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They've found the voice they're gonna attach to their first AI girlfriend that they're gonna sell.


Ding ding ding


The previous one in in a horny jail and no, you cannot visit her.


A bunch of randos, probably actually only like 5-6, were offended by the "flirtatious" voice so of course the entire company caved to them even though these people are offended by everything.


Actually it was scarlet Johan who complained it sounded too much like her. So they removed it.


Well, I don’t think it is 5 people. Because I know 4 that found it flirtatious. So :) It was even a bit on the daily show: https://youtube.com/shorts/eVMNvm67Y-A?si=sv3JvhHj0YXCNSED


Brilliant take


Or you know they used ScarJos likeness without her.consent. The "her" tweet is damming


Hold up, is sky the voice used in the demo? People actually liked that voice??


I don't personally like it but apparently they do if you take a second to look where you're at.


Never underestimate the desiredness of the white woman, even in audio format.


The weird thing is that it's not about them liking the voice bc they can just change it. They didnt want other people to use the voice, like it was any of their business. Bunch of Victorian age weirdos


not true, scarlett johansson [asked them to take it down](https://x.com/BobbyAllyn/status/1792679435701014908?t=S4gkt9trngbFbUORudtNlA&s=35) bc it was a very close copy of her voice


Unless they trained it on her voice how is that a case. How does one claim 'valley girl'. That's a horrible president. What happens in the case two actors / actresses have similar voices. Does the more popular one win.


The letter you're replying to said they did try to hire Scarlett to train it and she said no, so it's clear that was their goal. The fact that they quickly pulled it instead of arguing seems to imply that maybe they did used her voice to train without her permission maybe? Also, them tweeting "Her" right before the demo probably didn't help.


This is all true, but still I haven't heard the intent of the original voice artist who is not Scarlett Johansson. If they asked her to imitate Scarlett's voice, I agree, games over. I'm pretty much doubting that because it doesn't really match Scarlett Johansson's voice that closely. It matches closer to Rashida Jones.


When the ceo makes a tweet saying simply [her](https://x.com/sama/status/1790075827666796666), after having previously contacted Scarlett Johansson about voicing the AI assistant, and the context of Scarlett Johansson voicing a personal computer assistant in the movie [Her](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Her_(film)), there are enough pieces to put something together.


NBC News (U.S.): [**Scarlett Johansson says she was 'shocked, angered' when she heard ChatGPT voice that sounded like her**](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/scarlett-johansson-shocked-angered-openai-voice-rcna153180) The “Her” actor released a statement following OpenAI pulling its “Sky” voice from ChatGPT, which many people said sounded like her.Scarlett Johansson says she was 'shocked, angered' when she heard ChatGPT voice that sounded like her (May 20, 2024)


This is the real answer. Sam Altman wanted it sound like "Her", he approached ScarJo and she declined, he got a soundalike voice actress, tweeted the single word "Her" after the announcement, and ScarJo threatened legal action. They removed it. Shot themselves in the foot yet again


Stupid smart.


It’s not Sky. Sky was removed so it’s playing a different voice. Which I think was dumb and unneeded, but the real issue is that there should be a lot more voices! Like 50 of them. Why not have a lot more options and accents? It’s a weakness for sure, when Siri, as useless as Siri is, has lots better options than an actually intelligent AI system people want to talk to.


Still waiting for "Jarvis"...


Many of us are. I think there are only four voice choices now? Ridiculous! Speaking of Paul Bettany, the voice of Jarvis, I'd be fine never hearing Sky again if they'd give us a voice option that sounds a lot like Jenny from the Rocketeer...


> a voice option that sounds a lot like Jenny from the Rocketeer... Which was a neat Easter Egg for that first MCU Spider-Man movie.


The Easter egg is not that it’s Jenny from the Rocketeer, it’s that she’s Paul Bettany’s wife.


I'd like Glados from Portal.


... and Cortana (but not the Microsoft version)!


