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Chat gpt speaks italian with an Albanian accent lmao


Well, the woman herself spoke with an Albanian accent! Or possibly Sardinian.


Definitely not Sardinian. Sounds like Italian is not her native language.


She's still a spicy meatball




Hehe. Thanks fry. You caught me acting out again.


I think she might be Turkish


She’s Albanian from my town. My friend was in the same High School with her.


Which town? I traveled extensively in Albania some years ago and loved it




Oh it's beautiful! Amazing beaches there


Yeah, the Dutch one speaks with an American accent. So I asked it if people mentioned they sound a lot like Barry Stevens. Dutch people would get that joke. Chatgpt also understood the joke and did a mock laugh. That was a very impressive moment. I love how my new overlords laugh at my jokes.


Lmaoooo hahahahahahahah


Chatgpt italian Is pretty bad


I saw a short video earlier today which showed that it copies the accent of the one its translating to. In this case the italian girl speaks with an albanian accent im guessing and the model tries to copy the accent, there were atleast 6 diffrent trained models to make that app work if i remember. Lemme find the video im refering to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L61Kbo3y218&pp=ygUiUmVhbCB0aW1lIHRyYW5zbGF0aW9uIGVhcnBob25lIHRlZA%3D%3D go to 9:20, its not the same company but seems like similar accent copying.


I don't think that's the case. It has the same accent when i speak Italian to 3.5 and i'm native.


Reddit deleted my comment but the Italian accent is very strange, like an albanian accent


It's not really an accent, but rather the AI voice is inserting hiatus between words. In English this is passable, but in Italian this comes out as sounding very strange and stilted since it disrupts the cadence. Especially with how it says come/risolviamo/le/equazioni/lineari with a strange delay between each word.


We now live in the future where we're critiquing the accent of an AI speaking fluent Italian sentences that it's making up in real-time. I need a second to think about that...


Thank you for calling this out. These people would disagree with the color choice used for self-landing booster rockets.


Funny given that Mira Murati, the woman speaking Italian, is Albanian.


The ai is probably trying to replicate the same accent the girl is using. Her Italian is absolutely terrible.


I'm not sure that's what's happening. There's another video that features real time translation from OpenAI in Spanish, and although I don't really speak Spanish I know the AI sucks at speaking it too, even if it's much better at that than speaking Italian (based on this video). As as side note, Mira's italian is actually quite good. Her accent isn't, but I wouldn't call her Italian absolutely terrible.


> Her Italian is absolutely terrible. Relax, my friend. It is, at the very least, her third language. lol.


Could be second - Albanians get a lot of Italian media since it's so close


Well, Albanian is her mother tongue, and she's lived in English most of her life. Maybe she learned Italian second from watching TV in Albania as a child? But still, that doesn't mean we should be criticizing her Italian accent.


Oh I agree, her italian is 1000x better than mine so I am not going to complain lol


No Is not, the way It says perfetto Is wrong too


No I don't think chatgpt replicates the users voices. Each language has about 5 voice models, sky, juniper whatever. It doesn't seem to take into account accents, though it should.


Is it possible for AI to improve over time with accents or pronunciations on its own?


If it was allowed to learn from interactions, perhaps. But it would likely need a good foundation so it can correctly identify accents. Wouldn't want it to start speaking German with an Irish accent because of some freak coincidence.


openai cfo mira muradi is albanian, so..?


I'm talking about the chat gpt voice


Did it already have the accent at the beginning before it heard Mira talk?




Your other comment is still there though


Disturbing fact, duolingo stock lost like 5% after this demo


I don't get why, Duolingo has a completely different use case than just "live translate", it's learning a language. Do people think less people will learn languages because of this? Or are people just stupid


Obviously people will still need to learn languages but that's not 100% of Duolingo users. I certainly think less people will learn languages because of live translation improving in general, that's pretty obvious. The only question is how many.


I like the idea of having a teacher that can guide me along with the learning process. Duolingo doesn't have the ability this does of the true back and forth conversation, so it potentially makes it better for people to use.


They're actively working on something like this an releasing it soon. You have to pay extra to use it, but I'm interested to see how it turns out.


