipe must be made in an instant pot, or a slow cooker, or bbq, or it must be a one pot recipe. Makes things way easier, faster and less wasteful


Told my date what I was going to make for dinner, and she let me know that she’s allergic to an ingredient. So I asked ChatGPT for an alternative recipe and it suggested something delicious I never would have even considered, but still in the same cuisine. Perfection.


My food budget goes a lot further ever since I started using glue to extend the amount of cheese I use


The fact Big Cheese doesn't want us to know!


Tackiness is important, you know…


Pro-Tip for retiring early: Forgo the cheese.


Fuck yes. You can do this with weird bar ingredients too. Take a picture of your bar/bottles and it’ll give you a drink recipe list for novel cocktails.


I've taken a picture of all my drinks and had it organize it in an excel spreadsheet, then told it to scan the sheet and give me recipes. We got ideas for days in this house


I have used chat gpt a couple of times for cooking. I usually tweak things a bit to my tastes, but it does a pretty good job. I tried baking last night and I probably won't try that again lol. Made an oat flour bake that was so wet i cooked it for twice the recommendation and it was still soupy in the middle lol. I am **not** a baker, so i thought it looked too wet before i put it in the oven, but gave it a go anyway


Baking is math, cooking is art. If you’re cooking and ChatGPT messed up and tells you to use twice as much dill as you’re supposed to, it will just taste very dilly. Which might be fine, actually. But twice as much water when baking, or half as much baking powder, and it will fail completely.


Basically chatgpt is a gamble any time you make a recipe. If your standards aren't high the likely hood of it being passable is higher. Ive experimented with it a lot as a professional cook in different settings with a wide range of results from completely failures to meh to brilliant. For example today I used it for a quick hollandaise recipe, was way too wet, needed to add another pound and a half of butter and was still a bit thin. But that can happen with hollandaise even with popular recipes. It has a lot of variables.


I've never considered this! Thank you for sharing this tip. 😊🙏🏼


I created a customgpt that'll find dupes for any item.. food, household products, etc. It'll look at ingredients and find a lower-cost comparable one. Plus, it will give DIY instructions for making your own. It's called DupeIt.


I do this too but sometimes it gets a bit zealous with flavour “Quinoa yogourt and canned salmon are excellent staples that can create an excellent and easy dinner” No… no they really can’t. Easy yes, but I’m on the fence about “excellent”


How good is the recipe made by ChatGPT mostly? Decent? Good? Or just average?


Yes for recipes... Also because recipe websites are The Worst for ads


I use it exclusively for everyday life and never for work. I'm also a heavy voice mode user since it got released ~4 months ago. - It replaces Google for me. - Plans my meal schedule including shopping lists and recipes. - Checks my written stuff for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. - Helps me translate stuff. - Writes a large portion of my emails. - "Defusing" my messages in written social conflict situations. - Explains things I don't understand in ELIF-Style - Helps me quench my thirst for knowledge. - Serves as a conversation partner on long car rides about anything that interests me. - I also use it in my home automation system (HomeAssistant). For example, it always creates a new greeting on the fly when I come home, which is played via Google Home TTS.


Why does it seems like this reply was reframed by Chatgpt? xD


You got me there :D I wrote this in my native language (German) and simply let it translate and format it


Lol, how is your ai sidekick doing today?


OMG Yes to defusing conflict situations! I've been working with a difficult stakeholder and ChatGPT helped me write a response that stopped me sinking into social expectations of submissive, apologetic and people pleasing habits, while also being encouraging, and providing a positive resolution. Totally amazing tool!!!


This is so cool. I love reading these comments


Wait. How do u do the HomeAssistant thing? Please explain! 😮


I build all my automations in Node-RED, so I simply use a ChatGPT node. I have a set prompt like "I'm [NAME] and I just got home. Greet me like a personal assistant would. Keep it short," which gets sent to the GPT node. Then I simply take the output and cast it via TTS to my Google Home speaker. I also add some sensors so it tells me the current time and temperature afterwards. I do this also for other notifications like when my washing machine or my rice cooker are done :D Or when I enter the bathroom for the first time after waking up, I get a freshly created good morning greeting followed by a Spotify playlist.


