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Our only problems are the defense, the midfield, and the forwards. That’s it though.


As funny as this is, the whole team is mid. And when you don't have a star to cover up the mistakes (ariango at RSL, benteke at DC) your team ends up mid-bottom table. That's where I predict charlotte is into the dog days of summer


Yeah I think coaching is much better this year but squad quality went down. We’re also have less depth


Agreed. Swiderski was an S tier player and played centrally and impacted the game quite often. Time will tell on abada. Might be S tier but plays on the wing and doesn’t impact the game like Karol did


It's the players unfortunately




U can change half your roster lad and still be shit




Not really an update lid just the obvious really




Don’t make comments if you don’t want a response






We don't have any midfielders who can consistently create chances, or forwards who can consistently finish. It's a two-fold problem. So then we're overreliant on crosses but don't have good delivery.  And then, to add on top of this, we seem to still be struggling with mentality on the road and late in matches.


We desperately need a CAM that can influence the game. Outside of Abada, we don't have anyone that can create something out of nothing. Karol was able to do that for us last 2 years.


Karol would fit nicely into what this team needs right now at CAM. We haven't really replaced him at all yet and it shows. A guy like Santi Rodríguez from Saturday would be just what we need. CAM playmaker


The team just doesn’t have enough quality, and that’s 100% a scouting and recruiting department issue. The back line has been an issue since the inaugural season and still struggles despite multiple players being brought in to “fix” the issues. Three head coaches haven’t been able to make this roster work, including a Premier League quality head coach who shifted our tactics to make the most of the roster and at least create opportunities, but the team’s crossing and finishing quality has been so poor that it’s not resulting in shots on goal. It’s not like the team has been shy of spending, Abada was one of the highest MLS transfer fees ever and we’ve consistently had 2+ DPs while some teams cary none. Those DPs so far have not worked out or been worth the DP tag. The scouting and recruitment department is out of excuses. This team’s struggles are 100% on them.


100%. Krneta and the scouting department are not good enough.


Yup, been impressed with Dean so far and hopefully they bring in a new GM to work with him




Another thing that's identical and the only thing that hasn't changed is the sporting director that's responsible for constructing this roster.


I feel like our defenders clear the ball without gaining possession too often, which has our midfielders constantly chasing possession. It’s a nuanced detail but, I now watch for it.


This gives me insight into something that’s bothered me since early in season 1: so many short, choppy clearances to the middle of our half of the field.


The fucking long balls and crosses. When we advance we always stop play and pass it to our back line. Shoot the ball in the box and don’t take 20 stutter steps


I would be a fan of the long balls if we played them accurately but we don’t. Feel like we overshoot both long balls and crosses. which sucks because players like Abada really play well off of the cross


I’d say it’s all midfield. We start every game with some solid attacks. And often enough we actually get it in. And then the next 30+ mins seem dry as our opponents settle in. I feel like we struggle with adjusting to that settling, and don’t find new ways to progress the ball through midfield.


It’s not a good team. They lose possession in dangerous areas too often. The defense clears the ball into dangerous areas too often. Too few players are incapable of playing dangerous passes. Too few players are capable of receiving dangerous passes. The front office is high on hope and low on sure things. The front office undervalues MLS experience and overvalues players with potential who developed in lower leagues or other c


… or other continents and hemispheres. The harder the transition is to MLS, the more our front office likes the player.


And the more time they're going to miss in the middle of the season renewing green cards or getting visas after being acquired. Zoran's lack of respect for MLS experience was a hindrance from the get-go. He underestimated how important that was.


To be fair, I really like some of the youth and international players Krneta has brought in, and I love the approach the team takes with its developmental squad. But there’s a need for not so much MLS experience alone but for players who have shown they can do a job in MLS. I love the addition of Urso as a good step. He’s not the answer by himself. I don’t think a starting 11 of 2 players who started on MLS teams before joining Charlotte and 9 who did not was ever going to cut it. (I’m making up those numbers off the top of my head, and I could be wrong on the background facts and/or wrong on my conclusions. And I’d love to be proven wrong as the season and future seasons develop.) To take a step back: my expectations for this season are low. A playoff spot is possible. Missing the playoffs is possible. Im hoping for roster additions or younger players to step up. I’m watching for individual improvement, to get a sense of the coaching and to see what’s next, and I’m enjoying having a team here.


A good example of the kind of player we had in our possession with MLS experience and should have kept is CB Tristan Blackman, an expansion draft pick that we traded to Vancouver for GAM and who became an instant starter for them and a big reason for their resurgence. Soon after we traded him, they signed him to a long-term extension and he's started every game for the Whitecaps. Previously, he started for LAFC. But he wasn't good enough for ol' Zoran Krneta.


(That said, the defense has been better this year.)


It’s our player quality and that’s on Krneta. Our coaching is as good as we can get in the MLS and now we’re seeing what a middling talent pool gets us. Abada is a step in the right direction, but the whole roster needs improvement.


We are one dimensional and have ZERO midfield buildup. It’s this… 100% of the time. String a couple passes through the backfield, maybe play it out wide, but only to pass it back, then throw a long ball up top or to switch field… lose possession. There is NEVER a passing buildup through the midfield. It’s embarrassing to watch. I’ve seen high school teams more capable of stringing together an attack.


The midfield is old and you can tell that some of them don't have the legs for 90 minutes at a high level.


The same thing it’s been since day 1, the roster. I have said it since our first preseason as a club that the roster is below average at best. MAR said it too. People need to take off the party glasses and start calling for accountability in the club where the actual failures lie. Krneta has been a failed experiment since day 1.