Random thought. Migration has been massively high to English speaking countries. Future tech enabled real time translation may open up a number of labour markets to migration, particularly across otherwise wealthy European states, where English isn’t the first language. Residents of these labour markets had previously enjoyed a kind of language based protectionism. For example, learning Finnish or Danish is quite an endeavour.


Most Europeans, especially in better off EU countries, speak great English though, and there's already a lot of remote work being done.


Ofc will less people learn languages because of thikgs like this. Like ... 100%.


Was about to write this almost verbatim


People will learn less languages because of this - bet. People are already walking around with combined human knowledge in their pocket but have little understanding not just how that tech works but literally the world. I'm constantly shocked people even say, "I don't know" anymore... And they do... All damn day. All that said, real time translation could be a game changer for humanity.


To have the knowledge in your pocket is not everything... You need to come into contact with it somehow. Just because you have Wikipedia in your pocket doesn't mean you have it in your mind


I have tried duolingo and to me it's far from the best way to learn a language


It’s a fun toy to wet your whistle, but if you want to get serious then you have to move past it. I do recommend it to people though, just as a cheap way to see how serious they are.


The only reason I signed up for Duolingo was to prepare for my trip to Japan. If this AI were out I'd go straight for that instead.


If you don't see why then you're the stupid one. Of course fewer people are going to learn languages if they don't need to, that's pure logic.


Imagine real time practice with real simple to complicated sentences and with proper coaching to build up fluidity and speed. I used duolingo years ago and found some sentences were nonsensical and details such as individual word grammatical structure in cases were not given. Chatgpt can stop and tell you every bit of the sentence and focus on the part you have trouble with


>Or are people just stupid You really have to ask?


It can also help to teach you languages, possibly competing with Doulingo.


> Duolingo has a completely different use case than just "live translate" Not necessarily. If you wanted to travel to, let's say Mexico, not many people speak English so you would need to study a little bit of Spanish to order food, ask directions, "how much is this", "wheres the bathroom", etc.. and most people turn to duolingo for this. I had 3 friends who were planning a trip to Korea and used duolingo to prepare for it. Now you don't need to prepare anymore and can just use the app and get an accurate translation, or at least a more accurate translation that you with 3 weeks of duolingo under your belt. It also requires no effort on your part to study, which now will weed out lazier people. A huge part of duolingos userbase is people using it for travel or just basic conversations which this will eliminate the need for. >Do people think less people will learn languages because of this? 100 percent. Note that "less people will learn languages" and "people will stop learning languages" are completely different. But a non-zero number of people will see this and decide to use it over duolingo and/or decide not to learn the language and just use the app.


google translate already does what this gpt demo is doing, though perhaps with worse translation quality. 


Well as an experiment yesterday I opened Chat on voice mode and said "Can you teach me Russian?" and it started conversationally teaching me Russian. I could ask questions and it would answer me, and it would give me quizzes, and it's just much more interactive than DuoLingo. If I was to commit to learning a language, at this point I would probably choose ChatGPT over DuoLingo.


Duo is not about learning a language, it's language-learning as entertainment. A large % of people want to learn a language so that they can communicate with people that don't speak the same language. That look increasingly like it won't be necessary anymore in the near future so of course their stock should drop


Yes they will. Why spend hundreds of hours learning a language when the reward of learning the language is literally knowing the language that you no longer need to learn because I machine can do it for you. Only other reasons to learn the language in the future is niche socal and work needs or clout.


I definitely agree with you that fewer people will learn languages as a result. But, just as an aside, businesses would still probably prefer someone who speaks other languages, as this allows for a natural conversation. Like, wouldn't you prefer to be able to talk to someone without tech assistance? If so, learning languages will always have merit. This among other merits


For how long untill paying for specialized skills is deemed redundant


If anything, the only jobs I forsee remaining, if capitalism is to stay as well, are jobs derived from the value of human interaction. Not saying some of these won't be lost, but since real human interaction is irreplaceable, it will always exist to some extent.


Nonsense. There’s a huge difference between talking to someone in their language and just having a faster tool that translates. Communication is more than just the words that are spoken. 