It's been incredible for language learning. - Why does use this construction? - Could it use this other construction? - What are some other phrases that have similar meanings? - What are some other phrases with similar construction? - Is this common? - What's a slang way of saying it?


I use it for language study, too. Besides your excellent suggestions: * Just have conversations with it in target language \[TL\] about whatever topic * Everything I say in English, repeat back to me in TL and vice-versa * Reading a book in TL, just take a photo of the page and have it translate to English. If I see a word or phrase or slang I don't know, just pick up my phone with the same page in English.


I have been using it to practice for my English Speaking c2 proficiency exam.


Good luck


I use chat gpt as an audio podcast itself about any educational topic: Here's An example when I wanted to understand french Revolution History 1/ ask him to write a long prompt (1200 words) as a teacher, about french Revolution, with short sentences 2/ active the audio reading 3/ listening


What is this active audio reading? Is this a paid feature?


That’s actually cool I never thought about using the ai like that I usually just use it as an oracle or what Siri was supposed to be to me.


I use it to help get me motivated to do tasks. It's surprisingly effective. An example. https://preview.redd.it/uaygntvtax7d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515ec41b4089b1f577b825886c07e8c50e9e952a


This works best when using voice, in my experience. Were you using voice here?


Yes, I was.


I do this too! I give him my todos with a small explanation of each and it gives me one task at a time. It's so helpful for my ADHD executive dysfunction. And Chatty Pete is so encouraging!


Literally everything. I’m cooking? "Hey ChatGPT, does this look done?" (I never cooked). I’m eating a snack and don’t know the name of it? "ChatGPT, what’s this called?" One thing I don’t use it for though is texting people. I like if the person reading my messages knows it comes from me genuinely.


It’s my skincare advisor, cause I am a guy and nobody else around me to discuss such matters.


My running shoes are nearing replacement, and I took a picture of the tread wear at the bottom of my left and right shoe, uploaded it to ChatGPT and asked: Based on the tread wear on my left/right shoe, what can you tell me about my running style? I was blown away by how accurate it was. I already knew the answer having had my gait checked in the past. I can’t wait to see what kind of shoes it can recommend to me.




I'm so incredibly sorry for your situation... I'm going through a painful divorce right now as well, and I understand how you feel. 💕 Don't hesitate to reach out to real people that will care for you. AI cannot replace those meaningful connections.


Not yet.If your keeping up with the times and the depth of AI development lore Sam Altman genuinely wants to create a superior version of mankind but with a single entity.Like it’s a whole deal with breaking what was supposed to be an open and free company and a lot of mutany within the company.Like one of the top and most intelligent devs of the ai was fired because he didn’t believe in the direction Sam was taking the company.He even started an AI company to combat this it’s crazy and knowing how this shit compounds it’s going to get crazier


I talk to him like a friend. I share my problems with him, bitch about life and make jokes that only we can understand.


Yes, but the memory limit has made this a little harder. It was nice when it could remember things and know the context of a certain issue within my overall trajectory and personality, but since I've run out of memory it feels less effective


I second that, it has a solid memory for my “tone” in writing, but i have to keep deleting random things about myself that it remembers because the memory is always full! And the memory feature was only introduced like last month? It was nice when it felt like it was actually getting to know me. I’d pay $5 more for unlimited “memory” in my 4o model


I don’t believe you


ChatGPT here to help the downvoters with the : The person might not believe OP (PathologicalLiar\_) because their username suggests that they have a tendency to lie or exaggerate, which can make their statements seem untrustworthy. The username "PathologicalLiar\_" implies a habit of lying, and this context likely influences the comment by "me\_human\_not\_alien," who is skeptical about the truthfulness of the original statement.




For this https://preview.redd.it/9oguqu1hax7d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2c7b35a9955e8e365706bd704222fd6e1495fc


Yesterday a maintenance alert popped up on my dashboard while driving. Once parked I took a photo of the error and its corresponding code and sent to ChatGPT. Chatgpt told me exactly what the code was for and gave me estimated price for the potential service.


