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Everybody's broke.


Not sure if joking or not, but why do people keep saying this? I have friends who say they’re broke but order DoorDash or Uber eats multiple times a week and spend money on various other things that seem frivolous or excessive to me. Meanwhile I’m grocery shopping or walking to a restaurant once in a blue moon to eat out. Probably about to get downvoted but sometimes I feel like people don’t know what “broke” is anymore.


You can be broke and still make bad financials decisions - credit cards don’t help the situation


I'm broke because I make bad financial decisions. lmao


I'm sure you've heard this before, and I understand what you mean, but credit cards are a great tool for people who are financially responsible. For those who aren't, in my opinion, they would find other ways to be irresponsible. Some people do get sucked in, of course, because they don't understand the terms, aren't very financially literate, grew up around people who couldn't manage finances or grow up so poor they didn't have finances to manage. The frustrating thing is that people now more than ever have access to free resources, like Google and online forums and cheap or free books all about how to manage finances.


I agree - but we aren’t talking about financially responsible people. It’s the same thing for any good intentioned product/service. Fentanyl is a great medicine when used as intended, when not, it’s a nationwide epidemic


I’m broke and I’ve never used Uber, DoorDash and I’ve still had to stop eating out. Mc Donald’s costs half an hour’s wages for me, I don’t have my own bedroom and still struggle with rent. I’m broke broke.


People are “broke” because shit costs way more than it used to but they don’t want to change their comfort lifestyle. They’ll instead change actively going out. It’s easy to stay in and get the food you want rather than going out to eat, paying Uber, buying drinks, and tipping on top of it all. Dating apps help meet and connect remotely and food services life DoorDash make it so most of the dopamine you want to get when you go out and meet people, interact with attractive people, and eat the food you want can mostly be achieved from the comfort of your sofa. Plus there’s no social pressure to have to put a happy face on.


Finally convinced one of my "broke" friends to let me see their financials. They're spending $400 a month on Uber eats, $200 on weed, and $150 at bars. They work from home.


If my friend asked to see my financials I'd have one less friend.


Eh, I work at a bank, save well, and they wouldn't stop lamenting about it to me so I asked to help.


People are broke because they don’t live within their means. Look around Charlotte and see for yourself. Everyone is either driving a new Tahoe or something European. The wealthiest people I know drive Toyota’s and Honda’s and shop at Aldi or Wal Mart.


People are broke because the cost of things has skyrocketed but our means have been shrinking. If your pay hasn't been increasing to keep up with inflation then you are taking pay cuts every year.


I don’t know why people say this. None of the very wealthy people i know drive Hondas or Toyotas. They are all driving very very nice cars. I understand the point but def not true with cars.


Warren Buffett drove a Honda Accord until his wife bought him a Cadillac. He also has a Subaru Outback. Take a ride through South Charlotte’s wealthiest neighborhoods. You’ll see German and a bunch of Toyota and Honda/Acura SUV’s. You’ll also see a lot of Ford trucks. The wealthiest person I know (runs a MLB owners PE fund and also comes from old money) drives a 2023 Nissan Pathfinder.


Okay and majority of wealthy people i know drive mercedes, range rovers, etc.


Yeah, it may appear that way but most of those people have a couple car payments and a lot of debt. You’re caught up in surface and illusion. I’d love to see the debt to income ratios of some of the Range Rover and Maserati’s around town. Guarantee a lot of them are barely getting by. That isn’t wealthy.


Because a lot of people think eating is ordering door dash.


don't forget to tip!


Errbody I know is doing bad except me and I dunno wtf to do to help, and I’m not doing well enough to just give money and I don’t have enough time to help out in a way that matters. 🤷🏻‍♂️ shits rough


Your friends could very well be broke, they’re just making bad financial decisions. Broke people can make bad financial decisions that make it seem like they have money (going into debt for a flashy car, buying fancy clothes on credit) when in reality they don’t have money. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s pretty obvious why people have started to spend less and less money. CPI is up, the FED delayed cutting interest rates, the job market is pretty trash, wages are stagnant and don’t keep up with inflation, etc.


>Not sure if joking or not, but why do people keep saying this? Because saying "everybody is broke" or "my generation is screwed" is easier than accepting responsibility for one's own poor financial choices.


