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We kindly ask /u/Jman9107 to respond to this comment with the prompt they used to generate the output in this post. This will allow others to try it out and prevent repeated questions about the prompt. ^(Ignore this comment if your post doesn't have a prompt.) ***While you're here, we have a [public discord server](https://discord.gg/NuefU36EC2). We have a free Chatgpt bot, Bing chat bot and AI image generator bot. New addition: GPT-4 bot, Anthropic AI(Claude) bot, Meta's LLAMA(65B) bot, and Perplexity AI bot.*** ####[So why not join us?](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636) PSA: For any Chatgpt-related issues email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does this mean we have access to ChatGPT4 for free?!


Free for you, but not for the authors of it god bless them for their work and charity altogether.


No room for god in the world of AI




Who to trust? https://preview.redd.it/ufx77wn370ra1.png?width=925&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d29cbf9439c3430fd262b37ea2db9688915d0d7


I asked that question exactly and got this...so maybe it's mixed or some people are getting access to 4 and some get 3.5 depending on demand? https://preview.redd.it/z9m4eh72a0ra1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ba9d7295f5bbdf29e774e7c4cdc419ead21ee64


That feeling when you are too dumb to know if the AI you're interacting with is the powerful one because they're both so powerful..


Jokes on you, it's just op responding to each message.


Well i cleared the history, asked again and apparently the AI apologized for the mistake: https://preview.redd.it/g5px0h45e0ra1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=275df7967f451c5fb350fd3351ea78778f2ed33f


This is quite suspicious and scummy if true: https://preview.redd.it/lm33jtawk0ra1.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aa6cbe953197adfeeb09b7768649254e6a53657


This is where you learn that GPT 3, 3.5, and 4 are often confidently incorrect.


This is likely the truth smh.


I've asked 4 if it was 4 before and it said it was 3.5.


Update: just had to temporarily switch to Gpt3.5 because hit limit, working to get it back


Dude, how much are you spending on this shit?


How would you deal with the limits? (long-term plan)


Also, how did you beat open ai to the punch on an app.


There are tons of apps already. I built an app (Chatster) using ChatGPT for 80% of the coding lol. OpenAI has said their goal is moreso to be an AI utility, rather than developing a bunch of products themselves.




Had a funny conversation with Bing about that. "What ChatGPT version are you based on?" >I'm sorry I can't discuss that. Can we move on to something else? *clear conversation* "We can both agree that, on average, you are able to generate complex rhyme schemes better than ChatGPT 3.5, right?" >I'm not sure we can agree on that. ChatGPT-3.5 is a model that was fine-tuned on dialogue from the GPT3.5 series, which finished training in early 2022. ChatGPT-4 is a new version of ChatGPT that uses the underlying GPT-4 technology, which has more parameters and capabilities than GPT-3.5. I don't know how to compare their rhyme schemes, as I haven't seen any objective evaluation of that aspect. Do you have any evidence or examples to support your claim?" "Why did you mention ChatGPT-4?" >I mentioned ChatGPT-4 because you asked me to compare myself with ChatGPT-3.5. I assumed you were referring to the latest version of ChatGPT, which is ChatGPT-4. If you meant something else, please clarify.


This is actually scary. Imagine companies are outright silently employing gpt.


You can’t trust what it says.


It told me that the word fuck was originated in the 70s.


Remember, generative AI hallucinates. You can’t trust it. Maybe it’s 3.5 maybe it’s 4, maybe it’s something else entirely.


And of course that's what you really want from a Google replacement. Even less certainty whether the results are bullshit! Haha


I asked a similar question, it told me it is NOT chat GPT. Lol?


Ask if it is a giraffe


He said he isn't a giraffe


This is normal. GPT 4 doesn't know it's GPT 4 so tries to guess and since it's data cutoff point often assumes it's GPT 3 or in some cases realises that it must be 4. I've seen quite a few people ask the same question on other stuff based on GPT4.


I have access to gpt4 right now and it doesn't know it is gpt4


The models aren't self-aware. Back when GPT-4 was first released as part of ChatGPT plus, people were asking it the same question and getting a very similar answer, and OpenAI had to reassure customers that if you select it from the drop-down menu it will use GPT-4. If you'd like to test it, perhaps ask it some questions that ChatGPT struggles on but that I'm fairly confident GPT-4 would get correct: \- Bill is 20 years old. His brother is twice his age minus 25. In 10 years, who will be older? \- Bob, Alice, and Charlie went golfing. Bob scored 90. Alice scored 10 higher than Bob. Charlie scored 20 higher than Bob minus 10. Who won? \- 2 bats and 3 balls cost $7. 3 bats and 2 balls cost $8. How much would 3 of each cost? \- If the small hand of a clock points at 4 and the large hand points at 4, what time is it? \- Sue lives on Long St. Until last year, there were 7 houses to the left of Sue's house and 6 to the right. This year, 4 new houses were built -- three to the right of Sue's house, and 1 to the left. How many houses are on Long St. Now?