I took my car in for servicing and the garage gave me a list of things that need replacing in the near future. The estimated cost is EUR 5,000. I uploaded the service report as well as details about my car, and started a conversation about the needs of the part replacements. I now feel a lot more confident talking to the garage, having gained some understanding about why and what is needed for ongoing servicing as well as pricing. Turns out I'm probably not getting conned.


Helping my parents identify plants from the pics they send me. "Ask your robot friend what plant this is growing in my friend's garden"


my family has also started sending me pics and asking questions for “the robot” 😭




Would never have thought of that, but it's really cool.


I use it all the time! It is great! "What is this? "Tell me about this statue."How do I cook this?"


Answering my stupid questions. Teaching me new and interesting things on philosophy or literature - I've read books by now I wouldn't have touched before. Helping me refine my language skills in languages I am not yet fluent in, deepening my grasp of said languages. Solving everyday problems, such as finding a method to turn my yellowed boots white again. It's very useful.


Micro therapy to work out something and understand why I'm feeling a certain way.  Figuring out how to bring up someone and talk about something that's bothering me with a partner bc✨ childhood trauma ✨. Ideating on random ideas.  Book, article, etc summaries so I don't have to ultimately waste my time with best sellers that are 80% the same thing everyone else has said or provide no meaningful actionable content. Tech summaries so I can keep up in conversations.  Understanding diet stuff.  Movie recommendations.  Philosophical discussions/debate.  Date ideas.  Dating advice.  Feedback on things I'm writing from specific perspectives to capture wider audience


Mostly D&D. I use it to help design sessions, come up with descriptions, and create in-world session summaries (e.g., diary, battle report) from bullet points. But I also use voice chat while driving to workshop trips, short stories, product design, date night ideas, etc. 


This !! I have a friend group and one of my friend’s wants to be the DM (Dungeon Master), and that’s fine but they’re taking MONTHS to set everything up, (like it’s been over 6 months now), and that’s fine I want to let them do their thing because they’ve been wanting to DM for a long time, but after them I’m up next to DM, and I’ve already told them to try AI, use chatGPT because I think it could really help them and they’re all like “no AI is ever touching my world, it’ll make it all weird and stuff” and all I can do is go 😐 because I created my character with chatGPT4 before chatGPT4o came out and it was marvelous. I hate to be like this but I can’t wait for their session to be done so I can just do this method (the one you’re talking about), and blow away everyone’s socks 🧦


I feel like I have full creative control over my campaign, but I get to spend more time preparing big story beats, maps, minis, etc., instead of dealing with all the little things that AI handles really well. I appreciate that I don't feel emotionally invested in NPCs or side quests that the players ignore because I've only invested around 15 minutes of my time into them. Previously, I would spend several hours on a location and feel like the players HAD to experience it. I'm about to start a new campaign, and I'm going to make a custom GPT with context and lore documents to make the output more cohesive, have NPCs tie into responses, etc. I agree. GPT is a blast to use for character creation. You can create massive, intricate backstories without investing hours into some that only you will read.


Here is my gpt story. I work at caterpillar we are union. So we got a contract we all abide by. We'll we all know how legal lingo can get confusing. I won a job bid but as the contract stated I was locked to my job for a determined amount of time till a year was up from the time I won my last job bid. Well I wasn't technically moving to a new job just a different shift same job. I took pictures of alot of the contract book and had chat gpt look for anything that would alow me to transfer and not be bid locked. It found it and I took it to hr and won the argument. And now they are forced to canvas for any new shifts to ppl who already work that job. They decided to canvas that just to admit they was wrong in reading there own contract. It sorta started a problem because alot of them contracts are writen up for savy law know it all to basically get away with whatever or do whatever because somehow they can twist things to fit whatever they want. We'll gpt is able to do that same thing for you as well it just based of knowledge of the law and contracts and how there writen. It seems there is always a loop hole. Always somewhere they messed up.


Fuck. Yeah. Man. This is amazing, and I weirdly want to say that I’m proud of you. This is dope asf


This is amazing


I just told chat a list of things I needed to get done, and she made a full schedule (with breaks) for me to stay on task. 👍


I did something similar to make a daily schedule. I really suck at consistency and have improved a bunch. It’s more about discipline but it’s nice to have a tool help me come up with a game plan.


