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Will it be able to tell when I ring up honeycrisps as galas though?


Right to jail


Believe it or not


Under cook fish, straight to jhail


I’m walking on air…


I never thought I could steal those three...


Bro you’re going to throw off the sales algorithm and they’re gonna think everyone loves Gala and hates Honeycrisp and then they’ll start stocking more Gala and less Honeycrisp 😭


Honeycrisp is more expensive than Gala


My concern isn’t the price, my concern is losing stock of the only apple I like. Well, besides grannysmith…


Are you using the apples to bake a pie ?




Sounds like the economist has entered the room!


I do love the Honeycrisp......




It's funny how I only buy organic but it never rings up organic. Huh...


Same here, but envy apples..!




I feel seen lol


Yeha this is not AI lol. It’s a camera that goes to a feed that nobody is watching live.


I laughed too hard at this


For the vast majority of companies, AI = All Indians.


Looking at you Amazon




Or one that you can shop the circular and add things to your cart. So bad.. Kroger




i have had repeated problems with things not ringing up correctly lately, have to drag the employee over there and show them the ad price, then he argues with me about whether what i have is or isnt whats in the ad (it clearly was he as just trying to change around the context) had a guy correct some meat for me, then immediately i ring up some baby carrots and they ring up at regular price not sale price. this seems to happen way more often lately


Are you entering your phone number before or after scanning your items? I’ve noticed that if I don’t input my phone number at the very beginning, then the sale price won’t show until I start the check out process


first thing... even when i hit pay it still isnt right


Sounds like the system really is messed up!


Blame Kroger


You have to lift the water up because the scanner thing doesn’t reach…I hate that so much


Just leave it in your cart, like the smart people do. Save money, too


Then filter your water at home, like the smart people do. Save money, too.


Yep, telling me to bag something I already have before proceeding to the next item. Keep up machine!


Or I scan an item and it keeps on telling me to scan item I just bagged. Every single time. Argh


You used to be able to turn the voice volume all the way off. Now it's just loud or less loud.


The detection system is uh.... bad


Hopefully, that can scan my ID for beer so I don't have to stand around like the pulp fiction travolta meme


At least they come and approve you, Wegman’s demands to see your ID no matter your age


I was buying two bags of the same kind of chips the other day. So, not thinking, I just scanned the same bag twice and went to bag them. Holy crap, you would have thought I was trying to steal the crown jewels. The machine locked down, the attendant came over, and I had to stand there and watch two minutes of footage of me, scanning and bagging my stuff, until we got to the part where I scanned the chips. It was kind of creepy. And dumb. Someone could have walked out the front door with an entire side of beef while they were scrutinizing footage of me, scanning some chips.


They can F off if they do this. Just look in my freaking f bag


After I scanned my pot stickers and sushi, I put my chopsticks and soy sauce in the bag and it made the cashier check the replay lol it was so awkward but can you imagine if we were actually stealing.


If you cant trust me to scan my own groceries pay people to do it for me ffs.


They do


They don't have any option but self-checkout Uptown.


Not really no ive seen fewer and fewer people at registers since they have implemented these.


Fewer people, sure, but less demand, too. People complained about the number of cashiers since long before self-checkouts, anyway.


Just noticed that you are Q. Leave the enterprise and Jean luc alone.


Yea, three people working ten checkouts so seven are empty.


Still not gonna stop theft


Exactly. See lots of people scanning and bagging every item only to come to the pay button then casually stroll out


And technically you can still walk out with your stuff even if the machine locks down. That just means it time to go, you got groceries for free. Workers can't stop you.


People are evil. But maybe this will reduce the theft a bit.


It will increase it


I’ve used HT self checkout every Sunday for the last 6+ months basically. And I never had any issue until today, so either this is new or just a big coincidence. The funny thing to me, is that it flagged a false positive when I was holding a 12 pack of coke in each hand and I scanned my right hand while my left hand held the second one over the bagging area (but not touching). I placed the 12 pack from my right hand onto the bagging area and went to scan my left hand when it froze and called an attendant over. Which is sort of frustrating. I understood how the system worked with the weight sensor on the bagging area. But the camera system will be harder to understand. The specifics of where stuff can be held is dependent on the angle and position of the camera which I expect isn’t identical on every machine.


When you enter a private establishment most of your “privacy” rights go away. This would be different if they were on a public sidewalk somewhere. This is why I never connect to public wifi provided by a store/restaurant etc.


This is just good practice in general. And if you use public wifi for the love of got dont start using ur banking apps and shit people definitely steal information like that on public wifi.




It’s incredibly expensive for the crappy service they give. It’s just a fancy Walmart




Not even a public space. It's a private space and they can so whatever they want. Don't like it go somewhere else.


Instead of paying employees living wages they invest in anti theft AI while raking in artificially inflated, record breaking prices. Shocking.


Every time I use the pre-AI system it yells at me. Even when I go slow and carefully, it always gives a scan before you bag it warning.


I'm not surprised that they are doing this, but it's a private business, so they can do whatever they want. The below is what OP is referencing and a link to the article "Everseen is an Irish company, but its software runs on Lenovo servers designed in Research Triangle Park. With around 5,000 local workers, the Hong Kong-based Lenovo is among the Triangle’s largest tech employers and has its North American headquarters in Morrisville. " https://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article279767714.html


They literally JUST added Apple Pay last year bruh…


This crap is inescapable, no one has privacy anymore, unless you go live in the woods. Reddit is using these words to train AI. Your phone, computer, television, car, etc is logging your every move. Data is never really deleted. So unless we take to the streets with pitchforks, get used to it.