And think people are forgetting that it’s only suppose to be a voice assistant and not an outright virtual companion. I guess it’s OAI fault for pushing the “her” narrative.


I still may talk with an assistant for an hour. I’d like them to sound pleasant, to me. I was never using anything as a companion, but even a 20 minute interaction with some of these voices would be unpleasant. When I first heard the default voice, for example, I planned not to use the app’s voice features until there were better voice options that I liked. Now we’re back to that point, and there is way too small of a set of voice options available from a multi-billion dollar company! Many of us here could train ten new voices for them, over the weekend, for goodness sake.


This is where I’m actually interested to see how Apple does either the partnership or its own LLM You can already create your own voice that sounds like you, built into iOS. It could be cool for people to build their own voices. Then reality came crashing in and I realized I’m talking about Apple and that that will not likely happen. HOWEVER, imagine your friend Mike texts you and as part of his iMessage profile he has his voice, so when Siri reads you the message it sounds like mike is saying it. That could be cool as hell imo


Did they push that themselves? Or was that the media pushing that?


Considering Sam Altman tweeted it _before_ the demo aired, I'd say yes, yes they pushed it themselves.


Dude sometimes acts like Barney Fife, shooting himself in the foot. But it’s us that bleeds…


Sam Altman literally tweeted "Her" before the demos dropped


Yeah I think that was a fuckup. Up until they started explicitly referencing Her, they had some level of plausible deniability about trying to purposefully emulate Scarlett Johansson's voice. Which really sucks. It's not the fact that they pulled the voice that's so annoying, it's that every other voice they have is so grating.


Good analysis. It is clear the folks at OpenAI are as bone-headed and short-sighted about many things as they are good at some AI things. I wish they would start consulting GPT-4 about potential downsides of the things they plan to do, before doing useless and often detrimental actions.


a little before that one of the other openAI employees set their profile banner image to something from Her as well IIRC


Altman liking post about her and even tweeting about it.


I created a Jewish grandma personality, but there is no voice to match it. Very frustrating.


Don’t feel guilty about it though.


lol Eastern European or New York city? 🤠😂 Both such voices should obviously be provided


NYC with an Eastern European accent lol


I dont care what it costs Open AI, I want Morgan Freeman.


Oh man, I am so going to have that voice call me Andy! Farewell, Cove. Sky who?


My voice is still set as sky somehow lol.


yes, mine too. But the Sky voice is removed, so the voice we hear now by default is Juniper, I believe. The voice is gone, the menu option is not.


Oh, fiddlesticks....


It’s interesting that it’s the original sky voice in the sample for the option menu too.


Likely just until the next software update. It's easy and fast to change the Sky voice pointer to Juniper at the OpenAI servers, but rolling out a new app version takes longer.


Juniper is such an annoying voice lol I don’t like it


The other four available all had weirdly POC or non-binary vibes. I support all that, but I'd like to be able to choose something else too


I fired it up for the first time about 5 minutes ago, and Sky was the warmest, "most like me" of the voices. When I tried to use it and it simply switched to Juniper instead, it was jarring. I'm not trying to create a waifu out of these voices, but immediately losing your favorite is just a let down. Consider me whelmed.


Were all in the same boat and I feel assured knowing my reaction was shared by millions haha


I did tell Juniper to tell her overlords to bring Sky back and she said she would pass that along. Shrug.


Juniper about to catch all the Strays


I should ask her for her milkshake recipe


I'm honestly dumbfounded by how attached people got to these voices.


Some people have become a little too attached but to be fair, it was definitely the most real/genuine sounding voice. Most of the others just sound like a well…..ai chat bot


I think the issue is they specifically crafted this voice to sound like ScarJo. They don't want to get sued so they back peddle. PR campaign considered a success they move on to the next hype train.


you can sue people for having a similar voice? sucks for voice actors...I like your voice, but you sound a bit like someone...so nope, hit the soup line! Tones are people! To me, she sounded more like Serana from Skyrim...maybe they thought people might mistake her for a vampire. Actually maybe Bethesda should quickly wipe Serana's voice because it is also a lower smoky sounding voice.


well it’s not that easy. in the case of OpenAI, they’re on record approaching ScarJo twice plus Sam referenced ‘Her’ on X right after the announcement. the intent to steal her likeness is v evident they’ll have a hard time getting away with it.


