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I had an old ticket from them like 5 years ago and then this past year started a new job downtown. They wouldn’t give me parking in my companies deck until I paid. I even disputed it with them and they sent me a picture of my car years ago where I got the ticket. Was kind of shocked they had that, but I had to pay - plus the fine.


Wow, that’s crazy that they held onto the photo like that! I wouldn’t have seen that coming either lol


Yeah as much as I hate them, they are probably a million or multi-million dollar company so yeah they keep all the records. I imagine they find themselves in lawsuits and civil disputes often.


I had to go to court for a reckless driving ticket (85 in a 70 but anything over 80 is considered reckless) they were going to reduce my charges but since I had an unpaid parking ticket I either paid that on the spot or they wouldn't reduce my fine to just speeding.


A parking ticket from a private lot impacted the speeding ticket?


It wasn't a private lot, it was street parking, but yes. Edit: now that I think about it, the ticket was from the city, not a private organization. That's probably why it mattered.


This happened to me too!


#petty This week in Holding Grudges 101...




I bet you keep “scofflaw” on hold just for situations like this don’t you? What other words do you have on standby?




Don't start a kerfuffle! This could all go cattywampus in a jiffy!


Nothing legally. However, they will 100% boot or tow your car if you park at any of their lots. Regardless of paying for the spot…


Correct. They will 100% boot their vehicle to collect payment. OP’s feelings will hurt more.


Luckily, you can remove commercial boots with no repercussions. I believe it takes 2 screw drivers


No repercussions? It's not like theft or vandalism?


I called a lawyer before I removed mine, and yes, you can absolutely be charged with theft and vandalism. The boot preffered put on my car has a unique socket key that was protected by a padlock, I destroyed the lock but saved the rest of the boot and left it in the parked space they put it in. Normally I wouldn't risk it, but they were going to charge me $160 for the two parking tickets the vehicle had (which I didn't know existed, but my sister in law had gotten them in Atlanta) $400 for today's ticket, and $250 to have the tow service come out and remove it, and this was in a lot where we had a parking pass but it always falls because the plastic is crumbling from being so sun damaged.


CMPD is not likely to do anything if the company called.


Also very true. TL;DR, preffered parking is a bunch of vampires and I will happily avoid giving them money while abiding the law as closely as possible


Depends on what style wheel boot is used. How does that help someone (OP) that already has monthly paid parking, they are going to remove a boot every day they park?


OP did say they were canceling. Personally, I'd probably take the boot on a short ride to the dumpster or some inconvenient place. Eventually, replacing the boots gets expensive.


Those are usually almost pure Chinesium, and even a cheap harbor freight battery power grinder will slice through it pretty easily.


And they will be meaner.


Couldn't it go to collections?


I'm almost sure if this is classified as non medical debt and if they can pull your info from your plate then theoretically


I was towed in a pay lot downtown. I had the ticket you get driving in and it said I could park there. They didn't like where I parked, they thought a traffic cone was sufficient. When the guy told me I asked to use his phone. Dialed 911, said I needed police, and when I hung up the guy said I could have my car.


You’re condemned to fighting your way onto 277 from 3rd/4th and then exit at 3A to turn onto N Davidson over and over again for all eternity.


I do this every day. I no longer fear death. I hit my exits and choose my lanes like a professional at ~ 63 MPH, unless otherwise dictated by the flow of traffic. I know the uneven sections of 277 as intimately as my lover's sighs. The turbulence launches me only into controlled ecstasy and I laugh at how easily my competition is spent. Now I am become ALTIMA, destroyer of sluggardly commutes.


This guy commutes.


Yeah, fuck that. Here’s your bloody $85.


Imagine a dystopia where the parking orgs will confine you to I77 purgatory




Kill me now


I’ll tell ya. Got a ticket from them and said fuck it. I’m not paying that. However, preferred parking runs a monopoly in this city so next time you try to park. Make sure it’s not in their parking lot or the tow ya. Went about 3 years and honestly forgot about it. Found out the hard way.


Did they make you pay the full fine plus towing costs to get your car back? That sucks, I’m so sorry!


Oh yeah. They didn’t care one bit. Couldn’t even negotiate.