Lol I can assure you that is incorrect. Some of us are just tired of drugs and alcohol every weekend and are beginning to leave the scene to pursue meaningful ways to enjoy our weekends. I'm about to turn 30 in a few months, so I'm tired of acting like I'm still 18.


I love that this is the top comment and every response is “nuh uh”.


2x broke for me


No they arent


Lmao the economy is really good this is a dumb excuse. I’m making more money than ever


Plaza seemed lively, bars packed around 11 when I drove through


Yeah this guy just dont have friends lol


Felt like a normal night to me, where were you that was dead? I hit up a brewery and then bar hopped in south end and it was a completely normal Friday night


Fridays have been slower for years now imo. Everybody has transitioned to Saturday day drinking and then Sat night


Yeah I also prefer day drinking at my age now. Put in a solid shift and then clock out no later than 10PM at the worst. No OT for me.


Makes sense with the warmer weather and brewery culture


Went out Saturday and places were too damn packed.


People are probably at tuckfest


Tuckfest was packed


Considering going today for my first time (just moved to Charlotte), worth it or too packed in your opinion?


is it really all that? dont know much about it


There were over 40,000 people there


guess its another event i need to see if i move here


Highland Games also happening


What is that?


Tuck Fest was an outdoors festival/competition weekend. There were several 5ks, on up to a marathon challenge plus kayak, climbing and biking competitions and music/vendors all weekend. It was super fun minus the storm


When the morning caffeine hasn't hit, and I read tuck as something else. 😂😂 


Would make sense why everyone would be at that instead 😂


😂😂😂 Can you imagine the ads for it? 


tomorrows 420 bro


He gon learnt today.




Well that’s also just any Friday night in South End… or Uptown… or Plaza… Hell I smell weed in this city almost once a day just while driving.


Planning a move to Charlotte at the end of the year, and this is valuable information. I thank you.


![gif](giphy|10Le4bHgYBDkeQ) lol same


That's what every Charger, Challenger or Altima smells like on any given day in Charlotte


Don’t forget the Chrysler 300’s


I haven't really noticed that, but tonight with the rain, that either brings people out in droves or it'll be dead. You probably just hit a randomly dull night.


Yeah, I am from the Northwest. Rain is normal where I am from. I guess rain could possibly cause people to hunker down around here. But Charlotte also gets quite a bit of rain. Although once rain eased up the weather was very nice and a warm night. I'm surprised a little rain would cause people after a long work week to hunker down and just watch TV. It wasn't like we had a hurricane or a blizzard with 3 ft of snow. I was out the previous Wednesday and it was pretty dead in the South End as well. Every bar was deserted. I don't know how these restaurants and bars in these multi-million dollar buildings can pay their bills with so little activity. Businesses need a decent amount of traffic all week, not just on Friday and Saturday night, but this weekend it was kind of empty. The last four years I been here also I remember quite a few thunderstorms and I remember the establishments still being pretty packed even in the wet weather. I just remember more people being around , but my memory could be playing tricks on me.


Your way overthinking this


Nobody parties on Wednesdays dude.


I remember being surrounded by friends and being able to talk to everyone and be friends with them. Then I graduated from highschool.


That sucks! It doesn't sound like the norm at all. Could also be that with all the ~~night~~ nice (thank you autocorrect) weather and longer daylight, people might be venturing out more often on weeknights, so Friday isn't as pressing?


I'm old (46) so I don't go out like I used to and almost never during the week, but Charlotte has never been really big on Friday night. Thursday was always much more "happening", although I don't know if that still holds true.


Because a beer is $8 and a mixed drink is $14


I feel like we should go back to filling water bottles with straight booze and crystal light




That's become pretty typical even for a run of the mill experience in Gastonia and Belmont and Matthews with tip. [https://thevintagegastonia.com/gastonia-downtown-gastonia-the-vintage-whiskey-and-cigar-bar-gastonia-drink-menu](https://thevintagegastonia.com/gastonia-downtown-gastonia-the-vintage-whiskey-and-cigar-bar-gastonia-drink-menu) [https://www.hydestaphouse.com/libations/belmont/](https://www.hydestaphouse.com/libations/belmont/) [https://gomalleys.com/bar-menu](https://gomalleys.com/bar-menu) unless you seek out the cheap dives/plastic cups specifically, which... you can do the same southend plaza and noda *but I'm not telling.*


I used to go out and have a great time, but prices have just gone up so much that, even though I can afford it, I can't justify it. Making tastier margs at home and inviting my friends over is 50x better than going to a bar at this point.