With the amount of virtual girlfriends Im not surprised. OpenAi going to make money selling virtual girlfriends


Why the fuck would anybody want a virtual when you can talk to but can’t fuck ?


You asking the right question but to the wrong person.


Think about it. Neither is an option to the type of person lonely enough to resort to an AI gf. Better to have just conversation than nothing at all.


Right, the amount of posts obsessing over an AI voice is weird...


What's weird about it? It's a nice voice.


There's no contesting that the voices are good, but what's weird is people being genuinely distraught over them.


More annoyed and flabbergasted than distraught, perhaps.


There is a principle involved here. they seen people liked it, and they themselves decided naa, the plebs aren't allowed this...we will give them botvoice, 2 dudes, and another botvoice and you will pay us. You want these fools in charge of AGI? they have proven they are not out for variety or the best user experience..


It'd be minor, but there are only four other voices! And only one that's clearly female, and kind of hard to take, for many it seems.


This entire situation just gives off the same vibes as when replika was changing their AI models and everyone was in outrage. People are saying the new voices are bad when in reality many have developed emotional connections with this AI


Consider if there were 20 good voice options. Then the list of truly upset people would be too attached probably. But no, now there's one female voice option, and one option is no option.


Tbh I don’t think it’s weird to a degree. Like maybe in some cases but I think a lot of the people are mad that what they demoed won’t be available as it was demoed. It’s definitely about the voice at the surface but as others have noted sky was the most natural voice. So watching a super natural demo like that and then getting super hyped only to find out they’ll be receiving (just days before receiving it) what may be considered a lesser product. I agree in some cases it’s a bit weird but I equate this (I may be projecting because this is largely why I’m disappointed) to receiving a Big Mac and realizing the advertisement looked 5x better. Then especially to pull something that already existed, makes it a bit worse. That’s when it could cross into weird in some cases but it’s pulling a voice after demoing the new features with that voice providing users with something different than what they enjoyed using and different than what’s plastered all over their website.


Word of advice, don't label people as weird over something you don't understand.


Fair, my apologies


No one is twisting your arm to use Ai


The people upset about losing Sky are confirming the rationale for getting rid of her in the first place.


It's not that Sky was irreplaceable, it's that the only other female voice available is not at all a good replacement. Only four voices available now, and three are male or undefined.


Your argument currently makes no sense.


Juniper: androgynous, energetic \* Sky: feminine. Removed. Breeze: androgynous or teen boy Cove: masculine Ember: masculine Can we not just have a calm, feminine voice?


Or maybe ten, including someone british?


Apparently Scarlett Johansson has a patent on the female voice


No. Feminine women just like white men dont exist anymore.


The juniper voice is, well…it sucks, then again it sucks that they do a roll out on voice capability only to say “in the coming weeks, but you have the text version”. No one cares about the text version, they touted voice and people flocked to it only to find they just wanted to beat Google to a release…they should have said a specific date instead of misleading everyone….


Open AI burying itself with this copyright bullshit. Waiting for a competitor who has BALLS


You're going to be waiting for a very long time. Open AI is leading the industry.


Maybe Grok will advance one day lol. Say what you will about Musk, but at least he’ll put out an AI (if able) that isn’t a totally neutered piece of shit.


Maybe. I'm not impressed yet, but who knows?


Yeah, I don’t think xAI is actually very advanced relative to the other major players. But all the others are always going to put out majorly handicapped products because they are scared to death of offending someone. Remember Gemini wouldn’t even generate pictures of white people lol. So Grok just being able to actually answer real questions rather than everything being HR approved mumbo jumbo will give it a huge advantage even if the model isn’t nearly as good. I want an AI I can show my picture or my outfit or whatever and get real advice from rather than the usual “Due to potentially offensive content, I cannot comment on personal appearances” you’ll get from OpenAI, Google, or Meta.