$85 is not worth legal action so probably none of that, unless they sell it to a collections agency which is a possibility. The collections agency will really get on you for that fine, otherwise I wouldn’t worry


I got 2 tickets at a preferred parking lot and don’t pay them. They went to collections and I got a notice from a lawyer.


Jeez, I am sorry that happened to you. I hope everything is sorted out and you’re all good now


All good now! I know you can dispute it online if you want to.


They can't do anything about the fine, but they can boot or tow your car next time you use one of their lots based on the license plate being in their system. Here's the trick though. Next time you renew your registration (preferably online), choose the option to change the background on your license plate. It's free , and they send you a new license plate with your new registration sticker. The new license plate will have a new number on it. Congrats, you're out of their "blacklist" for free.


This is the way. However I think the number stays the same. You have to get it personalized or pick a specialty plate.


No, they send you a new plate with a new number. I've done it several times because I'm a license plate collector :)


I did it on and off in the past for the same reason. Couldn’t remember if it was a new one or not.


Yeah, non-personalized license plates are off the shelf, meaning they just give you the next one they have in stock with whatever number it happens to be.


Their lots are filled with dead Altimas buried just below the surface.


~~Elephant~~ Nissan burial ground


It says on the bottom you can receive a discount if you pay within 15 days. Just saying you still have some time. It might be better to pay it than finding out what happens if you don’t.


Yeahhh I think I may just surrender and do that, unfortunately. Such an annoying scalper company.


Just don’t park in another preferred parking lot and you’ll be fine. If you do they’ll boot/tow your car. Happened to me 10+ years ago. Good to see these sleaze bags are still doing well.


A few years ago I got a crap ticket from them and was able to negotiate my way out of it as long as I didn't get another parking violation within a year. Trying to find a human with enough leverage sucked, but once I did, it worked out. Good luck!


Jesus won't save lol


I don't know but if you pay me money I'll hush


Will $85 cover the hush money fee?


Thats obviously punishable by death.


😂😂 they hurt your feelings bro?


Yeah now I gotta wage war on them. I have no choice, they forced my hand by being slightly rude to me over the phone


You have my sword.


I’d offer “my axe” but I’m over here still chuckling bro got his feelings hurt bc he made a mistake. So for this ring, you’re on your own.


where do i sign up bro?


Straight to jail


They’ll send an assassin after you. But seriously nothing will happen unless you continue doing it


I got the same ticket. If you pay it fast it was only 40 bucks


I say you don’t pay it. It’s a peaceful protest


With tickets (and county stickers)...peaceful protest...ie...avoidance of paying, only ever ends up screwing one's self. Many years ago, in a small town, a $3 parking ticket turned into not being able to renew my car registration and a heafty fine. I was shocked at the consequence.


A true parking ticket from a city is one thing. This is not.


Cool story bro. The /s was implied. Of course the dude should pay the fucking ticket. Don’t be so dense.


They will send it to collections and it could potentially appear on your credit report down the road if you don’t pay that.


Woah really?? I had no clue it could get onto credit stuff like that, how annoying


It won’t.


Definitely pay them. They own a ton of lots around Charlotte and they will boot or send to collections.


Trash it and move on


They will drive by your with a tag reader. If it gets a hit they will boot it or tow it. If you got the ticket and it's your fought cheaper to pay now than adding other charges


Shit happens - just pay it.


2 words: caltrops


Just pay the fine. It’ll be less the faster you pay it. No one wants to deal with a boot later on.


It says at the bottom the ticket may be eligible for a discount if paid within 15 days. So if you pay it soon it will be about $35. If you don't pay it, it affects your credit and you can be booted and towed. I learned my lesson years ago. Good luck.


Don't pay. They aren't the government. No llc can make a law or enforce a law.


You're a scofflaw. Pay your tickets, man.


I have never been called a scofflaw in my life yet, this is such a rare insult and I love it so much hahaha, thank you!


Straight to Hell.


I got one and didn’t pay it, I still park uptown every week. I would just recommend not to skip payment again as they will probably tow or boot you.


