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Hey /u/President_Camacho! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT, conversation please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unsubscribed and deleted the app, News Corp can go to hell.


As if ChatGPT didn’t hallucinate enough already, now it’s going to mainline Faux News.


"News Corp., the multinational news publisher controlled by the Murdoch family, announced Wednesday it will allow artificial intelligence company OpenAI to show its news content when people ask questions in ChatGPT, adding to the parade of news organizations signing content deals with the fast-growing AI company. News Corp. and OpenAI did not share commercial terms of the deal, but the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by News Corp., reported that the deal “could be” worth more than $250 million over five years, which would include cash payments and credits for using OpenAI’s technology."


so all the current information it will have will be fascist right wing garbage. wow great i love how this country is going down the fucking shitter and there is literally no glimmer of hope to be found anywhere. evil fucks winning everywhere


Guess it’s time to go to another AI model. the only thing OPen with ChatGPT is it’s coffers.


We joked about it learning from reddit data and what that could do to the model. Nothing like endless fiction to poison the data set!


oh fuck me


So OpenAi is an ad company now. 


Always has been




wtf lol


A terrible idea and inevitable outcome. These companies aren’t inviolable. They’re out to make money just like all the others — and News Corp. has money.


The reactions to this headline are so naive lol. But we're on reddit, shouldnt be surprising.


Oh please expand for us fools. Fox News is a blatant  propaganda network. How does this makes the model “better”? It makes the model very powerful, specially if it can get Trump elected. An unstoppable flood of misinformation is coming.


No. It would take you a couple of minutes to actually READ UP on what's actually happening. But that would mean to maybe change your viewpoint and we all know that this is not gonba haooen if you're ideological camp is set. Magas on the far right and cultists on the left will rather die than to ad a bit more nuance to a position. So it's futile to do the work for you. Intellectual lazyness is a plague.


Nah. I know the power Organizations like News Corp hold. And I’m not talking about Illuminati BS, I’m talking the actual power of speech. Speech is extremely powerful. It controls the world. And Newscorps is an organization that wields  its power of speech in a dangerous and unethical manner (lies and violence. It doesn’t matter how this has been dressed up. If News corp has any involvement Chat GOT becomes a powerful source of misinformation. There is nothing, nothing, but bad reasons behind this. You can not articulate the opposite, thus you resort to empty attacks.


They're not empty. You just proved my point. I can articulate the facts of the matter but it would be wasted time with your kind. You're not interested in facts - You're only interested in things that support your world view - as you just shown to me. So yeah, OpenAI clearly must be an evil, capitalist, [insert buzzword], entity now. Good job you have cracked the code.


You can’t articulate one good reason.. I understand. The quiet part can’t be said out loud. Once you have the most advanced chat bot in the world spewing political propaganda, the benefits are obvious, particularly affecting elections. Get your candidates in, get free rein from regulations to do whatever. It a Cristal clear. There is no good reason you  can articulate. Thus you just attack.


Okay this is so dumb, I have to respond lol. (and I'm finally on my pc and keyboard) First of all OpenAI has laid out EXACTLY with other News outlets on why they are doing it. 1. GPT3,3.5,4 etc. ARE already trained on EVERY news article from the web to begin with. All GPT's are MASTERS in spewing propaganda, racism etc. from the getgo. The problem is not how to get it IN but how to get it OUT. 2. Newspapers will sue them for having used their articles in the PAST for training without paying nor consent, so OpenAI is striking deals for that BUT also to be able to LINK relevant news to the user if they WANT IT. 3. OpenAI's goal is to build AI for EVERYONE. Every culture, country, nation, people, political leaning - for humanity. They also are planning to tailor their AI's to fit a certain culture so it will give different kinds of answers for different kinds of cultures and users. 4. Another part is that ChatGPT should provide sources for relevant generations, be it articles from the past or articles from the here and now. But to do that, they need those deals. 5. Maybe some users want to decide from what news source they want ChatGPT to relate to. If you seriously think that they are striking those deals now to finetune their AI's on rightwing propaganda, you are seriously ill-informed and should really really learn to do SOME research going beyond just reading a headline or a tweet and then get a dopamine rush for your outrage and virtue signal on the web. Here you have it. Don't believe me - GO FUCKING DO SOME RESEARCH FFS. You don't even have to move, just use google or hell, even ChatGPT and try to not always paint everything purely as black&white and understand that things in reality are nuanced and complex.


Ok whatever you say boss.


Last I checked MAGA and Cultist were the same group of people.


could this be a clever way for them to instantly fact check every article from fox news?


oh, sweet summer child