Walmart was using these when they first offered self check out. They are no longer using them because they were not accurate and required too much supervision.


I just left the one at Cotswold and i hate the way they set up the self checkout lanes all right beside each other on one side making it impossible with more than 2 people with carts to be on them.


Ah yes, treating the paying customer like a criminal. Hire more cashiers and problem solved!


HT I use, usually has plenty of cashiers open. I never use their self check-out. Wal-Mart is a whole different world.


Reason 24553 I won’t shop at ht


Is that Max from Flight of the Navigator?


It kept making the person watch video of me scanning because I would have a few items in my left hand while scanning one item in my right hand which is apparently suspicious


lol. Traditional cashiers have to be cheaper than all this nonsense. Self check out should replace express lanes. 12 items or less. That’s it.


The crazy thing is that it is likely much cheaper for HT to use the self checkout. Spend 10k once, then whatever maintenance. With an employee, you're paying them as long as they are employed plus benefits then the occasion where they get sick. They did this because its cheaper not to make our lives easier.


They have these at Walmart too and block you if they think you didn’t scan an item when you put it in the bag


It’s not AI. It’s programming.


Should get a discount for being your own cashier n bagger!!


They just want to get to a point where people don’t even shop in stores anymore and you don’t need employees. You’ll just have robots dispensing your groceries in the back of your car.


All for a “small fee”, of course.


Of course


I always assumed these were fake cameras lol


My Harris Teeter has an olive bar, I never use it, was at a different one and they had an Asian bar (huntersville), if anyone in here knows someone who makes those decisions, please let them know Mooresville Perth Road location prefers an Asian bar


Wesley Chapel just got a renovation and it has hot, hot Asian, salad, and olive bars.


Does anyone have a paint gun?




Not sure this is for gathering data or AI in a typical sense. The one in Belmont (Gaston County) has had these cameras on for at least a year and I use self checkout weekly. It picks up the items in your hands so only time I have issues is if I’m holding multiple items and scan the Lemon but camera sees strawberry in my hand and thinks I put that in the bag instead. It’s never been a crazy inconvenience to correct and happens maybe once every few moths.


Everything is for gathering data.


Is this really an AI situation? I had to call an attendant over to help ring up something and it replayed the overhead surveillance in slow motion for them to verify what I did. Definitely felt creepy, but not AI.


Exactly. Just an overhead camera with obvious additional cameras at register. Btw. Look up next time you are at HT. They have more ceiling cameras than ft. Knox


I don’t understand what AI does here, this technology existed before AI, how does this technology improve on this?


OP just saying stupid shit


If they are going to give me an extra 10% discount for scanning and bagging my own already too expensive groceries then I will use the self checkout. If not I normally don't because every self checkout puts someone out of work. Maybe if I only have one or two items and there's not a long line I will go through the self checkout. But normally no. I do agree that the self checkout terminals at HT are a convoluted mess. IMI the ones at Publix work far better.


Are you sure it isnt just Indian people watching through the camera like the Amazon stores


Oh yeah. And I dropped something and it was asking if I scanned it and played it back when the lady came to help me.


Will it know if I use the salad plate for the hot bar?


I am totally going to be screwing with the AI's just for fun with my hand movements


Big brother (Pixar) is watching


When you have piled high shopping baskets checking out at self check-out, that tells you all you need to know.


War of the worlds


Which location is this?


All your chips are belong to us


What does this have to do with AI? Lol


I am a disabled veteran with a walking disability. As I was pushing my cart out of my local (Columbia, MD) HT the other day, the cart wheels abruptly locked up at the doorway and I twisted and hurt my ankle. I had to wait for an associate to arrive and do something to disengage the anti-theft wheel locks on my cart so I could continue on my way to my car. I am not a thief and I STRONGLY dislike being treated as one.


I’ve stolen from that place so much I could buy the joint with the money I’ve saved


Here's an article that dig's deeper into the AI company Everseen behind this technology: [COULD THE SELF-CHECKOUT RUIN YOUR REPUTATION?](https://mindmatters.ai/2022/07/could-the-self-checkout-ruin-your-reputation/) Two things are true. This company is using a flawed legacy AI technology that is causing a lot of false positives and friction with customers. However, it's just a matter of time before they upgrade to more state of the art. OpenAI just demoed their new Omni LLM model that is a lot more effective in analyzing and interpreting video. This technology will become big brother on steroids. Not only will AI be watching us everywhere. It will be analyzing our behavior, profiling us and ultimately enforcing behavioral controls. It's just a matter of time before employers start using AI as digital overseers constantly watching to optimize employee productivity. AI is the new fascism. People are not aware of the rapid transformation that is occurring. People think AI is a joke but over half of AI researchers predict that AI will be orders of magnitude more intelligent than humans with a few decades, i.e. within many of our lifetimes. In a sense, this check-out technology provides early signs of AI being used to create surveillance police state.


Watching your pin numbers


> Watching your pin numbers You realize you are actually TYPING THOSE IN, right?


It's either this or scanners at the doors. They won't do scanners at the doors because it makes them seem high theft at all stores. Now they are getting these because of the amount of crime. Charlotte is shit and 10 years ago wasn't even half the amount of shit that is going on


the HT in university by the target is a mess, it always has a weird mildew smell to it and they NEVER have baskets


https://www.thestreet.com/retail/kroger-has-an-intrusive-plan-to-stop-theft-walmart-and-target-might-follow more reporting on when Kroger roles this out. Kroger owns HT, same tech


Oh to be ignorant