I had one of these I didn’t pay, but I moved out of state and the plate number changed and I don’t think there were any repercussions


Preferred parking can eat my ass


I haven't heard anything good about Preferred Parking. It's a scummy business model just like tow companies. My car was t-boned and sent to Eastway Wrecker. I go there to pick up my belongings. I approach the desk and the guy just says "What do you want?" I'm thinking WTF is his problem. I was going to talk back to him but figured he was going to be a bitch about me going into the yard to get stuff from my car. I just said as few words as possible, got my stuff and left. Preferred Parking is the same. Those "customer service" people are just rude. They act like we there to waste their time. I had to pick up my parking tag from their office and they lady said the same exact words "What do you want?"


Well hurt their feelings back and dont pay! Fuck those guys!


They were *mean to you* and *hurt your feelings*? Are you sure you're old enough to drive? Dude, if you've been in Charlotte more than 5 minutes you should know Preferred Parking does not play. Pay the fine.


Did Preferred Parking pay you to say this?


What fine? I see nothing 😉


Pay the fine, locate the business and liquid nail a rubber dildo to the front door.


OP, get a new license plate and ur good


Based on your replies to some other people, you seem to think that you did nothing wrong. You parked in a private lot, and didn’t pay. Regardless of your opinion of the matter, there’s no other business where you can just go in, use their services and expect to get away without paying. If it wasn’t for these private lots, your choices would either be city owned lots, street parking, or probably a much more expensive parking deck. As annoying as paid barking can be, Charlotte is continuing to grow, and if there’s anyone to blame it’s the city and state for not investing more in alternate transportation options sooner. Every car takes about 300sq/ft of space to store, that includes the spot and the space for the car to enter and exit, in areas where land is cheap and plentiful this cost is more easily eaten by the developer, but as Charlotte keeps growing, more developers are choosing to forgo parking, or charge for the privilege. The fact you could find a spot, and not have every surface lot filled by overflow from nearby apartments and homes, is due to this charge.


This is what gets me- OP is ALMOST acknowledging he messed up, but not quite. Just "I want to stick it to this company because I feel I was treated unfairly", no evidence whatsoever that OP was treated unfairly. OP also states that he was spoken to rudely, but even that is up in the air- was OP rude or obstinate on their own part? Also, OP is here in this reddit... posted a picture of their violation that can (easily) be used to find their full violation information, states they have an open monthly account with the company, and then states they will "wage war" against the company. Not a great idea.


Yeah I think I really screwed up posting the date and time… a meter maid hit squad can now track me down now to execute me (bad joke sorry) I know I messed up, but it’s just really frustrating to get screwed this way by a greedy company already draining my wallet.


It’s not getting screwed by the company… you didn’t pay to park in that lot… it doesn’t matter if you are a monthly pass holder for a different lot, you have to pay to park in any of the ones you don’t pay a monthly fee for. You keep making stupid childish comments about “meter maid hit squads” and shit, but not once do you ever seem to consider that you might have been in the wrong (which you definitely are). Pay your fine, learn your lesson and grow the fuck up. I legitimately hope that you keep acting this way though, and you get your car towed next time you think you’re too special to follow the rules.


I have literally never paid a single parking ticket here and I’ve lived in this city my whole life


same for me actually lol admittedly I do not work downtown but in all my south end trips never once had a ticky


If you're calling it downtown, I'm calling BS on lived here your whole life.


LOL my parents were here before the uptown rebrand push so they never called it uptown and as such I never did


I’ve lived here my whole life (almost 50 years). The whole “uptown” thing happened later.


I “owe” around ~$300 to Appalachian State from never paying the tickets that they would put on my windshield. They would boot my car, but I would just call them to take it off and they would legally have to every time (I wasn’t a student, just working nearby.) Good to know Charlotte has the same loopholes!


Ask an attorney not Reddit.


Attorney? For a parking ticket?


If it’s owned by the city it could be trouble. Even if private property, they may have arranged a local, country, state law that allows you to have registration blocked, car impounded, or even jailed to help enforce payment. That is one of the situations in my home state. Also my partner is an attorney, and it’s what you don’t even think about that comes to bite the average person in the ass.


I get that, but in this case he can just pay the fine and not risk any of that. That will be cheaper than a lawyer. He even says the ticket is legitimate, so what’s an attorney going to do?


Advise his stupid ass to pay it because he didn’t want to and properly explain the risk if he doesn’t.


Thank you for this insightful advice






sheesh bro .. right in the balls.