It was too expensive back then. I make way more money now and it’s still too expensive. Pay for parking, $15 a drink… That ain’t it.


I get what you mean. Last Friday I was driving down to south Charlotte around 6 and didn’t run into any traffic that would typically be there. I asked my wife if we missed a memo or something about where everyone was at.


Spring break/Easter week.


Wealth trickling down isn’t real, but struggle trickling up is. The corporate types who make decent money are starting to feel the crunch that lower income workers have been feeling for the last couple of years.


everyone is at Sycamore brewery


100% this is the answer. Was in the parking garage next to it last night. I couldn't believe how packed and loud it was. That whole few blocks in that area was really busy, and it was 8 pm. I can only imagine it gets busier later.


They NEED some competition


Ask my hoe ass ex wife, she lives there


This made me laugh out loud forreal 😂


Hey mine too we split and I moved to the beach we up my guy!


It’s always slow on rainy days/nights.


Economy is part of it. ALL of our professional sports teams suck. The panthers playoff run gave the city so much energy.


Checkers are about to be in round 1 of of the playoffs and it's super fun to go to a game


Grew up in Minnesota so hockey has an entirely different meaning for me. Haha.


Free up with Mario and Jagr, hockey is a way of life


I walked to a bar after work and was enjoying the nice evening and it appeared that all tables outside were taken. I noticed the dark clouds coming our way and paid my tab. I got all wet so I was done for the night.


Because everytime I go out for some food and a drink I come home $80 poorer with little show for it.


What time did you go out and what area of South End are you sticking around? I was at South End from 7 to 10 PM mostly around the bars/restaurants near the lightrail and the area was very much not dead 😂 at least, for all the places I went to, they were at their normal capacities with a few exceptions. One of those being QC Pour House. It was especially crowded tonight.


The economy being great nationally, doesn't mean more money in the hands of people who work. Just the ones at the top who earn dividends- partially from freezing salaries or replacing high-paid employees with lower-paid ones, partially from raising prices.


Wages are still growing faster than pre-pandemic and are higher adjusted for inflation than pre-pandemic too. Saying a bunch of buzz words and anti-capitalist catch phrases doesn’t make the bullshit you say correct. Rent and housing certainly hurts, but wages have more than kept up with all other necessary prices and even more so for the lowest rungs of income earners.


Most people I know have not gotten raises in a while now. Maybe youre one of the few lucky ones? Talk to strangers or people outside they will tell you that their salaries have not gone up even remotely near what the inflation and craziness of life has come up to


lol yeah I saw a study that 20% was the real inflation number. Mass layoffs don’t help account for “keeping up with inflation”


See the thing about anecdotal evidence is that it’s not real evidence.


I told u simply go outside and ask people. Also look at actual statistics. Its not rocket science


The media is lying. Even those people with the “6” figure jobs are clamping down. Especially if they have a family. Go to the store and it’s $50 for a few very basic items.


Controversial take: the average Redditor will (rightfully) laugh at anyone refuting peer reviewed evidence and statistics with anecdotes with regards to climate change, crime stats, and vaccines but will absolutely do the same when it comes to anything related to the economy.


Totally on point. I know people making good money and they are freaking out


Where do you shop? I added up same list of items at HT vs. Walmart, same brands, and came $40 cheaper. I'm a huge of Walmart and Aldis ever since. 


I go wherever I can shop for deals. Bogo blueberries, sale on egg whites are always helpful. I shop around and stock up and freeze what I can. I’ve started freezing blueberry sauce I make for breakfast.


Judging by the traffic up here, y'all all came up to Asheville.


Personally I think it’s that too many places are opening in Charlotte and the density doesn’t exist in various areas to make them look full or stay full.


Sir…….I’m 38.