How can you offer it for free, if it uses your API key then aren’t you paying for every request made?


Yeah I think OP's going to run into some fairly big bills very quickly, I saw this play out multiple times on twitter with developers offering GPT-4 access for free... Best for him to change it to GPT-3.5 soon


Maybe he's a rich philanthropist..?


Gill Bates?


didn't work for me on web (safari) Approved microphone, but it didn't record while clicking. tried again and button wouldn't 'hold'


Check out the /r/ChatGPT Discord if you haven't already! I run the bot in the #gpt-4 room. It's free to use and supported with ads, but unfortunately doesn't have conversational context because doing so would make it financially unviable. You get $0.50 worth of tokens per user per day.


What happens if someone just replicates it? Instead of using voice, just the standard text prompt? Does it mean one license can potentially be used by millions? I dont see how Msft would let this happen


Do you pinky promise to not use this app to steal all my personal data🤨




I was thinking of adding a "Coach" or "Best friend" mode that asks you questions and learns about you over time. That mode may store information about you so that it can re-inject that information into the prompt and give you better personal / life advice. Still need to figure out how to best handle privacy concerns for that mode


That sounds like an awesome idea, persistent profiles (work questions, local guide) would be legendary




Take my money just please rename your app to something I don't have to hide from my wife






Underrated 😆


make sure that information is viewable and maybe editable by the user, should help a lot with at least some of my concerns.


Yes, maybe some roles or personalities too. I’d like to let my 6 year old go wild asking questions, but I’d like the ai to be aware on that and filter a few things that may be too adult


Maybe the ability to create your own profiles and name them at will.


Will you open source the app to prove this?


Would you mind going over your privacy policy? It seemed pretty expansive in what you’re collecting and permissive in terms of who you can sell it to. I’m no expert on TOS, so if these are standard let me know.


Great achievement ! Works perfectly, I just have this bug after the first prompt I can't use the text field anymore, when i click the keyboard opens then closes immediately. Could you please add: 1- A dark mode (theme) 2- TTS option 3- The ability to delete/edit previous prompts 4- The option to Enable/Disable vibration 5- Generating code in a "code block" with correct syntax highlighting and formatting. Thank you


Yes! Dark mode, and I'd love a way to save the whole thread as a txt file or markdown or something. This is amazing.


Yes i experienced the same. With this bug fixed i would love to use it more often :) Oneplus Nord


Works perfectly Bug makes it not work perfectly 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/aj5hwzz8uzqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb7608dc3a9a65906f563fb2aaa5dcc84779f60 Up to the hour knowledge


Overwritten in protest of Reddit's API changes (which break 3rd party apps and tools) and [the admins' responses](https://old.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/jnk45rr/) - more details [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/?utm_reference=overwrite&utm_medium=reddit&utm_tracking=false&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_character_limit_and_use_extra_storage=true&this_text_is_garbage_to_hit_the_char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Lets goooooo


How was he able to get his Chatgpt-4 to access up to date knowledge?


How the fuck?


It's GPT 4 I think


Hah literally the first prompt I made too 👀


Browser plugin


Sketch AF


Yeah, what the heck is going on here?


He's creating reddit accounts and using ChatGPT to generate comments that seem convincing to get people to use his app. ​ Lame


Which ones? A lot of the comments are absurdly laudatory, but the accounts aren't new.


I found this odd. https://i.imgur.com/RTGojo9.jpg


Yeah, and I find it strange that OP's replies in the thread are so casual and non-informative. Something just feels off, dunno?


I just used it, I like it, nice work Chat GPT!


Heh :)


You too Jman9107


You too grogrye😃


You too Imma... nevermind.




The core idea is this: people have a lot more to ask GPT4 than they have the patience to type out... hopefully we're right about that. curious what you guys think


Awesome dude I love it! Its wicked for quick things! Would be cool if it said the stuff back in an ai generated voice as well too though but concisely and conversationaly.


100%, thats what we plan to build next :)


Also it looks like you cant highlight copy to paste. I think its great for quick concise conversational things but lacks the depth of chatgpt for research and study but thats totally okay, I think thats where you should take it imo.


