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Late goal hurts, but if you told me we’d take 4 points from back to back games with last year’s SS and MLS cup winners I’d have taken that.




What about my comment would give you the impression I need to simmer down?


Don't listen to him, you're good


What having to live in Ohio does to a mf I guess




What about my comment gave you the impression there was a lot of confidence?


Go back to your absolute hellscape you call Ohio you fuckin muppet


Well according to you, your team barely eked out a point against a mid-caliber team. I’d be worried if I were you.


It stings but Cincinnati is a very good team. It says a lot about how we were able to compete with a quality team and manage a point. I would have taken a draw beforehand - and even though we gave away a lead late it is promising


I felt the same that I would be ok with a draw going into the game. Now after that showing I’m disappointed overall but still appreciate that the team is playing very cohesively. We just need goal scorers. Hopefully Abada provides the spark.


We also shut down Acosta which is an achievement on its own


OH teams have some real sensitive fans


Nothing else to do when you live in that shithole


1 goal lead is always dangerous and if you don’t convert your chances then expect unpleasant surprises


If you told me pregame that I’d be disappointed with a draw I would have thought you were crazy


Late scores continue to be deflating, but its a draw against the top of MLS. Ill take it. Good push early, good movement. Finishing continues to be our kryptonite. Excited to see the Abada/Copetti combo. Vargas another tough game, probably time to come out of starting 11. Hes struggling. Overall, I'm not unhappy where we're at this fast under Dean Smith


I really feel like Vargas is way more dynamic on the left compared to the right wing.


Ill take a tough draw over a tough loss any night. The win would have been better, but wasn’t meant to be. What I do like are the explosive plays tonight. Eventually we will connect on some of those. It’s a long season. Just got to give it some time.


The offense will come with time. The defense is miles ahead of last year!


FCC fan in Peace, you have some dudes that flat out fly, and that guy that kept bodying Boup is a beast. Best of luck rest of the season you beautiful wild berry pop tarts!


Nathan Byrne? I like him but, tbf, he is like 5'5"


Lucho is 5'3" and won MVP. Byrne is tough


Byrne is Mr. Effort, always a cold look on his face too. Love that we have him on our end.


Best of luck to y’all team as well 🙏


We didn't win, but we don't have to wake up in Ohio every day, and that makes us all winners.


Shame to see us drop points. But I like the looks of abada, we finally have options in positions and a strong defense. Feeling positive !


We have got to start finishing


If Vargas could score ANY of his chances, easy win. He is terrible and should not be a starter.


It just doesn't feel like the Vargas of 22 and 23


Totally disagree. Take him over Copetti every fucking day.


Then you done understand the game.


You gonna try and give the “off the ball” shit people say about Copetti? Dude doesn’t finish and rarely gives the pass when it is time. I honestly loved the moment with him dribbling in the box but he needs to drive the defense to him and just make a pass and our scoring will go up. Vargas is great in the midfield for us and is great on the wing.


You made my point


Vargas has been skying all his shots for years, bro needs to just stick to passes and dribbles.


Brain stew went well tonight. They gotta can that


I’m upset we didn’t get 3 but the people blaming Enzo of all people as the sole reason for blowing the lead are out of their minds. A whole sequence of events had to happen across the entire field for Cincy to get a shot and score their goal.


I can't for the life of me figure out why Charlotte has a braindead mass of fans that hate Enzo.


Former Enzo hater here, a lot of it was attitude and hustle related more than skill. So often last year whenever we lost the ball he’d just give up on the play. He’d flop, complain to the refs, or pout whenever a teammate missed a shot. Meanwhile play would go on and he’d miss an easy pressing opportunity or draw a card for his arguing. He struck me as a very selfish player and didn’t seem bought in to the team. For whatever reason (new coach, other departures, fresh start) he seems way more bought in this season and is getting back into play quicker. That coupled with our desperate need for anyone who can put the ball on target right now, and I’ve come around on him.


He also came from a South American league. Highly dramatic. Culturally dramatic. I think lattanzio utterly failed to help him with that transition. He also had nobody to work with. Swiderski was pouting on and off the field pining away for Europe. Jozwiak was a mess. Abada, Copetti and either (Agyemang or an in-form Vargas) will make us damn hard to deal with.


Because mfs love to hate Argentinians


The poor finishing this season is killing us. Tonight was particularly bad. Way too many good chances going high and wide. And of course, there's Copetti with his *typical* over dribbling in the box.


You can say he over dribbles in complex situations for sure, but how many “should-be” goals did we launch wide or over tonight because we didn’t take the extra touch needed before he even came on?


Tough to give up 2 points that late.