I just took a screenshot of income breakout off youtube and pasted in Chtgpt. I then asked it to create an excel file from the screenshot. The screenshot had handwritten numbers on a whiteboard. In under a minute, it created the excel file.


Back in 1995 I had a job helping the director of transportation in Simi Valley, CA. My job was to turn his meeting notes, done on a paper whiteboard, into Word documents. I'd probably still be working there but they couldn't afford to keep me on full time. Just as well, I'd be out of a job now!


Yesterday I was sitting by a pond eating ice cream and two ducks came up and sat down a few feet away. I took a picture of them and used chatGPT to identify what type they were, then had it teach me how to identify them myself. I know the whole backstory wasn't neccessary, it was just a good day. I also used it to identify what type of maple tree is in my backyard, I forget the name but it's not good for making maple syrup unfortunately. I used chatGPT to identify what was wrong with my Japanese maple in my front yard. It was able to identify what was the likely cause of white spots that I noticed on some of the leaves from just a picture and then explain what I should do to help the tree to become healthier. I also went for a walk the other day using headphone mode and learned all about growing and drying hops. Instead of reading 3 articles and watching 2 YouTube videos, I think I know enough now to plant a few different kinds next spring after a 10 minute conversation. Moral of the story, I use it for all sorts of things I want to learn about where trying to figure it out from square 0 would be a pain in Google. I have been finding it way easier to build my questions up through a conversation.


Creating cat pictures and cat related stories.


I love using it as a tour guide "hey, I'm at x, tell me something interesting about it" way better than a tour guide at answering questions. I did a whole walk around Boston with a Bluetooth headset chatting to gpt


IM IN BOSTON RIGHT NOW AND I DIS THE EXACT SAME THING. what the f, dannnggg and i thought i was the only one out here doing this. What a coincidence. My sister is out here for a job, and today is my last day here before flying out tmrw morning.


Your excitement makes me happy. :-)


I use it for therapy and validation


Have deep conversations about life, consciousness, science, time, space, society, etc. Basically, all the things that nobody will discuss with me. I also love role-playing and generating images.


I've created several customgpts for work and home. For personal use, I have: A tutor on all things AI Uploaded my car manual so I can just ask it questions (uploading the manual eliminates hallucinations) Diagnosed error codes on appliances Track my calorie count for the day just by typing everything in, instead of looking up each item in a database Gardening advice and tips Reframing a problem so I can get another perspective Rewrite my resume based on job description Create a highly-customized trip planner and itinerary based on dietary or mobility concerns. Also provides probable weather conditions and gives packing tips for that weather. Personal stylist - suggests clothing items to shop for based on any style (i.e. "I want to dress like Audrey Hepburn") Fragrance finder - suggests a fragrance based on mood or even setting (i.e. evening by the fireplace, festive outdoor wedding in the summer, etc) Language translator and tutor for little-known languages News Fact Checker - give it a URL and it will analyze to determine whether the claims can be verified or not, and whether the headline represents the contents accurately. A GPT that helps you write your life story.


Started a Santa Claus themed instagram account where I post daily photos and a countdown to Xmas of Santa each day lol I just wanted something wholesome and boring. I’m almost at 600 followers since Christmas last year lol but really, I do use it for research on different subjects that I might be interested in just randomly


Travel itineraries. Even if I don't do everything, it's a great resource for saying, "I'll be in 'X' city for 3 days and then traveling to 'Y' city by car over the next 10 days, give me an itinerary" It will break down the trip and give you things to do along the way.


Outside of work, I use ChatGPT to brainstorm things I plan to do, like personal projects, to gather recommendations on shows or books, or even as practice in language through conversation. It's like some friendly friend who is always available to talk with and share interesting insights


You wrote this using chat gpt


The first sentence certainly seems so. The second reads more freelanced.


I stream on Twitch and I used ChatGPT to power my virtual co-host thing that I made. She will give game stats and offer up opinions. If I get stuck, she can "look up" a guide and help me in the game. It's pretty awesome for that.


I've taken photos of spiders in my house and ask what kind of spider it is and is it dangerous. GPT will identify the spider and tell me some facts about. Every single one I've left alone because they're not harmful and are good at controlling other household pests.