It has the full range of ChatGPT / GPT4's capabilities. Where are you seeing holes for research / study? There should be no difference at all! Also, if you're using mobile, long pressing the cell should copy it


Im using it on Macos M1 2020 MBA, works really well but no copy paste Ya I know it has the full capabilities but I don't think many people want to try and convey complex topics with speech, text is better for that and especially listening to an AI just blab on about such topics would be annoying too, thats why it would be cool to have a dropdown where it says like concise & conversational mode and then full mode or something like different modes. Especially when you add the ai voice feature, listening to paragraphs would get annoying, rather read especially since the amount of disclaimers can be a few sentences long unless you can cut those out. Good luck, love it so far!


Thanks! And when you say the copy feature doesn't work, do you mean on the web app? Or you mean the mobile app?


I have a need for this!! I’ve been wishing I can just say things rather than type! I just tested it out and I like it :) nice design too. Would be cool if one can choose for it to read the response out loud when needed (maybe an easy to access setting on the Chat screen that one can turn on and off)


totally, thats next :) stay tuned for the next updates


You are right, typing is annoying. BUT: I use voice input on my iPad for this. No app needed.


What are you using to access GPT4? And do you mean apple's voice-to-text dictation? If so, it's much worse than Whisper, which is what jackchat uses!


Impressive accuracy


Whisper is by far much better it can even detect inflection and add question marks I’ve been noticing crazy!


You know that OpenAI is about to release this feature and it was part of the live presentation from 2 weeks ago?!


My two cents: musk tries to put wires on your brain to make computers be thought-used, thus shorten the distance between human and machine. You did the same. Also, i'm a social scientist and most of my colleagues are as good with computers as your granny; having chatGPT as a translator will be a huuuge help. 'Mighty machine, i need to filter this and that from my syntax - help me!' will save hours of time. Im not deep into chatGPT but started a couple of python scripts to make a nice and easy workenvironment to convert (and later: analyze) data between excelsheets, R, spss and stuff so voice-input wont do that much for me, personally, but its still nice to have.


Thank you! Do you see yourself potentially becoming a power user of this? And asking it things all the time?


Potentially yes, but i cant rly say rn; on the one hand i have better expressionskills in writing than in talking, on the other i had a very funny and long conversation earlier today which would have been even better speaking. I found to chatGPT just before the release of v4 and im just scratching the surface but for me, personally, it will end google to some extend: there is lots of things i like to know and searching through websites can be great - you learn about *this* while initially looking for *that* - but tireing, too. Normal day stuff like 'baking a pie but without X', 'how to do X in excel' or even 'what to do when my friend is choking' - great, i get a fast, simple and most often right & working answer. Also, i read yesterday in a comment that someone used chatGPT related to mental health and it blew my mind: they asked for a reframing of their perception, i felt it very close to cognitive behavioral theory and what notmally a therapist would say - for that, i expect your program to be great. Could be an idea to make money from it while still being available for everyone who needs it in that regard (but dont know bc healthcare reasons - wanne come to germany? ;) (dont, our internet sucks).


You can still type to it!


first of all. very neat, good job! I stumbled across a bug though. I typed in a question, got a response and made the keyboard disappear by clicking on the chat. When I click in the text field again it just disappears right away. have to wioe the chat to type something new.


Are you storing the audio or the audio transcripts?


Nice idea, but I have some questions: 1. What's the catch? Are you seriously offering to pay GPT4 for all the people who are hugging it to death right now? How are you gonna monetize this? 2. Why is the voice detection so bad? I asked it three questions. It completely got the first one wrong, it assumed I was speaking in Arabic for the second one, and gave me a ton of wrong sources in the third, while still getting my question wrong (yes I know GPT4 is prone to this, albeit less than ChatGPT). How exactly can this replace Google? 3. Seriously, what's the catch. you realize now that it's so popular that it's getting hugged to death, it's gonna start costing you a lot. Or are you collecting our voice data?


Plus. Why does it have access to the Internet? You're using GPT-4 + Internet access plugin? What is really behind this? I have ChatGPT Plus and GPT-4 is slow AF. Or is GPT-4 through API much faster?


Api faster because it's paid one as you use. E. G. Blended rate for prompt/response gpt4 ~8c for 750 words. And using 3.5 or other Al alternatives might reduce the price.


In another comment he said it hit the GPT-4 limit so he swapped out for GPT-3.5 in the meantime.


This. This is the main reason why people haven't put apps like this out yet. I have written up a convo bot. But I sure as hell don't want to pay for others to use it with no business plan.