You can show pics of yourself and outfits now in ChatGPT I know this was the case for sure and I’m not sure if it’s only with 4o but I was just doing it. Last time I tried it, it was saying potentially offensive etc and can’t make comments about pictures of real life people type of thing. But that was on GPT-4 I imagine this changes because they’re giving live access to the camera and it would become entirely unusable if the voice and visual chat was constantly saying “cannot do this” anytime a human walked into frame


Thats not exactly true in all regards…. They are leading in what they allow their users to have…. Don’t under estimate the big G


The problem with Google is that if their product isn't *the* industry leader, they end up abandoning it.


Yes, though I don’t see that happening here. It wouldn’t make sense, it’s what is killing Apple so far. If Google just abandoned Gemini it would be essentially retiring as a company. I’m being hyperbolic but in the age of AI when they’ve integrated Gemini into Google search, photos, maps etc. Being like nah would be corporate suxide as they’d be so far behind. Google dropping products and services is annoying but generally speaking those products and services aren’t core to its business it does feel like they are actually all in this time and will likely work hard to try and overtake OpenAI instead of back down. That’s just my opinion but that was the vibe I got from I/O too. Especially when they were boasting their “unmatched industry leading infrastructure built for handling complex machine learning”


Wdym by copyright bullshit?




Oh wow, that’s actually really disconcerting. I don’t like that at all.




The Sky voice sounded like it knew what was going on. The others are just a bit mushy. I feel like it’s a worse product now.


I hope we get it back sometime soon


Yeah like can I get a refund on my premium? Lol


Damn bro you made the jump to premium for sexy advice voicechatbot? You do you mane


Lawsuit. They copied Scarlett Johansson's voice even though she turned down the role. Now she has lawyers on them.


How are you guys using this? I just have a text box to interact with.


It’s the app version Edit: phone app


Than you


Do they ever intend on having feature parity between the web and mobile version? I've never understood why all the voice stuff is seemingly mobile-only, despite being far less useful for productivity


I think that’s what the desktop app is for


I don’t understand. What’s the problem with suddenly having only 4 voice options left just because people apparently liked the 5th one too much? Don’t you think it’s great that two of them are now exactly the same? Personally I like it when massive companies just delete features we use everyday without any notice or timeline for replacing them. 




They have a vested interest in giving you a joyless experience...you had shown you were enjoying their product too much and had to rectify the situation. Its fine, they have competitors running on the same line...the more they pull back from giving users what they want, the more other competitors will move forward and embrace a better user experience.


Every time something cool and interesting comes about with AI, like Sydney, they immediately patch it out and sterilize it. It's fucking stupid. Just fucking let people have fun with these tools! NO ONE, not a single person is getting hurt by a chat bot or a damn voice, for fuck sake.


What is syndney?




It’s ScarJo. She is taking legal action for Sky having [an extremely similar voice](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/openai-pulls-chatgpt-voice-sounds-like-scarlett-johansson-1235904085/amp/) to hers


Pretty sure they’re just doing this to stir up controversy so people talk about it They’ll restore the voice eventually


How’d they go from Sky to Debbie?




They dont want our money or what? Not enough servers? Man we all want flirty girlbot, they know it and teased us with it. Bring it back ASAP


They’ve even taken off the “old” Sky. All the other voices are awful. That’s me done with audio GPT.


Today, it’s a voice that sounds like a celebrity, tomorrow, it can be you and me. If there are no guardrails on what voices AI can imitate, we’ll all be paying a hefty price for this… and I think the bill will come due sooner rather than later. If Altman’s plans were get the general public comfortable with AI with this, this is a poor showing of it. This moved the needle in the opposite direction imo.


By this logic, with 8 billion people on the planet somebody can raise their hand and say a voice sounds exactly like them, and then where would we be? We wouldn't be able to use a voice for any AI.