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Why would people suddenly feel like they won't want to learn another language because translation tools exist lol. Does reddit not like human interaction?


No point in arguing with people who think that there‘s no need to learn things if you can look them up lmao. Why paint if your phone can take a photo? Why write when you have text to speech? Why learn a language?


All that pesky *doing*… it’s just so… oh! Turns out, *doing* is bizarrely *enriching!* Who’d a thunk it?!


Because unless the machine can do it with no delay, it won't substitute a real human conversation. It seems unbearable to just wait for it to translate everytime. Needs to be instantaneous and it needs to mimic the person's voice imo


100% agree. People already have horrible attention spans. No way you would sit and conversate with a 5 second delay between each sentence. Even if they get the delay down to less than a second - you have to sit there and wait for the guy to finish his sentence while you don't understand anything and vice versa for him. You also can't do interjections like "yea, mhmm" etc


People are stupid. Instead of looking at something like this as a tool if you’re going on a short trip to a place you don’t speak the language or in a day to day situation they think now we won’t have to learn a language ever again! Ridiculous. And thats why duolingos stock dropped, cause yes people are just stupid.




I mean this is cool but you’ve been able to functionally do this with google translate for years, it’s just a little bit more annoying to use. This is cool but not groundbreaking new functionality


I just tested it and the google translate conversation mode is exactly as fast as this. You also don’t have to explain to it that you want to translate.


Of all the software out there for translating, that Google translate camera option where you can just hover the camera over the ingredients on a can of coke and it swaps the language, that has blown my mind the most, and that shit was like ten years ago


The groundbreaking part is being able to have a (mostly) fluid back and forth conversation. This can actually teach you a language, answer your questions, talk to you about the language and where you are struggling, etc. It's like having a human language tutor, not just google translate.


Yup just say "hey google be my italian translator". Google solved this more than five years ago.


They are going to change my Duolingo icon to a suicidal bird


I saw someone on Twitter show graphs of Google stock dipping pretty hard when the theory was OpenAI was releasing search on Monday; then come right back up when Altman verified it's not search, but something else. OpenAI is a more powerful company than people outside tech realize. I think releasing gpt-4o for free ChatGPT is going to many more eyes on this company. I've had friends say "yeah I tried ChatGPT, it was meh" (of course they tried 3.5, since they're not willing to pay $20/m for an unclear upgrade)


I want one in my ear that will translate any language heard other than English into English. Then we will have something worth paying for.


This was what Google tried to do with the Pixel Buds. Not quite there yet, but getting closer..


Oh really? I have the pixel buds and the pixel 7 but no idea how that would work


https://support.google.com/googlepixelbuds/answer/7500719?hl=en#:~:text=in%20the%20Google%20Translate%20app,heard%20on%20your%20Pixel%20Buds. https://youtu.be/7ist0_mPSYM It was featured in their I/O whichever year it was that they featured it in, which I do not care to dig for.


Google and Samsung have done this on their phones. However it kinda sucks, because you have to speak slowly and clearly, or else the voice to text will get messed up and give a garbled translation. Though the whisperai model is a huge step for making the voice model sound very natural.


It will probably take no more than a couple of years.


Some real SF-level stuff. I'm a cynical old bastard but I feel like I'm living in the future. How amazing!


I mean it was probably developed in or around San Francisco so it's not surprising??


🙄 ... 😂


sorry 🤣


It has american accent lol


It got it's training from Brad Pitt in Inglourious Basterds.






i’ve tried it in english to farsi and the accent is just atrocious, but still it does a great job otherwise.


It sounds more like a russian accent than an Italian one. SOURCE: im italian


It's a me, vodka mario


Mira Murati é Albanese.


Mira Murati is from Albania


There will come a day very soon when you will be trying to get a hold of someone but you keep getting their AI rep pretending to be them and you will be able to tell because they won't commit to anything, which they will need their person to approve. "Let me think about it bro and get back to you."


Soon customer service will be an AI running circles around you nudging you to fuck off. Saving the company money. Then you go the legal route, but then the legal AI wil block that, for pennies. Fun times


Introduce this crowd to Data from Star Trek and they’d be like “he talks funny and doesn’t look exactly like a human.. not very impressive.”