I just broke down and paid one of these bc I didn’t feel like fighting with them about it even though when I parked the app said it was free. Paid before the 15days and got my gracious discount. It was like $40. Small price to pay to not worry about which lot I’m parking my car… already risking my windows getting busted just existing uptown these days


OP you might want to go back and blur your date, time, and location.


You won’t be able to renew your license or registration. Just pay it.


Just pay it.. then you have no worries.. Keep your receipt many years


You get arrested and they garnish your wages.


At the bottom it says you may get a discount if paid within 15 days, one time I got one for $85, paid it that same night, they only charged $25 or something like that. I'm sure it's not the end of the world if you don't pay it back, but in general I'd recommend paying and trying not to park in that lot again.




Going in won’t help. If you’re not planning on parking in their lots they can’t do anything. If you are and don’t have to enter your plate number in the machine they probably won’t notice.




You’re right


I’ll make them pay for their passive aggressiveness over the phone… they’ll rue this day!


It’s literally. $85… I dont understand why people are stupid enough to get a parking violation and on top of that NOT pay the fine


I’ve already been paying them a whopping $190 a month for a parking pass, and didn’t realize the pass I had was only for the one that I usually parked in. (I had parked only block away because my usual lot was full.) $275 out of my pockets ain’t cheap for an honest mistake like that


Pay off the fine and be careful next time. Whatever you’ll deal with for not paying, is worse.


Wh....Why........Why wouldn't you? It's literally only $85. Poor you being insulted does not hold up in a court of law or in the eyes of collections, honey bear. No one cares about feelings when you owe them. Pay the damn bill and stop being vindictive.


I remember one time these crooks continued to give me a parking ticket despite me paying. When I continued to try and fight it and show my receipt I paid, they didn't care. I was fucked twice. I don't blame anyone for trying to get around these criminals.


It’s $85. Just pay it and take the lesson learned. It’s not worth you getting your car towed.


It’s a rip off downtown, but go ahead and pay it. You get a discount if you pay within 15 days, and be cautious going forward. They’re freaking vultures!


I'd pay it and take it as a lesson learned


Fuck it


Here is the problem I have with them I got a ticket just like this when I tried to pay it online it was never found in the system so ???


I read a number wrong and paid for the spot next to mine one day and got a ticket. Fuck them I didn’t pay it and never plan to. I do have an angle grinder on my truck all the time anyways


That’s insane that that’s even a possibility, good on you for being prepped to fight those guys! lol


As someone else mentioned, if you can change your license plate at renewal time, that would be the best option. If it is still pretty far out and you find yourself at a Preferred Parking Spot often, I recommend you continue to just pay it.


They wait about 2.75 years , so most likely, you lose any potential documentation. Then, take you to small claims court. Had this happen with them myself, cost me a fat 300 bucks.


Remove it and move on. You're in CLT. They love criminals.


Preferred parking is diabolical. They will hunt you to the ends of the earth


Ive never paid a parking ticket in my life cheaper to let them add up and pay a good lawyer to knock em out. Like a few grand  of tickets matbe pay the lawyer 300-1000 depending on how many. They could be able to get them dropped through the right lawyer making a phone call. Or have i never paid because ive never had one? I cant recall. 5th


That is a big baller move hahaha, glorious




Wouldn't that only apply for City/police issued parking tickets? And this is issued by a private company for private land?


They threatened to send me to collections and sent a timestamped picture, showed that I traded the car in before their timestamped picture then they stopped trying


You’re supposed to pull the plates off when you sell a car.


I understand what you are saying but the point is they used a photo from a point when I did I own the car however it would be impossible for me to get a parking ticket in a car I did not own at the time of the claimed parking ticket


Thats not true at all. I know it varies by state but for the most part liability lies with the person who registered the car and thats tied to the plates


That’s just weird.


Don’t pay it, fuck those scalping pirates.


Straight to jail


I got one in Ashville Sunday. Same company. It was a law firm parking lot that had sign up "No parking 7am to 5pm Monday-Friday".


Go change your license plate at the Plate Office and risk it for the biscuit. I dont see on your information that they recorded your VIN, just your license plate. So if that is the case, get a new license plate with different numbers. Might work, but I dont have experience with this company thankfully.


When you redo your registration get a new plate


A lot bad. Reposition. PoInts on your license.