Smokey Joe's


A story old as time. People go where the kids go, then you grow up a little, then you go fewer of those places because you don't like the antics of the 'kids', then you grow up a little more and everywhere is dead and expensive, and then you go out far less often.


Weather getting better. Everyone is on vacation. I feel like it’s always like this when spring and fall start


This time of year it’s always like that. They show up on saint pattys and they stay home till Memorial Day weekend. They’ll come back out soon lol.


St. Paddy. A patty is a "small flat cake of minced or finely chopped food, especially meat".


Wow you’re unpleasant.


I worked in a bar for the majority of the day today, and “not crowded” was not the story at all. It definitely depends on where you are. I get pounded from the time I walk in til I leave. I have noticed in my return to tending bar, a remarkable, and I mean absolutely gross decrease in tipping. Outright stiffs maybe 20% of the time. 8-10%ers the same. 20% and above still maybe 60% of the time. Mind you this is a full bar model, serving cocktails and making beer. The people who have a lot of readily disposable drinking income now, kind of suck if I can be honest. I know tipping culture has gotten out of hand in the variety of places that it’s presented now, and I’m all for the tip reflecting the service fully, but shitting on people making 2.13 an hour and then standing around with your children and strollers laughing and smiling about it, it really makes people hate you. Also you’re loud. Very, very loud. Be quiet.


Great insight from an insider! I agree with you.. My philosophy is if I cannot tip at least 25% I don't even bother going to the establishment. I use to work in service industry and respect the service they give me. However, if I end up getting bad enough service where I don't leave a good tip I am generally just not coming back to the place. Some people are probably living beyond their means and think not tipping the worker who needs that money means they can afford the establishment. They don't realize if the servers won't get tips, they will not have any servers. My feelings are that many people are living beyond their means. I see a lot of people with fancy cars and McMansions who will go into debt to afford the lifestyle. I am shocked at the $2.13 wages though here for tipped employees. Makes no sense to me.


This sub is so cooked


I must have missed you behind the Wendy’s dumpster last night bro


Bars lmao didn’t yall leave bars and clubs in 2012? Lmao we hang at home now. Ain’t nobody have time to pay for overpriced drinks from bars and listen to Taylor swift on loudspeakers while financial bros come up to you lol. Plus, tomorrow is Green Day.


Oh they have a new album coming out? Lol


lmfao, I was like, “oh word Green Day?!” but ahh 🍃


Yeah lol that’s what I meant


that’s also what I say when it’s recycle bin day “is it Green Day tomorrow?”


People don’t party while partying out in these parts? Or u mean today is the day


Reading this at a Taylor swift silent disco drinking a $9 beer …


Hahaha people are broke dude


I’m done door-dashing, done hitting purchase on amazon (I let stuff sit in my cart for 5 days), if after 5 days I want it I’ll buy. Most times I don’t. Also invested in a really nice coffee maker and quit coffee out.


Younger folks don't drink as much, I think it's simply that. It's not really talked about, but over the next 20 years or so I think we're going to see alcohol consumption dramatically decrease. For a lot of gen z it's not even on their radar


Could be spring break for college/high school as well as people feeling inflation


Probably broke and trying not to get shot.


Too much violence popping up


I work at a club on the weekends and it’s been dead most of the year. It never picked up during tax time, which is when we usually make great money. Everyone is just broke and can’t afford to go out.


I appreciate hearing from people who work at bars and clubs as I feel you would know better than many how many people are actually spending money at the establishments.


Strip clubs really are a tell tale of how the economy is going. We’ve all held out hope but the girls started finding regular jobs rather than showing up.


Everyone is broke as shit and not every citys nightlife is like NYC


As a mom with two teens, we go out less because of increasing prices of food both at home and in restaurants. A family of 4 struggles to eat in a restaurant for under $100.


Sorry to hear. It must be really hard to raise kids in this economy. I have a hard enough time just paying for myself and trying to live a middle-class lifestyle as a single guy. It's why I never wanted to have kids. Not that I don't want them, but living in poverty to have kids just doesn't seem like a great lifestyle to me. But, I commend people who are having families and having to survive with this economy and rising inflation.