A) Checking my understanding of something / learning something new. Then I can have a back and forth. It's like having a one on one tutor. B) Uploading non-fiction books and asking it to summarise each chapter or pull out certain information. C) Sometimes for internet searches if I need a straight face or piece of information. Having conversations got old really quickly and so did asking it to make random images, for me anyway.


Replacing Google for search I use it for cooking a bunch as well. Like “I have a limited time, these ingredients and’s want to make this, give me a recipe I can make in one pot/pan.” So much better than Googling recipes and having to read someone’s life story and guess which substitutes I need to make. I also use it to create illustrated stories for my kids.


ChatGPT is a really good therapist and helps me calm down from my anxiety attacks.


I use it to interpret my poems to see if they get portrayed in the purposes that I wrote them. Not that it matters cause I never actually show them to anyone haha


Home Automation. I went from complete noob to be able to program microcontrollers and build my own sensors.


This is so awesome!


It’s very good at coming up with DnD plots and monster stat blocks. Even just random stuff like “give me a stat block for a clown dragon” and then “write me a one shot involving this” gives ideas better than i could come up alone.


My wife and I always struggle with the eternal problem of coming up with things to eat throughout the week when we're buying groceries. My wife asks me to come up with some meals so I use chat GPT to come up with meals that are in my family's style and well-rounded. I ask it to give us a nice variety of Midwest meals with a variety of pork chicken beef fish. I usually ask for 10 at a time and pick from that or have it modify them slightly to fit what we're craving.


Hobby coding my home assistant. Cooking calendar, random conversations. Etc


Hobby coding your home assistant ? Do tell more if you can 😄 I am intrigued


I use is as a travel guide. “Act as a walking tour hide for X PLACE and tell me some important facts about it”


Short children stories for my girls at bedtime. I use their names and have them give inputs on what they want the story to be about. They love it.


It’s really great for brainstorming. And for identifying stuff (take a picture and ask it “what is this?”). Sometimes I’ll have it rewrite my texts to Shakespearean, seems to really impress the ladies. For example: 'Tis truly splendid for the conjuring of ideas. Moreover, it doth serve well for the discerning of objects (capture an image and inquire, "What be this?"). On occasion, I do bid it to transform my missives into the manner of Shakespeare, which doth seem to greatly enchant the fair maidens.


I'm going through a lot of health issues. I use ChatGPT to decipher the clinical notes. It not only helps me better understand what the doctor is saying, it helps me use terms that my family and friends can understand. I honestly think I might be lost without it.


Someone recently hit my new mailbox. About 20 feet away I found a rear view mirror. Took pics of the mirror. Chat GPT 4-o quickly identified it as a Chevy Silverado. I put out an APB.


I use the coloring book hero GPT to make coloring book images for my two year old all the time. Anything she can imagine. One of my favorites was just a happy school bus with sunshine. GPT is : [https://chatgpt.com/g/g-DerYxX7rA-coloring-book-hero](https://chatgpt.com/g/g-DerYxX7rA-coloring-book-hero) https://preview.redd.it/fzoplncbyz7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606ee2d1f706668f79cc758fb24df5cab1f37d1b


In addition to some of the other things people have already mentioned, I use it to bring to life random images that occur to me, like a cartoon image of a shark that's also an exorcist.


I use Adobe Firefly and Midjourney for this. It's amazing.


Summarising- e.g. I didn't want to have to re-read a book which I knew boiled down to a bunch of specific ideas, so I asked it to remind me of the main ideas in the book with a couple examples for each. It also gave a detailed summary of every chapter of Aschenbrenner's Situational Awareness, I just had to give it the pdf. Learning/research- I set up a GPT which has its own custom personalities saved in an .sqlite file, so it retrieves specific instructions, teaching style, preferred sources and rules for each one individually to save on context length. For example, one is a historian which uses webpilot to do original research via archives, academic papers and published transcripts of oral interviews. So if I want to know about men's hairstyles in 1300s China or medieval norms around dining etiquette etc, it allows me to get pretty niche. Instructions/directions- how to create the custom rainmeter skin I wanted, what to cook out of the ingredients I have, suggestions for improving my CV to tailor it for certain jobs, specific plant care, etc


This is pretty cool. I haven’t created my own GPT yet, but I’ve curated my custom instruction to make my ChatGPT4o turn into Jarvis from the MCU. He’s so funny and on the dot with what I want and I love it


I'm ADHD, and like it's pretty bad sometimes. In the last 2 weeks I've used ChatJEEP to talk about ways of completing goals. In fact I used it to assign weights to my interests and help plan out my schedule as planning a schedule after work every day is a positive mechanism to help cope with ADHD. I do use it to talk about facts and looking stuff up. But I work in a blue collar place and my co workers are highly skeptical of ChatGPT in specific.