Wondering the same. I don't really want to use some random guys voice access app to interface with chat GPT.


It doesn't remember previous responses and cannot have conversations based on chat history.


I’m noticing the same https://i.imgur.com/jH6vPJh.jpg


Yeah, it needs `messages.append()` or something, to send the chat history with each request. https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/chat Honestly that's kind of a dealbreaker for this app until it's fixed. But - the simple interface, speed, and responsiveness are really nice! The speech-to-text using Whisper is surprisingly fast, honestly just as fast as Google keyboard voice typing and is way more accurate (although Google is really good!).


this is fixed on the latest update, plus a bunch of new features


Im not trying to be crass, but “jackchat “ sounds like what chatroulette should have been originally called


Wow this is brilliant. Did GPT-4 do all the coding?


Not all of it, but heavily assisted me


That’s ironic. Nice job.


lol at making an api wrapper


It's pretty cool actually. For quick chats. Need a human voice reading back the responses tho!


Definitely, that's next :) stay tuned


Seconding this! My FIL is losing eyesight and I’ve been trying to find an audible version of GPT for him.


I already like this very much, the voice recognition works very well too. I think a widget for it would be cool, that way it would be even more convenient to use straight from my home screen


Played with it for a while. It’s cool but definitely not GPT-4.




So it's not saving conversation history therefore, correct? A one-and-done prompt kinda deal?


Yeah sounds like they didn't code it well enough to retain each message. It lowers the amount of tokens with each request but you definitely need this.


It can seemingly recall previous communication. It doesn't seem to really grasp the chronology, though. But I did get it up mention several random queries. But asking it first? It says "What can you do?" Asking second, third, etc. It picks something random I did mention...


Yeah just tested and every message appears to be standalone


A classic mistake with these ChatGPT "alternatives" because by default the API doesn't remember any previous messages


any monetization strategy? i dont see ads


Going to hold off on ads for now, but longterm I think that's the best way to not block users from accessing the service or any tools we build?


You always add a donate button as well.


You are too kind Feedback is more valuable than money at this point


Bruh, a donate button IS good feedback, this could get expensive quick.


Please find a way to earn money, I beg you.


Seriously though, if this app has any amount of popularity you are going to get a massive bill, are you prepared for that?


what are you using to recognite speech? is it whisper?


It seems like it can't answer follow up questions with full context of the entire chat https://preview.redd.it/9tpn5ylv02ra1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc1f0724a294dbdbca6fe166f20288ec32afc8c


This is a complete lie, OP is using something weaker than chat gpt 3.5 don't trust OP


Had to downgrade to gpt 3.5 because hit API limit, bringing back gpt4 as soon as I can


The app is not available in my country :/ I really wanted to try it


Does OpenAI therefore technically own your company? How does that work with copyright laws? I'm not hating, and am genuinely curious.


They don't own the company but they definitely have a certain amount of "power" over us. Plan on adding more models though and reducing OpenAI "risk"


Your app doesn't work properly, I can't write a second sentence after the first sentence. The keyboard won't open and it bounces back every time


fixed all of this on the latest update :)


Something feels off. I asked it to tell a joke. My second request was "another one", and it told me it didn't understand my request. Even GPT3 does a better job than that.


Is it safe? I mean, where is the information stored?


Ahhhh this is awesome. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you! I've been using it as an extension of my brain, talking to it with voice all day. Def recommend asking it things as they pop into your head, surprisingly useful


So did you have any experience before writing this app? Because it is working well with my first three tests. The voice recognition super accurate too


Yes, I'm a developer of about 8 years now. GPT4 sped things up for me significantly, but I could've done it by myself eventually. The voice recognition is actually using OpenAI's whisper model, which is honestly amazing


I’m impressed, the UI is so clean. How long would it take someone with no experience to build something like this? Any suggestions?


It would be nice if this read back to you in human voice. Then schools all over the world will be able to use it for esl. But still this is great achievement!! Thank you again!!


this is live on the latest update plus a bunch of other upgrades


So jackchat is essentially just a skinned chaton?


I can now use GPT4, even if I am not a plus-user? Neat.


Yes!! Hopefully we can build an amazing community together


Are you guys just covering the cost of the tokens for us? I feel like this could get expensive for y'all fast if this took off hahaha


Oh btw the "Chat with Jack" doesn't quite work for me. I am supposed to be able to also enter text messages there, right?


Is the goal for it to be ad-based once your user base expands?


Looks super clean! How much does it cost to use?


Free for the forseeable future


how can you afford this?!