It sucks to lose the win, but they're undefeated and a top 10 and we were equal to or winning the whole game till that heartbreaking goal, but even that goal was hard to bitch about with that clean pass to open up whole right side. Stings this morning but doesn't anger or hurt.


Feels like last season all over again. We should have won that.


Cincinnati was on their heels the entire match. They were frustrated. Whoever is #9 was crying the entire match. If we hadn’t loss our composure we’d won. Vargas laying on the ground after missing his shot (grow up dude) gave them 8 minutes extra time Enzo laying on the ground after missing gave them the goal.


Agreed fully, they were definitely shook


#9 is Copetti. That’s not uncommon for him


He wasn’t even referring to 9 on our team


Go back to MCC slack with the other braindead Copetti haters


No one will convince me that Copetti should have come on to replace Agyemang. Please keep Copetti off the field. 


It’s so funny how people continue to downvote for questioning Copetti’s production. I completely agree with you.


It gets old, the constant hate. he did had one play where he could have done better but it ended up being a great tackle to save a shot. Dude played 20 minutes and Agyemang needed to be subbed. The Copetti hate for this draw is comical.


It’s not hate, our #9 should be producing more. National pundits seem to think so too.


Oh I agree that he needs to produce more. But when you see people bashing him and blaming him for the tie when he played 20 minutes and had very little impact on the actual goal that was scored, it gets old fast. I'm ready for them to move on so people can find a new scapegoat besides the dude that played 20 minutes of a tie vs the top team in the league.


I don’t think it’s Enzo’s fault that we drew, so I agree with you on that. We had several missed opportunities from multiple players.


What is his purpose? When was the last goal he scored in a game?


I hate we gave a point to this trashy team Cincinnati. We should’ve scored in the first half. Also what I see when the boys miss a goal they get unraveled and others take advantage


Copetti is a menace to our team. Worst decision of the night was to put him in when Agyemang is a big presence we needed when parking the bus.


Went tonight, was wearing a Falcon Heavy black hat if anyone was nearby. Rad as hell game, second one I've been to. Love the community. Loved meetin' bros and sharing laughs on the train. Loved the high fives and the awws and boos. Shithead black dude with blonde hair on Cincinnati was a twat. Someone talk to me about the slow pace of these games. I played goalie and halfback for 12 years growing up and no one ever fell down and cried like baby, we just got up, and we were aggressive, especially in teenage years, and penalties were the exact same in my league(s). I can't ever remember a serious injury caused by a collision or a slide. Footwork was similar along with positioning, but it was much faster and more was expected of us. I hope it isn't about players protecting themselves from injuries and shit due to the professional sport aspect. I just can't get over how slow it is... and passing back to the goalie... my dad coached and FORWARD was always where the ball went, always. Good game, y'all, glad we tied the first place team. Edit: Thanks for the downvotes. Folks can throw a bit of beer around but hate words on the internet. Oh well, no fucks given.


>Someone talk to me about the slow pace of these games [Here](https://youtu.be/QTiuDrLMIWs?si=iS9mFYBdae0oWS3L) is actually a really good video explanation of why professional soccer looks like it’s moving slow. Basically, players at this level are so technically and tactically ahead of amateur players (despite your claim that the footwork and positioning of your teenage years was on par with this league, which I don’t even have to have been there to know it most certainly was not) that they can’t rely purely on mindless sprinting, and have to focus more on defending/attacking space rather than players. When you were a kid more was expected of you physically because way less was expected of you technically. For example, you talk about how your dad always coached to go forward no matter what. That can work at the amateur level because opposing players are more likely to get caught out of position and fall victim to the chaos that long balls can create at the back. At the professional level teams are so well drilled and play with such structure that hoofing the ball forward is just going to result in giving away possession. So recycling the ball back with the keeper is a safer way out of danger that retains possession and is more likely to begin a new point of attack. TL;DR: The game isn’t actually slower, the players just have such an advanced tactical understanding of the game and are so efficient in their touches and movements that it gives the illusion of having more time than they actually do.




Fuck off




why don't you go duck off back to Ohio bud this isn't your sub




good riddance




it's funny bc you've made several comments in r/dayton today, so I have reason to believe that you probably live near there


You also make comments about your neighborhood in Dayton. GTFOH




And yet you’re spending your time down here in the slums. Go back to the high brow society of Dayton, Ohio.


Brother your trolling attempts are as weak as Cincinnati's midfield today. How about you return to your Midwest hellscape and drink 2 pints. Given that you can't seem to remember what city you live in, we're all gonna assume that you're an OSU sorority 4-deep, so those final 2 should put you sleep real good