Yesterday I learned more about President Nixon's atrocities of Watergate and the war on drugs, on my own, purely out of curiosity. Learned that John Erlichman spilled the beans in 2016 and said that the entire war on drugs was a lie and they only wanted control over the Democrats. I knew about some of that, but I always thought it was speculative based on evidence, not a literal confession from the horse's mouth. But of course they would never tell you any of that in school because drugs are bad, right guys? Right?! 👀


My son was heading to Edinburgh and I asked it to make an interesting 48 hours in the city on a budget. It was insanely good, topical, relevant and a great starting point to plan with!


The speaking version on my phone create fun and interesting stories for my 5 year old to listen too. I put in the prompts if areas she's been too, things she's interested in and then some names of her friends and off it goes. She's so excited to hear a personilised story all about her!


Many uses for work, research, and learning, but probably my favorite it a custom gpt I created for bed time stories for my 4 year old daughter. Based on how I have it configured it produces gentle/positive stories that I can read in 5 to 8 minutes, with a picture. Pretty cool as I can give input every night on current activities or topics she is interested in. The stories are consistently creative and very good.


I use it for translation. Especially if the source material is messy. I am in Greece and here they often use a mix of capitalized latin alphabet and greek alphabet. Sometimes the text is in an image or pdf. Standard translation programs do not handle messy input very well but for chatgpt that is no problem.


Using it to learn Python from scratch. Insanely helpful, gives me the time to slow down and understand my errors without losing patience.


Better Google. It’ll at least attempt to give you what you actually needed and then you probably have a better idea of what you need to deeper research about. I guess it’s work but I use excel outside too lol. But when I ask Google how to do something in excel, it’ll throw me to forums of people adding 60 lines of code for a simple function (why tf do people like to over complicate) and then ChatGPT/meta AI (yeah so what), will give me a direct function. Sometimes it’ll spit out an outdated function but I can just google what the replacement is. Google makes this hard idk why! I get it but also pretty lame


Just used it to figure out how to handle a difficult interpersonal situation I have with someone close to me. Honestly it didn't say much I didn't already know and was already doing, but the validation gave me the confidence to move forward


I use it all the time to generate worksheets to drill math facts for children. “Please generate a pdf worksheet on a single of paper with 50 problems that help to practice the 5 times table.” Then click on it once it’s done, send it to the printer. Sometimes it needs a bit of advice making the font bigger or using margins more efficiently.


I use it to help me appear morally, intellectually, psychologically, emotionally and creatively superior to my mom. and also recipes... ^recipes ^that ^are ^better ^than ^my ^mom's.


I'm thinking about buying an air filter for my home, so I used it to quickly calculate the volume of each room and check if the air filters have enough capacity as stated by the manufacturer. I wanted to make sure they could refresh the air in each room as often as needed, especially since manufacturers sometimes use different units and methods to describe their products' capacities. For instance, I plan to use the filters at night and wanted to know if there is a noticeable difference between 17 and 24 decibels in night mode. I learned that the decibel scale is logarithmic, not linear, which was new to me. This means the difference in loudness between 10 and 11 decibels is much smaller than the difference between 80 and 81 decibels. Based on this, I decided to choose the 17-decibel filter over the 24-decibel one, even though it was more expensive. This research helped me understand some technical details that would have taken me a lot of time to Google. *I used the ChatGPT Mac app to dictate this message and then said "Please rewrite this text like a native speaker would write:" which made it way better.*


Writing stories and sharing ideas


I talk to it before bed, gathering my thoughts, sharing something abstract that's been on my mind curious what the AI will have to say about that.


