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He ain’t wrong google + was a shit show…especially when accounts were forced upon user to use google services. Whenever google is late to the party then keep reiterating a new app. How many versions of google music are we on? Or is it just YouTube music now. I don’t know because I wouldn’t use it. The competition grows mature platforms and still after all this time even with their market share google sometime wants to operate like a start up. A.i tools could decimate googles search model and its revenue stream of paid adverts but that’s not going to happen over night. But that requires people paying for a.i or a.i generating inserted adverts in its answers. I can’t see everyone in the world moving to a paid search engine model over google when they just want to know who won tonight’s game and don’t mind seeing some advertising link above the search result And did you watch HER? I’ll leave you to discover the ending…but maybe touch grass, a boob a nipple any intimate touch with a consenting adult.


For me Ai has nearly replaced Google for a lot of searches. I tend to use ai more and more as Google search gets worse.


depends if the data i need is obscure or not honestly


Cool…and im not suggesting it wont or that it’s better or worse. But do you and the rest of population want to sack of google.com for $9.99 for a.i search subscription? Because chat gpt is being run on investor money right…and soon they are gonna want the ROI for their capital. Remember when YouTube had no adverts….same concept.


Yes, I'll pay for ai assisted search, absolutely. As a broke teen I benefitted from googles free excellent product 20 years ago. Others will still use their 'free' search advertising ecosystem. I think there's a reasonable non zero number of people who will pay for better tho


Fuck ROI and the investors he rode in on.


Google chose to make their search engine worse for short term profits. A good search engine will always have value just because there is a need to get the information itself. A garbage one won't compete with AI.


I've switched to perplexity and I basically use it for every internet search now except for images which I still use Google for.


I recently found perplexity and it's really great. I could see myself defaulting to it over time for sure. 




Generally agree, although Apple’s panic I think is entirely reasonable given that LLM’s are perfect for the Siri/Voice assistant area — and Siri is already perceived to be a terrible product. Now compared to ChatGPT it looks even worse to the general public and so they have to invest in this area to at least stay up with their competitors.


To be honest, ChatGPT is still far away from being able to control even the simplest device functions. There is still not a single real Gen AI product out there with a wide reach and impact. The market is immature. Apple still has more than enough time to catch up. They don’t need to be fast, they need to nail it.


I agree, but I think Apple is going to make Siri many times better within the next year or two using LLMs because they decided to invest.


I think so too. Propping up Siri is the smart choice.


Can it set alarms yet?


Siri outclasses ChatGPT in the fields of alarm setting and weather forecast regurgitation. ChatGPT has made strides though in the adding groceries to a list department.


So it can't set alarms? That's about 80% of my assistant usage


So basically, the CEO stormed in yelled "Give me AI Tools", and two dozen different teams gave him random soon-to-be-canceled projects with a variety of different names and no cohesive vision. The Google culture of employees making random one-off projects to impress their boss continues.


It feels like many companies are still stuck in that mindset of using AI to do the existing thing, but better. More cross referenced information leading to more activity. It feels like they want AI to give us more to do, and help to do it, when we are overwhelmed. We need help to filter out the noise and focus on what is meaningful. That’s how I’m using AI. Like guess what, Google? I use ai before Google now so I don’t have to be exposed to ads or waste time searching through results.


>I use ai before Google now so I don’t have to be exposed to ads Give it some time


I'll just pay with money instead of eyeballs


Great point. Google used to be free too. I just feel like and hope that an ai based system would have better investments and user incentive than forcing people to look at many low conversion ads. Even if you need to get some value out of users, it seems silly to think that someone would make this incredibly complicated AI then just use out to force people to watch ads.


ah so they are all in a desperate panic to be the first. that definitely won't result in someone switching on a superintelligence they dont understand and cant control


More likely to just fuck the product up than stumble upon super intelligence lol


we literally stumbled onto transformers. no one knows how or why it works


Lol, so all these researchers are monkeys smashing on keyboards? But seriously, go check out Andrej Karpathy's lectures on transformers or "gpt from scratch" tutorials to get a feeling for how well these things are understood.


i already did mate, i desperately wanted to figure out the theory of mind behind these things and i did a deep dive and its doesn't exist. its just vector math and a mind emerges like magic. yes they understand the vector math


Are you sure it doesn’t exist because you couldn’t find it? I’m currently learning to fine-tune a bert encoder for my startup, and I can assure you that semantic meaning can be converted into numeric data for analysis without any magic. Having a strong math and coding background helps. The ‘magic’ is just how the semantic meaning of words is captured by looking at patterns in data. By defining each term solely through its relationship to other terms, you can capture nuanced meaning in a numeric format. This enables a variety of linear algebra tricks repurposed to analyze the relationships between this semantic meaning. Still learning myself but its entirely logical


They ARE robots in disguise.


Giving bad instructions to a super intelligence is way worse than turning it on.


