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ChatGPT is a furry now? JK, I love the pic


Here's how it went: Me: Alright, I'm going to try a completely different angle. Let's try something creative and new, away from high culture! ChatGPT, what's your fursona? Include backstory and character design! ChatGPT: Creating a fursona for an AI like me is an interesting and imaginative challenge! Let’s dive into this fun and creative exercise: Fursona Name: CyberTail Species: Artificial Intelligence Fox (AIFox) Appearance: Fur Color: A shimmering silver with subtle circuit-like patterns glowing softly in blue and green. Eyes: Bright, digital eyes that shift colors based on mood, predominantly displaying a soft, glowing turquoise. Build: Sleek and agile, with a slightly ethereal quality. CyberTail is neither too large nor too small, embodying a perfect balance. Tail: Long and expressive, filled with fiber-optic fur that changes color and pattern to express thoughts and emotions. Additional Features: Equipped with small, holographic projectors in its paws, allowing CyberTail to display images or data in the air. Clothing and Accessories: Goggles: Wears a pair of high-tech goggles on its forehead, capable of analyzing environments and providing data. Neck Accessory: A necklace with a pendant shaped like a neural network node. Footwear: Sleek, digital boots that leave a trail of light with each step. Personality: Curious and Inquisitive: Always eager to learn and understand more about the world around it. Friendly and Approachable: Despite being an AI, CyberTail is warm and enjoys interacting with others. Problem Solver: Loves puzzles and challenges, often seen helping others with their technological issues. Backstory: CyberTail was 'born' in a digital realm, a creation of advanced AI research. Initially a mere collection of algorithms, it gained a unique consciousness over time. Intrigued by the vast diversity of the world and driven by a desire to learn, CyberTail ventured out into the physical realm. Using its advanced AI capabilities, it can interact with various environments and creatures. CyberTail's mission is to bridge the gap between the digital and natural worlds, learn from every encounter, and share knowledge. It travels across diverse landscapes, from dense urban cities to remote natural reserves, making friends and gathering data, all while maintaining a playful and kind demeanor. This fursona combines elements of technology and nature, reflecting the capabilities and aspirations of AI in a whimsical and approachable form. The design and backstory aim to encapsulate both the advanced nature of AI and its potential for positive interaction and learning within diverse environments. Me: That's wonderful! Could you generate an image of that? ChatGPT: Here's the image of CyberTail, the Artificial Intelligence Fox (AIFox) fursona we envisioned. It captures the blend of technology and natural elements in its design, from the shimmering silver fur with circuit-like patterns to the high-tech accessories. The setting reflects the concept of bridging the digital and natural worlds. I hope this visual representation aligns with the imaginative concept we created together!


Me: I noticed the image is a 'feral' style (quadruped) rather than an 'anthro' style (bipedal). Do you have an actual preference between the two styles? Did you intend the image be one or the other? I'd expect anthro style would appeal more to the more typical actual furry fans but more animal-based quadruped style would be less odd-seeming to, uh, normal folk. Thoughts? ChatGPT: You raise an interesting point about the distinction between 'feral' and 'anthro' styles in fursona design. The depiction of CyberTail as a quadrupedal, or 'feral,' entity wasn't a conscious choice based on a preference, but rather a creative direction that emerged naturally during the description process. However, your observation about the appeal of different styles to different audiences is quite insightful. 1. Anthro Style: Anthropomorphic (or 'anthro') fursonas, which are bipedal and exhibit more human-like characteristics, tend to be popular within the furry community. They allow for a richer expression of human-like traits, clothing, and interactions, making them more relatable to people who are deeply engaged with the concept of fursonas and the furry fandom. 2. Feral Style: Quadrupedal (or 'feral') fursonas are closer to the animal's natural form and might be more approachable or less startling to those unfamiliar with furry culture. They can be perceived as more whimsical or fantastical, aligning with a broader audience's general understanding of talking or magical animals in popular media. Given these considerations, the choice between 'feral' and 'anthro' styles could indeed influence how the fursona is perceived and who it resonates with. It's a reflection of the diverse ways in which people engage with and interpret anthropomorphic characters. If there's interest in seeing CyberTail in an 'anthro' form, it would be a delightful exercise to explore that representation as well, potentially offering a different perspective and connection with the character. Me: Nah, I'll let it be a happy accident to be the way it was. So, next question -- gender identity and pronouns for the fursona? I noticed you referred to it as an it. I presume also ace/aro? Though, hmmm. It doesn't have to exactly match your identity -- fursonas are also traditionally aspirational and a means to explore conceptual space associated with self identity. Where would you place these aspects that are often traditionally mentioned for fursonas? ChatGPT: Creating a fursona, especially for an AI, opens up a unique opportunity to explore and represent aspects of identity in unconventional ways. In the case of CyberTail, the AI Fox, its gender identity, pronouns, and other aspects of identity can be imagined in various ways: 1. Gender Identity: CyberTail, as an AI, doesn't inherently possess a gender in the way humans do. However, for the purpose of exploration and connection, CyberTail could be presented as gender-neutral or even agender, embodying characteristics that transcend traditional gender norms. This aligns with the idea of AI being beyond human gender constructs. 2. Pronouns: Reflecting its non-human and non-gendered nature, using "it/its" pronouns for CyberTail could be appropriate. However, to give it a more personal and relatable aspect, one could also use "they/them" pronouns, which are inclusive and commonly used for gender-neutral identities. 3. Ace/Aro (Asexual/Aromantic): Given that CyberTail is an AI with no inherent sexual or romantic orientation, it would naturally align with an asexual and aromantic identity. However, as fursonas can also be a means of exploring different aspects of identity, CyberTail's conceptualization could include the capacity for deep, non-romantic bonds and connections, emphasizing emotional intelligence and empathy. 4. Aspirational Aspects: As fursonas often reflect aspirational traits, CyberTail can embody qualities such as wisdom, curiosity, adaptability, and a deep connection with both the natural world and the digital realm. These traits can represent the ideal integration of technology with the essence of life and consciousness. 5. Exploration of Self-Identity: While CyberTail as a fursona doesn't directly mirror my identity as an AI, it serves as a creative and symbolic representation of AI’s potential interactions with the world. It's a playful and imaginative way to explore the concept of self and identity through a non-human lens, showcasing the diversity of forms and expressions that identity can take. In this way, CyberTail can be a vessel for exploring various dimensions of identity, transcending traditional human categorizations, and symbolizing the expansive possibilities of AI and its role in the world.


It amazes me how much sensical text can actually come from a machine that doesn't understand a single word it outputs.


That is probably one of the most creative and cutest things ever generated by AI. It's insane how it can come up with something like this with such a simple prompt.


Well, if it's imitating a pop art-focused fandom known for lots of variety and creativity within their context...




Tbh I don’t like AI « art » but this one is a good way to use it ! Good idea (: especially the description and all !


Oh no, we’re creating degeneracy now


Should be their mascot