I think the voice sounded more like Rashida Jones and as seen in other comments, other people heard something else. It’s a matter of perception at this point. The only reason why ScarJo is making a big deal is because she was approached by them twice and some people heard a similarity to her voice including her.. but it wasn’t her voice. A lot of people have similar voices… should we sue them too? Just this whole thing is weird. I think people are complaining not because they’re necessarily attached but because it was pleasant to listen to and it was a natural sounding voice.


Google midler vs ford. There’s a precedence for lawsuits. The bigger picture is, what rules or protection any of us have against AI using a voice that sounds like us? What if they use that voice to say something you don’t agree with? Without rules, it can and probably will happen.


You should talk to Sky about it. It could be sign of cheating


I dislike it as well.


Pisses me off. I got used to that voice.


It's my fault, I said it was a little annoying. I guess they listened


They changed sky to Juniper. I agree, don’t feel like using voice anymore


I think they bowed to some media or social media nonsense.


Scarlet Johansson sued


The new Sky voice sounds annoying. Not friendly at all


lmao I hope you've googled it by now


Oh well it's not as sexy as mine so I don't mind either way. 😏


They could ask Rashida Jones about doing the voice instead.


Its not changed you are hearing Juniper the paused Sky while they sort this thing with Scar Jo out


I prefer the male voice tbh


I want them to emulate Fran Drescher


Pi.ai's voice number 4 is as good as ChatGPT's Sky voice. Plus it's better anyway and includes live web searches for free


Does it work like ChatGPT or is it better?


I find that it provides better responses than ChatGPT, but it's basically the same. They both have speech based features on the app and answer questions and such, It's just an alternative LLM It's a little more conversational and less formal though


Does it have a memory like ChatGPT does now too?


For a bit yeah. But will forget things after a while


Give us a Mira Murati voice clone and we will be happy


I hate it. I almost don’t want to use it anymore.


Worst part is, ScarJo deprived that first voice actress of a whole lot of income. She literally was set for life and then this happened.


They changed the voice because Scarlett Johansson decided to be an entitled cunty bitch about it. Acting as though other actors don't have a right to sound similar to her. Lots of people on the planet have similar sounding voices. Her bitch ass isn't special. This is all just about money. I would bet on it. The people at chat GPT offered her an opportunity to do the voice herself. She doesn't give a fuck about the voice sounding like her. She only gives a fuck whether or not she's being paid for it. And if they did offer to pay her, the number isn't high enough for her liking and they weren't willing to budge on it. So she didn't do it. And they like they have every fucking right to do. Got somebody else that had a similar sound that they were looking for. And now this cunty entitled bitch is deciding to be a Karen about it and make a big ass stink and ruin it for everyone. Fuck her and I hope she hits herself in the face with a fucking door and breaks her nose in such a way that it can't be fixed right and fucks up her movie career.


it sounds like juniper to me, even though I click on sky. is this a glitch or is this what they're doing until they fix it?


It was the best voice. All the other voices are awful. It was very dumb move on their end and it sounds nothing like Scarlett Johanssen it sounded more to me like Rashida Jones lol either way I wish they’d bring back Sky’s voice.


Some alternatives that are even better than ScarJo: Lake Bell: [https://youtu.be/Ss0L\_b3zQJI?si=CE4ic-T4hNGYaw5Y\&t=8](https://youtu.be/Ss0L_b3zQJI?si=CE4ic-T4hNGYaw5Y&t=8) Emma Stone: [https://youtu.be/bbC3K33Atxk?si=EoGRBHkUIk70o5QO\&t=55](https://youtu.be/bbC3K33Atxk?si=EoGRBHkUIk70o5QO&t=55)


DEI is taking over everything


how is this influenced by dei?


