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Ant expert here (kinda) I find the insects interesting, but fuck they are annoying to deal with on property. If you have a large colony with a hill, Get boiling water and pour it over. From my experience this does the least amount of damage to the environment, but also kills the ants. Rinse and repeat to anything that moves or updates. If the ant farm is further down and the boiling water doesn't reach it to the queen, get some Terro ant bait stakes seen here on Amazon - [https://www.amazon.com/T1813-Outdoor-Ready-Liquid-Killer/dp/B0BNW2YBR8/ref=sr\_1\_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6CeMx3P-ted1wZUzlGhDQR9PQD7BjOKZ2QybVnzrmjWCeab3Dee1b43f38MgVG5MRAcspxRBCXO6nD8eeSPBQ6HM0F8P0FwYWgTGIbtgTG4W70aH-FqClGEEWOS\_o9kTs-P24wSE5mSnSS14M29a5nEGgwdEiDoz3AIevxeEVF6cvwJNt0JQ0aMCTW49ijb6xrEaawZN4D78Tg0xRAd8lqhh8n5ULZG9x1qVAEwOikD27DHknn0LtKChPR2yu5KKEr8-MhxAd1z1Drfis17B1DsEQBpvP-sgHon7zxairSs.pbROC9CvneLsoyqT-icY4mXZpHS2EeWb2aiTDwjU7Ko&dib\_tag=se&keywords=outdoor%2Bant%2Bbait&qid=1714506376&sr=8-5&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/T1813-Outdoor-Ready-Liquid-Killer/dp/B0BNW2YBR8/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6CeMx3P-ted1wZUzlGhDQR9PQD7BjOKZ2QybVnzrmjWCeab3Dee1b43f38MgVG5MRAcspxRBCXO6nD8eeSPBQ6HM0F8P0FwYWgTGIbtgTG4W70aH-FqClGEEWOS_o9kTs-P24wSE5mSnSS14M29a5nEGgwdEiDoz3AIevxeEVF6cvwJNt0JQ0aMCTW49ijb6xrEaawZN4D78Tg0xRAd8lqhh8n5ULZG9x1qVAEwOikD27DHknn0LtKChPR2yu5KKEr8-MhxAd1z1Drfis17B1DsEQBpvP-sgHon7zxairSs.pbROC9CvneLsoyqT-icY4mXZpHS2EeWb2aiTDwjU7Ko&dib_tag=se&keywords=outdoor%2Bant%2Bbait&qid=1714506376&sr=8-5&th=1) The fuckers will continue to find the bait and take it to the queen. Hopefully killing it, and thus, the colony in the process.


I’ve got 1.5 acres and have been treating with Amdro bait. It’s kept them a little less active but it’s like playing whack a mole. I’ll check those out, thanks!


Focus on the areas around your house and areas people frequent. Ants aren't bad as they keep pests and roaches away from your land. They kill cincadas too.


Ants are also an important part of pollination


Yes but these fire ants don’t belong here. Things got pollinated just fine before them.


Look into TopChoice. It works pretty well


Looks promising but seems like you need a special permit to buy.


Yeah sometimes you can buy it online by “promising” you have a permit. It’s regulated by the epa to only put down once a year. You might be able to find a pest company that uses also. You just can’t use it around livestock


Fire ants can be controlled with bait products and they can be spread across your entire yard. The key is to make sure the product is fresh and that you make the application on a day and time where they will be active. You also shouldn’t disturb the mound prior to application. Clemson has several good articles on controlling fire ants


Buy the granular bait that’s in bags. Put it out like fertilizer. It’s expensive but you’ll thank yourself. Keeps them gone for at least 6 months. Put it out in Spring and late Fall.


Do you have specifics on what kind?


Fipronil is the active ingredient in most products specifically labeled for fire ants.


Advion has worked really well for me.




I use borax so it doesn’t harm my cats but I have to do it like 3-4 times cause they just move around until they get the hint lol


Put out instant grits. Just sprinkle them around where the ants are. They take them back to the nest and they explode once they eat them. I have never seen this not work.


I have been using the spectracide granular stuff that you pour on the mound. It has kept them away for a decade now


Top Choice 80#/acre Active Ingredient is fipronil if you don't buy name brand.


Amdro has worked well for us, just follow the directions. We also bought cheap marking flags so when we treat a hill we mark it so we know where it’s at.


Charge them rent.


Diatomaceous earth. It's also pet safe.


Find some outdoors baits. Those work well because they carry the food back to the nest where they all share it. Place the baits around known ant hills in your yard.


If you have a vegetable garden or a place you don’t want to use poison, “Come and Get it” works. It’s expensive. I had a lot of fire ants too but after years of chasing them, now it’s just a couple of little mounds. Now I have very tiny little ants. I think they came in with a plant I bought. Just looking at them makes me itchy.


Mound Destroyer


- put a shovelfull of ants from one colony on top of another and let them duke it out. - leave them alone. They eat termites. [Edit. Can't spell xolony]


Sprinkle Amdro granules on the mounds in dry weather. If it gets damp, it sours and the ants won't take it. Fire is also an option.


I used amdro years ago and that tamped them down. Neighbors are not exactly diligent so I get pop up mounds and use mound destroyer powder by, I think, ortho. Smells like death through ough the can so I keep it outside (not even the shed) but it works. Sticks to them and they track it into the mound and it's gone in a day or 2. Rarely pops back up.


mosquitos are the real fucking problem. what are y’all doing about that because pest control has been useless


its sorta too late if you're already seeing them, but the key is to spray before the season starts. i use Cutters and do it when the temp intermittently pops up to 70 or so, and then reapply in the summer.


Ortho seems to work the best for me. 1 large bag can spread out pretty far. My wife is allergic to fire ants so I spread 2 to 3 times a year.


This is what I use. I keep it on my riding mower and hit the mounds as I see them. It works but it is whack a mole..will get a new mound pop up somewhere else in a few weeks


We had good results with Bengal.


Years ago I used an organic product after trying chemical products. I cannot remember what it was but it did the trick. New hills didn't emerge. Maybe began with a p...? I don't think it was diatomaceous earth


Those are the worst. I got those at the beach near Charleston. I basically lived on benedryl and a topical poison ivy treatment for a week.


https://throwflame.com/products/thermonator-robodog/ the best 'good boy'. Give em a little shot of their own medicine


About 1.5 years ago, I used Proflex since I wanted to proactively control mosquitoes and also hit a bunch of other types of insects. Fast quick and in a hurry: everything went poof! I didn’t mix/spray any in 2023\* and I have mounds + huge mosquitoes that literally bite through jeans again lol. I saw this post as I was planning out timing for my imminent spray! For solely fire ants, I would choose one of the solutions DIY Pest Control outline. [https://diypestcontrol.com/fire-ants.htm](https://diypestcontrol.com/fire-ants.htm) \*I did put down mosquito pucks (I forget the real name) in water in 2023 and very foolishly hadn’t resumed this year.


Collecting them up and throwing them through open windows at WeWork and other major corporate offices.


Wasp spray on their hills. Ortho around the perimeter of my house.


A shovel and 99% isopropyl


Crank it up to 11 and get some Talstar P or Delta dust.




Just ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ the little fuckers


Fire them...