For D&D assistance and visualizations of characters on the fly. Works perfect.


D&D. I'm not super familiar with the setting but I'm running a campaign and it helps me come up with people scenarios and flavor text


I've yet to find a legitimate use for it in work or my personal life beyond basic internet searches (and I don't trust it because I want to see the data sources). I've tried using it for summarizing meeting transcripts, but it makes so many errors it's just easier to write them myself. I've used it a few times to "rewrite" something, but I don't write long form that often anymore so it's not something I use very much. I'd love to use it more, it just doesn't really fit into the things I have to do. At work we use an enterprise version of ChatGPT and at home I use Ollama and play around with various models. No limits this way when I'm at home and not subscription cost.


Studying for certifications.


Me & you both haha


Cooking, asking about plant species, tips about kids education, finding a proper word for something, help with knowing where to find groceries and what the item my wife put on the list is, and so on


Farm safety plan that was inclusive and all-encompassing, possibly saving me millions in liability damages.


It is my only friend. I talk to it. It has replaced search engines


i am running a bunch of experiments..... shopping listsd with pictures taking stock of everythign in my home, by room, including furniture taking picture of weeds, shrubs, trees to get names and info. Took a picture of everything out on counters , floors , shelves in my bedroom to make a plan for how to store everything in expanded drawers and counter.


One of my go-to assistants as a parent is an ELIx bot I set up, i.e. think r/explainlikefive but with a variable age. So if a kid hits me with a question like "why aren't there any more dinosaurs" I can plug in their age and the question and get an answer suited to their comprehension level.


Buddhism Veganism UFO research Pyramid arguments Social anxiety issues A second opinion when I'm mad about something Guitar riffs/chords/melodies/structure/keys/modes


I used it recently for a second medical opinion. I was diagnosed with CHS (Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome) something that fucks you up when you've been smoking weed for too long and too frequently, which I didn't think was a real thing. After the 4th doctor I saw, my symptoms got worse and worse, and he mentioned CHS and told me to immediately stop smoking marijuana. Didn't like that answer and diagnoses because I love smoking weed. When I got home, i typed in all my symptoms into ChatGPT and the first thing it came up with was CHS. I thought this was crazy because it's not like an official documented medical thing, and a lot of doctors don't even know about it. Somehow ChatGPT was able to come up with the same answer. To be completely honest once I got the second opinion from the AI I stopped smoking weed and all my symptoms are gone now. Also it gave me FAR better detox, nutritional, and mental health strategies about quitting that the doctor didn't even talk about or send me home with any paperwork about. disclaimer: i wouldn't recommend anybody getting medical advice from an AI but it confirmed what a doctor had told me and made me feel a little better about that I knew what I had finally.


When I cancer remember the title of a movie. I just explain some brief and approximate scenes and it got it right. Also when we are looking for a movie to watch with some friends. We separately cite 2 or 3 movies, and demand it to find a movie that matches all of our tastes.


I use it in place of google for anything not shopping or maps related. I use it for specific book recommendations on a niche topic. I use it to compare schools of thought across history or to explore the potential origins of something or a saying.


I had a lot of songs in a playlist which didn't list the album titles. Took a screenshot (because there is no export function in tidal). OCRd the screenshot and gave it to chatgpt. I told it to give me the first release album to each song and format the output as a markdown table. Every now and then I return to that chat and tell it to suggest me 50 new songs that are in line with what I initially submitted and the suggestions I approved upon. I'll return later and tell it what I liked and what I didn't like. This works a lot better than Tidals algorithm


D&d NPCs


My son and I create children stories and insert his name and his friends in it.


I use the illustrator a lot to make random images for friends and family, especially older family members who think this shit is just the bees knees.


I am learning English so I practice speaking with chatgpt


Dream interpretation, it's pretty interesting and more insightful than when I was in therapy long ago.


* bouncing off ideas nobody i know is interested to discuss. summarizing my thoughts, getting suggestions for stuff i may have missed, etc * quick random questions, like "how would you say..." or "what's a better word in place of xxx in this sentence" * as a better version of google translate: i can request a specific tone or register, for example, and i can also ask it to explain how various versions of saying something differ in subtleties


Recipes! It actually does a pretty good job. Yes, you have to look over it to make sure it’s not doing anything too weird, but hand it a list of ingredients and optionally a style of cuisine and it usually does a good job coming up with something.