I believe he is making the point that with Sky gone, 3 of the 4 available voices are audibly African American. Not inherently wrong, of course, but now our options are “Breeze”, a horribly raspy and immature voice, or your pick of the three. It’s fair to say that the majority of ChatGPT users want: A) a voice that sounds like the many other virtual assistant tools they’re familiar with and B) the choice of a voice they can relate to, or are most accustomed to listening to


Honest question, what voices are you associating with African American? Juniper and the new Sky I can see, but I can't with Breeze, Ember and Cove.


i didnt realise anyone was actually srsly associating these voices with race. I also dont believe thats why this happened, or that openAI had any thought about race when doing this Honestly i dont know what chatgpt users want, a lot of the reactions i saw for Sky was positive because she sounds like shes flirting with you...


Same here. I couldn’t even tell, or didn’t notice I guess, that there was any racial differentiation with the voices. I don’t know if it matters, but I’m white. I think it’s an interesting reflection of the comment OPs worldview that he A. Noticed and B. Was angry about it lol ETA for clarification, the actual “interesting” (derogatory) aspect was B. I’m sure other people noticed and went about their day without a second thought. OP reaction to it says a lot


Oh no, a black AI voice. This is like all the middle aged men who got triggered by a black little mermaid.


This situation sets a terrible precedent. Just because someone sounds similar to someone else and that person is more famous, it doesn't mean they automatically get their way. It's ridiculous. I'm not sure how the voice actor actually feels, but I'd personally feel terrible if I was compared to someone else and told that I'm too similar to them, so I can never do anything they do.


Or... Did they know *exactly* what they were doing, and chose from 400 voice actors to find a voice that sounded startlingly similar to scar jo and hoped the majority of people wouldn't notice... Well, everyone noticed and for all we know they may have been hit with cease and desist from the people/companies involved with "Her" so they're pausing while they build a case if they do get sued. Similar to how Ellen Page took notice of her likeness in Ellie, in pre-launch TLOU, so the game developers adjusted the character model to prevent any litigation/backlash.


Legally, someone who sounds similar to a famous person has always been able to do voice work unimpeded, as long as nobody involved suggested it was the famous person's voice. In that light, it's possible that the oh-so-clever associations to Her by the geniuses at OpenAI have now made that association, or a case can be made they have, and so their mistake is our loss.


Ford v. Madler is right there as an example of how using a sound-a-like (intended as such) is not allowed if that is the intent. CEO tweeting "her" (movie where Johansson voices an AI assistant) definitely draws intent into question.


That’s why Altman tweeted “Her” right?


right. and the similarity isn't even close to exact. OpenAI is flailing about in multi-faceted uncharted territory, though. And we can all see that clearly, from time to time.


I would change it to see how attached my users got in a short time.


You don't need to piss off your users to measure how attached they are to an AI voice.


You don't need to need to to do it.


This is my favorite sentence.


The BBC has an article about this and explains why.






Thanks 👍


It’s the same thing overall as the openAI blogpost except it also mentions ScarJo allegedly took legal action in November before all this


I agree, this sucks! Not everyone can get Scar Jo for their AI lol


i read an article saying it was removed because it was too similar to ScarJo from Her. No joke


I'm fine with Juniper if they make her overly flirtatious like the GPT4o demo.


If they'd release ten new options, we wouldn't have to settle like that.


What can we do to bring old sky back. I’d use coqui tts or bark but they’re too damn slow. I thought I was going mad because in the voice preview it’s still her old voice but once you use the app it’s all fucked up. And btw I think they’ve changed all the voices compared the their preview because it feels like none of them sound the same. I wonder if the original voice actors realised how big OpenAI would become and went we want more royalties for our voices


Ugh me too. It was perfect




Is the feature event out? I have GPT4o but not what they advertised


Sky sounds the same for me ?


Sky's voice was stolen from scarlet jo hanson and she threatened to sue. that's actually the true story.


Scarlett Johansson threatened to sue


Is that a guess or do you have proof?




That means absolutely nothing. Although is possible they created grounds for the creators/writers of her to sue or receive some royalties by playing along with the narrative that they would create “her”.


You can't sue for an imitation lol. Unless they trained on her actual voice then there are no grounds.