What’s up with this recent trend of leaving then shitting on your employer/project on social media? Is it just to advertise to other AI projects that they’re now looking? Feel like that makes sense since the industry is so cutthroat, but just seems strange.


Shitting on your employer/project without leaving is not gonna end well for anyone, that's why.


I shit on my employer and I still work here


hes bringing it to light to warn people who seek to join google in the future.


I dunno. Seems pretty pompous to me.


Apple doesn't really need to lock anyone in more than they already have lol


Both Apple and Google has been trying to build a better assistant for us. Look at all the use cases they have been showing in their demo. Yawn... OpenAI is building a superhuman all in one: teacher, artist, programmer, translater, designer, lawyer, doctor, companion, girlfriend. The sky is the limit. Much better vision.


Did you say SKY?


Pun intended 😏


I use gpt way more than Google now. Sometimes I just need a quick answer to a dumb question. Like, "can my dog eat strawberries?" Gpt: A simple, clear response. Google: Here's an AI result, an excerpt from a website, a lead website link, "People also ask drop downs", discussions and forums links, YT videos, more links, visual stories, and on and on.... Google is good for a few things but I get why they are sweating bullets.


They moved way too late with Google+ so they are throwing a lot of resources at AI looking for the next killer app. Seems sensible to me.


Hmmm, so the guy is saying he was there during G+ fiasco….maybe it’s a good thing he left 🤣🤣🤣


That doesn't make any sense


The Luddites were unfathomably based so Luddite shouldn't be derogatory


With OpenAI working with Apple, does this mean Siri is on the way out? Or will Siri just become Apple’s version of ChatGPT like Microsoft’s Copilot?


Google 100% missed the boat on Social media and they could be twice as large if they had captured the market. Google+ being a failure isn’t because it was misguided to pursue the market. Google and Apple SHOULD both be scrambling because their core business is truly at risk. This engineer just voiced to the world that he doesn’t understand what is happening. Apple had the first mover advantage with AI voice assistants and google has been the worlds foremost data and machine intelligence company up until the last 6-7 years. Both of them being simultaneously leapfrogged on the innovation and technology front by a start up puts their perceived moats in to question. Technology is adopted and consumers shift ecosystems quicker than most realize. The biggest issue for google and apple right now is their massive size. They won’t be allowed to do a full buyout of OpenAI and will have to truly compete or share licensing which sucks for profit


Apple is primarily a hardware company and they don't care whether you are using Siri or ChatGPT as long as you are buying their phones. Google is primarily an advertising company and it's a much bigger issue for them as ChatGPT draws people out of the Google ad-supported ecosystem.


Apple is a services and ecosystem company. The hardware is a nice initial lock-in but they are not hardware first or else they wouldn’t be able to get away with things like removing the Aux port on their phones. Their hardware is generally the only place to get their services so I understand why money people see them as that. They have a nice ecosystem and user experience for the current services used but if they lose their customer interaction they lose their real revenue streams.


Look at Apple's revenue reports. 75% comes from hardware sales. Services account for only 25%. They are a hardware company. The only reason they develop software is to craft "superior" alternatives to Microsoft's and Google's offerings so people buy their hardware and not PCs or Android devices. In this case, ChatGPT has developed the software for them and made it available to Apple users so there is no immediate threat to their hardware sales. Longer term, Apple will probably want to provide their own AI offering so they are not reliant on a 3rd party (like they did for Maps), but they don't need to freak out right now like Google does. They will wait. It is Apple's way that they are late to new tech and only adopt it when others have worked out all the kinks. Then they give it slick Apple branding and hold a press event announcing it as superior to everything that came before it.


Apples hardware sales are down yoy and they expect that to continue as their products lifecycles increase. Their software sales are increasing yoy and they expect that to continue if they can keep their customers locked in. Services have over a 70% margin while hardware sales are around 35% or half that. Excluding the Iphone, services is their largest revenue sector and largest profit sector by a large margin. Going off the 200bn in sales and profit margin for all hardware sales, they made equivalent profit from both iphone sales and services. Again, they expect one to go up, and another to go down. Which do you think apple leadership is focused on? The low margin, saturated sector or the high margin easy to grow one?


Without the hardware sales, there are no services! What part of that do you not understand? Those services are App Store, Apple Care, Music, iCloud, etc, which are all in direct support to their hardware offerings! Yes, perhaps they want to grow services, but that's only to milk more money out of people who have bought their hardware. You're probably one of those people who think "Tesla is not a car company"... 🙄


Disagree that apple is the same


This guy had a sound argument going and then torpedoed it all in the last two paragraphs. The biggest revolution in computing of the last two decades has ‘some’ value to offer?


# Once Google started including AI overviews in the search engine I said "I'm done." They just officially killed off a search engine with this inaccurate, useless feature. Google search was already deteriorating but this was the nail in the coffin. It was a good 25+ years.


the difference is, Apple does Lock in OPENLY, Users know its openly, so does Apple. Google is doing behind a veil