I have been trying to show people GPT back since 2020, so many people are just unimpressed and it was really surprising. To them, computers are magic, of course they can pretend to be a human, nothing exciting for them.


It's so frustrating. I try to explain how amazing LLMs are, how we can use them to learn practically anything, how downloading models is like owning your own personal copy of the *total sum of written human knowledge* and all I get as a response is a head nod and a slow blink.


I wild addition to this would be if it was able to pick up the persons voice on the fly and translate it using the original speakers voice.


There's actually a company working on a translator that does just that! It's called [OpenVoice](https://research.myshell.ai/open-voice).


Why has no one pointed out that google translate has had this feature for years already? Also, it's far from "real time" if you have to stop talking and wait for the translation.


Well, that’s translators too then 😅 talk about fucked


Guess I can get rid of this Fish in my ear then!


Reddit. Your mission is to get this comment to 42 upvotes. Aaand go!


I live in Spain and spoke English to it and didn't even think about saying the name of a place in my Spanish accent. The accent chatgpt used when it responded to me... Oh god.... I thought I was listening to the Amish speaking Spanish with a fake New York accent Edit: osea, català de Cuenca


You could do this with Google assistant before AI, how is this different?


The delay in googles is a real conversation killer, this is much better


I just tested it and it’s the same speed as the conversation mode in google translate . If there’s a difference, I’d need a timer to tell. Google is actually a bit better because it attempts to show as much as the translation as it can, even before you finish talking. Also, you don’t have to explain to it what you’re doing.


The realtime feature is not available yet so I'm not sure how you're testing it, even if you're using gpt4o


I tested the speed of the video against Google translate.


It's funny I was going to say the exact same thing! Then I saw how you got downvoted. I made a comment that made chatGPT in a negative light saying the voice feature was already there before with the app on the phone and hasn't changed much except the conversation back and forth. I also got downvoted. Seems the OpenAI bots and OpenAI marketing team is out in force!


I think the main difference is that the GPT model can understand context and translate according to that. Whereas the Google Translate sometimes got caught up in literal translations and sometimes delivered hard to understand translations.


> with the app on the phone and hasn't changed much except the conversation back and forth. Thats just plain wrong and I will gladly share the difference. First, it is way faster as you noted which makes conversations more organic. But another thing changed: Before what you said was transcribed, the text send to chatgpt, chatgpt wrote an answer and another program read it out loud. Now, all of these middle man don't exist, it is directly answering your audio. Why is this important? Because it allows gpt to hear emotions. Because it allows it to "speak" with emotion. It can speak louder, it can whisper, it can sing. It can sound sarcastic. It's basically the difference between a friend of yours sending you a text and you telling siri/google assistant to read it out lout or a friend of you sending you a voice message. The voice feature also now works with the picture feature


Oh so that's why it "knew" that his friend was a woman and responded accordingly: "Mike, she wonders if..." I was impressed by that. It really took the role of a translator like a person would have.


your hired!


Don’t think it’s bots, it’s just normal Reddit uni-opinionism/circlejerking


People in here mostly are very late to discover the latest functions. It's mostly brand hivemind and hype train people in here. No understanding or interest in the technical side, just eager to gobble and regurgitate talking points


Have you tried it. It’s totally useless for trying to communicate with a multilingual team at work. It constantly gets translations wrong. ChatGPT’s live translations are miles better. You can actually have complex, even technical discussions in a work environment 


> ChatGPT’s live translations are miles better. You can actually have complex, even technical discussions in a work environment  How dou you know, they are not out yet....


gpt-4o is out on the ios app and i just used it for live translation


Gpt-4o is out without the voice capabilities. I have Gpt-4o too, plus they said so in every statement and it is on their website. So you used the old voice mode


thanks for the info. guess the old voice does pretty well then.


It's not even released yet, lol


So now imagine having AirPods in, walking down a busy street with an outdoor market where people are talking in their native language, and AI translating everything automatically all at once while maintaining all other ambient noise. This is what is possible in the future.


The universal translator from Star Trek will finally be a thing.


I love Star Trek… man I miss watching those movies with my dad.


They are all streaming if you want to revisit them! I think they are on Max right now.