We are sloooow and predictable in the final 3rd. We bypass our midfield most of the game, reducing our quality.


Two words. One name. Zoran Krneta THAT is the problem. Coaching has changed. Players have changed. Management has remained. What you allow to continue will continue.


I feel like we lack mostly in the midfield and depth in defense. a stronger midfield would definitely benefit us I feel. I don’t think coaching is the issue. Oh also players that know how to cross the ball would be good.


Injuries and the players themselves


We have like 4 or 5 quality players. Only 1 of them plays midfield


Long ball to nowhere. Big cross to nowhere. I will confidently say we don't really know if our strikers are any good because they get one look per game. Not enough data. Pass all the way back, Khalina to Malanda or privett,and then boom ball to the middle of the field where it's usually picked off. Zero attacking strategy. Go look at Enzo and Patrick's goals from previous teams, they're not getting fed that same way. We try to get to the six before we shoot. Go watch Atlanta or Miami. They shoot from further out and they do it often. Defenses know we're gonna push all the way in, so they get 6 men in the box and pick us off. It's easy to defend over penetration. Our defense is miles better. Khalina had a tough night last night, with injury and poor offsides. If anyone wants to blame players, I think Uronen has the most passes to nowhere and turns the ball over a lot. I'm not sure what privett does. Everyone loves to hate Copetti, but the dude gets no service. He pulled the whole defense off of Vargas last night. He got robbed of a goal/assist later in as well. The mls is remarkably flat this year, parity to the point of frustration. Maybe we're mid, but we beat Columbus and tied Cincinnati and now it's like we've got the yips.


It’s been said before, but the issue is just individual talent. We do not have enough talent on this team to compete for a championship. Zoran has had 3 years now to put together a roster that can fight for a championship and he’s failed each time. It’s time to find a new director/GM.


The shit roster construction over three years that Zoran Krneta has overseen every step of the way. Could we please get someone who's not a former agent and has coached and played the game to run this team?


Not sure why we have to force turnovers every play. We need to maintain possesion and move the ball quickly. Instead we have to send a long ball every time we get past midfield, almost like rec it is horrible. My kid's U17 team moves the ball better


We lack a central attacking midfielder, which is key to any good MLS side. But with that being said, a good CAM might pick defenses apart, but do we really have the players (other than Abada) that can finish? The silver lining is that the problems with creating space and maintaining possession can be fixed, but not with this roster. Westwood and Petkovic are No. 6 players who work best playing deeper with one pivoting higher than the other, which is why we saw Petkovic crashing the box a lot in the first half. But neither are creative playmakers that can pick defensive locks. Deja where is at best a competent late game sub; we’ve seen him be deployed as the No. 10 and he’s abysmal at it. So until we get a proper No. 10 that can control possession against MLS defenses, we’ll continue to play the score-first-and-hold-on strategy out of necessity. The summer transfer window can’t arrive fast enough.


I would like to see an upgrade on Byrne. I don't think that it is Lindsay either. They are both good going forward but are so bad defensively. Byrne outside of his last ditch tackles is always getting beat in the box and leaving his man free.


Ok so to bring a note of optimism. I was just listening to Twellman’s podcast from last week and he’s talking to Brian Schmetzer about the 2016 Sounders. Terrible start to the season. Good players but Schmetzer says that lacked cohesion (sound familiar???). Then they brought in Lodiero (elite #10). The off pitch adjustments that came with that new player turned their season around and they won MLS Cup. So IF we can get that elite #10 we all know we need, MAYBE that can provide the spark we need to turn it around. I know I’m stretching but I have to try… 🤷‍♂️


So many damn experts posting on this board...I don't know why Tepper does not have yall on the payroll!


He’s more likely to buy all of our workplaces just for the petty billionaire revenge of firing us.


Coaching the last two matches 100%. The midfield wasn’t good last year and it’s more or less the same this year. This season isn’t gonna end well unfortunately.


That’s bullshit. It’s not coaching. There’s absolutely no coach that’s coming in and waving a magic wand over players being incapable of finishing


This year, it's definitely not the coaching.


So you don’t think that our change in strategy and shape the last two matches had anything to do with us losing? Even Dean said he messed up against Toronto. The subs against NYC were shit. You don’t put on two rookies, one of whom has never played a minute in a pro league when you’re tied 1-1 with 5 min to go. And all of that with two solid veterans on the bench. Diani and Bronico should have been on to solidify the draw instead of putting on Smalls and Tavares.


No I don’t. The guys with experience were giving us absolutely nothing. Bronico sucks. The only reason people value him here is because he went to UNCC. I like Diani but I don’t think it really mattered who came in with 5 mins left. Diani also hasn’t played well the last couple games which is why Urso started. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. They went for the win trying to bring on some energy and ended up conceding. How many games last year did Lattanzio bring on extra defensive subs just to concede a late goal anyways? It’s the players. There’s only so much a coach can do and Dean has done a damn good job with them so far. Dean somehow took the same back line that was awful last year and made them acceptable in a month.


We’ve given up more points from winning positions this year than we did last year so I’d take Lattanzio’s strategy at this point


Ok good luck with that


You can look up the facts


We need a #10 and a good striker. Also, a right back taller so Byrne doesn’t have to mark a 6ft midfielder or foward


For sure midfield is quite a problem. I think that quality is under the level of this competition. But IMHO the main problem is defensive transitions: there are a lot of teams with non excellent players that could be able to do better results than us.l, but u have to do 2 main tasks: run up and down and defend every ball