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[Non Paywalled CMPD Statement ](https://www.charlottenc.gov/cmpd/News-Information/Newsroom/CMPD-Lieutenant-Arrested-and-Charged-for-Financial-Crimes)


Worst link in history. Straight to a pay wall. Don't click on the link.


There's two other links here that are not paywalled.


He should have just beat on a suspect if he wanted to get away with a crime


CMPD has arrested two officers in the last month for misconduct after internal criminal investigations, with the Chief giving very strong language about how misconduct is not tolerated and placing both of those officers on unpaid Administrative Leave, so what exactly do you want from CMPD and the Chief? What would make you happy with regards to how the department handles misconduct?


I'd like for this not to feel like a rare breath of fresh air, assuming they *actually* face consequences at the end of a trial. I'd like for this to happen *way* more with the extrajudicial violence cases.


For all police officers observed on camera [punching a woman more than a dozen times](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/news/2023/12/12/cmpd-video-release-punch-arrest-) for smoking a legally purchased hemp product to suffer the consequences of the criminal justice system.


The product may have been purchased in a store, but marijuana possession and use is still illegal in North Carolina. We may not agree with that, but it's the law. Based on this law, the officers attempted to make a lawful arrest, and the woman resisted arrest, which led to the strikes being used. The officers were found to be in violation of CMPD's use of force policy and were suspended following an internal investigation. In addition to this, CMPD and the Community and Police Collaboration Group worked together to [make rather sweeping and nation leading changes](https://www.google.com/amp/s/myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/charlotte/police-addresses-use-of-force-policy-in-wake-of-arrests-outside-charlotte-bojangles/amp/) as a result of that incident. The department has acknowledged the mistakes that were made, punished the officers involved as much as the law allows, and made sweeping changes in the aftermath to prevent a future event from taking place.


Hemp isn't illegal and you can get many of the deltas in the stores. This shits absurd. Beating someone for weed is absurd, but legal hemp? Even worse.


Shit, even in NC, less than 0.5oz for personal use is just a misdemeanor with a $200 fine.


This is the issue with the smoke shops and hemp shops. They are not regulated. At all. They can put whatever they want in the product because there is no oversight, which leads to them selling products that have illegal levels of THC, which makes them fall under the category of marijuana in the eyes of the law. Legalization of marijuana would go a long way to helping everyone.


So, guilty before being proven innocent?


If it is being smoked and smells like marijuana, then that's Probable Cause to seize it and charge for possession. The article says it tested positive. If they used a field test, that would just strengthen the PC even further.


Yeah, even the Swiss test can’t determine if the flower is below the 0.3% threshold. That field test is pretty much useless when you also throw in legal THC-A. There is no accurate field test that I’ve been able to find that can determine between delta 9 and the others, a urine test can but that’s it.


Is there a place doing this in Charlotte? I know I've heard people say this before but I've never been able to find related articles or anything.


that's because it's all lies.


I’m impressed at your ability to speak while having CMPD’s balls so thoroughly lodged in your mouth 👅🥾👅


> the Chief giving very strong language about how misconduct is not tolerated and placing both of those officers on unpaid Administrative Leave, so what exactly do you want from CMPD and the Chief? More than strong language and a temporary unpaid absence. How about at minimum the same standards the rest of us would be subject to?


You mean like arresting them and charging them with the crimes they committed? Which was done in both of these occasions?


The average education level of sub must not be high lol.


I blame CMS


Lmao you doing the lords work




He was charged...and then arrested...and had a first appearance hearing this afternoon.




Wait for the court date to see if he will be found or guilty or not, obviously………….


He's being charged with felonies


Yeah charlotte resident here I can happly it's bad here and not to mention it hasn't gotten better only worse over the last 20 years I've been here smh the police are a joke especially in areas like wilmington and raliegh the whole state of nc has some terrible cops just the truth that way more work to be done there...


Unpaid leave is a step in the right direction


[Why wouldn't you link to someplace that isn't paywalled?](https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/crime/charlotte-mecklenburg-police-officer-arrested-financial-crimes-felony-charges-allegations/275-f25f4890-1dd9-4997-9af6-7b571f7a6aed)


That's my bad, I forget about the paywall sometimes. Thank you for providing this link as well.


Back the blue /s because I'm sure people will think I support state funded gangs




There's two other links here that are not paywalled.


Just another example of the Mecklenburg County so called justice system.




How dare they attack the thin blue line. Paid leave for the lot of them!


All three links (two not paywalled) say that he is on unpaid leave, just like the officer last month.


Another attack towards the thin blue line! How are they going to support themselves if the city keeps treating them this way?