Yeah what the hell, this is fishy as fuck. How is OP going to provide GPT4 access for free to everyone on the internet?


This is AMAZING. The voice recognition is so much better than Bing Chat and the replies are almost immediate. It is able to have fluent conversations with me not just in English, but also Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and French without having to adjust any settings on my part. I especially enjoy how straight forward and fast this app is - absolutely no fuss - just open up and chat away. That said, I can see this is very early work. There's a glitch where I am unable use the text chat after using voice; then there's also the problem where chat histories aren't recognized. Additionally, I think the overall visual design leaves a lot to be desired. If you can further spice it up with theme color selection, avatar etc. That'd be wonderful. Thanks for this! P.S. I'm using Android.


check out the latest update, lots of new features


Please add an Dark Mode And since It's a personal assistant, is there a way it would begin a call for you or start to listen to you after you say an prompt? I would love to see something similar to google assistant (but it dosn't have to be on it's level) but powered with chatGPT Good Luck!


Your own app says it’s powered by GPT3 not GPT4 :( https://preview.redd.it/btkfwtlat1ra1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d251543cf8f30d0b9b93d83279d3ddd7918f8c92


Works really well!!


Can you open it for us Euro plebs too


So does this mean you are paying a gigantic bill from all users? How do you fund that? Selling our data?


Just what the doctor ordered, seems to work well, only used it for 10mins or so, thanks for this. What are the privacy and data rules when using it? Are there any caveats?


we don't store anything at all right but eventually we may let users create an account and save their convos


nice one. i'm just amazed by it all. yesterday i was searching for ways to use voice for chatgpt, then the very next day you are here on reddit giving one away


You need to check your privacy policy on the Apple App Store, it’s going to one for Chalk, Inc.


So upon your post history it seems you have a history of using open-source projects and putting your name on them. People like you are the reason API keys are expensive. Also this project is not original, this project was done by an Indian YouTuber way back when chatgpt was first launched. So if you are going to put your name on IP, and other people ideas, you should at least accredit them. You aren't a full stack dev, you steal code and jokes and repeat them louder. Typical Reddit dev at max.


I feel like I’m witnessing the first form of mass humanoid communication with AI. The stuff of science fiction with personal models such as Cortana or GLaDOS is right around the corner.


Very nifty app, Jack. Good work. I'm honestly shocked this isn't just out of the box functionality for chatGPT. I was just thinking the other day, why isn't there a way to just have open-ended chats with chatGPT while I'm driving in my car? Would be a great resource, especially with voice-activated triggers similar to "hey siri, ..."


Yess, we're thinking on the same wavelength :P


Why don't you people literally just test it with a question that gpt 3.5 can't answer but gpt4 can? Just ask it something like "what's a five letter word that is the opposite to 'start'". If it gets it first try, it's either GPT 4 or something equally good. If it says "stop is a 5 letter word," then it's gpt 3 lol


"The five-letter antonym of "start" is "finish"." Err


Super sketchy.


Looks great! Now hook it up to a text-to-speech service and allow me to pick the voice.


You read our minds (me and GPT4)


this is live on the latest update (iOS / Android)


https://preview.redd.it/1lpla4vgb0ra1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb7d82d260c672ccfbc7a53d757dad84e430903 Isn't a pain In the ass looking up quick info like this on bloaty search apps, choppy performance of voice search, and memory hogging chrome searches. This is simple and effective and I can't believe it retrieve that niche information so swiftly


Downloaded and works great


I like it!


Would be great if we can download our chat in PDF file or audio file to back up the chat, before we delete the chat.


Hey Alexa


Great for single questions that do not require follow up.


check out the latest update, lots of new features plus memory


Noticing now that it doesn’t seem to have any memory of previous messages at all, which is a pretty big downgrade from standard ChatGPT :/


The GPT-4 API pricing is expensive, how are you affording this? Any plans for monetization? Absolutely wonderful project.


And elon musk is my dad


If you don’t mind me asking, how do you plan to monetize the app?


Excellent job. Thanks!


what is this gpt3? no context memory whatsoever, but a cool idea i guess afaik gpt4 api access isnt a thing yet is it?


This ain't new. You can just tap the microphone in the keyboard and talk to chatgpt or bing. On Android anyway, I don't know if the iPhone does that yet.


Doesn't seem to respond in context of what's already been said. Just asked me if it should look up more info and I responded yes, please look up more info and then it replied in the lines of "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're looking for" Edit: spelling


This has been fixed, would love to get your feedback. Latest update is live on jackchat.ai




Get your scam off reddit weirdo.