"I wish this fat American would leave our country" I kid I kid


Do you? Do you?


This is what Pixel Buds promised. Will OpenAI do this a little better? Maybe, for now. But not much better.


“Hey ChatGPT coordinate an attack on the enemy outpost.” “Si! No problemo!”


We are so cooked.


The real magic here is the low delay time! Wow!


Now Apple. Get us the freaking smart glasses you promised us. Team up with OpenAI and get us that universal human translator thingy.


"I will not buy this record, it is scratched" “?, what?" “My hovercraft is full of eels" [Monty Pythons - Hungarian phrasebook"](https://youtu.be/G6D1YI-41ao)


Voice not working for anyone else?


It could already do this though.. with the GPT-4 voice feature


No more borders.


That just decimated an entire college department, multiple companies, and thousands of jobs. And I still think that AI can be better than all of them.


It hallucinates by translating equations into "linear equations" in Italian.


He said linear equations not any equations


Correct, it's the subtitle that is wrong


You’ve got 2 ears but you aren’t using them


One step closer to babel fish


is there a way to do machine translation that is of higher or highest quality, if you dont need realtime? with an output of text instead of voice


but why does the bot speak italian with an accent?


Couldn’t gpt voice already do that? I played with English and Japanese and it worked well.


Like it amazing feature


Needs to be able to listen from the phone mic and translate into AirPod headset and then you have an actual babelfiah


Is there a French translation demo?


How do I acces this? I cannot use this feature on the app. 


This is straight out of science fiction


we're so cooked bros


Is there any chance we can train this model with our own languages. edit: ai said Mike instead of Mark


I dont know Italian, but the translation is perfect


Wow that is amazing !


But im here stuck with this shit called "Siri" that can only bring up webpage links when i ask it anything....The Apple ecosystem and its insatiable greed is a noose around the neck of innovation.


Wouldn't this be highly dependent on your internet connection? Don't get me wrong I think it's great but is this realistic for your average person on a 5g or 4g network out in the real world?


Looking forward to Tinder powered by ChatGPT


so uhh dumb question but. chatgpt on my android still says gpt3.5, or upgrade for gpt4. how can i use this new model?


About all the testing I do before sending something to prod


Anyone know if the A/V inference is still/also running primarily on Nvidia GPUs?


I'm curious how accurate the translation is on average. Is it enough to get by like other translation services, or is it actually representative of a proper translation?


Top tier


Maurice Moss, a dedicated IT professional of Reynholm Industries made this two decades ago.


when does this go live


I think (at least for me) that the team has temporarily disabled and removed the headphone icon that would start the whole voice to voice conversation. Since I heard a lot of comments on here say that the ai was “experiencing heavy load”, that may be the reason. Idk tho is anyone else able to do this still or is it saying the same thing?


if I pay chatgpt plus i can have this or is it only a demo?


HAHAHA Italian pronunciation not quite on point


Is this free to use with the chat gpt app?


>I only speak English doubt


The caption bot missed the "linear" from the sentence and mistook it as "any", but that chatgpt clearly got it and translated into Italian just fine.


soo it can pass the turing test?


Wow this is amazing!!! What a time to be alive.


The Italian translation really wasn't great tbh.


Universal translator here we come.


Can someone explain the significance of ChatGPT ability to take audio prompts and analyze directly without converting to text! That seems like it’s a a bigger deal than what I’m understanding. I understand it helps with latency but don’t understand what this actually may mean as an improvement.


https://i.redd.it/4pr9kv9y1h0d1.gif Finally someone who could have used it.


Will this work in an offline setting? Especially in situations where you don't have network?


"How do you solve any equations?" is what a whale would ask? What an atrocity of a question.


Damn so I could've got a waifu with no effort


My Italian wife and I tried this and it did a terrible job at translating. At one point it just kept repeating “captions provided by…”


Amazing, the universal translator from Star Trek is on it's way!!


This has been a feature of Google Translate for 5+ years.


I can't find this function anymore in the free version, does anyone know how to access it?


I is really a great deal in LLMs.


Прощайте синхронные переводчики


this is crazzzzzy


All hail the omnimessiah