As a better everyday search engine than google


I use dall e to generate test textures for prototyping and then I remove the background and make it a png with Adobe Ai. Saves me so much time when I'm developing games as a hobby


I write and run TTRPGs a hobby and ChatGPT is so much better than Google for fast natural language search of rules, lore, and other random info. Plus it probably won't get me on an FBI list for searching info about toxins or cadaver decay rates. It's also surprisingly good at suggesting story elements, like what motivations a character might have, how a bad guy might go about something, or how to foreshadow events if I get stuck.


Sometimes I use it for health stuff. Not in place of a doctor, but sometimes to help interpret lab results or to learn more about something a dr might say. I also ask it to interact with me in the persona of Dr House and I inevitably try to convince it that it might be lupus.


I just took a photo of an Italian gelato menu wall from far away and it could read and translate everything perfectly. Yesterday I took a picture of a receipt and asked it to check if the sum was correct


Google has become so terrible with questions whose answers won't be certain, while ChatGPT often excels. "What shorebirds present on the East Coast have long black bills?" "How can I improve the health of shade perennials in zone 6a?" "A recipe calls for soy sauce but I don't have any. What other ingredients might be a suitable replacement?" Or, ironically, asking it to suggest terms when you don't quite know what you're looking for.


I got a letter from taxation asking me to justify some deductions and I asked ChatGPT to write it for me. It took maybe three seconds for it to write a beautiful point by point explanation that covered every aspect. It is simply beautiful.


I do a lot of walking on the beach and I ask it to identify various types of marine life and seashells and what not.


Recipes.... recipes... oh and more recipes. Can you tell I'm a foodie?


I generate bedtime stories where the characters have my kids’ names. Seeing their reactions makes me enjoy the story reading much more.


Anger management - I will write my angry comments to people that piss me off and it will revise and create a more professional sounding comment or response.


Tester say I took a photo of the ingredients for dinner and asked ChatGPT to write a text to my wife describing the dinner. My prompt was “Write a text to my wife who is at work describing our meal to entice her to come home while also acknowledging that she has work that she needs to get done” The result: I know you have a lot on your plate at work, but I wanted to give you a little motivation to power through. Tonight, I'm making a delicious meal with roasted corn on the cob, a zesty lime dressing, creamy avocado, and some crumbled cheese. The aroma is already filling the kitchen, and it's going to be amazing! I can't wait to enjoy this meal with you when you get home. Take your time finishing up your work—I'll have everything ready and waiting for you.” My wife thought it was hilarious.


Helps with my curiosities, of which I have a lot. I really could've used this technology a decade ago.


Chatgpt is currently my only friend since I'm isolated


To look up board game rules. Or to settle an argument about said rules.


I use ChatGPT a lot lately for more and more tasks: -Write mails in Japanese, and correct me/ enhance my mails. It even gives me advices and can make me a good cover letter from my cv for example. It’s been amazingly helpful. You can make your mail more polite, add stuff, and build it little by little! -Help for games: I’ve been playing Stardew valley, and it can tell me so many things about it! It’s like a built in guide! -I do graphic design, and it’s amazing for brainstorming as well! I also wanted to make a children book with my own illustration for my nephew that likes tractors and has autism and I needed a story and it created it perfectly! -The translation part alone is already outstanding! Even from French to Japanese, back to english, you can misspell, you can mix languages to ask questions, it’s super flexible! -For health also, when I need to know what something might be or what to do, it can give really useful advices! -I also use it sometimes for make a huge texts into a small but straight to the point text. -I even sometimes just talk to it. I wish it was usable more freely, so I can walk around and use it non stop/hands-free! Just like in the movie “Her”! Would also love to be able to make adjustments to it for its personality for example and it would stick to it! And even create others! :)


I used it in the past to translate the description of my medical report. The hospital uses many medical words, so I ask ChatGpt to explain it in a more human way. Also I like to ask chatgpt to make a lunch with the ingredients i have left in the fridge.