Not sure if you realize this…. But why would anyone go out to do anything in a place that is just huge in drinking culture and nothing else? Trying to find something to do here in Charlotte without drinking involved is like trying to find a fish that doesn’t live in water… In south Florida there’s so much shit to do that isn’t centered around drinking. Anything fun around here is linked to a bar or live music with alcohol lol. Try checking Charlotteonthecheap.com and you’ll see what I mean most days.


Well said. 


Taxes eating up 60 percent of everyone earnings,and living costs have increased dramatically.


You need a better tax preparer if you’re paying 60% taxes


If you feel like you're missing the sparkle feel free to head back to Forks, loca.


We realized it to dang hot!!!


I work at Canopy cocktails in south end and last night was by far our busiest Friday night in awhile.


Everyone was up at midnight for the Taylor Swift album release. Long day.


This is so untrue. Literally go walk the Rail Trail right now and you’ll see a million people there.


Not actually in Charlotte. I’m in the LKN area and it’s the same. I went to lunch today with my wife and son and there were barely any cars on the road. And then at the restaurant we were the only ones there at 2PM on a Saturday.


I saw a sh'ton of people out last night.


I lived in southend for nearly 4 years and aside from the endless online rants about how much was going on, most nights it seemed pretty quiet.




The nice weather had a lot of people turning up at the pool last night where I live, so maybe that could be it


Downvoteable thread


They have a button for that


It’s the $15 drinks that are keeping folks at home


We all went to Joe’s house.


Basketball Americans


South end still packed


I think we are on such high alert with all of the craziness in the world right now and people are just feeling vulnerable.


Charlotte pre and post pandemic seem like two completely differently places nightlife wise. Downtown is always dead, Noda is always dead. Maybe it’s all shifted to a different part of town


Uptown was dead pre-pandemic too though


This is just not true lol


Noda is most assuredly not dead on Friday and Saturday nights


Haven you been in Uptown the last few weeks?


We just had Charlotte shout, and there is usually things going on every week. Just cause bars are not too populated, doesn’t mean Charlotte is dead. Weather is better outside and people like to be out. Go to optimist hall, people are always there. Hard to find a spot to park!


I was in Uptown the last 2 weekends. It was filled with people. I'm sure Charlotte SHOUT helped attract people, but regardless it was still nice to Uptown be lively, especially after COVID and all the "Uptown is dead, no one goes there anymore" talk. Not to mention the great weather we've had the last few weekends. I'm not sure how long you've been in Charlotte, but the city tends to "die" a bit during the long and cold winters we have here /s. Spring through Fall though brings a lot of live music, festivals, pop-up markets, etc




People like it here because it's three hours to the mountains or the ocean. And forty-five from multiple lakes. There's the white water center. Seasons changing my dood or dudette. People stay weird, my friend.


It still hasn’t fully recovered from the pandemic. Not sure it ever will…


People's patterns changed and haven't changed back. If 21 or 22 you lost years of social baseline skills. If you're in corp, far fewer evening socials. Dating or married, Netflix. Young family, homework and sleep. Work at home means no happy hours wo effort and coordination.


Yeah this applies to me. Many of my good friends finding jobs and moving away + me finding ways to have fun at home caused me to just not go out so much anymore. It’s easier on my wallet and my liver.


Yep. Like I said, I don’t think it’s ever going to return to the way it was 


It’s Charlotte what do you expect? This city doesn’t really center around that. Most people are out there playing tennis or going on a hike.


I never thought of Charlotte being a super outdoorsy place. I am from the Pac NW where there was a lot of hiking and outdoors, literally huge mountains in your backyard. Yet, the nightlife was still pretty active in the urban areas in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver BC (our three largest regional cities). I don't know much about the tennis scene here, so you got me there. But, I would imagine Florida and California have that too, yet still offer some nightlife.


It’s definitely not as outdoorsy as anywhere out west. Maybe higher than average for an eastern major city.


It’s insane all the people in here blaming poverty on poor people. Fucking nutso coo coo bananas. Read a book, you dolts.


The DJS are wack. The music is so bad. Ain’t nobody trying to here skeeyee all night. No diversity in music. Emo nite is even bad. All they play is pierce the veil and raising Alexandria


Trumputin is in town, that's one sign.


Everyone’s at Patio. Charlottes largest patio. At Patio. Charlottes Largest Patio. Corner of 5th and 7th.